44: move on and let's get married

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Caesoo hummed and waited for Aera to speak while arranging the ingredients as they were in charge of closing the cafe. It was almost 11 at midnight, and Aera felt scared when she realized someone was watching her from far. She tried to look at the person, but her vision was blurry. She took out her phone to call the police, too scared if the person was a bad guy.

"Jay said that he would pick you up later. Just wait here. I'll go first."Caesoo waved her hand to Aera and left the cafe.

Aera took a deep breath, grabbed her bag, and switched off the light before locking the cafe.
She was scared as she could feel her body was shaking, but she tried to fade the negative thoughts away by calming herself. As she saw a group of students passing in the street, she took a chance to join them, so that she could escape from the person who was stalking her.

"Jay, let's meet at the park near the cafe."
Aera ended the call and waited at the park. She sighed as if relieved when a group of teenagers was hanging out together at the park. She felt safe.

Aera sat on the bench and looked around the place. She looked at the sky and smiled,

" I wish I were with you now."

"How can I get married to someone else when I can't ever forget you?"

"Although I know we will never end up together."

"It still upset me. What a stupid. I'm wishing to be with someone who was already gone forever. I can't even accept the truth."

Aera sighed, realized how much she missed Jake. She watched the group of people at the park and was surprised when one of them was familiar to her.


She rubbed her eyes and looked at the guy again. The way he laughed at his friends reminded her of Jake.

"Welcome to the Jaeyun Flight."

"Let me bring you to my heart."

The guy said and made eye contact with Aera, smiling like a puppy.

Aera stood up from her seat,

The guy stood up too and smiled at Aera before leaving the park. Aera was still surprised. She quickly carried her bag and ran to chase Jake.



"Jake," Aera said, cried while running quickly.

He stopped on his way and turned his body to face Aera. She looked at him into his eyes and wiped her tears. She gently wrapped her arm around his waist and tucked her body into his embrace,

"I miss you." Aera hugged him tighter and cried in his embrace, causing his hoodie to get wet.

He finally hugged her back and broke the hug after a minute,

"Sorry. You got the wrong person."He spoke up to Aera.

Aera lifted her head and looked at his face, finally realized he looked different compared to Jake. Aera took a step backward, still looking at him.

"But-" Aera was surprised and bit her lips as she lost her words. She thought she finally actually meet Jake, but she got the wrong person and was spacing out earlier.

"Sorry. I was spacing out."Aera apologized and left the place while crying in sobbing. She used her sleeve to wipe her tears and cried more when she thought of Jake.

"What am I thinking? I know he was gone, but why-" Aera sobbed in tears again.

"Stop crying."

Aera stopped on her way and looked at the guy who was standing in front of her.

"You're 24 years old, Song Aera. Why are you still acting like a kid?"

Aera wiped her tears,

"Nice to meet you again." Sunghoon smiled at Aera and took a step closer to her, but she avoided him.

"Act like you don't know me, "Aera replied to Sunghoon and left him hanging.

"Are you feeling guilty?"

Aera stopped again,

"About the accident 5 years ago." Sunghoon continued.

"Yes. That's why I told you to act as if you didn't know me. I don't want the same thing to happen again, and it will trauma me again."

"But it's not your fault."

"What do you want from me, Sunghoon? Why did you come? Tell me. If you want revenge, just do it to me. I'm okay with it."Aera said.

Sunghoon came towards Aera and lifted his sweater, showed his scar to Aera.

"This scar. I want revenge for this scar that you did."

"Do you want me to stab myself then?"Aera asked Sunghoon and nodded, "I will do it. I deserve it anyway."

Sunghoon smiled and shook his head before holding her hand,
"Let's spend our day together."

"Is that revenge?"

"Yes. Sweet revenge."Sunghoon chuckled and patted her shoulder.

"No matter what happened, I still like you. Even you hurt me 100 times and left 100 km from me. My love for you is still growing."

"I want to protect you till the end."

"But Sunghoon, the scar-"

"I don't care, Aera." Sunghoon cut her off and brushed her hair out of her face.

"I want to make you mine. I'm coming to you because I want to make you mine. I will always be with you, treat you better, and get closer to you more than we used to be."

"I will make you comfortable to be with me. I will make you love me too."

"And after that, let's get married."

"Do you want to get married to me?"


" Thank you for sending me off, Jay. Sorry for burdening you a lot."

"It's okay, Aera. It's nice to be with you." Jay replied.

Aera just smiled at Jay and looked at his phone as it was ringing. Jay took his phone and looked at the screen for a long time,

"Who is that?" Aera asked him.

"Girlfriend?"Aera teased him and chuckled when she saw his reaction.

Jay declined the call, "What do you mean by girlfriend? I don't have one."

Aera laughed,
"It's because you are picky."

"It's not that I am picky. I already had a feeling for someone else."

"Propose her to be your girlfriend then."

Jay shook his head,
"I don't want to."

"Then, do you want to play with her heart?"
Aera asked surprisingly.

"I want her to be my wife. No more girlfriends in my dictionary. I don't want to waste my time and make her mine real quick."

Aera laughed again,
"You're so greedy."

Jay looked at Aera and smiled,
"How can I not greedy when it comes to you?"

"You are a limited edition."

"One out of a million."

Aera quickly stopped laughing when she realized what he was saying.

She looked at him into his eyes,

"I want to get married to you, Aera."



"Yes?" Caesoo waited for Aera to speak and sat next to her while eating her junk foods.

"If you were me, would you still love your boyfriend who had already gone forever?"

Caesoo looked at Aera and smiled,
"Of course. He is still my boyfriend no matter what happened. Death can't separate us because the love that we had was still growing."

"How do you know that it was still growing?"

"Look. You are thinking about him now. You still can't forget him. That means your heart is still connecting with him. Your love for him is really sincere."Aera nodded.

"So, the love is still growing," Aera mumbled slowly.

"But Aera."

"We need to accept the truth. No matter how many times you wished and prayed for him to come back to you, he will never come again. Do you understand me?"

"I know. Of course, I know."

"I know it sounds bad, but Aera, you still need to get married and live happily with your soulmate."

"Will he be okay with it?"

"I'm pretty sure that he is okay with this. He doesn't want you to be alone because of him." Caesoo said and smiled,

"He was watching you in sadness for a few years, and I'm pretty sure that he missed seeing your smile again. He would be really happy to see you are happy with your soulmate from the top, and it will make him feel better."

Aera pouted her lips and faded her sadness away by drinking her strawberry milk.

"My love for him will never come to the end, but I need to stop all of this and live happily again."

"It's time for me to be happy again. Although I will live with my soulmate until the end of this world, I will still love him and never forget him."

"Losing someone is hard to move on, but we still need to live and enjoy the life."

"I will meet him again in the next life, right?"
Aera asked Caesoo with tears rolling on her cheeks.

"Both of you will be together."

Caesoo leaned her body closer to Aera,
"Are you planning to get married?"

Aera faked a smile,
I don't know."



i thought the comment section in the start 2 is crazy but this book is extremely crazy. almost hit 8k comments lmao😭😭 i love all of you! i'm really enjoyed to read your comments!!

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