An Odd Encounter

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Not going to lie I don't know why you want more of this bizarre author but okay here you go. Can't say I didn't warn you.


Mason strode down the sidewalk, glancing at windows and occasionally stopping. With each step he grew more annoyed. He hated presents. He hated giving them and he hated receiving them.

He hated having to guess what a person would like. He hated the idea that value for someone's relationship should somehow be echoed with a price tag. He hated receiving gifts because no one ever knew what he wanted.

And what he wanted the majority of the time was simply to be left alone. Yet that hadn't been a gift he'd ever received. That's why he hated presents.

Getting to the point of irritation where if someone bumped into him he might overreact, he stepped into the next store he came upon.

It turned out to be a book store. The smell of coffee told him the store had a cafe and he cut towards it. With coffee and a muffin in hand, he found a free table at the cafe's railing and sat down. The cafe was raised and so Mason got a view of the store, specifically a crowd of people converged around a small platform with a stool and mic stand on it.

When a store worker stepped up to the mic, Mason thought about leaving, not wanting to hear someone he didn't know drone on about something he cared absolutely nothing about.

But when the worker introduced an author named Joy Jenkins and a girl in a baseball cap, t-shirt, jeans, and ripped shoes stepped up, Mason paused.

The girl looked like someone he could have gone to college with. Right as Joy took a seat on the stool, she tucked one leg under her and rested her other foot on the stool's bottom rung. Mason stared at her, trying to understand how someone who looked like she had dressed without thinking and sat like she didn't care could have made it successfully enough to draw such a big crowd of people.

Joy smiled out at the crowd. "Applause, but not a single hoot."

"Ca-caw!" someone in the crowd yelled.

Joy laughed. "Thank you. You know how the saying goes: a ca-caw is as good as a hoot."

There was no such saying. Mason would even go as far as to bet his entire trust fund that the only one to have said that saying, and only one to ever use that saying would be this girl. Which begged the question, who in the world was she?

"It's nice to see you all here," Joy said. "Though maybe only a few of you are here to see me and the rest came because of herd mentality. If so, welcome, we've all been there and done that."

Mason hadn't. He didn't care what other people thought interesting, mainly because what it was usually wasn't interesting at all.

"So," Joy said. "This is the time where I promote my book and you pretend that's why you're here but really you're buying time until you can hurl your questions at me and I do my best to metaphorically catch them."

Mason sat with his coffee mug half raised to his lips. That's how this author went about promoting her work. And she still had a career? Did she not understand confidence and charisma were the way to make it in the world?

"The book," Joy said. "Is A Royal's Tale. Which is told from four points of view. It's the final book in my Loria series. Before it are A Vagabond's Tale and A Pirate's Tale. I think this one is my favorite because it has the most violence and heartbreak."

Again, Mason found himself simply staring at this girl. This girl looked like someone holding up a butter knife might make her shrink away. And yet she smiled at the word violence and heartbreak. What a completely bizarre person.

"I'm not going to endorse it more than the fact that I think it is some of my best work. Oh! I will say that a ridiculously attractive guy told me he enjoyed it. Why I'm mentioning the fact that he's ridiculously attractive like it holds any weight on his opinion, I don't know but I feel like it does hold weight. Which I guess says a lot about our society and what we value and how I'm really not as different as I wish to be...I'm sorry where was I?"

Clearly, not in her right mind, that's where she was. Who rambled on with such strange honesty? Mason pushed his coffee aside and crossed his arms. This girl made no sense and that annoyed him. Which with how he'd entered the bookstore only made him more annoyed.

"You were talking about your book!" someone called out.

"Yes, thank you. Right. A Royal's Tale. Read it. Don't read it. Whatever floats your boat. Which part of it does take part on a boat so that saying fits. Now let's get onto the questions."

Why are you so strange? How have you managed to function in society for so long? Where is your owner and why have they let you out for the day? Only some of the questions that crossed Mason's mind.

Joy pointed to someone in the crowd. "Okay, I'm going to choose the person jumping up and down and waving her hand to protect the readers nearby. Yes, what's up?"

"How do you write books like these? I mean does the book plot just flow? Because I'm trying to write a book but I just can't seem to finish the first chapter. Like every line I wrote I re-read and re-read and my tone and flow of writing just don't click. Do you have any tips on this?"

Mason was amazed by the torrent of questions and imagined Joy wouldn't have any answers. Looking at her, she looked like she didn't give serious thought to anything. Give tips on writing? Okay, this would be interesting.

"First," Joy said. "Maybe you should take a breath. I heard breathing is a good thing to do from time to time."

The reader smiled and nodded, doing as Joy suggested.

"Plots take time," Joy said, encouragingly. "I give myself space to develop them. They also have a structure that can be followed. The seven basic plot points. Those take a bit of time to explain so wait after this and I'll explain them. As for your writing, you need to stop re-reading your work right away, that's the fastest way to get writer's block. You need to figure out the direction you're heading, write and not look back until your done. Okay?"

The reader nodded and Mason was mildly surprised that the answer made sense.

"Okay, how about another question," Joy said. "And remember to keep doing that breathing thing I mentioned. Will do wonders for your health and the longevity of your life. Yes, you what's your question?"

"How do you cope with character deaths?"

Mason had to wonder about the sanity of this author when at the question a wide grin crossed her face. Insane or just a sadist?

"It's simple," Joy said. "I look forward to the absolute devastation that it will bring to my readers."

The crowd all booed good-naturedly and Joy laughed and waved away their annoyance.

"Come on, I only kill off characters when it's necessary to the book. I'm not completely evil. I merely laugh evilly when I'm writing a character's death. There is a difference."

Again Joy gave a grin that made Mason wonder if authors were all unhinged in someway or if this girl was merely special.

"If you're asking about other authors killing off characters. I'm not going to lie, the author really has to earn the death for me to care at all. If they kill someone off just for the sake of drama or surprise, I sense that and don't give two hoots about it. But as an author I'm extremely hard to please at times so I might be alone in this. Next before you discover I'm a terrible person."

Too late, not crying at a character's death. Isn't that a standard for readers? Mason shook his head and sipped his now lukewarm coffee but didn't notice the temperature.

"You in the back," Joy said.

"So I'm right in assuming that when you write heart wrenching scenes you rub your hands together and laugh?"

"No," Joy said. "I need my hands to type. Duh. Next?"

Mason felt his mouth tug strangely at the corner and quickly fixed the weird reaction.



"I have three questions, is that okay?"

"Yup, just ask them quickly."

"What's the name of a book you would love to gift your loved ones? Someone you're romantically connected with I mean. Do you think you a person can trust another person completely with everything in real life without fear of getting hurt? What's more valuable to you, years of friendship or honesty?"

Mason stared baffled at the reader. Not questions he would have expected to be asked but curious how this bizarre author would answer. That was, he wasn't curious curious, he simply wasn't leaving because the chair was comfortable and he still had his muffin to eat.

"Good questions," Joy said. "First, The Scarlett Pimpernel because it's a beautiful book. Though I don't have a romantic person at this time and my standards have been destroyed, not by fictional male characters but BTS because they are real and so I have no hope. But that's a topic for a different day.

"Second question, no I don't. Unless that person is extremely naive and never faced anything hard ever in their life. People fear and people specifically fear over love and trust. It's the way of life."

Mason nodded, oddly agreeing with this strange person.

"As for the last question, honesty. Friendship will mean jack squat if that friend isn't being truthful with you. Okay, let's move on since I feel like I've destroyed the happy, joyful mood of the room. And yes I was being punny, I like a good name pun okay? Now! You, what's your question?"

Heads turned as towards the reader and Mason saw a girl beaming with excitement.

"Please the fact that you're going to answer my question makes me want to jump up and down," she said.

Joy waved to her. "By all means, don't let me stop your need to jump. I'm a huge supporter of jumpers. But only those not on a ledge. Too dark? Sorry. Quick, ask your question."

"I feel like I forgot all my questions."

"How about jumping once and seeing if that jogs your memory?"

Who said things like that? Whatever, it seemed to mean something because he watched as the girl bounced a little and her face lit up.

"If you didn't become a writer, what would you be?" she asked.

"Depends on what year I decided not to be a writer," Joy said. "If early on, then an actress. Specifically a musical theater actress. If a bit later then a singer songwriter. Further on, a CEO of my family's business. But I'm a writer and that suits me best. Next, though if anyone else feels like jumping up and down maybe we should all do it together. No? Okay, moving on."

Mason sipped his coffee again, hating the fact that he was curious about what had changed within each time frame to go from actress to singer-songwriter to CEO. He shook his head, need to get rid of that curiosity. He really should leave. After the next question.

"What inspired you to become a writer?"

"Writing lyrics and realizing what the strongest part was were the stories told within the lyrics. Also realizing that my lyrics weren't great. Next."

Mason stayed seated. That was a short answer. It didn't count.

"If you could go back and change one major thing for any of your books what would it be?"

"In one book about a girl in a private high school I made all the side girl characters around her into really cliché mean girls. I've changed as many as I could but some are key to the plot so I can't. But still, I hate I played into that stereotype. My only excuse was it was one of my earliest books."

"What's your biggest regret when it comes to books/writing?"

"That I can't write fast enough. I have so many story ideas and wish I could be writing them all at once. Yes, you."

"Okay, let me take a minute to fangirl," the reader said.

"Take more than a minute if you want, I am someone who needs approval to keep going in life."

Mason snorted and caught himself, cleared his throat and shifted in his seat. It really was a comfortable chair and he didn't feel like moving.

"I absolutely love love love your books," the reader said. "I introduced my sister to them and she couldn't put them down until she was done."

"Hold up," Joy said. "Please tell me that was like a 'your enthusiasm got your sister hooked' type of situation and not a 'you tied her to a chair and forced her to read them' type situation?"

The crowd chuckled and Mason grinned but quickly remembered himself.

"I talked about them a lot," the reader said.

"Phew, would hate to have another one of those situations again. The last one was brutal. Anyways, your question?"

"If you were to kill off a Keller brother who would you kill? Also if you were to bring a character to life, who would you pick?"

Mason thought of Donovan but Keller was a common name. Besides, he'd figure if anyone tried to kill any of those brothers the other three would make that person regret ever living.

"You have an evil streak," Joy said. "I like that. None of them. I wouldn't live to see the next day. And I'd bring Jace to life. He has such a big heart and cares. I think the world would be a better place with him in it."

"Who would you kill off in the most angsty way?" someone called out.

"Some main character so the entire book would be thrown into a tailspin and every reader would be crushed and in an emotionally weak state letting me do whatever I want. But then knowing you and not being that mean, I'd bring that character back which would somehow cause more devastation. You know, something fun like that."

Mason decided it was best that this girl was an author and not in the world. He didn't know what kind of mayhem she would create simply because she felt like it.

"The best and worst thing about us readers?" a reader asked.

"The best thing: you love and support me even when I'm mean to you by being mean to my characters. Worst thing: you always want more which always makes me want to give you more. Also you ask for chapters that I don't feel like writing but because I love you so much I eventually cave and write them for you."

A pushover, Mason figured. She could sound tough but she was a marshmallow: soft and easily consumed.

"Hi, I was wondering, do you write chapters while you are updating or do you publish after writing all the chapters?"

"Like I said, I love you so that means I am continually updating which means I post the chapters as I'm writing the book. Only once have I had an entirely complete book to post. Okay, let's do a speed round. I'll point, you ask, I answer. Good? Okay, let's get it."

"What kind of research do you do and how long do you spend researching?"

"Depends on the book and how much research is actually needed. Only if I'm dealing with something very specific like a job such as the Secret Service do I do a lot research. I do as much as I need to feel comfortable about writing it. Most of the stuff I write about I have a solid knowledge of."

"What is your favorite type of chocolate?"


"What made you become a writer?"

"Needing some way to be creative."

"Your writing style for The It Girl is very different and quirky from your other books. Do you plan on experimenting different writing styles in the future?"

"I hope so. I never want to stay the same, I always want to be branching out. I get bored easily and so don't want to feel like I'm writing the same book over and over again. Ow."

Joy gently tugged her leg out from under her and hopped about.

"Sorry, leg fell asleep." She rested her hand on the stool. "I'm good, keep going."

"Is there anything you love more than ice cream?"

"Jesus, my family, my books, and BTS."

"How can you keep up with all your books when you're writing several ones at the same time?"

"Faithfulness. I don't wait for a muse or inspiration to strike. I simply put myself in front of my computer each day and do it."

"What inspires you the most?"

"When people do what they love and succeed."

"Who is your role model?"

"My dad."

Joy hopped and sat back down on the stool, wiggling a little to get comfortable. Again, Mason wasn't sure there could be a more odd person. Unprofessional but somehow...endearing in her manner, yet her answers were clear and concise. She made no sense. He picked up his muffin and broke off pieces, settling further into his seat.

"Would you do an international book tour? If so, would you like to visit India?"

"Yes, though I don't think I'm big enough for that. And yes, it's a place that I think would be amazing to visit."

"When did your love of ice cream start?"

"Who can tell when one falls in love but only knows when one is full immersed in it."

"Which is your favorite book so far?"

"It's like asking which child is a parent's favorite. So clearly I have an answer: The It Girl but only because she's being the most amusing to me right now. It can change."

"What is your favorite animal?"

"A horse. They are majestic."

Mason would have said puppy with how much she resembled one. Eager, excitable and a little like something that is good in thought but in reality a little too much to handle in large douses.

"Who is your favorite author and series?"

"Ally Carter. And The Ascendance Series."

"How much longer do you think you can come up with greetings without repeating them?"

"Already repeated some so thankfully that disaster has already been faced, gone through, and survived."

"If your books were made into movies would you keep the same casting?"

"Only for Zendaya, I think everyone else wouldn't fit anymore."

"Hi I have a million questions I want to ask."

Joy took a breath and looked a little startled but smiled all the same. "A million, really? I mean if only I had a dollar for every question you were about to ask, man that would solve so much. How about you don't ask all one million of them, I'll limit you to five. Sound good?"

A massive reduction but even Mason thought five was a little too many. How many questions had this girl already answered? He didn't know how people were still listening. He didn't count himself among them, after all he still had a reason to be sitting there. He had a muffin to eat.

"I can do that. Do you co-write your books? Because I find it interesting you can write different POVs in the most interesting way."

"Nope, it's all me. I don't really know, each character has their own voice and so I can't change who they are but merely listen."

"Do you wish to be reborn in one of your books? Like grow up in the world and only be a character in the background of your other characters."

"No. I like my life and where I live. Besides, I really don't think I could survive in a majority of the places I've created."

"Okay, connected to that last question, if you were to be in one of your books and interact with your characters, would you use your knowledge to help them or sit back?"

"Sit back." Joy carelessly waved her hand. "They're fine. I made them to be strong, if they hit hardships and fall down, well then they have to learn how to get back up just like everyone else."

"Interesting. If you would change one plot in any of your books what would it be and why?"

"I don't think I would, each plot has hours upon hours of thought put into them and I like how they've turned out."

"Last question, do you consider yourself to be a true writer? Why or why not?"

"I'm definitely a true writer. A true writer is anyone who puts effect and heart into their writing. That's true even if someone is never published. Okay, I'll take one more reader then I will sign copies. Yes, how about you?"

"What is your goal when you write?"

"To brighten someone's life."

Joy stood and bowed slightly to the crowd. "Thank you for the great and wide variety of questions. I'll be waiting to sign your books."

As she left the platform, Mason remained seated. That was... something. A distraction. But now he still need a present. What was he supposed to get a girl he merely tolerated?

Mason watched as person after person stepped up to the table and Joy signed their books. When the line dwindled, he made his decision. A signed book meant something, right? Well, it was good enough to him and he didn't want to think about it more.

Grabbing a set of the Loria series, he approached the table.

"Hey, Mason," Joy said, holding out her hand for the books.

Mason froze and Joy was left holding out her hand.

"You know who I am," he said.

Joy cocked her head, resembling the puppy he'd already likened her to.

"You were the First Son for eight years," she said. "Am I not supposed to know you who are?"

"I didn't think someone as bizarre as you would notice the world outside your house."

"True but for someone reason I know you. Probably your good looks and the sense I get that you seem to be one thing but have hidden depths."

"I don't have hidden depths."

Joy pointed her pen at him. "That's exactly what a person trying to hide their hidden depths would say."

"How do you function as a person?"

"I don't, why do you think I'm a writer." Standing, she grabbed the books he held. "Who am I signing these for, because I highly doubt you're going to read them."

"I could."

She grinned in triumphant. "See, hidden depths."

"They are for a friend."

"Okay, is this a 'friend' in the sense that there's more to this friendship and you'd like to convey that through this gift or is it simply a friend."

"Simply a friend."

"Fine, I'll not act as your wing woman then."

"How would you manage that?"

"Simple, I'd say that I was struck by your dreamy eyes and the sensitive way in which you so purposefully chose this gift and waited in a long long line to have me sign the books just for you."

Mason snatched the books back. "Never mind, I'll get Owens a candle instead."

Joy grinned and leaned back in her chair. "Hidden depths, Mason."

"I'm leaving."

Mason discarded the books and stepped back onto the sidewalk. He paused, took in a breath of fresh air, and shook his head. That had to be the strangest hour of his life.

But oddly enough he no longer felt annoyed.


Pretty pigeons!

(It's a good word pigeon. One could even say it's a favorite word! 🐨)

*throws a fist full of confetti into the air* Like I have just shared some happiness into your life, I hope you share your thoughts into mine. 💭💬🗯🎊

If you have questions you'd still like to know my answers to then go ahead and ask.

You know, I have to say that having one's life mocked and scrutinized by Mason Douglas really makes a person reflect on themselves. And you know what I've discovered after baring his blunt judgment?


Oddness in excess? Got that!

Duality of weird and professional? Got that!

A baseball hat? Got that!

Readers who love and support me despite the extreme oddity that is me? DANG RIGHT I GOT THAT!

Mason, say what you wanna say, I ain't gonna let it effect me! *sassy snap*

Though one point I must dispute...

I don't look like a puppy!

Wait a minute...

Oh my gosh! He was right! 😳

Well whatever, I make an adorable puppy!

Till the next time I get the chance to invade your life and hopefully bring some brightness to it. *gives a sweeping bow then takes my broom and goes*

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