Asking Captain For Permission

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Taking a deep breath, Donovan tugged at the cuff of his shirt. Nerves set every inch of him on edge.

"You ready?"

James leaned on the doorframe to Donovan's bathroom. With a sandwich in his hand, he met Donovan's eyes in the mirror. The day was just beginning to shift into evening and the shadows were crawling along the floor. At the question, Donovan swallowed, his apprehension intensifying.

"No," he said. "I'm terrified. You've met her father, he could snap my neck and not think twice about it."

A laugh slipped out of James' mouth. "That's right, I like that guy."

"Of course you do. You're not the one about to ask him if he will give up his daughter to a Marine."

For a second, James merely watched his younger brother, noting the stiffness in his movements and the tension in his muscles.

"Ah, well then," he took a bite, "maybe it's not worth it," he said, around a mouth full of food.

Donovan narrowed his eyes at his brother.

"Are you trying to ease my fear or talk me out of this?" he asked.

Taking another bite, James just shrugged.

"Do you want to be talked out of it?" he asked. "Cause where I can't convince with my words I usually do well with my fists."

Donovan faced James, crossing his arms. "You can't be serious about this?"

"All I'm saying is it's not too late to back out," he said. "Carter doesn't know you're doing this. Really, I know she's a great girl and everything but it will change your life. Do you want to tie yourself to someone just yet? You're still young and your career is just starting for you." James gave an easy laugh. "I mean, is she really worth it?"

Anger coursed through Donovan at the thought of Carter being easily tossed aside. Before he knew it, his hands were curled in his brother's shirt and he was slamming him against the wall. The sandwich fell to the floor and was smashed beneath his foot.

"Don't you ever ask that question again," he snarled, his voice low and threatening. "She's worth everything. I would die for her, got it? Carter is my life."

Despite the anger rolling off his brother, James didn't seem the bit shocked by the out burst. Instead, he smiled.

"Good, now you have exactly what it takes to convince her father of the same thing."

Surprised, Donovan took a step back, releasing his brother. James smoothed down the front of his shirt. Understanding dawned on Donovan. Letting out a breath, he chuckled and shook his head.

"You're so ridiculous."

"I wanted to make you sure," James said, grinning.

The expression then morphed to something serious and he cupped the back of Donovan's neck, forcing his to look at him.

"You got one of the best girls. Don't lose her." Something savage glinted in James' eyes. "Also if you hurt her I'll break your face."

Donovan mimicked James' hold. "I'm sure Carter would be the first one to break it but you can come in second."

Both brothers laughed and then James pulled Donovan in for a rough hug.

"Go fight for your girl, man."

Clapping James on the shoulder in farewell, Donovan grabbed his keys and headed to the door. Before he left, a thought occurred to him. Retracing his steps, he found a pair of boxing gloves.


The light had faded from the sky by the time Donovan stopped outside Steve's apartment. A yellow glow shone from the windows. Steeling himself, he opened the door and climbed out. Looking up at the stairs, he felt walking into a den of drug lords was an easier task at the moment. Knowing he couldn't put it off any longer, he walked to the door. After a second knock, it opened. Steve stood on the other side, a brown haired boy sitting on his foot, his arms wrapped around his father's leg.

"Donovan," Steve said, shaking his hand in greeting. "What brings you here?"

He looked past Donovan's shoulders as if expecting Carter to pop up at any moment. When she didn't, Steve's expression went serious as if he already knew what this meant.

"I'm here to talk to you, sir," Donovan said.

Steve's eyes were hard and for a second Donovan wondered if he would deny him before he even had the chance to talk.

"Daddy," the little boy said, tugging on his father's pant leg.

Bending down, Steve scooped the little boy into his arms.

"Come in," Steve said.

Donovan stepped inside and closed his only convenient form of escape. Toys littered the floor. It looked like a like shootout had taken place. Teddy bears with pistols in their soft arms were laying in the floor. A stuffed dog sat on top of the couch, a rifle tucked beneath it acting as a sniper, laying down cover fire for its comrades.

To Donovan the scene spoke of a man who deeply loved his kid. It was a feeling Donovan was certain was doubly true for Carter.

"Danny," Steve said, setting his son on the floor. "Go play in your room for a minute."

Danny raised a small hand to Donovan.

"Donny come with me," he said.

"Not this time, Corporal," Donovan said.

Looking disappointed, Danny opened his mouth to complain, but Steve spoke first.


The little boy knew that tone and trotted off to his room, pulling along a battered teddy bear as he went. After he had gone, Steve took a seat on one of the arm chairs and motioned for Donovan to do the same. Fighting nerves, Donovan sat, resting clasped hands on his knees.

"I'm sure you know why I'm here, sir," he said.

Steve gave a nod but said nothing.

"I want your blessing to marry Carter."

When Steve didn't answer right away, Donovan felt himself start to sweat. There was something about the calm, calculating man before him that made him feel like he was just a kid. When Steve's expression shifted to something more sober, Donovan felt as if the denial had already been handed to him. Taking the gloves out of his bag, he held them out.

"Say what you must, sir, but I suggest you put these on because I am determined to fight for your daughter."

A soft chuckle escaped Steve as he took the offered gloves then looked back at Donovan.

"Donovan," he said. "I know the kind of man you are. I've seen you care for Carter over the past years, but marriage is something different. For it to work it takes more than love, it takes a dedication to the other person. Putting their needs before you're own. You've lived a life where that was already your job are you ready to-"

"I would die for your daughter, sir."

There was no hint of booasting or bluster in the statement, it was a fact that Donovan had already give himself over to. For the alternative was a life without Carter and that was worse. Seeing the truth in this, Steve nodded. He stood and Donovan followed suit. When he stretched out his hand, Donovan took it. Steve smiled.

"Welcome to the family."


Are you feeling lucky! Huh!

(Then you better go gamble cause it's the best time for it!)

What did you think?

How completely cute are Steve and Danny? (Yes, that is a Hawaii 5-0 reference, I couldn't help myself)

Let's face it, even with Danny hanging off his leg, Steve is an intimidating figure and it makes sense why Donovan would be so nervous.

Also I 100% knew that when I put in the part about the sandwich being crushed so many people were going to be destroyed over it. Apparently a life is a life even if it's sandwich. Not sure that actually makes sense but whatever RIP sandwich.

Vote, comment or follow but only if you want to. Or in honor of the dead sandwich you can vote, comment, follow. 

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