A Normal Day

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You see that? ☝️ You see that title, that is a warning that this is NORMAL, that might mean boring, but I paired it with something else so I still think it has a little kick to it. Hope you enjoy!


The alarm woke Carter from her sleep, but she turned over ignoring it. The beeping was shut off and Carter felt as the bed dipped as Donovan rolled towards her.

"We have to get up," he said, sliding one arm around her waist.

"It's Saturday," Carter moaned into her pillow.

Donovan kissed her shoulder and she squirmed away from him.

"It is Saturday which means we have an appointment we have to keep."

Carter buried herself deeper into her blankets, cocooning herself in warmth.

"You go, I'll be here when you get back."

When Donovan's arm disappeared from around her, she smiled, snuggling into the folds. Her victory was short-lived as the blankets were ripped off of her. She swore and rolled away, searching for cover. She didn't have time to find it before she was lifted off the bed and flung over Donovan's shoulder. Still half asleep, she folded her arms and rested her head against them.

"Carter, you have to wake up," Donovan said, jostling her. 

She refused to open her eyes, completely fine falling asleep where she was. When she was thrown back onto the bed, she let out a surprised gasp as she landed among the pillowing blankets. The shock of it snapped her from her sleepy state.

"Are you up?" Donovan asked.

In answer, she scrambled to her feet and launched herself at Donovan. They both crashed to the ground, Carter on top of him.

"Yeah, I'm awake," she said.

Donovan laughed, his hands coming to rest on her legs.

"You know when your father warned me about how terrible you were in the morning, I never believed him. But three years of marriage have proven me wrong."

Gathering up her tangled hair, Carter leaned down and kissed him.

"At least you've found what works. I'm just glad it's not a bucket of water."

"I'm not sure I would live if I tried that."

Carter flashed a wicked grin and placed her hands on either side of his head.

"You would not. And I would hate to have to kill you."

Leaning forward, she kissed him again. But before either of them could get carried away, she rose and headed for the closet. In five minutes she was dressed and back in the room, making the bed. Donovan came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her.

"Your military corners are a thing of beauty," he said.

She laughed and nudged him away so she could finish the job.

"Calm down, we have an appointment to keep."

Donovan took care of his side of the bed and they left the apartment. The sun was only just cresting the sky as they stepped out onto the sidewalk. Golden light haloed the tops of buildings and promised a cheery day. The pair headed towards The Mall, their strides matching, their heartbeats always aligned.

When they made it to the Reflecting Pool a happy shout greeted them. Danny bounced up and down, his five-year-old body bursting with energy. In comparison, Carter's father was a statue, standing beside his son. When Carter and Donovan got closer, Danny raced forward and threw his arms around Carter. She bent over and kissed his unruly hair.

"Hey, Corporal," she said. "Ready to show Donovan what youth looks like?"

Danny saluted. "You bet, Sarge."

"Ha!" Donovan said. "We'll see about that. Top of the Lincoln memorial steps, solider."

Danny didn't wait for the go-ahead, simply took off, Donovan hot on his trail. Carter watched them smiling, noticing how Donovan hung back to allow Danny to have the lead.

"He'll make a good father one day," Steve said.

"He will."

"Any chance that will be in my lifetime?"

Carter rolled her eyes and nudged his shoulder. "You're forty-seven, not a hundred. You've just reached your prim, you'll meet your grandkid."

"Yes, but when?"

Sighing, Carter continued to watch the distant pair as they made it to the top and Donovan dropped to the ground for a round of push-ups and Danny followed his lead.

"We don't know. We're established at the Bureau, but what we do isn't always safe. Bringing a kid into the whole situation would be...complicated."

"I get that, but don't wait until you don't get the chance at all." He smiled down at her, all of his love held in his gaze. "I can't imagine my life without having you in it."

Carter shook her head like he was the craziest person in the world. "I always knew I completed your life."

He laughed. Carter bounced on the balls of her feet, as Donovan and Danny made a quick descent on the stairs. "Come on old man, let's see if you can run without a cane."

"This what I get for all my years of love, disrespect."

"Earn it, Captain."

Grinning at each other, they took off, her father easily keeping up with her, the factor of having an overactive young son having kept him in shape.


The rattle of wheels on concrete rang around Carter. The smell of paint and fresh wood was a permanent perfume in the air. Rows and rows of tall metal shelving filled the warehouse. The combination of it all gave off a feeling of productivity. A feeling that Carter wasn't in the mood for.

"I don't see why you have this need to build the bookcase yourself?" Carter said, from her position behind the cart.

Donovan was staring at two different boxes of nails, comparing them.

"Because I've run out of space on my bookcase for my books and need another one." He pointed one of the boxes at her. "And I'm determined to teach you how to use a hammer in the way it was meant to be, not at a weapon."

"You weren't complaining when I saved your life with that hammer."

"No, but it will be a good project for us."

Carter eyed the levels of nuts and bolts as if they had insulted her.

"Still, it seems way too normal for us to be at Home Depot on a Saturday planning to build a bookcase."

Without looking at her, Donovan returned one of the boxes to the stack and tossed the other in the cart.

"Then afterward we'll go to the gun range so you can feel normal."

"Fair enough."

"Now for paint."

Donovan led the way out of the aisle and into the main lane. Men in flannel shirts navigated the store like pros, cutting around confused looking fathers who scowled at signs. Workers moved like ghosts, one second there but the next - right as you needed them - they were gone. The scent of paint grew as Donovan stopped along a row of paint cans. He was just reached for a charcoal color when a feminine voice said his name.


Both Carter and Donovan looked over. What they saw made them pause. It was an attractive woman about thirty with golden-brown hair neatly pulled back into a bun. She wore a tailored power suit and couldn't have looked more out of place if she had been wearing a dinosaur onesie. Donovan blinked in surprise.


The way he said her name like he hadn't thought about it in years but when he had savored it made Carter instantly aware of her own attire. Ripped jeans, battered Converse, ratty shirt, and her hair thrown into a messy ponytail.

"I thought it was you!" Ashley said, walking forward, her high heels clicking on the floor.

Donovan's face broke out into a wide smile as he stepped forward. Carter's insides twisted and she had the strongest desire to yank him back and put him in an arm lock.

"What are you doing in D.C.," Donovan asked.

Ashley laughed and to Carter's annoyance, it was a soft, flirty sound.

"I own a hotel, we're in the middle of renovating. One of my assistants got sick and so I had to stop by and pick up paint samples. What about you? The last time I saw you was on the beach."

Carter pursed her lips and restrained herself from kicking Donovan at that moment. The way she said beach held a world full of memories. Ones that Carter was not a part of and ones that spoke of more than just passing interactions.

"Yeah, I got offered a job and moved to D.C.."

Ashley stared at him in awe. To Carter's irritation, Ashley reached out and placed a hand on his arm.

"That is amazing. I always wondered where you disappeared to."

Carter glanced at the hammer in the cart and remembered that it could be used as a weapon. She also wondered if this model of a woman would even be missed all that much.

"I'm sorry I never told you, it was sudden, but it was worth it." He turned to Carter. "It's where I met my wife, Carter."

He held out a hand to her. Carter found a decent enough smile to wear, but all she could think was, "too little too late. You're building the stupid bookshelf by yourself cause you don't want me holding a hammer right now."

Donovan grinned as if he knew exactly what she was thinking. After their years of marriage, she wouldn't be surprised if he actually did. Taking his hand, she took the spot by his side. To her credit, Ashley's smile never once changed.

"It's so nice to meet you," she said, shaking Carter's hand. Which gave Carter a good enough view of her flawless manicure. "Look, I can't stay, I have to get back to the hotel, but I would love to have dinner with you both and hear all about what you've been up to. Are you free tonight?"

Carter wanted to say no, just to be mean, but Donovan beat her to the punch.

"Of course. Where do you want to go?"

"How about the Vineyard. At seven?"

"Sounds perfect, we'll see you there."


Ashley strode off, confidence oozing out of every step. Beside her, Donovan breathed out a disbelieving 'Woah'. She could have decked him right then and there.

"What a small world," he said.

"It appears so. Why don't you tell me all about it as we build you a bookcase."

To Carter's surprise, Donovan laughed and kissed her nose.

"It's cute to see you jealous, also there's no way I'm letting you handle a hammer right now."


Light from overhead illuminated the living room. Outside was a canvas of glowing windows and a darkened sky. Piles of supplies and trash littered the floor. The smell of wood and paint told of a day well spent and a task completed.

Carter took a step back, admiring the view. The bookcase looked good, but that wasn't what she was looking at. Donovan was kneeling next to the structure, hammering in the final nail, the muscles in his arm pushing against his shirt sleeve. There was a thin layer of dust in his hair and he was barefoot.

If Carter was being honest with herself, she really didn't blame Ashley, he was something to stare at. But that was the thing, he was her man to stare at, no one else's.

"You can stop staring at my butt," Donovan said, finishing up.

"Now why would I do that?"

Standing, he faced her, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"She's really got you riled up, hasn't she?"

Annoyed that what he said was true, Carter crossed her arms.

"What do you want me to say? You knew her before I knew you and clearly, you liked her."

Donovan wiped his hands on his pants. "I never said that."

Carter cocked her head at him. "Donovan, when have you ever known me to be stupid? You don't interact with a woman like that because you like her personality. Also, the fact that you told me she was a lifeguard means you mostly saw her in a bathing suit."

Caught in a tight corner, Donovan closed the distance between and cupped Carter's face.

"Okay, yes that might have been the case but as you said before, I knew her before I knew you. How was I supposed to know that a more gorgeous, brilliant girl waited for me? That would seem almost too good to be true."

Carter hated herself. Hated how a single person could make her feel so completely worthless in only a matter of seconds.

"She's glamorous," she said.

Donovan dipped his head, his gaze cutting into her. "And you are incredible. I can't say with all certainty, but I'm guessing Ashley doesn't know how to neutralize a man with only a hammer."

This pulled a breath of a laugh from her, but nothing more.

"I don't want to go," she said.

"Okay, we won't go."

"Just like that?"

"Who do you think I care about? My wife or some woman I used to know."

There was so much conviction in his voice that Carter could feel the claws of jealousy and insecurity retreating.

"I don't have her number but I'll call the restaurant and tell them to let her know we couldn't make it."

At that Carter felt the full force of how reactive she was being. She placed her hands on Donovan's chest and smiled at him.

"Don't," she said. "It's fine. We'll clean up then I'll take the first shower and get ready. We don't want to be late."

He eyed her, but when she didn't retract what she said, he nodded. They cleared away the evidence of their normal Saturday project and Carter took the first shower. By the time that Donovan was returning from his, she was standing in front of the mirror, fiddling with her hair. Behind her, Donovan paused.

"The last time you wore that dress was during our engagement party," he said.

Carter met his eyes in the reflection.

"I figured it was about time I use it again. Maggie did spend money after all."

Donovan walked over to her and placed his chin on her shoulder.

"You know you have nothing to prove, right?" He kissed her neck. "You already got me. I'm yours forever, whether you want that or not."

She laughed. "I know. I simply don't want to be underdressed."

Donovan hummed in reply, not at all believing her. She didn't believe herself either, but she wasn't going to admit that. After a few minutes, Donovan took up a spot behind her, dressed in a pair of slacks and a button-down shirt. As he brushed out his hair, Carter wondered if she could convince him to wear something less attractive, but all that came to mind was a trash bag and that left him shirtless so she was at a loss.

"I'm not changing," he said, kissing her cheek and going to retrieve his shoes.

"The thought never crossed my mind."

"Also you shouldn't lie to your husband."

Despite her annoyance at being so easy to read, she smiled.

On the way to the restaurant, Carter took an offensive position, asking more about Ashley, wanting to know all she could beforehand. Donovan easily complied and as he talked, she came to realize that the idea she had built around their history together was humiliatingly exaggerated.

Hating herself, but feeling better about the meal ahead of them, she entered the restaurant. It bore the same lavish set up as many other restaurants: satin table clothes, low mood music, real silverware, china detailed with gold, and patrons that were weighed down by finery and their egos. Though the dress had been a defense against Ashley's own appearance, Carter was relieved she had worn it. Unwanted attention was not something she ever cared for.

As they were directed to the correct table, Ashley rose, smiling at them. Carter was surprised that somehow the woman looked even better than that morning. Still, she accepted the warm greeting with one of her own.

Drinks were ordered followed by decisions on dishes. Through it, all Ashely kept the conversation flowing between her work and theirs, though what their occupations actually were was dulled down. Halfway through the meal, Ashley maneuvered the conversation back to the last time she had seen Donovan. With a second drink in her, her laughter came more readily.

"You showed up with your older brothers," she said. "You all looked so much alike it was crazy." She looked at Carter. "You agree, right?"

"Yes, the Keller men do have a strange resemblance between them all."

Ashley tapped her thin finger against her chin. "Let's see if I can remember. James was the funny one. Clint the silent, intense one. And Brock." There was a pause that told Carter all she needed to know. She had a plan. "He was the strong, charming one."

She gave a little laugh, her gaze trailing off.

"I can even remember where he took me for our one date. It was on the boardwalk. He won me the biggest stuffed animal at the game where you shot targets."

The edge of Donovan's lips betrayed him and his brother. This was obviously a common date for Brock, as it showcased his talent.

"Brock was always good at that game," Donovan said, casually enough that his brother's secret was safe.

As the discussion turned to individual talents, Carter excused herself to the bathroom. Once inside, she pulled out her phone and made a call.


"Are you over Vivian?" she asked.

"Who?" Brock asked.

Carter smiled. "I thought so. Make yourself look decent and come over to the Vineyard, it's on Jefferson Avenue. Pretend you're meeting someone, we're at the table on the right by the windows. Remember the name Ashley."

"Any chance you're going to explain to me what's going on instead of being all cryptic?"


"I thought so."

They hung up and Carter returned to the table to wait. Donovan scrutinized her, but she gave nothing away. Still, she knew he wasn't buying the well-timed slip away.

When Brock arrived twenty minutes later, Donovan gave Carter a look that said he knew exactly what she had done. In response, she sipped her drink, her eyes smug.

"Fancy running into you lot here," Brock said, stopping at their table.

Ashley started, her face flushing, the first time she had lost her cool that evening.

"Brock," she said the single word confirming what Carter had already deduced.

Brock looked at her, cocking his head.

"Ashley?" he said.

In a heartbeat, she was sold. No one in the world existed. Brock snagged the open chair beside her and sat down. As he did, Carter laced her fingers over her stomach, smiling to herself. Donovan leaned over to her.

"Well played," he said.

She shrugged. "I don't always need a hammer to neutralize someone."


I'm coming for you!
(Wait, I might have used that one before. Whatever. I'm boring.)

Well, what did you think?

I honestly had no idea where this chapter was going to go when I started it. Someone wanted to know what it would be like if Carter met Ashley and well this is what I came up with. Hope it was to your liking.

If you don't know who Ashley is then go read the chapter titled: Invisible.

Let's face it, it's really hard to imagine Carter in a Home Depot. It's hard to imagine Carter doing anything normal really, but hey part of her is still normal. Though I would half expect them to be attacked in a Home Depot. Though that would be the best place to be attacked because there would be so many things they could use as weapons!

Any who I hope that you enjoyed this half or even as fully as I enjoyed writing it!

Vote, comment, follow but only if you have opposable thumbs.

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