41: goodbye forever

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⚠️ TW⚠️
- committed suicide
- blood
- dangerous action

the personalities of characters that were mentioned in this book are not related to their life.

this book is only fiction

"This is not true."

"It's all my fault."

"I should listen to his mother in the first place."

Aera cried in sobbing and ran into the empty room when her friends were trying to stop her
from leaving the classroom. After knowing about the news, she can't help but blame herself for everything. She locked the door and leaned her body against the wall while hitting her chest to hurt herself more.

"Aera, open the door."

"Stay away from me," Aera replied to Jay and cried more.

"Aera, don't be like this," Sunghoon said softly and knocked on the door, but she still refused to open the door.

"Aera, it's not your fault-" Yebin was about to say something, but Aera quickly cut her off.

"Stay away from me. I'm a bad person. I will put you into trouble. Leave me alone, and I'll feel better."

Suddenly, Jay successfully kicked the door and went into the room to stop Aera from hurting herself.

Jay cupped her face, "Don't do this."


"I'm begging you."

Aera shut her eyes and slowly pushed Jay.
"Jay, stay away from me."

"I don't want the same thing to happen to you."

"Please. Stay away from me from now on."

Aera took a deep breath and looked at her friends,

"Don't be a friend with me anymore, okay?"

"It's for your sake."


  Aera completely changed into a different person now. Song Aera, the nice girl who would always smile and bring a laugh to others became a silent girl who preferred to stay alone. She was doing this because she was scared and traumatized after everything that happened to Jake.  Her friends were trying to approach her, but she always avoided them. She changed her seat at the back, alone, and fixed her eyes on the whiteboard all the time. She was studying, listening to songs, and sleeping every day. She also didn't eat at school because she didn't want to interact with others.

She was doing this for her friend's sake.

she wanted to protect them, and she was comfortable being in this way.

Sunghoon was always giving strawberry milk to her, but she didn't look at him.

Jay was trying to teach her to play his console, but she ignored him and acted as if he was invisible to her.

Yebin was making a lunch box for her every day, but she never ate it.

They were almost giving up to bring the old version of Aera back since she didn't give any sign to change her personality.


"Is it bad to say that I miss you, Jake?"

"I'm selfish and stubborn. I know."

"I'm sorry for everything."

"You must hate me for this."

"But, Jake."

"Rest well."

"Let's be together next time."

  Aera smiled at her texts to Jake and turned off the phone. She was lying on the ground, facing the sky, and faked a smile as she was hurting again.

"I wish I could get you back." Aera reached her hand to the sky and shut her eyes as tears dropped on her cheeks.

"I miss you."


Aera walked into the hall and stopped on her way when her eyes fixed on the stage. The moment when Jake was wearing a pig mascot crossed her mind, and it made her smile. She still remembers what he said to her and how much he wanted to hold her hand longer. The stage, the place that is full of memories.Where she got her first kiss and also where she faced the saddest moment in her life.

"I'm such a bad person. I was like a murderer to him, but I still miss him."

Aera shook her head and took a step away to leave.


"Welcome to the Jaeyun Flight."

"I am your captain, Shim Jaeyun."

"Let me bring you to my heart."

Aera repeated what he said to her and chuckled when she remembered how much he made her laugh that time.

"But the captain is no longer here."

Aera toyed with her fingers and sniffed her nose as she was crying again.

"Don't cry."

Aera tilted her head and was surprised when the pig mascot was standing in front of her. The pig mascot gently stroke her hair and patted her shoulder to comfort her from crying.

"Jake?"Aera asked with her teary eyes. She stood up and approached the pig mascot while reaching her hand to the pig mascot's cheeks.

"Is this you?"

"Jake." Aera broke into tears and smiled in pain.

"Jake."Aera cried loudly and cupped the pig mascot's head.

"I miss you."

"I'm sorry for everything." Aera hugged the pig mascot tightly and cried in its embrace.

"Jake, my prince."

"Why did you leave me alone? Do you know how much I miss you? I'm getting crazy."

The pig mascot hugged her back, making her cry more.

"Cry, Aera. Let go of everything."

Aera tilted her head and sniffed her nose.
"You are not Jake..."

She took a step away and wiped her tears.

"You're Sunghoon."

Sunghoon took off the pig's head and smiled at Aera,
" Aera, I'm worried about you."

Aera cried more. "Why did you do this to me?"

"I told you to stay away from me, but why did you still do this?"

"I don't want to stay apart from you," Sunghoon replied calmly.

"Just leave me alone!" Aera said angrily and took a step backward when Sunghoon approached her.

"Don't you hear me? Do you think I'm joking, right now? I told you to stay away! Don't make me hate you!"

"What if I don't want to stay away from you?"

"I will hate you."

" Then, hate me. I still love you anyway."

"Stop with those words!"

"At least, express your concern to me and don't keep it to yourself-"

"Stay away!" Aera threw her shoes to Sunghoon and left the place with her barefoot, but Sunghoon quickly stopped her by hugging her from behind.

"I miss this."

"It's not the right time to do this," Aera replied coldly.

"I told you to stay away. Are you stupid? I don't want something bad to happen to you! Please understand me! I did this because I wanted to protect you!"

Sunghoon brought her to the chair,
"Sit here." He said and took her shoes.

He kneeled in front of her and wiped off  the dust from her foot gently,
"Do you know how much Jake wanted to protect you, Aera?"

He wore the shoes on her foot and smiled at her. Aera listened to Sunghoon while holding her tears,
"Jake was still healing after he got the treatment, but he still wanted to carry you on his back. Do you know why?"

Aera shook her head,
"Because he didn't want any dangerous animals to bite you."

"So, please protect yourself too. Jake will be sad if he knows that his girlfriend was walking with her barefoot."

Sunghoon chuckled and waited for Aera to respond.
"Leave me alone." Aera pushed Sunghoon slowly and left him hanging.


"It's been 3 months, right?"


"She doesn't change yet. I'm worried about her."

"It's because she regretted doing that to Jake."

"She deserved it."

"She should replace his place."

Aera poked the tissues on her nose when she was facing a nose bleed after studying too much. She had an eye bag under her eyes, and she looked like a mess. Aera suddenly screamed and threw all of her books on the floor, causing everyone to look at her surprisingly.

"Shut up!" Aera slammed her table and screamed again. "Shut up..." She said and teared up, fixing her eyes on the floor while clenching her fist.

"The CSAT is coming in 3 days. Can you let me
breathe for one day? Stop talking about me and mind your own business! I can't study because of all of you!" She slammed the table again and pulled her hair.

"What's wrong with you? Calm yourself."
One of her classmates approached her, but she avoided her classmate quickly.

"What's wrong with me?" Do you still have the audacity to ask me that question?" Aera bit her lips.

"You made me turn this way. All of your words and action to me, it's all your fault."

"I'm going to accept everything. Accept that he was gone, but why did you need to make me suffer more?"

"I'm going to leave this world real quick. It will make you feel good again, right? I deserve it, right?"

"You said that I should replace his place.
I'm going to do it now." Aera put the scissor on her neck, making everyone surprised, and took a step away. They wanted to stop her, but she was aggressive, and it might turn into a big problem.

At the same time, Sunghoon, Jay, and Yebin finally arrived at the classroom. They were surprised when they saw her action and took a step toward her, but they stopped when Aera was hurting herself by poking the scissor on her neck.

"Aera, stop it."

"Go away," Aera replied shortly.

"Why are you doing this?"

"They want me to do this."

"They didn't mean that."

"But I want to do this too." Aera cried more.

"Do you think Jake will be happy? He was saving you and protecting you to make you live happily, but why did you make his efforts useless?"

Aera bit her lips and fixed her eyes on Sunghoon,

"I just want to see him again." She burst into tears.

"I miss him so much."

Sunghoon grabbed the chance to put the scissor away from her. He quickly held her arm and pulled her into his embrace, but Aera was still stubborn and got mad at Sunghoon. She pushed him away, still holding the scissor. Sunghoon didn't give up, tried to grab her closer to him. Aera was swinging her arm, still holding the scissor to stop him from approaching her, but he didn't care and hugged her tightly.

An accident happened again.

Aera accidentally stabbed him with the scissor, causing his uniform to be stained by blood.

Aera was surprised and lost her words. She threw away the scissor and took a step away from Sunghoon. Her body was shaking badly, and she was having a problem breathing properly as the scene traumatized her again.

Jay and Yebin quickly approached Sunghoon and asked for help while Aera was just standing there and fixed her eyes on Sunghoon.

"It's not your fault," Sunghoon said to her, but she shook her head.

She was shaking again,
"It's my fault again...."

"I am a murderer."

"Aera, stop saying that," Jay spoke up angrily.

She cried more and gasped for breath.
She hit her chest,
"I am a murderer."

Jay ran towards Aera and cupped her face,
"You are not a murderer."

"Stop talking nonsense."

"Calm yourself."

"Take a deep breath and take a rest."

"No, Jay..."

Jay leaned his face closer,
"Look into my eyes."

"Don't blame yourself."

"Stop acting this way."

"I'm begging you."

"But, Sunghoon-" Jay became frustrated and sighed,

"Don't you hear him? Everyone saw that! You didn't stab him. He was hugging you when you were losing control. He knew that you were holding the thing! it's not your fault!" Jay raised his voice at her to make Aera open her eyes.

Aera gasped for breath and talking nonsense, making Jay confused.

She shut her eyes and lost her consciousness in Jay's embrace.

"Call the ambulance real quick."



I know this chapter was boring but I hope you enjoyed it!! the story was getting complicated like I wanted to.
I already have the ending on my mind ~o~

"expect that unexpected" I saw this from my long time reader and I love these words🤣
they know me well lol

and jake was...

I don't want to say it because I am scared of getting hate comments from those people who didn't understand what fiction means.

don't forget to vote and comments!
reading your comments is my hobby!

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