Christmas Presents

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This one shot contains characters introduced in: Everyday. This is for the readers who petitioned for it. It's not what you want but I'm not sure I care, you bullied me into writing this so HA!

Enjoy and Merry Christmas!


Christmas music played overhead, infusing the air with a cheery holiday spirit. Carter barely heard it in her concentration of the rack of men's sweaters. As she pulled out a dark blue sweater, a guy approached her.

From the corner of her eye, Carter could make out a defined build and good height. She glanced at him to find he was attractive and wore his good looks an air that said he knew it and used it to his advantage. He smiled at her and Carter jumped in before he could speak.

"Good," she said. "Take off your jacket."

He stared at her bemused as she held up the sweater to him. When he didn't do as she said, she raised her eyebrows.

"Jacket. Off."

More amused this time at her command, he did as she asked. He was the right size and Carter held the sweater closer to him, inspecting it.

"I'm Drake," he said.

"Not information I need," she said.

At this, the guy chuckled. Carter returned the sweater to the rack and tugged out a deep maroon one. When she held this one up to him, he tilted his head.

"I feel the need to tell you that I don't actually work here," he said.

"I'm well aware of that," Carter said. "What size are you in this type of sweater?"

"Medium." He paused. "You know I don't work here?"

"Of course, you're not wearing the button-down shirt and slacks of the other workers. It's not rocket science."

Drake gave her a long appraising look like he wasn't sure what to make of her, but curious enough to take the time to find out. Carter ignored this look. She wasn't going to give him that time. She returned to the blue sweater but got a darker shade.

"If you know I don't work here, why ask for my assistance?" he asked.

Carter let out a heavy sigh like he was the densest person she'd ever met. Facing him, she rested her elbow on the sweater rack.

"Because I knew you were going to attempt some sort of flirting or pickup line and I'm really not in the mood for it. Besides, I'm clearly buying a Christmas present and there's a 45% chance it's for a boyfriend and not a family member. Yet still, you approached me. Not really someone I would want to talk to if you knew this and still took the risk."

Drake stared at her and Carter raised the sweater in farewell.

"Thank you for your assistance. I'm sure my boyfriend will love the sweater."

Spinning on her heels, Carter left the still stunned Drake and headed to the checkout. Purchase complete, she left the store to find Donovan waiting for her, eyeing the mass of Christmas shoppers.

"How'd it go?" he asked.

"Good. Want to stop at Starbucks?"

Grinning, he took her hand. "I never pegged you for a peppermint hot chocolate addict."

"It's the embodiment of Christmas, don't judge me for my holiday spirit."

"No judgment here."

She kissed him. "Liar. You are judging me but that's okay. It does mean you're paying."

"Fair enough."

The interior of Starbucks was overflowing with shoppers eagerly seeking stimulate for another round at the stores. With their drinks in hand, Carter and Donovan managed to snag a table in the lounge area of the coffee shop.

"How'd your shopping go?" Carter asked.

"I'm pleased with my gift," Donovan said.

"See, I'm brilliant. Instead of stressing for weeks about what to get each other for our first Christmas, it was solved by allotting only one hour for the task and the results will be what they are. You can tell me I'm brilliant now."

"You're brilliant now."

Carter eyed him and his teasing grin.

"For the record, I've always been brilliant."

"I am well aware."

"Really? You're emphasis on the now implied otherwise."

Donovan's only response was a mocking grin. One Carter loved though she would die before admitting it.

Before they could dive into another topic, a girl passed by their table but paused, eyes landing on Donovan. The first thing Carter noticed about the girl was she was beautiful to the level of it being ridiculous. Who had eyes that interesting of a color? And her hair couldn't really be that lush?

To Carter's surprise, the girl didn't move on but continued to look at Donovan. From the intensity of girl's gaze, Carter wondered if she was going to have to kiss Donovan to get this girl to back off.

"Donovan?" the girl said.

She knew him. She knew him?

"Donovan," the girl said, smiling, which made her more stunning. "It is you."

Carter looked to Donovan, wanting to see his reaction to this beautiful girl smiling at him. Also, she wanted to know why he hadn't ever mentioned dating Miss Universe.

But when Donovan stared back at the girl without a hint of recognition, Carter softened. Okay, maybe dated was the wrong word but this girl knew him.

The girl's smile faltered at Donovan's lack of easy response. Carter had to wonder if this was a first for her.

"Rosie," she said, pointing to herself. "I shadowed a class you were in about a two years half ago."

Donovan brightened. "Right. Now I remember. It's good to see you again."

His even tone and reserved manner made Carter want to grab his face and kiss him right there. But she managed to hold herself back.

"How have you been?" Rosie asked. "I always wondered what happened to the Boy Genius."

Carter snorted at this and Donovan winced.

"Rosie, this is my girlfriend Carter," he said.

Rosie smiled at Carter. "It's nice to meet you."

"Same. So you shadowed one of Donovan's classes?" Carter asked.

"Yup, I had no idea what to make of him. He read all through the class but got the highest grades. You're in college now, right?"

Donovan nodded.

"At Georgetown," Carter said, not above a little bragging about her boyfriend. "After next year, it's Quantico then the FBI."

"Really? But how can that be?"

"I took college courses during high school," Donovan said. Carter could see how Rosie wanted to ask more but Donovan kept talking. "What are you doing now?"

"Finishing my final year of college. I'm studying here before my shift."

Rosie paused as a guy joined her. Drake took in Donovan then his gaze landed on Carter. She sent him a wide smile. He looked like he wanted to run away.

"You ready to study?" Drake asked.

"Drake," Rosie said, gesturing to Donovan. "Do you remember Donovan, you met him once. He's the student I always told you about in the class I shadowed."

Drake looked Donovan over like he couldn't bother trying to remember. Donovan stood, his face completely calm. Something about the exchange told Carter Donovan remembered their interaction but it wasn't a pleasant one. Carter imagined it wouldn't be. Drake was the type of person who belittled others to make himself feel better.

"We'll let you get back to studying," Donovan said. "Carter."

He held out his hand and she accepted it.

"Oh," she said to Drake. "Thanks again for the help in the store. You'd make a great store assist."

What could she say, she wasn't above belittling either.

They left, tossing out their coffee cups as they went. Donovan remained quiet as they wound their way through the mall.

"Drake one of those guys you felt like punching?" Carter asked.


"Want to tell me about it?"

He shrugged. "He talked down to me and that's on him. But honestly wasting breath on it now doesn't even seem worth it."

"And what about talking about you knowing the most beautiful girl on earth."

Donovan faced her, his eyes earnest.

"Carter," he said, softly. "You understand the most beautiful I've ever met is you, right?"

Carter laughed.

"I'm serious."

"That's sweet, but I have these things called eyes and I know what I saw."

Carter knew what she looked like. She ran enough that she didn't have the curves of most other girls. Maggie was helping her but she still struggled to make her hair look decent. She knew she had a pretty face. Her eyes and skin tone were an interesting combination. But...

Rosie was like someone who stopped the world where ever she went. All through high school Carter had been around girls with enough money to make themselves look flawless on a daily basis. Carter wasn't like that.

She'd come to terms with it.

"Come on, I want to see what you got me," she said before Donovan could say anything else.

She tugged him towards the exit. In the car, Donovan threw glances her way but she didn't acknowledge them. Finally, he spoke.

"I know you won't believe me when I say this," he said. "But being with you means that no other girl exists. It's only you."

"You're right, I don't believe you."

She smiled so the words didn't sound too honest.

"Carter, do you know why I think you're the most beautiful girl?"

"My eyes..."

He laughed. "Your everything. But more than that it's who you are. Each day the more I learn about you, the more beautiful you are to me. It's beyond how you look, it's everything that you are. Your heart. Your mind. Your soul. All of that makes you beautiful to me."

Carter didn't know how to answer. Those words made her feel special, set apart. But she was scared because it meant Donovan loved all of her. She didn't know if she was worth that.

Donovan reached out and took her hand, lacing his fingers with hers.

"Do you find me attractive simply because of how I look?" he asked.

"Of course. It's the only reason I'm with you."

Donovan shook her hand like he could knock down the wall of humor she put up between them.

"No," she admitted.

She found she loved his sharp intellect, caring heart, and compassionate soul. If she loved him for all those things...maybe she could trust he felt the same.

"I'm not sure I deserve to be the most beautiful girl to you."

Donovan shrugged. "Sucks, you are."

Carter laughed and Donovan grinned at her. Most beautiful girl. She still didn't believe him. But right then she decided to simply accept his words as a gift.

In Donovan's apartment, they both kicked off their shoes as Donovan flipped on the lights.

"Do want anything to eat? Drink?"

"Your apartment looks so bare," Carter said.

Donovan shrugged. "I'll decorate with my family at home in a couple of days, so I saw no reason to do anything here. Though compared to the Christmas explosion at your apartment I can see how it would look weird."

"Yeah, Maggie went all Santa's workshop on the place. And roped me into helping."

Donovan elbowed her playfully. "And you loved it."

Carter rolled her eyes. "I will neither confirm nor deny that statement...But it feels good to have it look so cheery. It used to look like back when... It's nice." Before Donovan could say anything, Carter clapped her hands. "Okay, I want to know what you got me."

More than that, Carter simply wanted to give him her gift. They sank onto Donovan's couch, facing each other with their shopping bags in between them. Donovan fidgeted.

"I feel I have to be honest with you," he said.

"Never! Don't you know the best relationships are built around constant lies?"

He grinned, which was the reason Carter joked as much as she did. She knew she'd never get tired of his smile.

"Before you came up with your one-hour for shopping idea," Donovan said. "I already figured out what I was going to get you."


Donovan nodded as he grimaced. "I'm sorry."

Carter laughed. "No, it's fine. I got you something as well. I came up with the hour shopping thing so you wouldn't feel pressured to get me an amazing gift."

Donovan looked at her with a soft glint in his eye, like he wasn't quite sure what he'd done to deserve her.

"You have to open my gift first in case you got me something a lot better," she said. "This way I won't feel miserable about my sad gift."

She nudged the shopping bag towards him.

"This one first."

Taking the bag, Donovan dug in and pulled out the dark blue sweater.

"Since we're being honest, I bought this mainly because it's really soft and it will mean hugging you is more enjoyable."

Donovan eyed her over the sweater. "Because hugging me now is pure torture?"

"Put it on."

"Okay but turn around."

Carter shot him a flat look. "I've seen you shirtless."

"Yes, once and I was throwing up at the time. It's not the same. We've decided to wait and I'm not going to tempt you. Besides, if this sweater makes you enjoy hugging me more we might already be getting into dangerous waters."

"Just put it on."

"Then turn around."

Holding up her hands in surrender, Carter scooted around on the couch cushion until her back was to Donovan.

"Okay, I'm decent again," Donovan said.

Carter flipped around and paused. Donovan held out his arms for her inspection. Decent? He was more than just decent in that sweater. She whistled appreciatively.

"I have amazing taste," she said. "And I was being honest, I am dating you for your good looks."

It wasn't true, but with the way the sweater fit him and brought out the blue in his eyes, Carter could imagine dating him purely for that reason. Good thing he also had a brain to go along with those looks or it never would have lasted.

"What's your other gift?" Donovan asked.

His question brought Carter out of her admiration of him. Grabbing her satchel, she pulled out a wrapped package. She handed it to him but felt nervous about his response. Donovan took the gift and shook it, even though it was solid and could only be one thing.

"I think I hear something rattling inside it."

Carter shoved his shoulder. "Shut up and open it."

Underneath the wrapping was a beautiful hardback version of The Scarlett Pimpernel. Carter gnawed on her lip as Donovan ran his hand over the novel. When he flipped open the front and began to read the inscription, she froze. Was it too stupid? Embarrassing?

It wasn't long but from the amount of time Donovan took to read it you'd think she'd written an essay instead of: Donovan, did you know that when you read sometimes you get this tiny smile in the corner of your mouth. It's the same smile you have when talking about books. Who knew you were such a book nerd. - Your current girlfriend, Carter.

Donovan lifted his eyes to her. Instead of saying anything, he leaned over and kissed her.

"Thank you," he said, his thumb brushing her cheek.

"Well, you mentioned how you related to it since you've had to hide who you are. And well...who doesn't love a hardback copy?"

Carter guessed readers did, it was something she looked up. The books in her house were all paperbacks: action, and mystery novels her father picked up for traveling.

"I love it," he said. "Though what is with this whole 'current girlfriend thing'?

"I don't want your future girlfriends to be jealous or whatever."

Donovan kissed her again, deeper this time. When he pulled away, he didn't say anything. He simply rose, found a pen, and made an adjustment to the inscription. He flipped the book around so Carter could read it. He'd crossed out current and written: always above it. Your always girlfriend.

Carter didn't have any words. No jokes. No witty comebacks. He looked at her with such certainty that she felt she didn't deserve it.

"Now my turn," Donovan said, settling down on the couch again. "I have to be honest."

"Again with the honesty, man this relationship isn't going to make it."

"Do you want your gift or not?"

Carter sealed her lips, trying to look repentant.

"I asked Maggie for ideas of what to get you in November because I actually was stressing about it. And so this is 90% her doing and about 10% mine."

Donovan set a shopping bag before her. "I merely picked it up today, so technically it still happened within the allotted hour."

Carter reached in and pulled what felt like a soft patted square book but what actually was a photo album. She stared at Donovan in utter disbelief and he looked as nervous as she imagined she had a few minutes ago.

Carter flipped it open and saw a photo of Captain holding her as a baby. Page after page showed Carter growing up.

"Like I said Maggie did most of it. She had pictures and the more recent ones are from Link and Maddy, apparently they've been taking pictures of us without either of us knowing."

Carter understood what he meant when she saw the last few pages were full of moments snapped between her and Donovan. The final page had two pictures, the family photo from Thanksgiving at Donovan's house and one of her, Captain, and Maggie.

"Since I did so little but still wanted it to feel like it was from me I wrote small notes beside the photos. Thoughts and...comments like how you were a chunky baby, things like"

Carter couldn't lift her head, if she did he would see the tears. So many good memories. There were so many. Sometimes looking back on the past all she saw was the hurt, but he'd found the happy memories she'd forgotten.

"At least tell me if you hate it and then I can get you something else."

Finally, she raised her head and Donovan looked like he was about to panic.

"I'm sorry, I didn't think that it would-"

Carter curled up beside him, wrapping her arm around him, the photo album pressed between them. She hid her face in his chest.

"Good thing this sweater makes me huggable, right?"

She laughed and he held onto her.

"Thank you," she whispered, the words feeling so small when what he'd given her was so big.

Donovan kissed her head. "Merry Christmas, Carter."


Heyo moose!

Go ahead and gift me your thoughts and I shall present mine to you! 🗯💬💭

This chapter isn't what my petitioners wanted and I know that. You wanted Donovan looking impressive in front of Drake. He was impressive in front of Rosie but that was it.

I didn't add more because the fact of the matter is this: it's been 2 years. Donovan doesn't care anymore. If he cared about what one person said all that time it would be sad. Instead he moved on.

People will say a million things to you but the thing you need to remember is that you have a choice to decide what you listen to and what you decide to forget.

Negative comments: forget

Positive comments and wise advice: listen to.

It's that simple. It just takes work to put it into practice ☺️

So listen to this: you are loved and worth be loved! ❤️

Merry Christmas, Noodle!

Vote, comment, follow!

In case you were wondering if Donovan would look good in a sweater...

Yes, yes he would.

In the spirit of the season I made a short short!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

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