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chapter seven
( age of ultron )

💫 ━━ PAISLEY had been so scared of Nick Fury. She had seen the eye patch, the tall hight along with the gun tucked against his side underneath his black trench coat, she couldn't help but retreat back to her room with her new doll clutched hard in her hands.

That was the last she's seen off Nick Fury well she stayed at the Barton house. It's been three days since she had been kidnapped - but in her mind she had just been taken and given a warm bed and doll - and well, taken away from her family.

But now, Paisley is stepping onto a jet with the Avengers so she can go find her father and aunt. It was Natasha's idea to bring her along, claiming that she's an child experiment and could possibly be useful. Clint, who acted like her persuado caregiver was not happy about that idea and would much rather have made Paisley stay with his wife.

"This is a jet, have you been on one before?" Steve spoke kindly as he tried to make conversation with the little girl well he fiddled with a holographic suit model of Tony's. He was still behind on the world's technology, and Tony had been teaching him off and on.

"No." Paisley shook her head. She didn't remember how she got to the Barton home, and only assumed it was some kind of magic that was used to get her there. "I don't think so."

Steve let out a 'mph' as he fiddled some more. "Well now you are, it might be pretty cool. You might have fun."

Paisley nodded as Steve looked down at her. "What if we crash?"

"The first time I was on a jet like this, I was so scared and you know what helped?" Steve stopped fiddling with the technology as he kneeled down so Paisley didn't have to look up anymore.


"I learned how to fly it. Why don't you ask Clint if you can drive?"

Paisley was much more interested in driving the jet than talking to Steve. In her eyes, he was kinda boring and she didn't know him like she somewhat knew Clint.

"Okay!" Paisley smiled as she turned around and raced towards Clint who happily started to teach her how to fly the jet. He even put the jet in auto pilot so Paisley could pretend to fly the plane.

Paisley was joyful when she wanted to be. She had no idea that the world could end in a few days, and she still managed to make 'vroom' and 'peew' noises that made everyone smile. She's never been a kid like she has in the last few days. She's never been able to just be free and play on the swings during the sunset like she had with Clints children.

Something beeped and Paisleys hand shot up and she held them as high as she could. "I'm sorry."

She thought she did something wrong, and it was heart breaking for Clint, Natasha, and Steve to watch the little girl panic thinking she had done something wrong.

"Hey, Paisley. It's okay." Natasha was the first to kneel by the little girl and make sure that she knew it wasn't her fault. "It's not your fault. The beeping just happens sometime."

Paisley sniffled. "You sure?"

Natasha nodded as she handed Paisley the doll she had dropped. "Sunt absolut sigur." I'm absolutely certain.

Paisley decided that she didn't want to fly the jet anymore, and chose to sit beside Natasha in the back well she played with her dollie Dory. The swerving and quick turns that Clint made after they had dropped Steve off made her dizzy.

Natasha made sure Paisley was buckled and away from any windows before she briefly told her that she had to go. That's when Natasha got onto one of the motorcycles and dropped from the jet right onto the road.

"Woah." Paisley muttered in awe.

Clint looked over his shoulder and saw Paisley smiling at the place Natasha had dropped from the floor. "Destul de misto nu?" Pretty cool right?

"Atat de misto." Paisley spoke back as Clint flew the jet and tried to avoid the Ultron bots that were flying towards the jet. So cool.

Paisley hadn't noticed that Ultron bots were attacking the jet until they shot it. That's when she looked around with wide eyes and held Dory even closer to her chest.

"Pais, come here. Come sit here." Clint spoke as he steered the jet and tried to shake the Ultron bots off the jet.

Paisley did as she was told and moved so she was sitting in the passenger seat. She buckled herself up and held on tightly as the cradle with who they would soon call Vision, slid into the jet with a thud.

"Where's Natasha?"

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