iPhone 5S

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Molly, Alice and Lily raced up to me. "What is this?" Molly asked holding out my iPhone 5S. I let out a sigh of relief. "I've been looking for that forever. Thanks!" I smiled.

"What is it?" Lily asked curious. "This?" I asked motioning to my iPhone. "Yes that." Alice replied annoyed. "It's a... A... Er... Erm... A... Camera?" I stuttered not sure what to say.

"Anyway, why were you looking through my stuff?" I asked changing the subject. "I needed a quill." Lily shrugged. I narrowed my eyes. "Please don't go through my things next time." I snapped.

I climbed up a tree to see if I could call people back home. I scrolled through my contacts. Who should I call? I decided on Rose's mum.

"Alex?" Mrs. H. Weasley asked surprised. "What's up? Just chillin' in the '70's." I replied casually. "Where are you?" Mr. Potter asked. "Hogwarts. I met your parents. Also a bunch of other cool people. Sirius keeps flirting with me. That's all really." I shrugged.

"What are they like?" Mr. Potter asked eagerly. "Your mum is like Lily and Dom and your dad is a mix of James and Louis." I replied honestly. "

"I thought that was a camera." Lily said crossing my arms. I jumped up in surprise. "Crap Lily you scared me!" I yelled. "Who is it?" Mr. Potter and Lily asked at the same time.

"Lily this is the hero I was telling you about. Harry, this is Lily Evans." I said to both of them. Mr. Potter started crying in happiness. "Really?" He asked. Then the phone hung up.

"How did you talk to someone with your camera?" Lily asked confused. "Magic?" I tried. "There's no spell to do that." Lily replied. "Shit." I mumbled to myself.

"Er... I made it... Myself." I lied. Lily raised her eyebrows. "Really?" She asked impressed. "Yeah... Sure I did." I said clearing my throat. Lily laughed.

"You're such a bad liar." Lily chuckled. "Now tell me." She ordered.

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