Truth Or Dare

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Somehow I had been dragged into Truth or Dare. Yes even in 1975 there was Truth Or Dare. Me, James, Lily, Sirius, Pettigrew, Remus, Frank, Molly, Alice and Arthur were playing.

"Truth or Dare, Alex?" Frank asked grinning. I couldn't pick truth in fear of saying to much so... "Dare." I smiled back confidently. Frank and Arthur started whispering.

"I dare you to kiss Lily on the lips for a whole minute." Frank said smugly. What? Lily was literally 3 times my age. I groaned. "Really? I mean no offence but really?" I asked annoyed slightly.

"Let's just get this over with." Lily groaned. I nodded cringing. I was kissing someone who in my time (if she was still alive) would be in her 60's.

I moved closer slightly until our lips touched. I shivered. Gross. This woman was way older than me. And not in a good way.

I just sat there unresponsive. Finally Frank said, "okay you can pull away now. That's awkwardly painful to watch."

I pulled away with a sigh of relief. "Truth or Dare James?" I asked acting like nothing happened. Like I didn't just kiss Harry Potter's dead (well alive here) mother.

"Dare." James smirked hoping he would get a similar dare to me. "Sorry Jamesie. No lip locking with Lily." I laughed. James pouted. "It was worth a thought." He sighed.

"I dare you to... Do as Lily says for one whole week." I smiled. James sighed. "Why must the universe hate me?" James yelled dramatically. I rolled my eyes.

"Truth or Dare, Evans?" James asked. "Truth." Lily shrugged. "What was your first kiss?" James asked.

Lily blushed and took a deep breath. "The one I had with James last night." Lily admitted. "Awww. Cute!" I sighed in a love sick way.

Sirius snickered. "I never knew you were such a hopeless romantic." Sirius smirked. I glared at him. "That information does not leave this room." I ordered coldly.

Lily laughed. "I knew it. There has to be some softie deep inside of you." Molly smirked. I gasped. "You think I'm tough? Why I am honoured that the great Molly Weasley would say that." I grinned.

"You mean Prewett right?" Lily asked. I paused. Oh shit. I accidentally said Weasley instead of Prewett. "Nope. Her and Arthur are gonna get married." I smirked.

"No we're not!" Molly and Arthur yelled in unison blushing. I laughed. "Please, the love is radiating off you guys." I snickered.

"So like you and Sirius?" Molly retorted. I gagged at the thought. "Oh I think I'm going to be sick at even the thought of that. Bleh." I said pretending to puke.

Sirius looked at me sadly. "Why won't you give me a chance?" He asked looking down sadly. Oh crap. No! Sirius Black is falling for me.

How badly I wanted to tell everyone the truth. Their expectant faces stared at me. "Um... Because... I... I-I have... A boyfriend." I lied. They looked at me in shock.

"How come we didn't hear about this?" Lily asked. "It's not important. Plus me and my boyfriend are fairly private at the moment. I wanted to make sure I could trust you." I lied.

"Really? Because when you were describing your friend Dominque you had a lovey-dovey look in your eye." Lily said surprised. I cleared my throat. "Did I? I don't think I did." I frowned confused.

Molly nodded. "Yeah. I saw it too." Molly agreed. Wow. This got deep real fast. I almost blurted out right then I was from the future. The year 2020. It was on my tongue.

But I didn't. "Wow. This is deep." I chuckled awkwardly. Sirius nodded. "Yeah..." He said sadly.

"You're in love with Dominque! You're in love with Dominque!" Lily and Moly chanted. I grit my teeth to stop myself from snapping their necks and accidentally prevent the Weasley's and Potter's I know ever being born.

"Stop it!" I snapped. "Why?" Molly asked smirking. I grit my teeth again. "Otherwise I'll snap your fucking necks." I said sweetly. "This one's violent." Lily chuckled but stopped in fear of their lives.

I grinned in accomplishment. "But I know you love your friend Dominque." Lily smirked. I groaned. "Nope. We're just good friends." I smiled reassuringly.

"Did you guys see the look in her eyes?" Molly grinned. They all nodded. Great. I sighed. "I. Am. Not. In. Love. With. Dominque." I snapped annoyed.

"Sure keep telling yourself that!" Remus laughed. I pouted. "Traitor!" I muttered. There is a traitor here though. That dirty little rat, Pettigrew. I shook my head to rid myself of any thoughts on that betraying rat.

"Oh my god." I muttered looking around at them all. All these mostly nice people (minus the rat) would be dead, tortured or left with no friends.

"What?" Sirius asked. I shook my head again and cleared my throat. "N-nothing." I muttered.

"Are you okay?" James asked concerned. That's when I fainted at the thought of, These people are dead. Tortured. By Voldermort.

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