37 : meals

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thank you for 7k votes💓😍

-the personalities of characters that were mentioned in this chapter are not related to their real life.

" Thank you, Jake."

Jake ignored his classmates and continued doing his work. His father bought a lot of food and drinks for his classmates as an apology for what Jake did before, and it made everyone happy because they didn't need to buy the food at the cafeteria anymore.

Suddenly, Sunghoon came and greeted him by taking the pen from his hand. Jake titled his head and looked at Sunghoon seriously.

" Leave me alone. I don't want to talk to anyone today.

" This class has 24 students, but why were there only 23 meals? "

" I don't know. Why did you ask me? I don't even plan to do this."

" One of us would not get the meal-"

" Then, let the person starving." Jake sighed and was about to plucking his ear pods.

" Do you have the extra? Aera didn't receive it. We searched for her name in the list, but her name is not included." Jay approached Jake too.

Jake lowered his gaze and clenched his fist because he knew that his father did this on purpose. He looked at Aera who was looking at her classmates who were enjoying their food jealously. It was Jjampong & strawberry milk, her favorites.

Jake gave his food & drink to Sunghoon,
" Give this to her. Don't let her starve."

" Thank you," Sunghoon replied and took the food. Jay went towards Aera and was surprised when Mr. Kang went into the classroom.

" Jake's father is such a kind-hearted man. He decided to sponsor your breakfast and lunchtime until the end of school. So, let's thank Jake for this." Mr. Kang said and everyone clapped their hands to Jake while he was just holding his anger.

Sunghoon came towards Aera and gave the food to her. Aera was happy to receive it and was about to eat it, but Mr. Kang stopped her.

" As you can see, the list of names that will get the meal from Jake's family is on the board. To the name that didn't include, you are not allowed to eat it and just buy the meal at the cafeteria."

Aera's smile immediately faded away. She looked at the meal for a long time and put it away.

She gave it to Sunghoon,
" My name is not included..."

" But, Jake gave this to you."

" I'm not allowed to eat it..."

" It's okay. Jake has the power to allow you."

" No-"

" The only name that didn't include here is Song Aera." Mr. Kang said causing everyone to look at her.

" Aera, you know what to do, right?"

Aera bit her lips and lowered her gaze.
She smiled at Mr. Kang,
" Yes. Thank you for reminding me."

After Mr. Kang left the classroom, Jake secretly took a glance at Aera.

She pouted her lips and just sighed with his eyes still fixed on the meal.

She stood up from her seat,
" I will go to the cafeteria. Enjoy your meals."

She said and left the classroom while avoiding everyone's gaze on her.


She was eating alone at the cafeteria and tried to think positively about what happened earlier.

" They accidentally forgot to put my name on the list."

" Yeah, it was just a mistake."

" Don't be sad. It is just a meal."

" This meal is more delicious."

Aera chuckled and ate alone.

" It's delicious!" Sunghoon suddenly appeared and sat next to her. He stole kimchi from her tray and ate it without her permission. Aera was surprised to see him there as she thought he was enjoying his meal with Jay and Yebin in the classroom.

At the same time, Jay arrived too and sat in front of Aera. Yebin came too and smiled at Aera.

" What are you doing here?"

" We want to eat with you," Sunghoon replied.

" The class was noisy. So, we wanted to come here. I don't know that you are here too."Jay spoke up and Yebin just nodded as a response.

" We will always accompany you from now on," Yebin said and put an egg in Aera's tray.

Aera became emotional because of them. She stopped eating and pouted her lips as her eyes became teary. She tried to hold it because she was crying a lot today, but she failed.

"Why did you cry?"

" I'm not crying." Aera wiped her tears and pouted her lips again.

" Eat your food, Aera."

" Yeah, I will." Aera held the spoon and continued eating with her tears rolling on her cheeks.

" Aww, don't cry." Sunghoon wrapped his arm around Aera's shoulder and pulled her closer to him.

Aera rested her head on his chest and cried like a baby, causing everyone to laugh at her action.

" Don't cry. Why are you so weak these days?"
Sunghoon patted her shoulder to comfort her.

" You are 19 years old, but your soul is 9 months old," Jay said making her cry more.

" Jay, stop it," Yebin said and hit him.

They were continuing eating their meals and laughing whenever Jay and Sunghoon were teasing Aera.

Sunghoon took a glance at Jake who was watching them from far.

Jake looked at Aera and chuckled at her adorable action.

Jake landed his eyes on Sunghoon too,
He smiled at Sunghoon.

" Thank you for protecting her." He mouths to Sunghoon.

Sunghoon just smiled back and watched him leave the place.

When Aera was leaving the classroom before, Jake couldn't help but feel guilty. He walked towards Sunghoon, Jay, and Yebin and nicely talked to them for the first time.

He told them to accompany Aera. He explained to them that Aera just has her friends in her life, and she needs them so much. They understood him and followed his plan while Jake just decided to watch her from far.

He saw her smile again,

he heard her laugh again,

and it made him feel good.


" Everyone. Please give attention."

Ms. Choi clapped her hand causing everyone to look at her and wait for her to speak.

" All of you will go camping this Monday! The school-sponsored everything because they wanted all of you to have fun before the CSAT starts in three months."

Everyone screamed in happiness and talked to their friends about it like what they wanted to bring, what they wanted to do and everything related.

Aera looked at her friends and smiled,

" I can't wait to spend my time with all of you," Aera said to Sunghoon and Yebin.

" Me too. Let's talk until midnight!"

" I will bring snacks!"

While they were talking about the camping, Jake was just shutting his mouth as he was uninterested in joining the camping since he can't approach Aera. He fixed his eyes on the book, answering the questions without listening to the detail of the camping this Monday.

Jay patted Jake on his shoulder,

" Are you going to join the camping?"

" Why? Do you want to sleep with me?"
Jay pushed Jake hard and cursed.

" Disgusting."

" Then, don't talk about it," Jake replied coldly.

" Aera will join too."

" I know, but I still don't want to go."

" Then, will you be okay with it?" Jay asked Jake, causing him to be annoyed with Jay.

" Can you shut up? You're so anno-"

Jay cut him off,
" Aera will spend her time with Sunghoon. They will listen to a song together. They will look at the night sky together. They will always be together."

" Will you be okay with it?" Jay teased Jake.

Jake clenched his fist,
" Do you want me to punch your face?"

Jay laughed,
" Okay. I don't want you to join too. It's better to see them together."

" Shut up."

" What if they did the night jungle tracking together? It will be romantic."

" Like every time she is scared, she will lean her body closer to him and hold his hand tightly."

" What a romantic moment."

" Shut up," Jake replied coldly.

" Alright. I guess you are completely moved on from her."

" Yeah, so shut up and play your PSP."

Jake said angrily and took a glance at Aera.

He became madder when Sunghoon suddenly messed her hair right in front of him.

" What the hell.."



all of you are changing the team real fast lmao😏

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