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chapter thirty
( endgame )

💫 ━━ PAISLEY didn't leave her fathers side after she had seen everyone who was 'missing'. Natasha and everyone else had the images of everyone who disappeared in the blip, one of the people being Wanda. Who Paisley instantly felt sad and frightened by, but she knew there was a chance to see her again, she could feel it.

They had hooked Pietro up to a variety of machines and drugs that would hopefully kickstart his body into working once again; or that's what Bruce Banner had said.

He didn't seem to hopeful though. Like he didn't believe in the miracles and magic that Paisley did.

Paisley, who too was hooked up to some machines, was drawing as she waited for her father to wake. She had denied any treatment until they had tended to her father, why wouldn't she ? he's been gone for so long that this miracle of his return was shocking, crazy, and messing with her mind. But she wouldn't change anything; she had believed and had been lead to think that her father was dead and there was no coming back — now he's alive and here with her.

"Pais." Tony stepped towards the young girl, a smoothie in hand. He's dressed in a zip up hoodie and baggie sweats. He had an iv stand trailing behind him, one that Pepper was pushing. She was refusing to leave his side, she missed him way too much. "I brought you a smoothie, do you wanna try and drink it."

Paisley nodded, reaching for the drink and scooting to the side of the couch ( yes a couch, Tony made sure every little hospital room in the avengers compound had one ) so Tony could sit with her.

Pepper pulled up a chair from the hallway, placing it on the other side of the bed. She watched as the little girl laid her head against Tony's head, as if it belonged there her whole life. Pepper couldn't believe that Tony had returned back into her life, nor could she believe that the Paisley was the reason Tony had gotten back to her.

Paisley shared her rations, played games with Tony, say with him in the rackety metal ship. She never left his side; and Pepper is so grateful. When Tony falls asleep, Pepper notices that his chest moves slowly and that soft snores leave his lips. She wonders if he's at peace now.

"Thank you, Paisley." Pepper speaks slowly, as she looks away from Tony and towards the little girl — ( who isn't so little, she's thirteen but because of everything that has happened she seems so little and young. ) "For everything."

💫 ━━ TONY, although weak, places his arms underneath Paisleys knees and arms, hoisting her into his own and holding her bridal style. He carry's her out of the small hospital room and towards her own room. The halls are empty, everyone else is fast asleep as they all try to process the return of Tony, Paisley, Nebula and Pietro after believing they were all dead.

It's been a long day.

Paisleys room is decorated dark walls with chalk drawings from top to bottom, something she had so quickly loved. The stars on her ceiling shine so bright that Tony doesn't have to attempt to hit the light switch. Her bed is covered in a red duvet cover, with Iron Mans mask across it — a gag gift that Tony had boughten her, but something she uses. There's toys on the floor, making it hard for the older man to make his way into the room.

It's like she's never left.

"Dad?" Paisley doesn't even open her eyes, only she pressed her head further into Tony's chest, slightly bumping into the place where his arc reactor had been. "Tony-pony?"

Tony was a second father to Paisley when she needed one. He was there for her after Pietro had died, he was there to enrol her into school, he was there on every day she had school to drop her off and pick her up. He bought her whatever toy she wanted, no matter the price tag or what it looked like. He learnt how to cook, so he could make her breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Tony would always be her second father, no matter what. She would never admit it now, maybe later on in life. But Tony was there when she needed someone, and that was all she could ask for. He wasn't her uncle, no. He was her second dad.

Tony never tried to replace Pietro, in fact, he often asked about him. Learnt about the man who had died saving one of the Avengers. Always took Paisley to his grave and listened to her talk and talk to someone who wasn't there. He brought the man flowers out of respect, and when Paisley wanted to do the same, he handed her the biggest bill he could and told her to go nuts.   

"I'm right here, kiddo." Tony placed her on the bed, pulling the duvet over her shoulders and gently tucking her in the way he knew she liked. "Go back to sleep."

And so Paisley went back to sleep, safely, in her own bed. For the first time in twenty three days she slept without the fear of death creeping up on her.

Tony stayed by her side for the night, staying awake and reading a book about mechanics. He was there to fight away the bad guys, or more so to fight away the bad dreams and feelings that the little girl beside him may have.

      He protected.

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