Butting Heads

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Because I could and you couldn't stop me, so ha! I do have the power! 💪


A sole light lit the training center like the echo of the lone figure who stood in its illumination. Carter spun, lifting her leg and slamming her foot into the dummy's head, making it shudder. Bouncing on the balls of her feet, she stuck again at the ribs, side, and stomach. The beat of music kept time with her heart, keeping her energized, keeping her from thinking.

When more lights were turned on and the music shut off, Carter didn't react, continuing to pummel the dummy before her.


"You better have a good reason for turning off my music," she said, stepping in close and nailing the dummy in the face with her elbow.

"I do, will you turn around?"

Blowing at a strand of hair that fell into her face, Carter faced the entrance to the training room, hands on hips.

Mason stood there, arms crossed. Carter raised her eyebrows in question, not willing to offer him more than that.

"How about we get a drink?" he said.

Skeptical, Carter cocked her head at him. "Now why in the world would I do that?"

Mason shrugged. "Because I know how you get when your fiancé is out on an assignment without you."

Gut twisting at the reminder, Carter undid the velcro on her gloves and reattached them, pulling them tight.

"What do you want Mason?"

"You know what I want. I just told you-"

Carter lifted her head. "You have never once cared how I feel about Donovan being out in the field before, so you're here for another reason. Tell me or I'll go back to ignoring you."

Shaking his head, Mason took two steps towards her. "Fine." He let out a breath like he couldn't believe that he was going to say what he was about to say. "Will you...teach me to throw a punch?"

Carter blinked at him then burst out laughing. Crossing his arms, Mason rolled his eyes.

"Yes, ha ha it's very funny. Are you going to or not?"

"Mason, how do you not know how to throw a punch? You literally had a Secret Service agent by your side for eight years?"

Mason held up his hands. "Okay, I know how to throw a punch, I need a refresher course. Can you help me?"

Carter eyed him, still only half-convinced of his reasoning for being there. Mason held her gaze, unwavering. After a second, she nodded and motioned to the floor mat.

"Okay, let's give you a refresher then."

Mason wore a pair of khaki joggers and a t-shirt, Carter figured this would give him enough mobility that he wouldn't need to change.

"Okay, fall into your stance," she said.

When Mason didn't move, Carter sighed. "Legs apart, knees bents."

Mason did as instructed but poorly, so Carter had to come over and help against him.

"Watch where your hands are going, Carter," he said. "I know you're going to be a married woman soon, but I don't plan to be your final fling."

Smiling at him, she tripped his leg and he slammed into the mat. She leaned over him.

"Oh my love why must you say such cruel things," she mocked.

Grunting, Mason picked himself up. "Okay, deserved that."

He got into his stance once again and raised his fists.

"Okay, punch me," Carter said, standing in front of him.

Not one to waste an opportunity, Mason swung at her. Carter batted away the blow and slapped the side of his head.

"Well, that was pathetic. You need to be faster, I could see your swing coming from a mile away."

"Only because you told me to punch you."

"If you think that's why I could do what I did then here. Mason, I'm going to punch right now."

And she did. It wasn't hard enough that she broke anything, just enough that he stumbled back, surprised.

"Why didn't you see my blow coming from a mile away?"

Mason shook his head, righting his thoughts. "Fine. I need to be faster."

He charged her and Carter easily stepped away, smacking him on the back of his head as he faltered forward. She laughed at the scowl he sent her.

"I feel abused," he said.

"Welcome to every woman's world, Mason. Now come at me again and this time with more focus than a lumbering bear."

Annoyed, Mason attacked, throwing a punch at Carter. She blocked the blow and flipped him onto his back. As he lay there, stunned, Carter knelt next to him.

"Tell me why you're here, Mason or I'll just keep humiliating you."

Mason swallowed, locking eyes with her. The air around them seemed to shift into something serious, something unknown. Carter regarded him, uncertain because there was an intensity in his gaze that said what he was about to say held weight.

"I love you, Carter. I've been in love with you for a long time. Don't marry Donovan. Don't."

Carter sat back on her heels, letting out her breath. "Since you're not going to tell me why you're here then you might as well leave."

Mason sat up. "How did you not believe that? My delivery was flawless."

"Because Mason I've never known you to be sincere. The one time I have seen you sincere you were blunt and there was zero emotion in your voice. That's what sincerity from you looks like. Besides, you're not dumb enough to think I would not marry Donovan. Now tell me or leave?"

Irritated, Mason dragged a hand through his hair. "There is no lying to you, is there?"

"No, so spit it out."

Draping his arms over his knees, Mason contemplated his locked fingers.

"I do want you to come get a drink with me...cause there's this..." Mason muttered under his breath, staring up at the ceiling like he couldn't believe he was even talking. "There's this girl and..." He rubbed his eyes in distress. "I need your advice." He rocketed to his feet. "Never mind this was a bad idea. I'm leaving."

He headed to the door, shaking his head.

"Okay," Carter said. "Just let me shower off and get changed."

Stopping, Mason slowly rotated back around. "Are you serious?"

Carter stood. "Yeah, she must be important if you are actually asking me for advice. Who am I to get in the way of love."

Mason held up his hands. "Hold it, no one said anything about love. I would only go as far as to say it's mild interest."

Picking up her discarded boxing gloves, Carter threw one at his head. He dodged it but not the second one.

"Right, that's all it is."

She left Mason scowling at her abuse and headed to the locker room. After a quick shower and change, she walked out and Mason was waiting there.

"I half expected for you to be gone, having wimped out," she said.

"Why do you think I stayed, you never would have let me live it down."

"True. Let's go."

They headed out of the FBI building and into the night air. It was muggy and saturated with the remaining heat of the day. Car lights blinded them as they headed down the sidewalk, Carter letting Mason lead the way.

"So tell me about this girl?" she asked.

Mason shoved his hands into his pockets and pressed his lips together. Losing patience, Carter hit his arm.

"Cough it up. I don't like you all that much."

"I often wonder how Donovan puts up with you and your abuse."

"I don't abuse Donovan. He doesn't annoy me."

"Fine. Her name is Yvette Rojas. She's getting her masters in civil engineering at Georgetown. There, you happy?"

Carter pinched the bridge of her nose. "That is the bare minimum of what you could tell me. Why did you even want my advice if you were going to be this tight-lipped about everything?"

"Because you're the only female I can stand to talk to."

"Or do you mean I'm the only female that can stand to talk to you?"

"Same difference."

"Wow, I'm not sure there is any hope for you and this girl."

"I have charm."

"Nope, I don't think you do."

Mason strode up to a restaurant's front door and pulled it open, gesturing for Carter to enter.

"See, charm," he said.

"Nope, still doesn't count. That's just called manners. There's a big difference."

Mason followed her inside. "This was a terrible idea."

The restaurant had low mood lighting and an atmosphere of wealth. Passed the collection of dining tables surrounded by well-dressed patrons was a circular bar. Mason lead Carter to it and they both claimed seats on the far end. A girl in her mid-twenties with satin brown skin, dark curls - tied into a messy bun and chocolate eyes approached them, smiling in greeting.

"Mason, you're back again," she said. She glanced at Carter, her smile never changing. "What can I get you tonight?"

Carter leaned back in her chair. "I'll have water and he'll have a date if you're free."

Mason whipped his head towards Carter as the girl just raised her eyebrows in surprise.

"Carter, what are you doing?" Mason practically growled.

Carter looked between Mason's angry face to the girl's puzzled countenance. "This is Yvette, correct?"

The girl laughed. "Yes, this is Yvette. And why is it that Mason can't ask for himself."

Recovering his cool, Mason waved a dismissive hand. "Ignore her. She suffers from delusions."

Yvette cocked her head. "So you didn't want that date?"

Carter crossed her arms, fighting back a grin. To his credit, Mason wasn't flustered.

"Of course, but I wouldn't have you thinking that I needed someone to ask for me."

Yvette leaned on the bar. "And that's why you haven't asked me on a date the last six nights you've come in."

"I wasn't going to be one of those guys that ask you out merely for your looks. And I didn't want to get a yes because of who my father is."

Yvette nodded, the edge of her mouth curled in appreciation. "Good answer." She straightened. "Okay, I get off in half an hour, you can take me out then." She smiled. "Now I'll get you that water and," she glanced at Mason, "I'll get you your usual."

When she walked away, Carter let her smile free. Mason rolled his eyes. "You didn't need to do that."

"Oh but that's what you asked me here for," Carter said.

Mason scoffed. "Please, I'm capable of asking out a girl on my own."

"Yes, but you needed a wingman. That's me. You didn't tell me that's what my role was but you also knew I would pick that up fast enough."

"Honestly, faster than I expected."

"You doubted my intelligence."

"No, I doubted your capacity to understand normal human dynamics."

Carter opened her mouth to protest but remembered she had tossed Mason to the mat just to get him to tell her the truth. She shrugged. "Fair enough."

Mason grinned at her and she returned the look.


Hey punk you wanna muffin!

(Ha! Jokes on you is a savory muffin! Oooohhhh!)

Soooooo....what did you think while you were thinking thoughts while you reading about people and those people were thinking and you were thinking and I was thinking and they were thinking? (Brain hurts yet?) 💬🗯💭🥊

Let's face it, of course Mason was never going to tell Carter why he was really there until she beat it out of him, even then he barely told her what he wanted. Sometimes that guy is just too much! 😂

Anyways I hope you enjoyed it! I'm having a blast writing this Mason and Carter dynamics! 😄

Okay! This might really kill your brain but I want to know, is there any alternate universe in which you believe Mason and Carter would ever get together? 🤔

Now! I have something to ask of you.
I'm sending off query letters (which just means I give agents the synopsis of my book and reasons why they should accept) to agents soon and I could use your help!

You've probably already had to roll your eyes at this request but hey I figured I would ask again. I need Twitter followers (it shows agents I have a good following and I'm worth taking a chance on)

So if you want to help me out that would be awesome. Go follow me on Twitter at _joymoment_

Thanks! I really appreciate all your support! ❤️

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