The Lost Revenge

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Book title: The Lost Revenge

Author: Lovatic_HarryHook

Genre: paranormal

Reviewer: helenl0511

Book cover: 4/5

I love the cover. It looks so cool and beautiful! I love the girl and the flames. Everything is perfect except for the stickers. Being a person with ocd, I do not appreciate seeing those stickers jumbling up. The stickers look like somebody just stuck them there without looking. Maybe organise them a bit?

Book title: 3/5

Interesting title. It makes me want to know how a revenge can be lost.

Though, I think the word "lost" makes the feelings in the word "revenge" weaker. Revenge is supposed to make people feel hatred, anger... those kind of strong feelings. With the word "lost", those strong feelings for the word "revenge" becomes weak. If you want your title to be vengeful, maybe the title needs to be changed a bit. If not, keeping it is ok.

Blurb: 9/10

Whoa. The first two lines have a strong impact. It grabs my attention immediately. I love how you quoted from the story and chose those two strong sentences.

The blurb is filled with tension and it demands attention. I just love it. Especially the part "their selfish minds still remained". This makes me feel like the characters are so realistic and sucks me into reading the book.

I'm not really sure if this is a grammar issue or what, but I'm still gonna point it out. The sentence "the kinda girl who didn't care..." I think "kinda" should be "kind of". I know they have almost the same meaning, but I think in this sentence, you should use the more formal one.

Opening: 10/10

Those aesthetics are so beautiful and amazing! @stellaaa_rose I really really love the aesthetics! They were just, wow!

The trailer... Huma_Sebastian wow! Epic. Its just so amazing!

The first chapter was about Ren's past, and I love how you portrayed the characters through the conversations they had. I also love how desperate Ren was about being in a family. She feels realistic and relatable. The last sentence was a great and powerful ending.

I just love the banners in your story. They have a revenge theme in them, with those red and black colours.

Structure: 17/20

There's some typo and grammatical mistakes here and there, but they didn't affect my reading at all. The writing style is also good.

The structure is mostly neat. However, you should open up a new paragraph when a new character speaks. Jumbling the up may confuse some readers.

Plot: 8/10

Good plot line. I love the background of the story. Though I don't see any revenge happening at the first 6 chapters, I think there is potential.

One thing. I don't really like how she suddenly knows her identity. It feels strange and I really don't get how she could suddenly know who she was when she's 18, and she couldn't figure it out in 6 years time. I though this was gonna be a plot hole, that she would slowly reveal her powers, and the whole truth would be revealed throughout the story. Kind of disappointed, but well.

Character development: 13/15

Your characters were well portrayed in the first two chapters. Ren was all vengeful and fragile at the same time. I just love her.

Though what I didn't expect was some of Ren's character in the next few chapters. I love how she is really selfish to save Ava from getting in jail, but I didn't expect her to have that feisty and self-centred vibe. I though she would have that vengeful and sedate vibe, because, well revenge needs planning and I think you can't succeed if you are too self assured. But still, I think it's fine at the moment. I hope to see some character growth about this.

Enjoyment: 9/10

I did enjoy it, it definitely got me absorbed in the book.

Overall impression: 13/15

Overall, it's a great story. I love most of the story, especially the parts where Ren and Ava are selfish. They feel realistic and relatable and I am really impressed.

Marks: 86/100

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