The Party Part. 1

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I sat down next to Lily who was ranting about the start of year party and how stupid it was. Mrs. Weasley told me the party was the first time Lily and James kissed. "I'm not going." Lily huffed.

"NO! You have to go." I said. Molly, Lily and Alice all looked at me confused. "Why would we want to go?" Alice asked. "Because... It will be so much fun." I tried. Lily raised her eyebrow. "No it won't." She muttered.

"I bet you're just scared." I tried. That got them. "No I'm not!" Lily yelled. "Then prove it." I said calmly. "Yeah Evans, prove it." James said smirking, from behind her. Lily huffed. "Fine." She said.

I decided to go on a walk through the corridors. "Oh hello mudblood." Someone said from behind me. I turned around. Shit. It was Bellatrix Lestrange. I gulped. "Hello." I said calmly.

"You're nothing but a waste of space." Bellatrix sneered. "Well Bella, you're nothing but a miserable little girl." I retorted pretending not to be scared. Bellatrix drew her wand. "Cru-" She started.

"Bella, what are you doing?" A girl with black straight hair asked. She look familiar... "Nothing Narcissa. Go back to bed." Bellatrix sneered. Oh it's Mrs. Malfoy. Or in this era Narcissa Black.

"Why?" Narcissa asked innocently. Bellatrix groaned. "Yeah why should she?" Asked a boy probably around 13 years old. "Regulus don't ask questions." Bellatrix snapped. Ah Regulus Black.

That's when I decided to run. "YOU BITCH!" Bellatrix yelled running after me. I skidded around the corner. A ladder. I smirked and quickly climbed up it. Then I pushed it away. 

Bellatrix looked up at me. I walked across a plank of wood. I waved down at her. "Hello Bella." I said sitting down on top of the chandelier. "Reducto!" Bellatrix yelled. I jumped away and clung to a plank of wood.

Regulus and Narcissa looked up at me in wonder. "Hello kids." I smiled down at them. "I'm not a kid." Regulus protested. I laughed.

"Crucio." Bellatrix said shakily. It hit me and I cringed in pain. "CRUCIO!" She yelled stronger this time. I ducked. "Woah, calm down Bella." I said grinning.

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