A Single Lie

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I couldn't write one day and so decided to write this instead of my chapter. Read it, don't read it, I don't care, it was a good form of distraction for me. ☺️


Donovan pulled the car up to the curb outside a classic two story house and cut the engine. The keys had barely been yanked out before he was out of the car. He slammed the door but the sound was lost in the pounding bass that escaped the through the open windows. On the lawn were clusters of students in grades above his, laughing and leaning against one another. By the time Donovan made it to the front door, his frustration was dangerously close to anger.

When he walked in, he was hit with the full force of the party and the noise that indicated it was not likely to stop any time soon. A brunette in a tight black dress turned and beamed when she spotted him.

"You came!" she said, her pink nails curled around a red cup, her lipstick left on the rim.

"No," he said. "I didn't."

Before she could question his response, he was diving into the chaotic scene. Cups littered the floor and hands. The smell of alcohol was heavy in the air and only intensified as he pushed his way further into the house. Couples were plastered to the walls, their bodies pressed against each other, oblivious to any sense of privacy. With each search of the bottom floor rooms, Donovan came up with nothing. Growling in irritation, he moved to the kitchen.

The space was packed with kids pouring drinks and shouting at each other over the music that hammered away on their eardrums. In a far corner, Donovan spotted a familiar face and cut his way to it. The bored looking guy nodded as Donovan approached.

"Derek, where is Link?" he asked.

Derek opened his mouth, but a sharp laugh sliced through the noise. Before Derek could offer up an answer, Donovan was gone. He made his way to the backyard. The air was breathable out there and it felt like the temperature had dropped ten degrees.

The sky was dark and the stars had been blotted out by strips of thick clouds. Past the patio, a group had formed, some cheering while others looked on without comment unable to stop watching. Donovan shoved his way to the center. What he found flared his emotions.

Laying on the ground was Link, a guy bigger than Donovan kneeling beside him, his fist raised. A redhead was crying beside them, yelling at the attacker.

"Brent! Stop! Please!"

Before Brent could strike Link again, Donovan yanked him off and flung him to the ground. The crowd shuffled back but made no sign of leaving.

Brent barely had time to register the turn of events, before Donovan was gripping his shirt front and punching him in the face. Brent's head snapped back, but Donovan held tight, keeping him in range. With the next hit, Brent's eyes rolled and there a sickening crunch. The sound snapped Donovan from his anger. The presence of the crowd and the voices that scattered speculations rushed in around him, grounding him.

"Listen," he said, giving Brent's shirt a shake. "Hit my best friend again and I'll end you."

When Donovan released Brent, he slumped against the grass. Donovan turned back to Link, who was still laying on the ground, one hand pressed against his side. The beginnings of a black eye had pushed his lid shut and Donovan made himself walk forward instead of doing more damage to Brent. The weeping girl knelt beside Link, her hand on his shoulder.

"Move," Donovan said.

The girl stumbled back and Donovan eased Link up, wrapping Link's arm around his shoulders. With the motion, Link winced and Donovan hoped it was a sprained rib instead of a broken one.

The crowd parted as he led Link back through the house. Eyes followed them, whispers picking up behind them. The redhead trailed behind them and even followed them out to the curb. Donovan helped Link into the passenger seat. When he rounded to the driver's side, the girl leaned against the door.

"I'm so sorry, Link," she said. "I really am."

Link managed a nod and Donovan started the engine, making it clear that this was the end of the conversation. The music of the party faded behind them and nothing but silence was left in its place. Donovan never once looked at Link. Link, feeling all too keenly the weight of Donovan's silence, sank deeper into the seat.

"I'm sorry," he said, sounding like a little kid.

For a long moment, Donovan gave no sign that he had heard. His face was hard and there was no sympathy in his eyes. When Link let out a tired breath, Donovan slammed his hand on the steering wheel.

"What the hell were you thinking?" he said. "You lied to me! On top of that, you decided to get involved with Brook. How stupid could you possibly be?! Brent's possessive even as an ex-boyfriend and has anger management issues. He's been sent to the principal's office three times in the last month because of fights he started. How could you carelessly put yourself in so much danger!" Donovan gripped the wheel. "I can't protect you if you're going to be an idiot! Why would do to something so completely stupid?"

After the fury of the words had diminished, Link answered.

"I wanted to be normal," he whispered.

At the sadness in Link's voice, Donovan's fear and anger dimmed. He looked over at Link. At fifteen he was scrawny, still growing into his body. Sighing, Donovan ran his hand through his hair.

"I get it. But there's nothing I can do to change that. What I can do is make sure you don't get your ass kicked. But only if you let me."

Link nodded and stared out the window, taking in the blurring scenery.

"How'd you find me?" he asked.

"Find my Friends app."

Quiet filled the car but this time the tension from before was no longer a part of it.

"Did you mean it?" Link asked.

Donovan glanced over then back at the road.

"Mean what?"

"Mean it when you called me your best friend?"

Donovan rested back into his seat, the last of his frustration vanished.

"Yeah, Link, you're my best friend."

A weak smile slid onto Link's face. "You should know you're my best friend."

Despite the state Link was in and the events of the night, Donovan smiled.



(Chapter to the face! What What! Sorry, I just got a little excited.)

There you have it, Donny protecting Link and Link just waning to be a normal kid! Poor guy, it would suck not to be normal. I should know I'm not normal but then again I don't care that much.

So what's going on in that beautiful brain of yours?? ☺️

I don't have a lot to add cause my brain is currently unavailable due to sickness but I'm sure you'll amuse me with your wit!

Before you dash off to something else remember to vote, comment, follow or do something else completely!

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