A Hard Decision

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Sometimes you simply need someone who will give you the hard facts. Mason is usually the person to go to.


Carter paced up and down the hallway in front of the one door she needed to enter but couldn't. Fellow agents nodded goodnight to her as they clocked out for the day. Carter acknowledged them but only halfheartedly, her thoughts dwelling elsewhere. As she turned on her heel, her phone buzzed and she glanced at the message.

"Come in or don't but either way stop haunting my doorway."

Carter looked up and spotted a small camera above the doorway. Shaking her head, she pocketed her phone and stepped into the tech lab. Mason swiveled around in his chair, fingers steepled, face pensive.

"It is the Ghost of Hallways Present, speak to me, spirit, and tell me what I must know," Mason said.

"You installed a camera over your door?" Carter asked.

Mason dropped his hands and leaned back in his chair. "Of course not. I had someone else do it. A precaution against anyone unwanted coming into this room. Now, why are you here?"

Carter stood with her hands on her hips. This was ridiculous, she couldn't do this. But what other option did she have? She couldn't think of one, that's why she was there. Still, she hated it.

"If you came here to ogle me you should remember you're getting married soon. After that, it will just be weird."

Ridiculous, completely ridiculous that she was thinking about asking him what she needed to ask him.

"Mason," she said, but stopped. Mason raised his eyebrows.

"Owens," he mocked back.

When Carter still couldn't force the words out, Mason groaned with annoyance.

"Say it, Owens, I'm aging gracefully here."

"Fine, I need you to help me pick out a wedding dress," Carter said hurriedly.

Mason stared at her. "What? Don't you have Maggie, Donovan's mother, and Maddy all willing to help you?"

Now that the request was out, Carter felt freer with her words.

"Yeah, that's the problem. We've been to the wedding store twice and every dress I try on they think is the one." She began to pace. "I need one dress, not twenty. And they all have different opinions on which one is perfect." She stopped, facing Mason. "That's why I need you. I need you to be honest in the way only you can, blunt to the point of insulting."

Mason pressed his hand to his heart. "Such sweet words. I would be honored to insult you."

"Great, let's go."

"What now?"

"Yes, I want this done with."

"All right."

Carter paced as Mason shut down his work and collected his things.

"You are no longer aging gracefully but simply aging, I would hurry it up here," Carter said.

"I thought the insults were my job for the night, not yours?"

"Neither of us should have a monopoly on insults."

Carter opened the door and waved Mason through. As they rode the elevator, she watched the numbers as if her impatience would make them decrease faster.

"Do you know what you want in a dress?" Mason asked.


"I think you ask too much. But no worries, I excel at impossible tasks."

Maybe asking Mason had been the wrong decision. There were other people she could ask that would be less annoying. Any one of the Keller brothers would do. She pictured James, Clint, and Brock all sitting on the curved pastel couches and winced. Never mind, they'd be uncomfortable and try to placate her. Mason was her only hope.

What a depressing thought.

Instead of driving, Carter led Mason out to the street and down a few blocks. They entered an empty dress shop and instantly were greeted by the same polished woman who'd assisted her last time, Jane. On seeing Mason, she froze.

"Mr. Douglas," she said. She darted a look to Carter then back at Mason.

Carter could read her bafflement at Carter being with a former first son.

"Not my fiancé," Carter said.

"Oh. I didn't-"

"Bring out the options Owens has set aside," Mason said striding over to the couches. "And bring me sparkling water and something to eat. Owens, go try on the first dress."

Seated, he rested his arm across the back and propped his ankle on his leg.

"Go on," Mason said, gesturing to Carter.

She'd been right, this was a terrible decision but had no other option. Carter went to the changing room and picked randomly from the many options Jane brought her. Dressed, she didn't bother looking in the mirror, she'd lost all perspective on what she felt good in and what looked the best.

As she stepped out, she saw Mason had gotten his food and sipped from a champagne flute looking like he owned the place. He eyed her.

"You look like a pastry. Next," he said.


"Do you want flattery or do you want efficiency?"

Carter couldn't argue with that and returned to the changing room. When she walked out again, Mason nearly spat out the cheese and cracker he'd been swallowing. He coughed and Carter put her hands on her hips, unamused.

"Who told you, you looked good in that?" Mason said. "That's just cruel."

Carter threw up her hands and didn't even wait to hear what similarity he drew between her and some object. With the next dress, Carter had to grab fistfuls of it to be able to walk. Mason nodded as she appeared.

"I think this is one," he said.

"You do?"

"Yeah I could insult you constantly and you'd never be able to catch me to punch me."

Carter picked up a throw pillow nearby and chucked it at his head. He ducked and the pillow grazed his ear.

"Next," Mason said, still bent over.

Carter left the changing room at a shuffling walk, the tight form of the dress restricting her. Mason only stared at her.

"I'm sorry, but are you secretly hated by your stepmother and future mother-in-law? Do they wish you to die by embarrassment?" Mason waved her away. "Please change quickly, that dress is hurting my eyes and your walk is tragic."

Carter waddled away. Strangely, she found she wasn't insulted by Mason's comments. He was making quick work of the options set aside and that's what she needed. One after another Carter changed into them and stood before Mason for his brutal evaluation.

"You look like over-cooked rice. Next."

"I'm sorry but you are too violent to be a Disney Princess. Next."

"You look like a terrible Christmas dream brought on by bad shellfish. Next."

"I think that's the same dress my family buried my dead grandmother in. Next."

"If you've ever valued the interactions we've had, never wear that dress again. Next."

"Who made that and thought it was worth being seen in public? Next."

"There are no words for that monstrosity. Next."

"You're like a white pumpkin. Next."

"If I ever see that much of you again I'm going to have to bleach my eyes. Next."

"I'm pretty sure the lace manufacturers were going out of business and this is all the straps sewn together. Next."


Carter stared at Mason. "Really?"

"Yeah. I literally choked on my breath and I can't find it again. I think it's my body's way of telling me death is better than sitting here and seeing that dress."

Well, that was that. Carter plopped onto the couch and dropped her head onto her fist.

"That was the last of my options," she said. "I guess I'll wear a pantsuit or something."

"That sounds more along the lines of your personality. Why don't you wear a pantsuit?"

Carter toyed with the edge of the dress, not sure if she could say it out loud. Not that it was a big deal, but something about Mason's personality always made her question what to share.

"I want to wear a dress," she said, deciding he couldn't be more insulting than he'd already been. "Because I know Donovan thinks I'm pretty in them. And this is his day too."

She wouldn't add the fact that when she saw his eyes when she wore a dress she felt beautiful in a way that only he could make her feel.

"That's a little nauseating in sweetness but fine." He motioned Jane and her two assistants over. "Go find me something that is classy, knee-length, loose skirt, and off-white." He looked at Carter. "Pure white washes you out. Understand?"

The three women nodded and hurried away.

"Why knee-length?" Carter asked.

"Because you'll never be happy with feeling restricted."

Carter nodded and sank back into the couch to wait.

"It still amazes me that you're going through with this," Mason said.

"Just because you have an aversion to commitment doesn't mean others do."

"I don't have an aversion to commitment."

At this, Carter merely stared at him for a long moment.

"All right, how'd your date with Yvette go? And have you called her since?"

Mason held up his hand. "I'm here to support you and your stupid decision to get married, not talk about my personal life."

Not eager to talk about it. Well, there's always a way around that. Putting on a sympathetic expression, Carter reached out and laid her hand on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry it didn't go well," she said, infusing her voice with all the sincerity she could. "She seemed like a good one."

Annoyed, Mason swatted away her hand. "What are you talking about? It was a great date. One of the best dates I've ever been on. It was almost too perfect."

"I see. That scared you and that's why you're avoiding calling her."

Mason's expression fell flat and Carter grinned at him. You walked right into that trap, Mason.

"Oh look more options and chances for me to insult you," Mason said as the women returned with a rank of dresses.

Mason stood and shifted through them. He stopped on a simple dress and held it out to Carter.

"This is the one. Try it on and let's leave. I realized I'd rather part ways than stay here longer."

Carter did as instructed and had to admit to herself that he'd been right. The dress felt natural on her in a way that the others hadn't. She could move without thought, it covered her making her feel comfortable, and the loose skirt gave her a wide range of mobility.

"Oh good, we can go now," Mason said when she walked out.

"No compliments?"

"Nope. I only do insults."

After Carter changed, paid for the dress, and set up a time to pick it up later, she stepped out of the store surprised to find Mason waiting on the sidewalk. He stood there with his hands in his pockets and gazing up at the night sky. Carter joined him.

"Thank you," she said.

"Yeah. Whatever."

Despite his dismissive tone, he didn't move or even appear to want to leave. Carter remained next to him, letting the turbulent energy of the past two hours fade. Neither of them spoke as cars rushed by before them and pedestrians brushed past behind them. They were two solid pillars in the busy world.

"I can stand next to you while you call her," Carter said.

Mason didn't say anything or even react for a minute. Then he took his phone out of his pocket and made a call. To Carter's surprise, he put it on speaker phone.

"Hello?" Yvette answered.

"Hey, Yvette," Mason said.

"Hey. What are you up to?"

Carter instantly liked this girl for not commenting on Mason's lack of contact in the past two weeks.

"I wanted to know if you are free this weekend?" Mason said.

Though he sounded calm and collected, Carter noticed how he tugged at his tie as if trying to dispel his nerves.

"I am. Do you have anything specific in mind?"

Mason froze. When his frozen state dragged on longer than average, Yvette spoke up.

"You know, I've lived in DC most of my life but I've never been to Arlington cemetery. I heard it's pretty this time of year."

"It is. Both of my grandfathers are buried there. I could introduce you."

The instant the statement left Mason's mouth, he winced and dropped his head back as Carter stared at him dumbfounded. He saw her expression and glared at her. She grinned and Mason closed his eyes.

Yvette's soft laugh floated through the phone. "That sounds like a good plan. I work a morning shift at the restaurant. Why don't you pick me up at two? I look forward to meeting your grandpas."

"Sounds great. See you then."

Mason hung up and buried his face in his hands. "Introduce you to my dead grandfathers."

Carter patted Mason's shoulder. "That was so embarrassing I don't even feel the need to make fun of you."

Mason pointed to the bridal store. "Go back in there and buy the pastry dress. I was wrong, it worked on you and I need a reason to mock you for the entirety of your wedding day."

"It's cute you think you're invited."

"I already got my invite."

"Well then maybe you can ask Yvette to be your plus one after you introduce her to your dead grandpas."

"That's it. Goodbye. Don't talk to me!"

Mason strode away, leaving Carter grinning at his retreating back. Maybe today hadn't been a bad decision after all.



(I mean, there's nothing else to be said. I've said it all with that exclamation. It's self explanatory)

Okay, I gave you Carter and Mason in a wedding shop, you know what that means, right? Okay, yes thank you your first carton of ice cream but also... Your thoughts. I want your thoughts on it. 💬🗯💭🥐

Did I have a blast letting Mason be as insulting as possible?

Question: do I like ice cream? Do you like Carter and Mason to an almost unhealthy degree but since they are a source of happiness you really can't give them up? Is Donovan always going to protect Carter? Is there always going to be a hope that I will never stop writing these one shots?

From the above, I think it's pretty clear what the answer is.

No, I didn't have a blast.

HA! Who are we kidding, I gave Mason free reign to insult Carter. Do you even know how long he's waited to do THIS!

Okay, not very long they tend to constantly insult each other when they interact. BUT! At least this time she asked for it, in words and not just nonverbal cues. Because let's face it, everyone time Mason talks to Carter half the time he hears her asking him to knock her down a peg.

Though what makes them besties is the fact that Carter hears that exact same thing when he talks to her. Nothing is lost in translation.

It's a beautiful friendship.

Who knew!

Okay, I'm going to leave you. Because let's face it, if I keep talking...writing more words will come out and we should be honest with ourselves some of those words might not even make sense. Best to leave while I'm still, you know, a walnut.

Vite, comet, flow!

Technically you already voted in the wedding chapter but I think it's most fitting to vote on your choice here.

Which fits Carter best.

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