Next Generation

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Dominique's POV:

I sighed it had been weeks but Alex was still in a random era. Where was she? Or more accurately when was she? 

Uncle Harry, Mr. Collins and Uncle Ron were all trying to figure out when Alex was and how we could get her back. "I wonder when she could be." Rose said. Lily shrugged. 

"Maybe she got meet our namesakes." James said excitedly. I smiled. "Maybe. That would be awesome. Imagine Alex in the 1970s." I laughed. "I think she would fit in." Rose said smiling.

"Yeah. With her awful fashion sense." Scorpius joked. We all laughed. "I just hope nothing bad is happening with her." I replied. "If only Dad gave her the mirror instead of me." Lily sighed. I nodded. "Yeah if only." I sighed.

I wonder if Alex made any new friends on her time travels. I'm sure she'll tell us about when she gets back. Or if. Shut up. She'll be back.

Alex is one of those people that just annoys you but yet you can't get enough of it. 

She's like a chocolate. Everyone loves it because it tastes nice but if you have too much you'll get overweight or a sugar rush. If you have to much Alex you get overly giddy.

"I miss Alex." Albus sighed. Everyone knows Albus is in love with Alex. But Alex doesn't feel the same. Which makes me feel slightly relieved. Why? No clue.

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