A Girls' Day

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This chapter has been months in the making, it's just taken me forever to write it. I hope you like it.


"Shouldn't you be doing this with someone else?" Carter said, climbing out of the car into the early summer air. "Like a bridesmaid or something?"

Maddy laughed as she rounded the car and joined Carter on the sidewalk.

"You are a bridesmaid."

"I mean a Maid of Honor, your mother, or a close friend."

Maddy arched her eyebrows, teasing. "Are you saying you aren't my friend?"

"Of course I am. I've said enough blunt things to be thought rude and you still choose to associate with me."

It was something she appreciated about Maddy, she wasn't easy to offend. Which being Carter's friend was a good thing. Carter was aware she was difficult.

"Then this something that friends would do together."

Hooking her arm through Carter's, Maddy directed her to the entrance of a shop. The gesture still felt foreign to Carter. At twenty she still didn't know how to handle the realm of girl friends and bonding time. Though with how cheery Maddy was it helped Carter not feel so uncomfortable.

The interior of the cake shop smelled sweet. Photos of the most lavish wedding cakes adorned the walls. Small, delicate tables ringed with matching chairs filled the main space. A mother and daughter laughed with each other, their tabletop dotted with cake samples. A quartet of girls huddled together, their discussion of each cake's pros and cons have the same energy as a world crisis.

Who knew cake decisions were so important. It was just cake after all, wasn't it?

A woman in a trim business suit but an easy smile strode towards Carter and Maddy. She stretched out her hand.

"Maddy Hooper?" she asked.

Maddy accepted the handshake. "That's correct."

"I'm Kelly, follow me."

The woman directed them to a table and they both sat.

"We have all the samples you wanted ready. Do you want them at once or one at a time?"

"All at once works," Maddy said.

The woman smiled and vanished into a back room. She returned moments later wheeling a cart. Stacked on it were slices of cake on gold-rimmed plates. Beside each sample was a small photo of how the cake would look whole. Carter glanced at the photos. How did some of these cakes look fancier than Carter had ever been in her entire life?

"Leave it there," Maddy said. "That's perfect."

"Great," Kelly said. "Let me know if you have any questions."

She drifted off and Maddy reached for a piece of cake at random. Carter did the same, going for one with a slightly pink center. When she took a bite, it tasted like strawberries and cream, melting in her mouth. At least the effort tasted good.

"So why am I really here?" Carter said, setting aside the cake and reaching for a different one.

"I thought you would enjoy this," Maddy said.

"No, you didn't. This is something that takes serious discussion and you know I wouldn't give you that type of support. So what's up?"

This was one of those cases where after she spoke, Carter realized how blunt she sounded. But Maddy didn't flinch or even blink.

She laid her fork down. "It's weird how much you know at times. But you're right. I want to talk about Link."

Carter picked at the cake in front of her, might as well get comfortable.

"What about?" she said. "I feel at this point you know more than I do."

"I do, but not when it comes to how he felt growing up without his father. It's something he doesn't talk about. His relationship with his father is so good now I know he doesn't like to think about it. And I've met his father, they are really close."

They were, it was something Carter admired about Link. He could forgive and accept. She didn't think President Douglas deserved Link. Hopefully, he was aware of that.

"Well they did have a lot of struggles to overcome to become that close," Carter said. 

"I know and that's why I'd like to know."

Carter nodded. "Honestly, Donovan could give you a better understanding since he was there for a lot of it."

Maddy smiled. "Yes, but I didn't think he'd like coming to a cake taste testing."

"I don't know, he likes cake."

His favorite was ice cream cake. Two desserts in one was his comment on why this was true.

Maddy laughed. "I'm asking you, Carter. You're Link's best friend. You have to know."

So Carter told her, talking about how angry Link had been at first, how his whole life had been set on its head. How lonely it had been with only Donovan knowing the truth. All the things Link had slowly shared with Carter over time, the things that they had connected on.

Once finished, most of the cakes had been eaten and Maddy looked sympathetic.

"I can't believe how much he had to go through," she said. "It makes me love him all the more for how he turned out." She smiled, resting her chin in her hand. "Did you know I hadn't dated anyone like him before? Well, you know I dated the fit, overly attractive jerks like Zac. Then here is this awkward, kind boy I never imagined dating in a million years because he didn't fit my mold of 'hot guy'."

She laughed and leaned back, her eyes taking on a far-off look. Carter knew she was better for it. The 'hot guy' was overrated. At least Donovan had intelligence, without that she never would have talked to him, let alone fallen for him.

"He offered to help me with calculus and actually meant it," Maddy continued. "I expected it to be a line or some way to get close but once we finished he didn't even ask for my number or a date. I wasn't sure what to make of him."

Carter snorted. "It took a lot of work to get him that far."

Surprised, Maddy stared at her. "You were part of it?"

Part of it? She could stand up at their wedding and give a toast that started with, 'you're welcome'. But she didn't like giving speeches.

"I was. All he wanted to do was stare at you, scared to do more. I had to keep shoving him in your direction."

A bright bubbly laugh broke from Maddy.

"All this time, you were the one to help us get together. Carter Owens, Cupid's Helper."

Carter shrugged.

"Just because I scowl a lot doesn't mean I don't want to see others happy."

"It's just unexpected is all. But thank you for forcing him. He was a skinny, awkward, average-looking boy and the day I met him my life changed."

That made two of them.

"I know the feeling," Carter said. 

Maddy smiled at her, sharing the love for one kindhearted person.

Kelly appeared at their table, which was now full of half-eaten cake.

"Have you made a decision?" she asked.

"I liked the lemon," Carter said. "Though it's your choice."

"I liked that one too!"

After Maddy settled things with Kelly, the pair left the shop. Carter headed towards the car but Maddy stopped her.

"One more place to go," she said.

Carter thought of flower arrangements and place settings and thought she was even more useless at those than she was at cake. But Maddy guided her to a bridal and formal gown store. Carter froze inside the door.

"Okay, this is something I really think you should do with your mother," she said. "A wedding dress is a big deal."

Maddy beamed. "It is. But that's not why we're here. I've already chosen my dress. We're here to see you try on your bridesmaid dress!"

Carte wanted to bolt for the door but didn't. She still didn't understand why that was her first reaction. Why couldn't she be happy to be a bridesmaid?

A woman approached them and for some reason, Carter felt like she was a duplicate of Kelly. Or maybe it was simply they were in the same line of business.

"Maddy!" she said. "Good to see you again. What can I help you with?"

Maddy pushed Carter forward. "Carter is here to try on her bridesmaid dress."

"Wonderful," the woman said. "Come with me. Maddy, I'll send someone with refreshments."

"No need," Maddy said. "I just finished the wedding cake testing and I might not eat for a week."

The woman laughed as she showed Carter to a dressing room off the main room. A moment later, she handed Carter a dress. At the sight of it, Carter wanted to sink into the floor. Maddy couldn't be serious about her wearing this?

"Once you have it on come out here," Maddy called out.

Steeling herself, Carter exchanged her simple T and jeans for the strapless, soft-pink dress. Maddy could not be serious! Carter looked like cotton candy. And on top of that, she was naked! Not entirely but she was the kind of girl who didn't even wear tank tops, strapless made her feel exposed.

"How does it look?" Maddy called out.

Carter took in a deep breath. Link. She loved Link, that was why she was doing this. That's why she accepted Maddy's request for her to be a bridesmaid because she loved Link.


She loved Link, she loved Link. The words played over and over in Carter's head as she unlatched the door and walked back to the main room. Maddy looked giddy.

"You look amazing!" she said.

No, she looked like a sorbet. Maddy grabbed one of Carter's hands and pulled her up in front of a trifold mirror. It made it all the worst, more angles to see how awkward Carter looked in this dress. Yes, she'd worn dresses, but not pink ones. Or strapless. She feared if she moved her arms it would fall down.

She stared at herself, her expanse of legs, bare shoulders, her collar bone, and further down. At least she was covered, but still she felt like trying to hike the dress up higher. She didn't feel like herself.

"What do you think?" Maddy asked.

Carter didn't want to lie, she didn't but there didn't seem to be an answer she could give that was positive and not a lie.

"I think everyone is going to look really uniform," Carter said.

Maddy burst out laughing. "You hate it. Sorry, this color just looked so great on everyone."

On paler skins, yeah Carter could imagine that, how it made them look soft. But against her skin tone, it felt like it clashed. Or maybe she was overthinking it all.

"It's strapless," Carter commented. She touched her shoulders. "I feel like you can see too much of me."

Maddy looked at her, puzzled. "Carter, from one girl to another, you have an amazing body and should not be self-conscious about it."

"It's not that," Carter said. "But this is my body. I'm the only one who gets to see it. Why should anyone else have the right to see it, to judge it, whether their opinion is bad or good?"

"Oh," Maddy said.

She twisted her fingers together, grimacing. "I can see what you mean. Umm...All the other girls were happy with it."

At the true distress on Maddy's face, Carter turned to her and let out a slow breath. Link, she loved Link and Link loved Maddy, so that meant Carter did. This was Maddy's day, she'd asked Carter to be a bridesmaid when she had a lot of other girls who could have taken her spot. One day. She had to wear the dress for one day. She could do that.

Stepping down from the platform, Carter took one of Maddy's hands.

"Thank you for making me a bridesmaid. I'm happy I get to stand up next to you and watch as you start your life with Link."

Maddy blinked, her eyes misting. "Of course." Her voice came out choked. "You don't mind about the dress?"

Carter smiled. One day. One important day for two people she deeply cared about. "I'm happy to wear it."


Hold it right there!

And take the time to tell me what you thought of our dear Carter supporting Maddy! 💭💬🗯

I'm honestly proud of her, she's learning to love and put other's feelings above her own. This is a huge step!

And let's face it, can we really see Carter in this type of dress?

Yeah! 😂 Doesn't really scream Carter. But hey it gave her a chance to grow.

Vote, comment, follow!

Oh! Another thing!! GUESS WHAT?! We have Carter!! You know how I've always said she's Zendaya but with blue eyes! Well...

THAT'S HER!!! No wonder Donny fell in love!

How does Zendaya make a brown burlap sack type of head piece thing look good! The girl is an icon!

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