Evil meet up form different world's

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*3 Pov*

Jarrod or Dai shi was sitting on his throne as his second in command was beside him Camille when than heard fighting and blasting form the door as some of minions fly into the throne room then Dai shi get up from his throne and look to see four creatures walk into the throne room they all looks like anime combos the first one is a male feline the next one is a male insect there also a man that looks like he made from heavy animals than there a female aquatic animals but I didn't care so I jump from my throne and landed making a shock wave pushing the four back

Dai Shi: who are you four and why you attack my temple!!!!

The insect start to talk first as they get there balance

Uva: I'm Uva an insect greeed these are my partner's the feline is Kazari the heavy animals is Gamel and there Mezool aquatic animals.*bows*

Kazari: Hello our new allied

Gamel: I'm not heavy I lose my core metals like the rest of you did...

Mezool: now Gamel don't be like that. *pats his head*

Gamel: okay Mezool..

Dai Shi start to think as he heard them talk about core metals and what is a greeeds

Dai Shi: I am Dai Shi and this is my second in command Camille

As he said that she walk beside him and look at the greeeds in front of them and ask a question that both of them want answers

Camille: what are you doing here and what do you need from us

Than Kazari walk to them and speak

Kazari: A friend betrayed use and give our core metals to the unnamed king and banished us away so we want revenge and he have appeared in this world so we need help bring one of your minion here.

Camille: who dare you take to Dai Shi *she said as her armor appear on her weapon ready*

Dai Shi: Camille let see what he means. Come Forward Rinshi!

As a Rinshi walk to them in a insect stands as Uva hold a metal and put it in the back of the Rinshi head as it turn into a Yummy Rinshi

Dai Shi and Camille eyes widen as there Rinshi transform into this thing as its power wave around it and Uva speak again

Uva: this is a Yummy but fuse with a Rinshi now it more powerful enough to kill an army.

Dai Shi smiled grow as he laugh evilly as the Rinshi Yummy run to city as the greeeds laughs with Dai Shi

In the city

Everyone is running away from the Yummy Rinshi when Theo , Lilly and Casey run to see a new Rinshi

Casey: well that's new?

Theo: looks like Dai Shi is adding new Rinshi.

Lilly: and it's another bug gross.

The three put in there sun morphers on as there animals Spirit auras goes around them

Three: Animal Spirit Unleash!


They morph into the Power Rangers and run at the Yummy Rinshi but get blast back by it they look up at the creature as a person with red claw hand look at them another person sit down beside him with a worried look

???: guess we should go down there right Sho?

Sho: Yup Ankh Metals please. *place the OOO driver on his waste and hold out his hand*

Ankh: *sigh and give him Taka,Tora and Batta metals* make this quick.

Sho: okay. *nods as he place the metals in the driver and scan them* henshin.

???: Taka,Tora,Batta Ya-To-Ba! Taking! Ya-To-Ba!


After he transform Sho jump from the building he on and landed in front of the Rangers and the Yummy Rinshi

Casey: what who's that?!

Theo: I hope he on our side?

Lilly: me too.

As they stand up the person spoke

???: I'm Kamen rider OOO. Now let's get wild!

After he said that his legs grow green as he jump at the Yummy Rinshi punches and kicks at it he look to see it fall to the ground hurt so Sho grab his scanner and slide it on his driver

???: Scanning Charger!

Than Sho jump in the air as three circles appeared and line up for a kick

Sho: Seeeiiiiyaaahhhh!!!!

He destroy Yummy Rinshi as it rain metals than disappeared after the smirk clear up

Theo: who was that?

Casey: I don't know but he not working with Dai Shi

Lilly: yea or he would have fight us.

As they talk ankh walk past them as he start to collecting the metals

Casey: sir get back.

Ankh didn't listen to him as he continued to collect the metals than Theo walk up to ankh and place his hand on his shoulder

Theo: hey you drop those and leave before you get hurt.

Ankh got angry as he hit Theo hand away than kick him back to the ground

Ankh: you humans are pathetic. *show his arm*

Casey and Lilly run to Theo but ankh blast the ground when the smoke appeared he open his wings and fly to where Sho is at and landed

Sho: that was rude ankh.

Ankh: they shouldn't have touch me. *start to walk away*

Sho sigh and both of them start to walk away from the building there were on and as Sho look back he smiled

Sho: look like we got new friends. *smiled as he follow ankh*

(Hey everyone I like to give a shout out to johnny1244 this story was his idea and please follow him)

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