Update! Good News and Thank You!

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After a month, here I am with what I'm going to do. But first...

Thank you so much for 100 reads! It might not be a lot (andmyfirststorytoreach100readswasbadtogetherbutanywaylol), but it still is a milestone worth celebrating! Thank you so much for everyone that gave this story a chance. I have to be honest, I don't care about reads since I left another writing website, but a story isn't anything without readers. I want to thank every person that took a minute of their day to read this gosh awful story.

I remember the day I first posted this story. I was so friggin nervous I was shaking, oh my gosh, but I did it anyway and I'm glad I did. It was my first Pokémon related story and I was excited to see how it turned out! I left it aside to write Bad Together and The Cocoon of Destruction, because I couldn't even look at this mess without cringing. Fortunately, I am going to fix this shitty mess of a book! Yes, folks, I am rewriting this story!

(I didn't have to give a 160+ word monologue just to say that, lol, I bet no one gives a crap. Come on, Angel, get it together.)

But if for some reason you do care about this story, fret not! Details won't be lost and the storyline will remain the same, I'll just rewrite past chapters and expand the world a little more. I feel like the previous version sucked because the pace was too fast and I wanted Lianna to arrive in Hoenn immediately. Ugh, Angel from the past, what were you doing? -_-

The new version of the first chapter is up right now, if you want to check it out! I will unpublish the next chapters and work on them. Until then, I hope you still want to know what happens next! I love to write Lianna's new journey and I'm excited to share it with you ^^

Again, thank you so much for taking your time to read this story. I want to give you a hug, if you need one! ^^

Luv, Angel.

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