Danny Finds Out

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If you imagine that this chapter is going to be depressing then you would be correct. Don't blame me, blame the masters who made me write this.
(Part of the Carter Gone Saga)


Danny hopped out of the car and plucked his duffle bag off the floor. Swinging it over his shoulder, he waved to his friend and closed the door. A week at camp made him hungry for home life.

As he headed towards his house, he spotted the Mercedes parked behind his dad's SUV. Danny grinned and sprinted for the front door. He crashed inside, dumping his duffle bag by the door and tearing into the living room.

He skimmed over his parents on the couch and found Donovan. Danny didn't care if he was too old to act this eager, it was Donovan. Next to Carter, he was one of the best people in Danny's life.

"Donny!" Danny shouted.

Danny stumbled to a halt a second before he reached his brother-in-law. Something wasn't right. His heart kicked his ribs. Donovan looked hollowed out. Only then did Danny register the atmosphere in the room. Somber. He looked to his parents. His mother cried against his father's shoulder and Captain...

His dad didn't cry. He didn't.

Danny took two quick steps back. What the hell was going on here? Danny couldn't even comprehend what would make everyone act like this but his stomach seized and he felt like he might throw up.

Donovan laid one hand on Danny's shoulder.

"Corporal," Donovan said.

Why did Donny sound like? He sounded like someone had crushed his heart. Danny started shaking his head before Donovan could even say anything.

"There's been an accident," Donovan said.

Danny couldn't move. When had his limbs turned to stone? Why wouldn't his heart stop trying to escape? 

"Carter," Donovan continued. "She's...she's..."

Danny shoved Donovan's hand away.

"NO!" he yelled. "Shut up! Carter's isn't anything but alive!"

"Danny, I'm sorry, she's...gone."

Donovan's voice cracked on the last word and Danny glared at him.

"Don't say that! My sister isn't gone! She can't be dead! You're lying!"

When Captain rose and Donovan tried to reach for Danny again, Danny fled. He raced out of the house and didn't slow down. He pounded the pavement, pumping his legs as fast as they could go and one of the top runners in track, it was pretty fast.

Donovan was lying, he was lying to Danny. Carter wasn't... she wasn't. He knew his sister. She was strong, determined, and smart. She was a fighter, she would never be taken down. Danny didn't care what any of them said, she wasn't gone!

He pushed himself harder, he needed to get away. He could outrun this, outrun them. Lies all lies. She wasn't...she couldn't be...it was impossible that she...


Danny staggered to stop, his lungs burning, the air searing his throat as he gasped. He bent over his knees, gulping, sucking in as much air as he could. Suddenly, he felt like he couldn't breathe. Panic surged inside him and he dropped to his knees.

He barely heard the car as it rolled to a stop behind him, his blood roaring in his ears. Footsteps approached but Danny ignored them. Why couldn't he breathe? What was wrong with his heart, it hammered so hard in his chest.

A strong pair of hands helped lift Danny up. Danny spun and slammed his palms into Donovan's chest.

"NO! Don't you dare!" he yelled. "Where is she? Where's my sister, Donovan?"

Donovan didn't say anything and Danny pushed him again.

"You are her partner. Her husband! You were supposed to protect her, so where is she, huh!" He shoved Donovan and Donovan didn't fight back. "You were supposed to be there for her! You made a promise! Until death! So why are you still here!" He pushed him again. "Why!"

Over and over Danny shoved Donovan and he didn't respond. Eventually, Danny's hits lessened until he could barely raise his arms. It was then Donovan hugged Danny.

"I hate you," Danny cried into Donovan's shoulder, his words contradicted by the way he clung to Donovan. "I hate you. You failed her. You are supposed to protect her."

Donovan hugged Danny tighter. "I know."

The admission broke Danny and he collapsed but Donovan held up, bearing the weight of his grief.


*hands you a tissue*

Ummm... how are you doing? 🗯💬💭

Yeah, yeah I feel your glare but a reader asked for this so really it's not my fault...

Not my fault entirely that is.

I do like the bond Danny has with Carter and how broken he is by this news.

Off topic! If I did a Q&A live stream on my Instagram (joymoment) would you want to be there?



I'm thinking I'll do it next Saturday, the 18th at 12pm EST. I'll let you know if it's official.

Vote, comment, follow.

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