Melody Of The Fallen Leaves

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Here's your review BluandPenguino

Reviewer: @Furashu

Author: @BluandPenguino

Title: Melody Of The Fallen Leaves


Title: 4/5
I don’t think I’ve ever come across a title like this. It peaked my interest, because what does that mean? It’s catchy as well and easy to remember. Can I relate the title to the book? Reading the
blurb, no but in the first chapter definitely. That letter made it all clear. Great job on that original title, and not to mention beautiful as well.

Cover: 10/10
I find the cover extraordinary. It’s beautiful and matches the title 100%. It’s very clear and neat and not to mention, not anything you’ll find on Wattpad. I especially like the font you’ve used and again, how the big leaf looks like it’s falling down. Hence, matches the title. Sorry if I’m short on words here because there is nothing to correct. It’s elegant and beautiful, please tell me who did your cover.

Blurb: 7 / 10
Okay, so the blurb can be worked on. Yes, the length is pretty decent and it does give me enough details about the book and has unanswered questions that I’d like to know. But, is it enticing
enough? No it’s not. It’s a good blurb but sadly not wow.

Also, what bothered me was how you’ve started it.
“Lee Kyung:” Why introduce him like that? Talk about him like how you did with Autumn Summers.

That will reel the readers more in. What I did appreciate is, that there weren’t any grammatical errors in the blurb, so good job on that part. But again, it’s lacking something. Restructure your
questions a bit to make it more enticing.

Opening: 8 / 10
Your opening is very original and it clears up the confusion of the title. I also like the touch of the Korean writing, it gives off the atmosphere that he is indeed Korean. What bothered me was the start, I know they are strict people and very professional, so correct me if I’m wrong. Why does his mother address him on his surname? That felt a bit strange to me. Also, yes, it was a letter but I feel that it was way too short to read. Maybe add how he is contemplating through his thoughts or his mother’s when reading that letter or give more context in the letter because I just feel that it’s too short and lacking something.

Character Development: 12 /15
Since there aren’t much chapters, I can’t say much but what I read was quite good. The feedings were real, especially how nervous both characters felt, but I think you could still put in a few more
details to make the reader live in the book. I also felt sad for Lee Kyung for being abused and his love for his sister. He is my favourite in the book. I do enjoy him greatly and his personality.

Grammar: 17 /20
The grammar was great. I found hardly any flaws at all, but will point out a few. One, you mix your tenses continuously. Please just stay in the present or passed, not both. You also spelt no one as “No-one”, there shouldn’t be a hyphen. Another issue, you overuse ellipses, rather use commas for pauses. Other than that, it was immaculate.

Plot: 7 / 10
The plot is alright, not very original although, but I like it. It moves at the right pace, although there are some minor plot holes. The main one is, his culture is very respectful right? So, why did he give his sister ice cream without any permission? That scene didn’t make sense to me, because I wouldn’t even do that. Another thing, if his foster parents are such drunks, how did they qualify in the first place to take care of them? I know they lie and that when they go for check ups at the welfare, but trust me alcoholics can’t keep their pose.

Writing Style: 7 / 10
It’s very simple and yet you have a nice variant of words. I actually like your writing style. The flow is perfect and it kept me hypnotised most of the time and it flew by. Although, I think you should explain the surroundings more. Set a tone and atmosphere. What does it make the character feel,
how does it look and smell? You also don’t really go in depth with how the characters look, so I can’t really picture anything. You should work on that and use more adjectives in your writing.

Enjoyment: 8 /10

Total: 80 / 100

I enjoyed it. Not much more I can say, so sorry for the lack of words. Just work on the blurb and with enough practice you can improve your writing skills. This story has a lot of potential and update soon. Don’t ever stop writing or I’ll hunt you down.

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