A Day's Work

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It's really short but I wanted to explore this one moment and well I hope you like it. If not, don't tell me!


With a sigh, Donovan dropped into his office chair. After forty-eight hours of surveillance work, all he wanted to do was file his report and go home to a good book. The office around him slowly emptied of agents as he typed away. He hit send as he heard footsteps approaching his desk. When he looked up, he found Brock looking down at him, his brow edged with concern.

"Have you seen Carter today?" he asked.

Donovan laced his hands behind his head and leaned back in his chair.

"No. I just got back from a stakeout," he said.

Brock nodded and dragged a hand down his face.

"Look, I think you should go see her," he said.

Donovan straightened. "What happened?"

"You know she's on my team. Well, today we were called in for a homicide," Brock said. "A family of three."

Donovan felt his stomach sink. This would be Carter's first major case, her first homicide.

"Is she still in the building?" Donovan asked, quickly shutting down his computer.

"No, after writing up her report, she went home."

Donovan grabbed his jacket and hurried to the elevators. On his way to Carter's apartment, Donovan replayed the first homicide he'd seen. Remembered the grief and anger he'd felt at seeing what one person could do to the other. The horror of it had kept him from wanting to sleep that night, afraid of seeing the scene over and over again. Sometimes it still slipped into his dreams.

When he knocked on Carter's door, he got no answer.

"Carter?" he said.

Still, he heard nothing.

He pulled out his key and slid it into the lock. When he opened the door to Carter's small studio apartment, he saw her in the corner kitchen, standing at the counter. She'd changed into a pair of sweat pants and a t-shirt. From the doorway, she looked fine.

"Hey," he said, easing the door shut.

Carter didn't turn around, didn't acknowledge him.

"Carter?" Donovan said, moving towards her.

"Please leave," she said.

Donovan paused, watching her as she poured boiling water into a mug. Her hand was shaking.

"Do you really want me to leave?" Donovan asked.

After a breath, Carter shook her head. Donovan closed the gap between them, hovering a foot away from her, uncertain. With her back to him, he wasn't certain what she was feeling.

"I don't think I've ever seen you drink tea," Donovan said.

"Maggie makes me some when I need to calm down."

Carter's voice cracked at the end and Donovan touched her shoulder. Carter gripped the edge of the counter.

"The boy was five years old," she whispered. "And they-"

Carter covered her mouth, trying to stifle a sob. Donovan pulled her into his arms and she buried her face in his chest. Her whole body shook with grief and pain.

Donovan said nothing though there were a million things he wanted to say. He wanted to tell her that it would be okay. But it wouldn't. That family was dead, ripped from the world. He wanted to tell her that it would get easier. But that was a lie. Death always hurt. He wanted to tell her that there were good things in the world. But he couldn't. Not when she'd just seen the bad.

So he said nothing. Instead, he held her wishing he could protect her from all the evil of the world. But he couldn't.

As her tears soaked his shirt, he felt his heart grow with love for her. He knew how the world saw her, tough, determined, and sometimes uncaring. But that was only her exterior. Inside she felt deeply. Despite all the training, she was still the same girl who stood up to four bullies for the sake of one student. She was still the same girl who charged into an unknown situation with him to save Link. That was who she truly was.

When the tears faded, Carter didn't move, safe in Donovan's arms.

"I feel like I should be stronger than this," she whispered.

"Strength isn't being unfeeling," Donovan said.

Carter said nothing.

"Do you remember the time I showed up at Quantico? I had lost an informant. You were there for me when I cried. Do you think I'm not strong?"

She shook her head.

"What I never told you," he said. "Is that after I saw the body, I threw up."

Slowly, Carter lifted her head, meeting his eyes.

"Even though it hurts to see death," Donovan said. "I've never wanted it to not hurt. I never want to turn unfeeling. Because then I won't fight as hard as I do to catch the ones that cause it." He brushed his hand over her cheek. "You are strong and it will always hurt. But like you told me, 'you are not going to be able to save everyone, but because you care so deeply, you will save so many'."

Carter nodded. Donovan saw the weariness in her face and gently guided her to her bed. When he pulled back the covers, Carter went willing into their comfort. As Donovan turned away, Carter snagged his hand, stopping him.

"Donovan," she said.


"Can you...I don't want to...only until..."

Donovan knew what she wanted.

"Of course."

Dragging a chair over to the bed, Donovan sat down. Carter reached out and laced her fingers through his, closing her eyes. Donovan held on,  listening to her breathe.

Eventually, she drifted off to sleep. He stayed there, knowing he couldn't protect her from the evil in the world, but hoping that his presence could protect her from nightmares.


Hey Muffin,

I've decide to not even try to be threatening, though many of you have told me I never was, so rude! I could always threaten to give you another depressing chapter, yeah! I'm threatening now, aren't I?

Anyways, I know it was really short but I hope that you still liked it. I didn't want to drag it out. Tell me what you thought about it? 💭🗯💬

If you don't want to, that's fine, I just like knowing your thoughts.

Also I'm going to be honest with you, I've been in a non-answering comments mood lately. I don't know if it's cause I'm deep diving into marketing and contacting bookstagrammers right now, but I love reading your comments but have felt lacking in my usually excitement for answering.

Not going to lie, this makes me feel really bad because you're all so sweet to leave so many comments which totally brightens my day and I can't answer them all. I'm sorry. 🙈

Also I feel like my replies have been so completely repetitive and lackluster that I wonder if you even like my replies. As you can see Joy is in a turmoil of emotions right now. Sorry.

If you've had ideas for short chapters like this let me know.

Also would you be interested in A Secret Service copy giveaway?

Vote, comment, follow or not that was a really weak author's note. Bleh! I hate these type of days!

Here's something cute so you can ignore me!

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