Chapter 5: Ooh La La

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Harry and I are both glued to our seats. Then Hermy G pushes us up we walk past Dumbledore who stares at us, past the other teachers and we go into the Champions room. Fleur, Viktor and Cedric Diggory are standing in front of the fire. Fleur turns around and smiles "Oh Oppie! What are yoo and 'Arry doing 'ere 'ave wee to back to ze 'all?"
I try to speak but nothing comes out, I'm still in shock. Then Harry steps forwards and says very quietly
"Our-our names came out of the goblet. We don't know why as we didn't put our names in,"
The other three look shocked. Then Fleur bursts into tears and hugs me.
"Oh Oppie! Oh Opaleenia I'm zo zorry. Why deed thees 'ave to 'appen too yoo? Yoo are both zo young and thees tournament eez dangerous. Oh Oppie!" I hug her back and smile weakly. I hear shouts and running and Dumbledore, Madame Maxime, Igor Karkaroff, Mr Crouch, an old lady, a man with long hair and a creepy guy with a fake eye come in. Dumbledore grabs Harry and me.
"No sir,"  we stammer in unison
"No sir,"
"They are not lying. They speak the truth,"
"Of course zey are not lying Opaleenia alvays speaks ze truth," Olympe says proudly
I feel a gush of affection for her. I am glad she trusts me so.
"Of course you two believe them!" Spits Karkaroff "I seem to notice that Durmstrang is the only school with only one champion. The other schools have two!"
"But you see, Karkaroff, I very much doubt that Mr Potter here would be able to put his name in. Someone must have done it for him," says the man with long hair "This is a deadly competition, Karkaroff, it is highly likely that the Potters will die..."
I don't hear anymore, I am so scared that I crash to the ground in a faint.
I awake and I see Harry and Fleur staring at me. They smile in relief as the see I have awoken.
"Opaleenia! Dearest cousin are yoo alright? We were zo worried!"
"Fleur, Harry! I'm fine thank you. Harry are they still making us compete?"
Harry shuffles his feet and nods slowly. My heart sinks. So my brother and I will die.
A few hours after I am released I bump into Cedric Diggory.
"Oh I'm sorry! So sorry I'm so clumsy. So sorry," I say apologetically
"Oh no it's fine. My fault I think," he says with a smile "I am awfully sorry about you and Harry being forced into this tournament. It must be awful knowing someone wants you dead,"
"Thank you, Cedric. It's a bit frightening but I think I'm ok,"
"That's good Opaleenia! Listen I like you. You seem nice. I was wondering if you wanted to practice spells with me sometime, seeing as you're several years younger than the rest of us," he seems nervous.
I smile brightly at him and bat my eyelashes slightly "I would like that very much,"
     "Did I really make your nose bleed Oppie? Golly I am sorry," Cedric says
I stop my nose bleed and smile "It's ok Cedric,"
He walks away and chuckles softly "Well it looks like I won that duel,"
"Expelliarmus!" I yell and Cedric's wand flies out of his hand and into mine. He turns around shocked.
"What were saying Cedric?"
He laughs and I laugh too. He comes closer his arm outstretched "Can I have my wand back, Oppie?"
"No," I reply playfully
"Opaleenia!" He gasps "You must give me my wand,"
I stick my tongue out cheekily. He runs towards me and I run from him. We run around the empty classroom laughing and screaming. I stop to catch my breath but I can't see Cedric. I turn around and he takes his wand back I scream in delight.
"That's not fair! I didn't know you were there!" I say
"Oppie, it was perfectly fair," he replies
"Was not,"
"Was sot,"
"Was not,"
"Was sot,'
We both laugh at our childishness. Then we both lean in slowly and we kiss. I'm shocked but happy at the same time. I pull away
"Opaleenia I'm sorry. I..." He begins
"It's ok, Cedric," I whisper "It's just getting late. I should probably go to the carriage but I'll see you tomorrow I hope,"
Cedric smiles and looks relived "Yes of course Oppie,"
I blow him a kiss as I leave.
"Wow," I think to myself "My first ever kiss," I smile and skip happily to the carriage. I slip into my pyjamas and read one of my father's books, 'The Wizard of Notre Dame'. I say good night to the girls and go into my room. I still have a smile on my face as I fall into a deep sleep.

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