thirty two

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chapter thirty two
( endgame )


💫 ━━ TONY Stark and Pietro Maximoff stood side by side in the waiting room of one of the best hospitals in the world. Paisley was sitting on the floor, colouring a picture for the woman they were waiting to see.

"I don't get why I couldn't be in the delivery room." Tony sighed as he ran a hand over his face, tired and stressed at the whole situation they were all in.

Pietro shrugged, sitting down in the chair beside where he had been standing. "Pepper is in there with her mom, Tony. You were in there, but she kicked you out because you told the doctor you would pay her a bunch of money if she could make the baby come faster."

Paisley laughed, looking up and smiling at her father and Tony. "You should have just held her hand."

"You're right, Kiddo." Tony reached out and ruffled Paisley darkened hair. For a long time she had blue scattered everywhere amongst her light hair — Tony believes it was because of the magic she held inside herself — but the less she used it, the more it became a shade of brown. "Do you think it's a girl or a boy?"

Pietro had convinced the couple that they didn't need to know the gender of the baby, saying it would be a bigger surprise if they waited. "Boy; and you'll be able to name it Pietro."

"A girl!" Paisley happily looked away from her drawing, "And you can name her Paisley."

Walker walked up to the group, a tray of drinks in hand. He handed a coffee to Tony, a orange juice to Paisley, a green tea to Pietro, and kept a coffee for himself. "What about Walker?"

"Walkie-talkie!" Paisley accepted the drink from the man who her father had grown extremely close with after the blip. Paisley too had grown quite fond of Walker, who had grown to care for her as well. Even Waker had gotten close with Tony, the two having more in common than everyone thought. "Thank you."

Tony looked between the three people in the waiting room with him. As much as he wished to be with his wife, holding her hand and helping her throughout the delivery, he was glad that he was where he was too.

Pepper Pots mother stepped into the waiting room, a small smile on her face. "How about Morgan?"

Tony jumped up, looking towards the woman with wide eyes. "It's a Morgan?"

"Congratulations, Tony. You have a beautiful baby girl." The older woman smiled fondly as she watched Tony bring Pietro, Walker and Paisley into a big hug.

That day, Morgan Stark was brought into a world surrounded by people who would love her endlessly. Paisley would grow up playing dolly's and make belief. Walker would spend time with  Morgan doing crafts.  Pietro would run around the yard, chasing her as she giggled and laughed. Pepper and Tony would be the best parents the little girl could have.

💫 ━━ WALKER Dawson, Pietro Maximoff and Paisley Maximoff all lived in a small cottage like house on the edge of Tony Starks land. They're house was a five minute walk to the big house that Tony, Pepper and Morgan lived in. It was Tony who had invited the three to live with them, claiming the guest house was empty and needed to be put to use.

"Ouch. Paisley!" Walker yelped as he stepped on a bunch of Lego pieces. He looked down, seeing that everything wasn't just scattered from where she had been playing, but was absolutely covering the entire floor. "Damn it, Tony freaking Stark. You had to buy her all the Lego."

"Yeah, Walkie?" Paisley stepped into the living room, her dolly Dory clutched in one hand.

Walker placed his hands on his hips, looking down at the brown haired girl. "You left your Legos all over the floor, can you clean it up?"

Paisley frowned, but she nodded anyways and placed her dolly on the living room chair. She kneeled, using her hands to scoop all the Lego pieces into a pile. Once she had done so, she grabbed handful after handful and poured them into the bin designated for Lego.

"Thanks Kiddo." Walker smiled. His smile flipped when he noticed the girl still frowning. "What's wrong, Pais?"

"I hurt you." Paisley sniffled, upset at what her mess had caused. She didn't want to hurt anyone anymore, and she definitely didn't mean to hurt Walker after she had grown to know him.

Walker crouched beside the crying girl, gently placing his hand on her shoulder and moving his thumb soothingly. "It's okay, Pais. You didn't hurt me, the toy hurt me. Just because it's your mess doesn't mean it was your fault, I should have looked where I was going. Okay?"

Paisley stayed quiet but nodded.

"It wasn't your fault Paisley, you did not hurt me." Walker said, slightly more stern than how he had said it before. He needed her to know it wasn't her fault and that she didn't hurt him. "I'm okay, it's okay."

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