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I sat down in Dumbledore's office. I looked around. I had always wondered what his office would look like. He was such a great man. I felt so honoured that I could meet him. 

"So where do you come from?" Dumbledore asked kindly. "The future. Or well, 2020." I replied honestly. I may as well tell him. Since he might be able to help me.

"Ah. What happened then?" He asked curiously. "Well I might have accidently broke a time turner and ended up here." I said fidgeting uncomfortably. "How did you get a time turner?" Dumbledore asked seriously.

"My dad invented the Time Turner." I replied. 

I walked outside to the Black Lake laughing at the Giant Squid. A boy with black, greasy hair peered down at me. "Hello. What's your name?" I asked inviting him down.

The boy came down cautiously. "Severus Snape. And you're Alex Granger, right?" Severus said shaking my hand. I was about to correct him. But I realised that I was lying. "Yes that's me. Are you okay?" I asked kindly.

Severus took a deep breath. "I just did the most horrible thing ever." He sighed sitting next to me. "What is it?" I asked curiously. He opened his mouth to speak when Lily dragged me away.

"What was that for?" I asked. "Don't talk to him. He's bad news. Called me the m-word." Lily warned. So this is the story Dad told me about. Apparently Severus wouldn't have been so grumpy if he hadn't have done that.

"Oh." I said acting surprised. James walked over with Remus, Sirius and Pettigrew. "What do you want Potter?" Lily snapped. "Just wanted to speak to the mother of my children." James flirted smirking. I laughed at the irony. He was right. He was talking to the mother of his child.

Sirius turned to me. "You look beautiful laughing, love." He flirted winking at me. That made me laugh even harder. So hard I started crying. "Y-you think that... I would... D-date you." I said between laughs.

Remus laughed. "Wow, Sirius you just got told." Remus smiled. I calmed down. "Sorry but you're Siriusly funny." I smirked. James laughed at my pun.  Sirius frowned. "I will make you fall in love with me." Sirius said determined.

That made me laugh again. "I truly doubt that." I told him. Lily smiled. "Thank god! Someone not utterly in love with such an idiot." Lily said relieved. 

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