Chapter 2: A Big Announcement

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Up we soar through the clouds, higher and higher. I can see birds fly past and I can see teeny tiny little buildings down below. After a while Tim starts to descend. We must be near Beauxbatons! There it is my school. As we land Tim farts more sparkles, he hovers for a little still farting and then we land gracefully.
"Opaleenia Yolanda-Yolanda Ingleberta Nervig Lily Potter!" A strict heavily accented voice shouts. I turn around and see the Headmistress Madam Maxime, she looks angry and is very glittery.
"Bonjour Madam Maxime! I hope you had a good holiday," I say cheerfully
"What 'ave I told you and that 'orse landing on ze grass!?" She shouts
"Oh Madam Maxime!" I gasp "I am sorry but Tim he chooses where we land and I can't control where he goes I just say 'Take me to Beauxbatons,Tim' and then he just brings me here! Forgive me Madam Maxime but neither he nor I can help it,"
The Headmistress scrutinises me then Tim and back to me again and then Tim again. She pulls herself to full height.
"I realise zat eet eetz not you or Tim's fault. But you still got me covered in ugly sparkly stuff and you have ruined zee beautiful, beautiful grass! I am afraid Madmouselle Potter zat I must punish you," Headmistress says shortly
What me? But I cannot be punished! I shuffle on the spot, Madam Maxime looks smug. I make my eyes water a little.
"Oh Madam Maxime! Oh Headmistress! Please, please I beg of you! Do not punish me Olympe, please!" I implore as I pretend to cry. I throw my self on the ground at her feet and scream and pretend to cry. After a few minutes I whimper and look up at her. Madam Maxime looks sad and I see a small tear in the corner of her eye. I whimper again.
"Oh Opaleenia! My dear girl. Please, please do not cry. You make me feel zo evil for wanting to punish you," She cries
"Stand up. Ok Madmouselle Potter neither you or your 'orse will be punished. Forgive me for 'aving such 'orrid, 'orrid thoughts,"
I stand up "Olympe! I forgive you! Thank you, thank you, thank you! And a million merci's! Oh you are such a kind Headmistress,"
Madam Maxime smiles kindly at me. Walks away and mutters to herself in French 'such a nice girl'.
Tim and I walk towards the Palace of Beauxbatons nobody is here yet, I have almost the whole palace and gardens to myself! I stand in the elaborate entrance hall and look around for any teachers. None. Then I run from one end to the other screaming and shouting with Tim flying above me covering me with his lovely glitter farts. Then I run into the gardens and splash about in the fountain and I decorate Tim's mane with roses and tulips. We walk back to the school when I see my cousin and best friend Fleur Delacour.
"Fleur!" I shout "My fellow veela friend!"
"Opaleenia!" Fleur gasps as she runs towards me. We have a big hug and then Fleur pats Tim.
"'Ow was your 'oliday, Oppie?" She asks me
"It was very good Fleur. How was yours?"
"Ah eet was excellent leetle cousin and 'ow ees Uncle Victor and Aunt Marie Antionette?"
"They are both splendid,"
We walk into the palace together, it seems that while I was in the gardens everyone arrived. Fleur and I go into the main hall there are lots of tables and chairs we sit at a table with two boys who quite clearly fancy us and I mean who wouldn't fancy us we're both gorgeous but I am so ugly. Madam Maxime stands on a podium.
"May I 'ave your attention please?" She says "Thank you. Now you may or may not 'ave 'eard about ze Tri-wizard Tournament. In which Beauxbatons weel be taking part. Ze tournament weel take place at 'Ogwarts school in Britain. Ze tournament will be open to those who are 17 and over but you may bring a friend younger than zat eef you wish. Zat ees all,"
Fleur and I look at each other.
"I weel compete in ze Tri-wizard Tournament. Opaleenia weel you come as my guest?"
I look at Fleur in astonishment "Of course," I reply
I'm going to go to Hogwarts and see my brother Harry!

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