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chapter one
╰  ( age of ultron )

💫 ━━ QUIET was never a word Paisley would use to describe her life. Her life was loud and messy, alarms blasting every other day and the intrusive thoughts that seemed to never leave her mind. That was just the way HYDRA seemed to work though, and in the few years that Paisley had been there, she figured it out. Maybe that's why she found comfort in the silence that very rarely showed up. And possibly why she was still so scared of the noise.

"Pais?" Wanda called out as the alarm blared throughout the base. Wanda used her magic, her chaos witch magic, to break a few of the alarms around her.

"Find her?" Pietro asked as he came to a stop beside his twin sister, his hands resting on his hips as he moved his head side to side to look around.

Wanda shook her head with a frown, her eyes darting towards the flashing red light. "No, she's not in any of the places we've told her to be, either."

"Have you checked everywhere?" She swirled her fingers as she asked the question, the red mist floating towards the light before the glass shattered and the red flashing stoped.

"Yes, Wanda." Pietro snapped lightly. He was stressing out — the fact that his daughter couldn't be found, and the added fact that someone was attacking the base. "Sorry, it is just —"

"It is okay," Wanda cut her brother off with a small smile when she had seen the way his eyes had flashed with regret. "We will find her." From the corner of her vision, Wanda spotted someone move quickly. When she turned slightly to look over her shoulder, her gaze connected with Strucker and some HYDRA agents. "Brother..."

Pietro stopped and looked right where his sisters eyes were trained. There stood Paisley, with Struckers hand placed on her little shoulder. He was showing her off like a prized possession.

"Dad!" Paisley called out to the blond haired man, her lips twisting upwards into a smile, the scared look in her eyes leaving with a blink.

Pietro sped over towards Paisley, picking her up and moving back towards his sister, the action only taking a few seconds.

"Stay with Wanda, Pais." Pietro told his daughter as he kneeled so he was face to face with her. "If anything happens, please stay with aunt Wanda."

Something seemed to flash in Paisleys eyes, because next thing they knew, she wouldn't leave her aunts side. A much smaller hand held in a much larger hand. Paisley nodded as she practically moved closer to Wanda, almost standing on the woman's feet. "Yes, dad."

Strucker watched as the young girl he and the others all around him had broken down, glued herself to the Maximoff twins yet again in the face of danger. "Who gave the order to attack?" He asked as he turned to face a hydra fortress soldier.

"Herr Strucker, it's the Avengers." A HYDRA soldier, the one Strucker had turned to replied.

Another soldier looked up, gun held tightly in his grip. "They landed in the far woods, the perimeter guard panicked."

Strucker looked to doctor List, "They have to be after the scepter." It's wasn't a question, it was the fact and they all knew it. "Can we hold them?"

"They're the Avengers!" A fortress soldier exclaimed, his eyes quickly casting towards a window where he saw sometime blow up.

Strucker commanded, "Deploy the rest of the tanks."

Paisley knew what was happening, she had been lectured and trained on what to do in this situation. "Dad." She whispered as she tugged on her fathers hand she held.

"Yes, domniţă?" Pietro looked down at his daughter, he quickly noticed her wide hazel eyes. With panic bursting in his chest, he kneeled down and placed his hands on her shoulders.


"The bad guys are here?" Her hazel eyes filled with tears as she blinked up her father, the thought that she would have to fight like she had been trained to already echoing loudly in her mind.

Pietro sent a glance to Wanda, "We will keep you safe, promise." He and Wanda held out their pinky's.

"Thank you, dad. And aunt Wandy." Paisley smiled a pretty smile as she interlocked both her pinky's with the older Maximoffs.

Paisley looked around the darkened room. Her gaze landed on the two higher up HYDRA workers that had been there the day she was handed over to them. "Then let's show them what we've accomplished. Send out the Maximoffs."

Those words were what Paisley heard. Send out the Maximoffs seemed to grow louder and louder in her ears.

Strucker shook his head, "It's too soon."

"It's what they signed up for." Doctor List pointed out as he turned his head to look at the Maximoff twins and Paisley.

"My men can hold them." Strucker insisted to Doctor List before he ended up turning towards some of his soldiers a few moments later, "We will not yield. The Americans sent their circus freaks to test us. We will send them back in bags. No surrender!"

The soldiers cheered, "No surrender!"

Doctor listen looked away from the area where the Maximoff family had stood., "The Maximoffs."

Strucker shook his head, not wanting to send them out yet. "They are not ready to take on —"

"No, no. I mean..." Doctor List pointed to where Wanda, Pietro and Paisley Maximoff had been standing, yet only this time they were gone. "Maximoffs."

Pietro had hulled his daughter on to his back before he sped away, far enough that she wouldn't be spotted, but close enough for him and Wanda to get to. "Pais, please." Pietro pleaded as held out a small silver knife.

"Dad, no." Paisley shook her head stubbornly. "Let me help."

Despite Paisley being trained to do this, to fight HYDRA's battles, Pietro wanted to fight them all for her. He didn't want her involved and he showed that all through the time he had been around Paisley.

"Please, Pais. Just go hide up there and me and aunt Wanda will come get you when it's all done." Pietro sighed when his daughter reluctantly took the knife from his hands and looked towards her feet.

"Okay, dad." Paisley did as so, she let her father help her into the tree where she proceeded to climb higher up.

Paisley watched as everything went down from her place hidden in the tree. She saw her father knock people over, a smirk twisted on his lips as he said something she couldn't hear. It made her happy to see him look so free, yet at the same time when she watched a man go down with a gun shot wound, she couldn't help but feel sadness for him.

Her small knife that almost seemed to big for her hand, was being clutched so hard her knuckles turned white.

"Hey there."

━ ━ ━ ━
and welcome to
open arms. i wanted
to get this out before
i end up putting it off,
so here it is!
any suggestions?
have a good day
or night!

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