The green guardian

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Book title: The green guardian
Author: CroodsGirl
Reviewer: Thingybabiby

First off, I would like to apologise for the late review! I feel awful for not getting it done sooner...

Cover: 9.5/10
The cover was amazing! It was eye catching and pleasing to the eye, LucidDream99 did an amazing job! I would have given you a 10, but the sticker really did it for me. It just felt a little out of place because of its square shape. Other than that, it was wonderful! Bound to draw people in!

Title: 10/10
It’s unique and interesting! I haven’t come across a book with the same title either, and it fits very well with the green cover!

Description: 9.5/10
It does introduce a lot of characters at once, but it’s well written! After reading twice I understood it, and it doesn’t give away too much information, or too little. Also, congrats on winning in the banana awards! (as well as all the others)

Opening: 10/10
I’m going from chapter 1 here.

In my opinion, it was absolutely perfect. You used so many language techniques that made the opening vivid and descriptive. You paced it really well and built upon the tension flawlessly, my inferior brain couldn’t even try to find a single mistake.

Structure: 18/20
The way you paragraph your sentences is new and interesting to me, but I still loved it. The plot itself is even more incredible, and just like the first chapter you made everything so vivid, and so perfect, I mean; how wide is your vocabulary?! I’m absolutely in love with your writing style.

Some chapters were a little lengthy, and you’ll have to keep a look-out from making the paragraphs too long and wordy; but it doesn’t affect the reading too much. There is one other thing I would like to mention, all of your chapters are well written with some great scenes, but I feel like the element of mystery or foreshadowing isn’t always present.

Now I’m not saying that you should foreshadow something in every chapter, but what I’m saying is to have something there that won’t make the readers go ‘just get to the good stuff already’. I feel like some chapters are dragging the plot a bit, and that some things just weren’t really necessary; almost like you just wanted the word count to go up. Almost. (I’m not trying to be mean here, please don’t kill me-)

Character development: 15/15
I absolutely love the way you build upon your characters. You take your time to personalise them and give them their own unique characteristics that we can all sometimes relate to. They are all so different from each other, with something about them that separates themselves from the typical writing stereotypes.

Does it make me want to read more? 10/10
Most definitely! When I find the time I’ll be reading through your whole book, waiting eagerly for your next update!

Overall impression: 14.5/15
In my opinion your book is a diamond in the rough, you keep a fairly constant pace and have some excellent imagery and descriptions going on. Make sure that you thoroughly comb through your work from time to time, and improve where you can! Other than that, you should be really proud of this master piece. Keep up the excellent work! Keep polishing it, and it will soon become a diamond!

Total score: 96.5

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