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Oh wow, is this one chapter that I literally planned to never write EVER and have yet written it for you! WHY AM I EVEN SURPRISED ANYMORE!!!


Mason stepped off the elevator and strode down the hallway, stopping at Link's door. After he knocked, he slid his hands into his pockets, completely at ease. But Mason had to be honest, when was he never at ease. Others dealt with discomfort and struggled with inner turmoil but that wasn't him.

Link opened the door and smiled at Mason. Only for his brother was Mason quick to return the smile.

"I'm here to steal my nephew," Mason announced.

"Really?" Link asked.

"Yeah, but for about an hour."

"Any break is welcomed."

Link left the door and Mason took a step inside. The living looked like a typical Saturday morning at the Evan's apartment with toys strewn about the place and breakfast dishes still waiting to be loaded up in the kitchen. It was messy but a messiness that was somehow homey.

Though Mason didn't like the messiness. Messiness bothered him. Maybe it came from growing up with house cleaners but life was better when it had order and looked neat.

"Harrison," Link said. "Mason is here."

Harrison raised his head from where he sat on the floor playing with dinosaurs.

"Ace!" he cried and pushed himself up.

At three-years-old, he reached just above Mason's knee.

"Hey, Good Looking," Mason said. "Go put your shoes on. We're going to the park."

Harrison hurried away and Link beamed at his son as if watching him was all he needed to be happy in life. For some reason, Mason couldn't stop staring at his brother and the complete adoration on his face.

It was a kid and one that caused more problems than he caused peace. Was that level of love warranted? Mason couldn't deny he loved Harrison. But he also saw him in small doses. What would it be like to constantly be dealing with the fact that he was a tiny human being who couldn't do really anything for himself?

Harrison returned, nearly tripping over himself to get away with Mason. A sentiment Mason approved of. After all, he was the uncle that everyone wanted. Harrison reached his hand up for Mason's.

His hand disappeared inside Mason's. How could anything be so small?

"We'll be back with war stories," Mason said, leaving the apartment.

They didn't go far, only across the hall where Mason knocked on the door. When it opened, Carter stood on the other side in sweats and her hair tied up.

"I'm here to kidnap your offspring," he said.

He peered over Carter's shoulder to where Kennedy lay sprawled on the floor, coloring.

"Hey, Trouble," he said. "We're going to the park."

Kennedy scrambled up to her little legs and raced over to them.

"Hold up," Mason said. "Get shoes on. You aren't some country bumpkin who can run around barefoot."

Kennedy plopped into the floor beside the front door and struggled to tug on her shoes.

"What brought this unexpected visit?" Carter said, crouching down by her daughter to be at hand if she needed help but letting her work on her own.

"I like how the moms at the park look at me showing up in a suit with two kids. It does amazing things for my ego."

Carter raised her head, looking at Mason. Mason remained completely unabashed by his statement but Carter continued to stare at him with that piercing stare he found extremely irritating. But without commenting, she turned back to Kennedy.

"Thanks," she said. "I could use the chance to clean the apartment."

Mason gazed around, taking in the parade of child chaos that filled the living room, and managed to venture into the kitchen. Kids were messy and the worst part was they couldn't even clean up for themselves most of the time.

He'd watched as Maddy instructed Harrison in putting away his own toys. It took the kid almost fifteen minutes for a small amount. Slacker if ever he'd seen one.

"Okay, Cadet," Carter said, helping Kennedy to her feet and giving her a big kiss on her cheek. "Have fun. Don't get into any fights that you can't win."

Kennedy nodded as if she fully grasped the instruction. Though she was Carter's progeny so maybe she did. Mason couldn't imagine what type of person she'd grow up to be. Either protective or extremely violent. All because of who her parents were.

Carter helped Kennedy with her backpack and Mason took hold of her hand. No chance of violence today, Kennedy's hand was barely the size of an apricot. How in the world would she get into a fight? Correction, a fight she could win.

The trio stepped onto the elevator and both kids reached up to the numbers, wanting to make them all light up.

"You do that and I'll take you back without going to the park."

They stopped trying to touch the buttons but they both squirmed as if it took all their concentration to hold themselves back. Mason didn't doubt it did.

As they walked to the park, both kids talked nonstop, pointing out the obvious. Something Mason hoped they grew out of, there were only so many strange people who would want to hold a conversation about trucks for hours on end. Though at least the walk wasn't an hour, only ten minutes.

When they arrived, both kids pulled at his hands, eager to explore the same play-set they'd played on since before they could walk. What more was there to explore about it? He'd seen them play, really there was nothing new. The minds of children: bizarre.

When they were safely within the boundaries of the playground, Mason let them loose. They shrieked with delight as they raced towards the play structure. Mason watched them for a moment, shaking his head at how eagerly they were about to do the same thing they'd done a million and one times.

As he headed towards the row of benches, circling the playground, he noticed the eyes of mothers and nannies following him. He hadn't been lying entirely to Carter about what he'd said, he did find it amusing to see the reactions. After all, how often did they see a man in a suit with a slim fanny-pack across his chest show up at a park?

Mason settled onto an empty bench and rested his arm along the back of it. He forgot about the curious gazes as he watched Kennedy and Harrison. They held so much energy and happiness that he imagined if a building burst into flames behind them they wouldn't even notice.

They were so small and utterly defenseless. How their parents lived with this constant reality baffled Mason. Anything could happen to them. Though he didn't pity the thing or person that would try to hurt Kennedy, knowing the force of both her parents.

But what about Link and Maddy? He guessed they had Carter and Donovan and that meant something. But what about all the other parents in the world who didn't carry weapons. How did they deal with how fragile their kids were?

This reality was reaffirmed when Harrison tripped as he was running and landed hard on his hands and knees. For a moment, he remained there stunned and then he tilted back his head. Already knowing what was coming, Mason hurried from his spot and crouched before his nephew.

"Hey," Mason said right as Harrison sucked in a breath to start crying. "Heartbreaker."

He snapped his fingers in Harrison's face and the sharp action startled the little boy, breaking off the cry before it could start.

Mason lifted Harrison and sat him down gently.

"Wow!" Mason said, keeping his tone light and excited. "You crashed so hard! But look at you! You're not crying."

Harrison stared up at Mason with glassy eyes. Smiling widely, Mason clapped.

"Look at you being so tough," Mason said. "Can you show me your hands?"

Obediently, Harrison offered up his palms. They were scrapped but not bleeding. Unzipping his pack, Mason took out a wipe and cleaned Harrison's palms.

"Heartbreaker, you're handling this very well. I'm proud of you."

Harrison smiled and Mason inspected the boy's knees. One was cut but only a little. After cleaning both of them, Mason applied a bandaid and hoisted Harrison to his feet.

"Kennedy climbed up the slide backward, are you going to let her be the only one?" Mason asked.


"What was that answer?" Mason asked, cupping his ear.


"That's more like it!"

Mason stood, patted Harrison's head, and the boy took off. As he returned to his bench, he tossed away his trash. When he sat back down, a woman approached him and cautiously took the opposite end of the bench.

"You handled that very well," the woman said.

Mason shrugged. "He's going to grow up being close with that one." He pointed to where Kennedy ran across the swinging bridge without losing her balance. "He's going to have to learn how to be tough or he'll never keep up."

"Are both of them yours?" the woman asked.

Mason nearly snorted. His kids, not likely.

"No, my nephew and...and well, my niece. Which kid is yours?"

A warm smile spread across the woman's face as she pointed out a little boy happily making a collection of sticks off to the side of the playground. Mason didn't see how his action could cause such happiness. After all, the ground was covered in soft mulch, how impressive was a stick pile?

"That's Dante," the woman said.

Mason nodded but didn't say anything. She was a parent and one who clearly loved her kid, he figured she'd share more about him whether Mason wanted to hear it or not. That was the case.

Mason only stopped being bombarded with Dante details when he said he needed to be leaving. He saw how Kennedy had slowed down and Harrison had stopped altogether. Before they could turn into exhausted kids who screamed at him, Mason decided to take them home.

They barely made it out of the park before both Kennedy and Harrison whined about walking. With a sigh, Mason loosened the strap of his pack and knelt down. Since Kennedy had a stronger sense of physical strength, Mason put her on his back, secured by his pack. As he stood, he took Harrison into his arms. With both kids wrapped around him, Mason headed back to the apartment.

Link started laughing when he opened the door and saw the sight of Mason covered in kids.

"I thought about getting them a sugary treat and leaving you with the consequences but decided against it."

Link lifted Harrison out of Mason's hold. "I appreciate it. Instead, Harrison can go down for his nap."

Harrison rested his head on Link's shoulder and closed his eyes.

"Thanks for the break," Link said.

Mason nodded and crossed the hallway. Both Carter and Donovan answered the door. Instantly, Carter scooped up her tired daughter and headed off.

"What made you decide to take the kids out?" Donovan asked, staying by the door with Mason.

"I don't know. Familial obligation. Your kid was a tagalong."

Donovan smiled. "Thank you. Kids are wonderful but a break is always appreciated."

"Sounds like they are more work than needed."

At that, Donovan turned thoughtful as he gazed at the hallway Carter disappeared with Kennedy.

"Kids are a lot of work, but... I don't know how to describe it to someone without kids. But when you have a kid you get this feeling that your life wasn't complete until that moment. You don't realize that you had been missing out. Your wants and your needs are no longer what's most important, they are. It puts life in a new perspective."

"Sounds like a hassle."

Donovan laughed. "Thanks for taking Kennedy, Mason."

"It wasn't a big deal."

Mason left, not thinking about much of anything as he returned home. He told himself he wasn't thinking much of anything. But when he stepped into his apartment and saw Yvette curled up in a chair, his thoughts exploded.

She looked back at him. She didn't say anything as he removed his shoes and hung up his pack. She still remained silent as he walked over to her and knelt by her chair.

Mason studied the floor, clenching his hand.

"I'm terrified," he said, raising his head.

"I know."

"I don't know how to do any of this. What if... I can't do this."

Yvette cupped his face. "You can be afraid. But remember this. We are in this together, you're not alone. You're not your father. And if..." She smiled so sweetly and purely that Mason felt calmed by the sight. "If our kid is half the person you are, I will be so proud."

Mason kissed her and said something that scared him more than anything he'd ever known.

"We're going to have a baby."


*stands in corner with face pressed against wall, hands covering ears*

Lalalalalala! Nope! I can't hear you yelling at me to write more about this. Nope! Not at all! Lalalalala! I can't hear you!

Though I will hear your comments about the chapter. And you have to give them since I wrote you this chapter and again it's one I told myself I would never write because I couldn't see the point to it. 🗯💭💬



*passes out from screaming*

I'm not even going to write more on this author's note because if I do it will give you more space in which to beg me to keep writing more of this and I can't do it! I can't. Just no, please don't say anything, let me be. Let me live in the delusion that I have some control over my life and what I write.

*curls into a ball and covers head* I'm the master of my fate. I am the captain of my soul.

Vote, comment, follow because lets' face it I deserve at least that much for caving to your whims.

This is in case you doubted that Mason would look good with a fanny pack.

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