A Challenge

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Because why not and who said I can't and is there anyone to stop me? NO! So ha!


Carter stepped back from the mirror, scrutinizing herself. She scowled and cocked her head, uncertain. From beyond her closed bathroom door, she heard a quick knock on her apartment door followed by the click of the lock turning. The scowl vanished as Carter smiled softly. Even with having his own key, Donovan always knocked, letting her know he was coming in.

"Carter," Donovan called out. "Are you okay? Your message said you needed help."

"I'll be out in a second."

Carter tied up her hair and stared at her reflection for another moment. Shaking her head, she opened the door and strode into her studio apartment. Facing Donovan, she put her hands on her hips.

"Does this outfit make me look fat?" she asked.

Donovan eyed her. "Yeah, it does."

He stepped closer, inspecting her intensely. "How did you manage that?"

Carter let out a sigh of relief. "Wide-legged slacks and a shirt that's too big. With it tucked in it makes it billow at the top."

Still staring at her, Donovan poked at the puffed-out shirt and watched as it folded in on itself.

"Is there a reason you're going to such lengths to hide your size?" he asked. "If it's to be less distracting to me, that won't work."

She laughed and pushed him aside, moving to her small kitchen and pouring herself a cup of coffee.

"No, it's because Bryce Adams is looking for someone to replace the agent going undercover with him at some political event tomorrow. He's going to choose from my team and one, I don't want to go. And two, he's known as a womanizer. I figure the less attractive I look the less likely I am to be chosen."

"I think I've heard of him," Donovan said. He nodded, scanning Carter again with a more understanding and critical eye. "I think this should do the trick. Is that what you needed my help on?"

"Yes." She smiled at him. "But it also means you have the pleasure of driving me to work."

"I could always drive you to work," Donovan said.

"But your travel time would be almost an hour longer with traffic and having to cross town to get to me. Not worth it."

Donovan placed one hand on the counter beside her, staring at her intently.

"You're worth it," he said.

Carter sipped her coffee then shook her head. "No. It's not efficient. You'd end up tiring out faster and that would eventually affect our relationship."

"True. At least for today, I get to drive you."

Carter quickly finished getting ready and Donovan took her hand, leading her out of the apartment. Neither of them felt the need to fill the silence as they drove, content to keep to their own thoughts. Though as Donovan glanced at Carter for the fifth time in a matter of minutes, she realized she had to deal with his thoughts.

"You need to stop worrying," she said.


Carter continued to peer out the window. "You're stressing about Bryce Adams and you really shouldn't be."

"I know," Donovan said. "I'm not."

"It's not good to lie to your girlfriend, she might think you don't trust her."

Carter looked at him and Donovan at least had the decency to look abashed at being caught.

"You keep glancing over because you know what Bryce looks like and you're wondering if my outfit is sufficiently unattractive to hinder his attention towards me." Carter stared at him. "Donovan, I don't love you because you're attractive, though it is a visual bonus. I love you for so many other things. Don't be insecure. It doesn't work for you."

With that said, Carter leaned her head back against the headrest and returned to staring out the window. Beside her, she sensed Donovan soaking in her reassurance. She almost smiled to herself, how a man as amazing as him could feel insecure was amusing to her. He was always the one other people felt insecure around.

For the rest of the ride, Donovan contained his thoughts. As they climbed onto the elevator at the FBI building, someone called out to wait. Donovan reached out, stopping the doors from closing. As they slid back, Mason strode forward and entered the elevator. He stopped when he saw Carter.

"Owens," Mason said. "You look fat. How did that happen?"

"Thanks, Mason. Bryce Adams is working with my team."

Mason looked to Donovan. "And you're not nervous about this?" He adjusted his tie. "He's the kind of man that makes me feel ugly."

"That's because you are ugly, Mason," Carter said.

"Never mind, Boy Scout. You have nothing to worry about if Carter can't see I'm ridiculously handsome then it will make no difference to her if Bryce is."

"I'm not worried," Donovan said. "And don't call me Boy Scout."

"Liar and fine."

The doors parted and Carter led the group towards the office break room. Mason's annoying presence usually made her realize she needed coffee.

"I applaud you for your pretend unconcern," Mason said. "So what if Bryce is known for having women fall in love with him on sight and breaks hearts as easily as he breaks cases. No worry at all."

Donovan shot Mason such a scathing look Carter found it impressive that Mason not only survived it but looked completely untroubled. But then again how many times had Mason already received that type of look. He must be used to it now.

Carter reached the coffee maker and quickly brewed a new pot. She leaned back against the counter and faced the pair.

"I find it surprising that either of you are so invested in this. Donovan, you know me. Mason why do you even care?"

Mason gestured between the two of them. "Because if anything comes between you two, are you sure that the world can survive world war three? I don't think it can."

"Please, we'd handle it rationally if something did happen."

"You'd shoot him?" Mason asked.

"How low of an opinion do you have of me?"

"Pretty low, I've known you a long time and you've been digging this hole since the beginning."

Carter rolled her eyes and turned back to the cupboards, taking out two mugs.

"Nothing will happen," Donovan said.

"That's what you wish for," Mason said. "But wishes are for birthdays and delusional people."

Carter hoped the coffee was strong. Pouring it out, she handed one mug to Donovan.

"Is this a peace offering?" Mason asked. "Are you trying to reassure him that he's enough?"

"Mason, if you keep talking I will throw my coffee at you. Though you might not care about being burned, you will care if your suit gets stained."

"How low of an opinion do you have of me?" he asked.

Grinning, Carter sipped from her mug. "You're the one who's had a shovel just as long as I have."

Mason narrowed his eyes then shrugged and walked away. Blessed relief. As she headed towards the conference her team would be in for the day, Donovan walked alongside her. His silence annoyed her since it was heavy with all the doubts Mason had planted. She wished he get a life that didn't involve gardening.

"Have a good day," she said, putting a hand on the door handle.

Donovan shifted as if to kiss her but she pulled back.

"Don't," she said. "Don't be insecure."

He nodded once and left her. Carter watched him, still amazed he could think there was anyone else but him for her. The dumbest smart person she knew.

Carter entered the conference room and nodded hellos to her teammates and settled into a seat. Talk of what Bryce was working on and how they'd be able to help floated around the room. Carter didn't say anything, information would be given in time, and speculating about it grained nothing. When everyone had arrived their team leader, Special Agent Ross stood up.

"As you all know," she said. "We will be joining forces with Special Agent Adams for the time being. This is not permanent. He will explain more when he arrives."

As if summed by the statement, the door to the room opened and Bryce Adams strode in.

Carter finally understood.

The man was attractive in a way that almost seemed unreal. Not only was it his overall appearance but how he held himself. Nothing about him said he was arrogant, in fact, he moved as if he wasn't aware that he garnered looks. He was relaxed but not cocky. He simply was.

Carter, along with everyone else, followed his process to the front of the room. It couldn't be helped, everything about him drew the eye. When he faced the team, he smiled a warm, easy smile and Carter couldn't understand how that one gesture could somehow enhance his looks but also make her feel like she didn't need to feel intimidated by them.

"Hello everyone," Bryce said. "Thank you for being willing to help with my operation. As I'm sure you already know I hit some complications with the agent I was working with and I need a new female companion to go undercover with me." He gazed around the room as if making sure to connect with each member. "I'll cut to the chase, I've already decided who will be working with me."

No one moved but still, Carter sensed that everyone had frozen.

"Agent Owens, we'll be working together," Bryce said.

Everyone's gaze landed on Carter and she inwardly cursed. Outwardly, she nodded.

"Okay," she said.

"Great. We have a lot of information to cover so we'll get started."


"You understand what role you'll be playing?" Bryce asked.

Carter nodded as she continued to scan through the file on the tablet. It was a lot easier than looking at him. She'd gotten over the high level of his attractiveness, but her brain still wanted to analyze why his presence held a weight, a lure that drew attention. It went beyond his looks, into the way he spoke, the way he conducted himself, and even the way he gestured.

She figured it was why he made such a good agent and one specific to creating assets. His looks drew people to him and his manner put them at ease. At the end of an hour, she could imagine how anyone would willingly trust him. It wasn't that he lied well, it was that he told the truth in a way easy to accept.

Carter forced her thoughts to focus. The file seemed endless and she needed to know all the details by the next night when she'd be the girl on Bryce's arm at a political function.

The door to the conference room opened and Brock stepped halfway inside.

"Excuse me," he said. "I need a moment of Agent Owens's time."

Carter narrowed her eyes at Brock but he betrayed no sense of guilt or uncertainty.

"Of course," Bryce said.

Setting down the tablet, Carter rose and left the conference with Brock. They didn't go far, still in view of the glass walls blocking their conversation from being overheard. Brock glanced back at the conference room and then touched Carter's arm.

"Are you okay?"

A flame of irritation flared inside Carter. She put her hands on her hips and pointedly looked at Brock's hand on her arm to his face.

"You do understand how completely unprofessional this is, don't you?" she said.

Brock was smart enough to drop his hand.

"We wanted to check in on you. That's all."

"You both seem to be under the impression that I'm some teenage girl likely to be swayed by good looks and not a twenty-two-year-old agent."


"No. Tell Donovan I won't be joining him for lunch. I won't stand for him being concerned about something that doesn't warrant concern at all. And Brock, don't ever do this again. I might be your inferior in rank but I'm still an Agent, at least show me that much respect."

Without waiting for a response, Carter strode back into the conference room and took her seat.

"Where were we?" she asked, focusing on the information.

"I hate to cross a line," Bryce said, in a low voice. "But after that agent touched your arm, you looked angry. Are you all right?"

Carter raised her head, surprised by the question and the genuine sincerity in it. His tone wasn't one of pretend concern to win her over, but true worry. Having a lot of experience with going to school with politicians' sons, Carter knew the difference.

"Thank you for your concern but I know him and he's simply being an idiot. I was annoyed with his idiocy, not his touch."

"Okay. Now for tomorrow," Bryce said, flipping subjects. "This is my main target."

Carter couldn't help but appreciate how Bryce once reassured went back to work. That appreciation grew over the day as he remained professional.

By the time the rest of the team clocked out, Carter knew she had to stay late. There was still too much to cover. Bryce easily said he'd stay with her.

That was where Donovan found them, at the conference table, files strewn across the top.

"Are you ready to go?" Donovan asked, clearly ignoring the evidence she wasn't.

Carter didn't bother to look back. "I'm staying late. Feel free to leave."

She sensed his want to talk but right then she didn't have the time for it. Donovan remained in the doorway for a second longer then Carter heard the door quietly click closed. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed Bryce glance from the door to Carter and then back. She didn't give say anything and he nodded once as if that were enough.

Twenty minutes later the door opened again and Donovan walked in. Carter almost let him have it. But he simply set down a takeout bag on the table.

"I figured you might not have time to get something to eat," he said. He locked eyes with Carter. "I hope your work goes well."

He left and Carter found herself softening. He might be an idiot at times but at least he realized when he was and made up for it.

"I was going to suggest stopping to get dinner but this works," Bryce said, taking out wrapped sandwiches.

Carter settled into her seat and accepted the sandwich. For a long moment, they ate in silence, Carter still reading over documents. But she stopped and looked at Bryce.

"Why choose me?" she asked. "Both agents Flores and Emerson have more experience than me and would be able to handle this type of operation easily."

Leaning back in his chair, Bryce unwrapped more of his sandwich. "True. But there's something you have that they don't."

"And that is?"

"Experience with politicians. I've seen you interact with former First Son Mason Douglas. His status never seems to affect you. I needed someone who would be able to hold their own. Also." He gestured to the door. "I knew you were in a very serious relationship and that would take away any unwanted tension between us."

Completely logical reasons.

"Okay, let's get back to work."


"Would you mind if I danced with your beautiful date?"

Bryce smiled easily at Carter like she was everything he wanted in life. "As long as she doesn't object."

Carter beamed at the slick politician. "It would be my pleasure."

Once she was handed off, she was put through another boring litany of the man's accomplishments as a senator and all he planned to do. As was expected of her, Carter nodded and made the right comments at the right time, all while slowly swaying in the man's arms. This man was one in a long line that had filled her night as Bryce slowly infiltrated the circles of influence he needed to.

When Carter returned to Bryce's side, he took her hand and looped it through his elbow.

"Enjoy your dance," he said.

"Very much," she said.

Bryce gave her a real smile and she almost laughed as she knew he understood how tiresome her role was. He leaned in close and whispered.

"You're doing wonderfully. They can't stop talking about how enchanting you are."

"That's because all I do is reflect their arrogance back on them."

"It's an effective tactic. Not much longer now."

"Good, these heels are killing me."

Though true enough, Carter didn't let this fact show the rest of the evening. She never lost her smile or showed how dull she found the entire event. She would admit to enjoying the crab puffs but that was it.

When Bryce opened the car door for her, she happily slipped inside. Once he took the seat next to her, they drove off. Carter reached for the pins in her hair and quickly started to remove them. The intricate hairdo the FBI stylists had taken great pains to create was undone in a matter of seconds. Bryce laughed as Carter shook out her hair and rubbed her irritated scalp.

"I can see why you went to such lengths to look fat yesterday," he said. "This isn't something you do often."

"You noticed that?"

"Yes. But it didn't work. I'd already looked into every agent's previous cases to see who would fit well. I knew how you would look in formalwear."

"All that work for nothing."

"Seems so. Though you did great tonight. Everyone took it in stride I was using you to show off to get close to others."

"You are easy to work with," Carter said. "If you ever need me to revive the role, let me know."

"I'll keep that in mind."

They smiled easily at each other and Carter was struck again with the reality of what a good agent he was. He'd won her trust within twenty-four hours. Though it came from his respect and professionalism more than anything else. In that time she'd come to understand what it was about him that made him stand out. He was fully himself without any ego involved. He was a rarity.

As they got closer to the FBI, Carter looked at Bryce.

"There is one thing I'd like to ask," she said.

Bryce motioned for her to go ahead.

"You're secretly married, aren't you?" she said.

At that, Bryce froze, so Carter went on.

"You have this reputation as a womanizer but nothing in your manner aligned with that. You're not cocky like someone with that reputation would be. Your looks are a fact to you, not a weapon to be used against women. You sincerely were concerned for me but didn't make any sign of using the situation to your advantage. I can imagine someone as good-looking as you could be given a reputation without having deserved it. Maybe a few females you turned down or something. Also, there's the fact that I noticed underneath your shirt you wear a ring on a chain."

"You're going to do well in the Bureau, Owens."

"Thank you."

"I would ask you not to tell but that's not something you would do."

"No. It's not my life to share."

Bryce held out his hand and Carter shook it.

"It's been a pleasure."


At the office, they split ways to write up their reports. Carter finished before Bryce and waved goodnight to him. After a brief stop at wardrobe to return her dress and change back into her clothes, Carter headed home.

When she stepped into her apartment and turned on the lights, she left the door wide open. She dropped her bag on her table and moved to her small kitchen. She searched for something to eat when she heard footsteps in the hallway beyond.

"You left your door open," Donovan said.

"That's because I saw you waiting at the Starbucks at the corner and knew you'd be coming over. You want something to eat, I'm thinking cereal. It's all I have."

Without waiting for his answer, Carter took two bowls down and pulled out the box of cereal. She poured herself some and settled down at her small round table, tucking her legs under her. Donovan watched her and she merely looked back at him.

"I want to apologize for acting irrationally and unprofessionally."

Carter kicked out the chair next to her and Donovan sat.

"You're forgiven," she said.

"You're not mad at me?"

"I was but I realized something." Carter set her bowl down and leaned close to Donovan. "You are an idiot."

At this, Donovan laughed. "Yeah, the last two days have proved that."

Carter cupped his cheek. "But I'm okay with you being an idiot from time to time. It makes you human."

"And you don't want a perfect man?"

Carter pulled him close and kissed him.

"No," she said. "I only ever want you."



(That's my biggest fear that one day I'll wake up as a doughnut.
And you'll eat yourself?
Without hesitation.)

Anyways! Tell me what you thought of de chapter! 🗯💭💬

Two facts.

1. This chapter came about because I thought of how Donovan would answer the age old question of: does this make me look fat? And went from there.

2. I started this chapter and then it took me a month to finish. I feel like that shows but hopefully it was still mildly enjoyable.


*plops down and motions you to join*
Story time!

My sister teaches piano out of our house and one day one of her students noticed my book A Royal's Tale on the stairs. (My sister was returning it to me)

The student read the back and asked her mom if she could get the book from the library. My sister explained that it wasn't available and it was actually just my own physical copy. I was happy to led her the whole Loria series and the girl read them in four days.

The next week when they came for lessons my sister asked if I could stop by and say hi to her student. I said yes.

Not going to lie, I don't know who was more shy, the girl or me. Because for me, she knew me only as the author of the books she liked, not as the wacky author in my author's notes.

I feel like it would be such a difference experience if I met one of you, since this my office self is the person you know.

Anyways, it was a cool experience and I sent her home with my hardback copy of A Secret Service which she read in a day. Then I sent her a link to this book.

So Isa is you see this at some point know it was a pleasure meeting you!

End of story time!

Before you leave for greener pastures or other books vote, comment, follow!

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