Chapter 10

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The past two days seem to pass in a blurr. Wake up, try to get though breakfast with Gaius, go to work, make fun of Arthur, do his chores, eat dinner with Gaius, and then go to bed. None it really seemed to matter. He was going to betray them all anyway and shatter his destiny. He tried not to think about it. It changed when Merlin found a note under his pillow.

Meet me. Soon as you can sneak away. Important.

It was written in sloppy quick writing. As if she only spent a few seconds writing. It made Merlin nearly panic. Morgana could be in danger or hurt or worse. He needed to get away to see her as soon as possible. They had just finished dinner and Gaius was looking into another illness and it would probably take hours for Gaius to fall asleep. He had to get a plan.


Morgana shivered at the cool air. Her plan had failed miserably. She went to Marcia (Thanks to LifeIndeed for giving me this. Still to lazy to Google) to get in a alliance with the king only to be turned down and nearly killed. She got a dagger to the back but she was able to keep going. She wrote a quick note to Merlin then teleported herself to the spot where they met with her magic and the last bit of her energy. She normally did not teleport because it drained her but she could in emergencies.

She fell to her knees as she landed and gasped for oxygen. Her entire body felt like it was full of lead and the cut in her back burned as if it was on fire; yet she had defiantly been in worse situations before.

She leaned agenst the tree and did everything she could to stay awake when she heard footsteps. She looked up to she Merlin stepping out and he was in her side in seconds.

"Morgana?" he asked "Morgana are you ok?"

She nodded "The King of Marcia will be here by mid day tomorrow. I tried to become allies and failed. He is coming to Camelot and knows that I have a spy in the heart of the kingdom, I told him in hopes to get him on my side, and he is going to tell Arthur. Your job is to make Arthur declare war with Marcia. Insist that the king is lying and wants to take down Camelot. Arthur trusts you and will look into it. Frame his manservant with magic, put something in his room of magic. We must have war."

Merlin nodded, "The Manservant could be executed." he said softly

"He nearly killed me Merlin. I need you to do this. Trust me, he deserves it."


Merlin felt rage boil up and the thought of getting the manservant killed was not that bad. How dare anyone try to kill his love. He wanted did not exactly want revenge but he had no problem giving. Morgana was begging him to do it and how could he say no? How could he say no to anything she asked him?

He spent a few minutes planning with her and tried to help her in any way he could. He used magic to heal the cut on her back as much as he could but he could do nothing to her pale face and how exhausted she was. He was very worried but he had to get back as soon. He hated leaving her but she insisted. He cast a spell on her to make her less noticeable. It was not the strongest spell but if someone were to walk by she would hopefully not be noticed if she was quiet. He kissed her goodbye and headed home.

He had told Gaius the dragon was calling him. It was not the smartest thing but he was in such a panic it was the only thing he could think of. He desperately did not want to knock Gaius out or hurt him. He hoped he could figure out something so say.

He was surprised to find Gaius at home with a jug of mead. Apparently one of his patients was very thankful for saving his daughter and brought mead. Gaius offered her a glass and he took it. He was thankful Gaius did not mention the dragon. He drank it in two gulps and immediately felt better.

He felt much more relaxed and happy. His head spun alittle but that was ok. He felt great. It was almost as good as kissing Morgana. He could not stop grinning.

"So Merlin, where you really with the dragon?" Gaius asked

Merlin laughed "Of course not. It was the first thing I thought of. I really was going to see Morgana."

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