Book Date

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This chapter is a mix of three different ideas smashed together, so we'll see how it goes.

You should know it's so meta its like a meta-human created her own meta world just for this chapter.

Also thanks for helping with this one, you'll see what I mean.


Donovan squeezed the trigger and felt the recoil of the gun. Again and again, he fired, his aim steady, his breathing even. With each bullet, he felt his frustration over his current case ease away. The man who his team knew had beaten and killed his wife would not get away with it. Evidence would be found.

He heard the faint click of the empty chamber and lowered the gun. Around him rang out the sharp bangs of other guns. He released the clip and set it on the counter before him, along with the other five clips he'd emptied. That was how many it took for his frustration to leave him. It's why he'd been given a day off. After three weeks of constant searching, the team was weary and each of them had been given time away to clear their heads.

Donovan hit the button on the counter and the target sheet raced towards him. The center of the sheet was torn to shreds, every one of his bullets having pierced it over and over.

Someone whistled impressively behind him.

Donovan removed his headphones and turned to see a well-built man in his early twenties with short, trimmed hair, green eyes, and sharp cheekbones standing behind him.

"That's impressive," the man said. "Military training?"

Donovan nodded. "Marines."

The man smiled and gestured to himself. "I'm Army." He held out his hand. "Jamison Kent."

Donovan clasped the man's hand, liking his easy manner. Lately, everyone around him had been so stressed it was nice to meet someone so relaxed.

"Donovan Keller."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Donovan. Do you come here often?"

Turning around, Donovan snapped off the target sheet and collected his empty clips and gun.

"No, but I needed a place away from where I usually train."

And this place had pleasant memories attached to it. It was a good place to clear his head.

Jamison nodded and joined Donovan as he headed towards the exit. Donovan liked that he didn't pry into where Donovan's usually spot was.

"What do you use?" Jamison asked.

"M45. You?"

"I prefer the 9mm Glock 17."

"A good gun. How'd you do?"

In answer, Jamison held up his target sheet. It looked like Donovan's only less clean. Donovan nodded in approval.

"Are you still with the Army?" Donovan asked, pushing through the door to the main room.

"Just got out, actually. I'm in DC looking for a job."

"What are you looking for?"

Jamison set his gun and clips on the counter. "Haven't made up my mind yet."

Donovan set his items down and pulled out his wallet.

"Hey, Mark," Donovan said. "How much?"

As Mark told him and Donovan found the cash, Jamison leaned on the counter, inspecting the photos on the wall. Donovan noticed as he stilled, staring at one photo. Donovan followed his line of sight to the one of Carter and Steve. It was on their first visit there.

"Do you know that girl?" Jamison asked Mark, pointing to the picture. "Does she still come here?"

There was a note to Jamison's voice that Donovan couldn't quite decipher.

"Do you know her?" he asked, putting away his wallet.

Jamison nodded and a slow smile overtook his face. "I do. I went to school with her."

Donovan wracked his brain for a hint of if Carter had mentioned this guy before.

"You did?" Donovan said.

Jamison let out a low laugh. "Oh yeah. The girl was feisty." He looked at Donovan. "You know the kind, plays hard to get making it all the more interesting." He focused back on the photo. "I tried every ploy and that girl was determined to make me work for it."

Jamison. J name. It all clicked in Donovan's head. This was the guy Carter had told him about, the one who'd pursued her and she hated his attention. He could hear her voice, talking about how alone she felt. How she wished he would leave her alone.

She felt all that and this guy had thought it all a game.

He was even amused by it still to this day.

Pure rage welled up inside Donovan and he curled his fists, holding himself back.

Jamison met Donovan's gaze but seemed lost in his own memory. He shook his head and smiled like he was thinking about it all fondly.

"Unfortunately, I got kicked out of the school before I got to experience how much fire she had."

Donovan slammed his fist into Jamison's face. Jamison hit the counter. The anger in Donovan roared. Clutching his jaw, Jamison straight.

"What the hell was that?" he asked.

"That," Donovan said, pointing to Jamison. "Is for every girl you've chosen to disrespect. Think twice before you chose to harass someone."

With that, Donovan stormed out of the gun range.


Carter had noticed the man five minutes after she'd arrived. But she did nothing. She went about her routine. She stretched, loosening up her muscles. She climbed onto the treadmill and started her run. Outwardly, she was focused on the wall of windows before her, on her breathing, on the steady rhythm of her running.

But all the while, she ran, she noted the man. Noted how he raised his phone towards her. How he would shift his position to have a more optimal spot to see her. Still, Carter didn't react. She needed more proof. One man occasionally raising his phone at the gym meant nothing. Everyone did it. Some even seemed to be dancing in front of them though she didn't understand why.

Needing a final confirmation, Carter finished her cool down and stepped off the treadmill. She stretched again, this time when she bent over, she stole a glance at the man through the fallen strands of her hair. His phone was pinned on her.

Causally, she straightened, collected her stuff, and headed in his direction. But she never once looked at him. To him, she would be completely oblivious of him. Of how he sat on the weight bench. Of how he outweighed her by a hundred pounds. Of how he snuck looks at her.

Carter walked directly by him. He ducked his head.

In a flash, she whirled around, grabbed his arm and twisted it behind him, and dug her knee into his back. He hit the weight bench and cried out. A few people nearby stopped, stunned by the sight of a slender woman muscling the large man.

"You're taking pictures of me," Carter said, calmly, like they were chatting about protein diets. "Why?"

"I'm not," the man grunted.

With her free hand, Carter snagged the man's phone. It was locked. Problem easily solved. She lifted her knee enough to raise the man from his smashed position. When she put the phone to his face, the screen opened.

Pinning him to the bench again, she pulled up his photos. There she was but they weren't the type of surveillance photos she'd expected. No, they were more perverted types of photos. At least he wasn't tailing her for a crime family or anything. He was merely a pervert. And she was not the only one he'd done this to. Most of his photos were of women.

Carter smacked the man's face with his phone.

"Hey," she said. "Look at me."

Still grimacing in pain, the man cracked his eye open.

"What you're doing is disgusting and perverted. So you know what I'm going to do? I'm going to make an example of you."

She twisted his arm a bit more and he whimpered in pain.

"Is there a problem here?"

Carter looked up and found a well-built man in a trainer's t-shirt staring down at her.

"Yeah, there is," Carter said. "I'm FBI agent Owens and this man has been taking photos of women without their consent."

The trainer looked startled, but which information startled him Carter wasn't completely sure.

"We have a policy-"

"Yeah, your policy did nothing," Carter said. "I'm going to take care of this."

Still holding the man down, Carter used the man's phone to make a call. She calmly waited as the phone rang, not at all looking troubled by keeping the man in place.

"Who is this and why are you calling me?"

"Mason," Carter said.

A pause. "Why aren't you using your own phone?" Mason asked. "If it's because you got yourself in trouble, well then you should know I don't care. Call your Boy Scout Fiancé to get you out of it."


"Because seriously I should not be the first one you call in a time of emergency. That's a position neither I want nor can handle. So just hang up-"


A heavy sigh emanated from the other end. "What is it?"

"I have a simple task for you then you can go back to whatever I took you from."

A longer pause this time as if Mason really had to think about whether he wanted to do anything at all. Carter rolled her eyes.

"Mason," she said. "I'm sending you a photo of a guy who takes pictures of women as they are working out. I want you to send his photo out to every gym instructing the owners to make a flier of him captioning women to be on the lookout for him."

"You want to make this man a pariah at every gym in DC?"

"Yes, I do."

Carter heard typing on the other end. "Should have started with that then. Send the photo over."

Smiling, Carter found one of the guy's selfies and emailed it to Mason.

"All right, you should have it. Thanks, Mason."

"Yeah, yeah."

He hung up and Carter finally released the man. He groaned in pain as his arm flopped down and he clutched his shoulder.

"Listen," she said. "You should take care of that shoulder so there's no permanent damage. Though it's unlikely anyone will want you in their gym from now on. Don't take pictures of women."

After thoroughly deleting all his photos of women, Carter checked the time and tossed his phone down beside him, she was going to be late for her date.


The day was the kind that made a person want to walk slower and enjoy the warmth of the sunlight that was defused by the gentle breeze. But Carter didn't slow her pace, glancing at the time again. She was late and all because of an idiot with a phone.

Carter did slow her pace, not for the weather but as she passed a storefront. She eyed the poster in the window and smiled to herself. At least she had a way of making up for her lateness. She hurried to the cafe and instantly looked for Donovan as she entered.

She found him in a back corner at a table, staring at the surface. No food sat waiting so it meant she wasn't too late. As she got closer, she took in the slope of his shoulders, the distant expression in his eyes, and the absent-minded motion of his hands.

"Look how my fiancé eagerly waits for me," Carter said, snagging a chair adjacent to him. "He's bursting with anticipation at my arrival."

Donovan lifted his head. "Carter, you're here."

"Ah, what words of joy and ecstasy."

Donovan dragged his hand through his hair and let out a breath. Carter reached out and cupped his face making him look at her.

"If you're dying, tell me now. I have time to sell the engagement ring before I lose it."

Donovan half smiled and Carter relaxed. "There's the man I love." She kept hold of his face. "Do you want to tell me why you are so morose after going to the gun range? Did you shoot someone?"

When Donovan dropped his eyes, Carter let go of him and leaned back in her chair.

"Okay, we can go on the run," she said. "It will be easy. Where's the body? Did you already take care of it?"

"Carter," Donovan said.

"No, don't 'Carter' me, you're being mopey on our date and all you did was punch someone. I'm guessing you had a good reason."

Donovan jerked his head up at her statement and Carter rolled her eyes at him. Stretching out her hand, she took hold of his wrist and wiggled it.

"Your knuckles are red on only one hand. Of course, I know you punched someone. If it makes you feel better I almost dislocated the shoulder of a guy taking pictures of me and other women."

At that, Donovan stood up, his chair squeaking against the wood floor. Carter grabbed his arm and pulled his back down.

"I said almost," she said. "I handled it. It's done with and I'm not going to talk about it more. Now tell me you had good reason for your action?"

"The reason doesn't matter," Donovan said. "What matters is I lost control, okay? I lost control when I shouldn't have."

Carter dramatically dropped her arms to the side and tossed her head back. "My fiancé isn't perfect, he lost control, oh what shall I do now!"

"Carter this is serious."

"No, what's serious is how you are freaking out about punching one person when you were at a gun range and could have shot them instead. If you really lost control you would have. Instead, for whatever reason, this person did something that caused you to punch him. Now tell me the reason and I'll judge whether the punch was warranted or not."

Donovan nodded and sat back in his chair, crossing his arms. He didn't speak and Carter waited, feeling that he was being dramatic. She knew him, knew his moods, knew his temperament and knew that he hadn't lost control, despite what he believed himself. 

"At the gun range," Donovan said. "I met Jamison."

He said the name in a way that Carter knew it should mean something but meant nothing to her.

"Jamison..." she said, wanting a last name.

At her lack of recognition, Donovan stared at her surprised. "Jamison. He went to Hamilton Prep with you, harassed you, and got sent to military school."

It took Carter a second to find the memory. She nodded and continued to look at Donovan without much of a reaction.

"Okay," she said. "And? You met him and decided to punch him out of the blue because he simply had one of those faces?"

"What? No!" Donovan dragged a hand through his hair. "He saw the picture of you on the wall and said... He didn't think he'd been harassing you at all, even thought it was amusing. Knowing your side of it, how you felt alone, I...Well, I lost it and punched him."

"I see," Carter said. She sat in quiet for a long moment then stood. "This works. I have your present already thought of."

Donovan stared up at her. "Did you not hear what I said? How can you joke about giving me a present because of it?"

"Because you didn't punch some random person out of nowhere but someone who insulted the woman you love. When you punch an unsuspecting innocent person then we'll have a serious talk about whether you lost control. Now come on, you'll like this present."


Carter didn't let him finish, instead took his hand and tugged him upward. Reluctantly, he stood and followed her out of the cafe.

"I still feel-"

"Nope, I've made my ruling, the topic is finished."

"I don't deserve a gift for punching someone."

"You're not getting a gift for punching someone. You're getting a gift for having a good heart."

At that statement, Donovan relaxed and accepted. Carter smiled to herself, wishing she could have been there to see the action. Better yet, seeing Jamison's face afterward. She had a good enough imagination she figured she could create the picture in her mind.

"Here we are!" Carter announced.

Donovan stepped back, taking the bookstore and then looking at Carter. She beamed.

"Your present is that we can spend as long as you want here," she said. "And I will follow you around saying 'oh that sounds good, get that book' for every synopsis you read to me."

Donovan laughed and kissed her. How simple it was to make this man happy. But she wasn't going to complain about that, it made being his a lot easier.

"Come on," Carter said, guiding him into the large store that faintly smelled of coffee.

To her credit, Carter did spend the first hour of the visit following Donovan around making encouraging comments about each book he picked up. But by the time they reached the second floor and a crowd started to gather on the main floor where Carter could over look it, she left his side. Mainly due to curiosity and mainly due to boredom. There were only so many ways to sound excited about the same thing.

Carter leaned on the railing, taking in the large crowd that must have been forming over the last few minutes. They all stood waiting, looking towards a small platform with a microphone and easel on it. On the easel was a poster announcing an author event. As Carter looked, a store worker removed the easel and another worker stepped up to the mic.

"Hey everyone," the woman said. "It's good to see such a large crowd. Here at Bookworm Books, we are excited to invite a favorite author of ours up to talk about her latest book, answer your questions and sign copies. Please give a warm welcome to Joy Jenkins."

The crowd applauded and a few people even hooted in excitement as a girl, Carter felt there was no other way to describe her, stepped onto the platform. Carter hadn't thought about authors much but for some reason, she always pictured them to be in their forties or fifties with glasses and wise expressions.

This girl fit none of those things. In a casual hoodie, jeans, and ripped sneakers, she didn't look like an author coming to talk to readers but a friend coming to meet another friend.

As the thought crossed her mind, Carter nodded. That was the point, this author didn't want to be a step away from her readers but one of them. Despite how these people were here to see her, it was as if she were there for the same reason, to see them.

"Hey," Joy said, smiling out at the crowd. "Not going to lie I feel honored by those hoots. Who doesn't appreciate a good hoot."

Laughter rippled through the crowd and Carter found herself shaking her head, amused.

"I'm here to talk about my latest book." Joy made a face. "Technically, my latest published book since I'm constantly writing and I finished this book over a year ago. Still, I get to share it with you. If you don't know, it's called Nothing Super and it's about a teenage girl with an ability struggling to balance school, life, and saving the world."

She started to walk about the small platform, her manner easy.

"We all know Marvel. Great movies about wonderful superheroes. I'm a huge fan of them. Chris Evans? Yes and thank you."

Carter watched as the crowd responded with smiles and nods, clearly they agreed with the sentiment.

"The thing with those movies though is they are about heroes that not many of us mere humans can relate to. When we get the crap beaten out of us, it's rare that we will stand up and say 'I can do this all day'. Most likely, we'd never walk again."

Joy smiled easily. "That's what inspired Nothing Super. I wanted a story about a girl, who despite having an ability, was still human in most aspects. I wanted a character who fought off bad guys but was still relatable."

Carter found herself struck by what Joy said. She was one of the few people who would be able to stand up and keep going. But she also knew that standing up was one of the toughest things to do when life got hard. Having a character that showed both strength and weakness even with having an ability sounded interesting.

Joy stopped walking and faced the crowd. "Did I accomplish this with Nothing Super? I think so. As an author, sometimes it's hard to have perspective on your own work. But there you have it. My short endorsement for the book. Now, usually an author will read an excerpt from the story at these events but..."

Joy smiled shyly. "I used to struggle with reading since I was little and reading out loud specifically." She put her hand to her chest. "So to save myself from looking like an idiot." She motioned to the crowd. "And to save you from second-hand embarrassment, I'm going to skip that and jump right to the questions and answer part of this event."

Honest, Carter liked that.

"Raise your hand if you have a question," Joy said. "And I will make sure to choose the one person who doesn't want to ask a question." She grinned. "Just kidding. Okay, please someone have a question or this will get awkward so fast. I have a stand-up routine prepared but since I can't tell a joke to save my life it might just kill my career."

Laughter flowed about the crowd and Carter had to admit that this author was about the oddest person she'd ever encountered.

"Oh good a victim," Joy said. "I mean someone with a question. Yes, what's up?"

"If you had the chance to live in any of the stories you've written as any character you want, which story would it be and as which character?"

"Oooh!" Joy said appreciatively. "I like that question. Answer: A Pirate's Tale and as the main character: Isla. Mostly because I want to be a pirate and end up with a really hot Duke."

Carter shook her head. This girl would be the last person to ever be a pirate. She seemed as intimidating as a puppy.

"What would you do with your life if ice cream didn't exist?" a reader called out.

Joy staggered and clutched her chest. She sucked in a deep breath and bent over her knees.

"Why would you even dare imagine such a world," she said, dramatically. "Don't say such things, you're bound to give me a heart attack." Straightening, she let out a big sigh and smiled.

She said she couldn't tell a joke but Carter felt she could be humorous.

"Yes, next question hurry," Joy said. "I need to banish that previous one from my mind so I don't have nightmares tonight. Yes, you."

"Do you have inspirations for these amazing books and characters or do they just show up in your creative mind?"

"There's usually a spark from something and then the characters invade my head and conquer my life. It's like battle except I have no defense or castle to escape to. You can see my reasoning for wanting to be a pirate, I would be able to defend myself."

A few chuckles and happy grins.

"Yes, in the back," Joy said.

"How has your day been going?"

A wide smile filled Joy's face. "You know, that's the first time I've been asked that at one of these. Answer: like everyone else in life I have good and bad days, today has been a good day because I'm here with you. This is where you say 'awe'."

Joy gestured to the readers and a wave of awes swept over them. Smiling, Joy pressed her hand to her heart and nodded.

"Okay, moving on. Too much sappiness will turn us all into mush. Oh, you have another question, okay cool. You asked about my day so I'll let you ask another."

"Are your characters tied to you, like do you give them pieces of yourself?"

"Good question and I wish. My characters are generally cooler than I am. If they have aspects of me, it's my weaknesses and insecurities. One might have a bit of my oddness but on the whole, they are their own person. I'm merely the person they choose to share their story with."

Carter wondered if that were true for every author. The thought had never entered her mind before. Did art steal from the artist or were there artists that could completely detach themselves from their work? Carter straightened and blinked, random thought for her to have, almost sounded like something Donovan would think about.

"How do you write such amazing books, I can never get past the first five chapters?"

"A common struggle," Joy said. "I plan out my books and so I'm aware of where I'm going and back that up with a lot of stubborn determination to see the book complete. The last chapters are the hardest to write because I want the whole thing to be over. Okay... yeah, hi! What's your question."

"Do you like Taylor Swift?"

"Psshh, you're kidding, right? It's Taylor Swift, does anyone not like her?"

At the railing, Carter nodded in agreement. She'd never admit it aloud but Maggie had introduced her to Taylor Swift and Carter enjoyed her music.

"Ooooh, can we get coffee or something? I would love to get to know you!"

Joy pointed to the questioner. "Yes, as long as you pay and don't murder or kidnap me afterward."

"Can I get a selfie with you?"

"Yes, but only if we use a filter where I get to look like a studious bear with glasses."

"Can I get your autograph so I can frame it and hang it on my wall just so I can say I met one of the greatest legends and writers in the world?"

"Yes, sure but know if you try to sell it, it will not make you that much money. Probably none at all."

"Do you ever plan to make any of your books into films?"

"Yes, when I acquire a ridiculous amount of money, a film studio, a director, and Zendaya. But since none of those things are likely to happen, I'll have to wait for someone else to make my dream come true."

"How are you good at writing?"

"I read great books and write constantly like there's no tomorrow."

Carter appreciated this statement since she knew firsthand the power of practice.

"How do you maintain your quirkiness?"

"Unfortunately, I was born with it and so I don't think there's any way of getting rid of it."

Joy shrugged as if she'd accepted her lot in life. Carter didn't think it was a bad lot since her quirkiness was working for her.

"Can we share Oreo ice cream together?"

At this, Joy grinned. "Yes. Even better, we'll make it coffee Oreo ice cream and share it with the other reader. One stone, two ice cream cones. Or technically, three. We'll be efficient like that."

Carter chuckled softly, surprising herself by doing so.

"After reading all your books, I'm curious why you don't have any sexual intimacy scenes between any characters, even if they are married?"

Joy paused and raised her eyebrows but smiled, defusing her shock. "Interesting question. Two-part answer. One, to write something like that I would be writing completely from ignorance. Two, I believe scenes of that nature are the most intimate and private thing and so shouldn't read or watched by anyone outside."

Carter was surprised by the honesty of the answer but then again after listening to this author for the last twenty minutes figured she shouldn't be surprised, this author didn't seem afraid to be upfront.

"Where do your story ideas come from?" a reader shouted.

"The deepest depths of my creative mind and the need to fill a tiny void in the universe."

Joy took a step back from the edge of the platform. "And with that answer, I'm getting a frantic hand gesture from my assistant and so I take it to mean I have to stop the Q&A and sign books. How does that sound?"

Many readers cheered and clapped.

"Good. I'll be the weirdo behind the table, so form a line and let's do this."

As Joy exited the platform and headed towards a table further on, Carter retreated from the railing. Descending the steps, she went to the display at the front of the bookstore. She picked up Nothing Super, taking in the image of a girl in a hoodie with a spray-painted cape on the wall behind her.

"What's that?" Donovan asked.

Carter held it up. "A book."

"Yes, but why are you holding it?" He paused. "Carter, are you buying a book?"

"Don't look too giddy, it will make me feel weird."

Donovan toned down his grin but couldn't tone down the excitement in his eyes.

"Are you done?" she asked.

"Yeah, we can go."

"Okay, but I want to get this book signed."

Donovan clutched his chest. "Are you trying to make me fall in love with you all over again? Because it's working."

Carter shoved him. "Please stop."

Saying nothing but with a grin that said a million things, Donovan followed Carter to the back of the line. She was impressed that by the time they reached Joy, the author's smile hadn't diminished in the least.

"Oh wow!" Joy said, looking at Donovan. "You're ridiculously attractive. Does that ever get annoying or have you learned to handle it? I'm guessing you've learned to handle it because otherwise you would be more annoyed over my comment."

Donovan stared at Joy as if he didn't know what to make of her. Having listened to Joy talk, Carter wasn't at all startled by this sudden tirade.

Joy looked to Carter. "I'm guessing you're His Person. Does it ever annoy you how attractive he is? Do you ever get nervous that some girl will steal him away?"

When Joy actually paused, Carter figured she did want an answer.

"Not really," Carter said. "I'm licensed to carry a firearm."

Joy raised her eyebrows. "Okay then, you just became the coolest person I've ever met." She rested her chin in her hand. "What do you both do for a living?"

Donovan and Carter exchanged a look.

"We work for the government," Donovan said.

With a knowing smile, Joy nodded. "You're totally spies. It's cool, I'll keep your secret." She held out her hand for Carter's copy of Nothing Super. "Also I'll sign this, knowing it's an honor a spy would actually want to read my book."

Caught between being amused and bemused, Carter handed over the book. Joy wrote and snapped the cover shut before giving it back.

"Thanks for making my day," she said.

Still not sure what to make of Joy, Carter and Donovan left to pay for their books.

"She's rather odd," Donovan said.

Carter shrugged. "With living in worlds in one's mind I imagine most authors must be odd to some degree."

Carter opened the flap of the book and read the inscription. If you ever want someone to fictionalize your life, let me know. If you're really the spy I think you are then finding me won't be a problem. With that said please don't find me to kill me for calling your Person attractive. - Joy

Yes, definitely the oddest person Carter had ever encountered.

They left the store, Donovan carrying a bag heavy with his treasure.

"I'm still not sure I deserve a reward for what I did," Donovan said.

"You do because you have a good heart. Now come on, we're skipping dinner."


Carter looked at him with a slightly unsure expression. "I don't know why, but I have the strongest desire to eat ice cream."


Holy prickles in cream!

(Okay, that sounds disgusting. I don't even know where that mix came from. But whatever)

Do you even like sharing your thoughts on the chapter anymore? I've asked this for every chapter but I feel like at this point it might not be fun for you. If it is let me know and I'll continue to ask it.

If you do like being asked to share your thoughts then go ahead and share your thoughts right now. 🗯💭💬😎

I wanted to write this because I honestly wish I could have an author Meet and Greet everywhere in the world so that I could meet you all, but sadly that's not likely to happen. But I have the power words and so made it happen in the universe that we share.

Thanks for the questions and comments you gave me awhile back, it made it all the more real to me!

Now on to the issue that I was trying to ignore but can't anymore!

What's with all the weapons?! Like seriously! Where did they come from and can you please calm down. If you have them ready to defend and protect me from Carter possibly killing me, I'm truly grateful.

If you're taking Carter's side and think I should be taken out for what I said about Donovan, then please know I meant no offense. I mean it just popped out. After all, have you seen him?! Holy moly that man is something! *claps hand over mouth*

If the weapons are for Jamison, give me a second to get my axes and let's do this! I know a great spot to dump a body.

Also! I am now able to pull off wearing a baseball cap so you obviously know what that's means...

I'm like an Avenger in incognito mode! We won't be caught!

(It also means Carter won't be able to find me, which I will admit is a little reassuring. She is licensed to carry a weapon and I'm mildly terrified of her)

See! She'll never find me like this!

Though I have (for the first time since posting on Wattpad) changed my profile pic to this. That might work against me 🧐. You know what, she doesn't like care for reading. I think I'm safe.

Vote, comment, follow and then I'll follow you to where we plan on taking Jamison out.

Also Nothing Super is one of my completed books and I decided to promote it because I do think it's a book you'd like if you like Carter. But you know what, you do you boo boo!

One more thing, this song is how Donovan feels about Carter. How Carter feels about Donovan. How I feel about you. And how Mason feels about himself.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

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