Everything Changes

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Cause I felt like it and it's not very long but as always I hope the enjoyment makes up for that fact!


Carter sat on the edge of her bed, one leg tucked beneath her. Outside the late afternoon sun was bathing the world in a warm golden glow. Spring buds bloomed on trees and tossed their sweet scent into the air, to be swept up and carried off by the breeze. From her open window, Carter caught the flower fragrance.

Laying before her was a maroon dress that was cut to be flattering as well as flirty. Thoughts turning in slow circles, she played with the silky material. From beyond the door, she heard the even movements of her father. But there something to the usual rhythm of his footsteps that was different. It was as if they had become even lighter than before. A knock echoed on her door.

"Carter?" he asked.

She murmured 'enter'. Somehow her father heard the response and opened the door. Leaning on the doorframe, he studied her. He was dressed in a dark suit, but one that was distinctively different from his Secret Service attire.

"Sarge?" he asked, his voice tinged with concern.

Unable to meet his gaze, she stared down at the dark fabric, rubbing it between her fingers.

"Everything is going to change," she said.

Her father walked over and sat on the bed, facing her.

"You understand that bringing Maggie into the family will change nothing about how I feel about you, right?"

Carter nodded but still didn't look up.

"Sarge," Steve said. "You're not losing me, we're gaining her."

Finally, Carter raised her head. "It's just been only us for so long."

Her father crossed his arms. "True, but if you look back, we've had Maggie for almost just as long." He smiled with a memory. "Who made sure that both of us were eating after your mother left? Guess who was the one that reminded me that you did need new clothes? Who do you think was the one who bought you pads when I wasn't man enough to do it myself?" Carter felt the beginnings of a smile appearing. "Who has been with us for so many years, making sure we didn't fall apart? Who do you think has wanted to step into the role of your mother since she saw you lose one?"

"She's always been part of this family, hasn't she?" Carter said.

Steve smiled, the look so full of affection and happiness Carter felt it wrapping her up in it.

"She has and now we get to make it permanent."

"I guess it's about time then."

Steve laughed and Carter grinned, knowing that if Maggie had this effect on her father then everything would be fine. Rising, her father leaned over and kissed the top of her head.

"Hurry and get dressed, we don't want to be late."

Carter slid off her bed. "I must like her cause I'm wearing a dress for her."

At the door, her father looked back, a teasing gleam in his blue eyes.

"Is it for her? Or is it that Marine you are determined to keep dating?"

Carter's embarrassed scowl was all the confession she was going to give. It was all Steve needed.

"That's what I thought," he said, closing the door.

Shaking her head as she tried to hide her smile, she turned back to the dress. She changed and took a moment before the mirror to criticize the length, tightness and overall appearance. When convinced she was mad for agreeing to the dress, she put on her shoes and headed out. Her father looked up from his phone when she entered the living room and beamed.

"You ready?" he asked, holding out his arm.

Nodding, Carter took it, hating that a part of her was still very aware that this was an end to her current way of life. It wouldn't be just the two of them again.

The drive to the courthouse was a quiet affair as Carter let all the moments they had shared like this fill the space. Waiting inside was Maggie, in a white dress that brushed her knees and her hair artfully piled on top of her head. The smile she wore though was truly the most beautiful thing about her. When she spotted them, instead of going to her future husband, she wrapped Carter up in her arms. She smelled like vanilla. Breaking away, she held Carter at arm's length, grinning.

"You are beautiful," she said. "I wasn't sure if you would wear the dress, but I'm glad you did."

Carter shrugged like it wasn't a big deal. "It is your day after all."

Tears building in Maggie's eyes, she shook her head, giving Carter's shoulders an affectionate squeeze.

"No, it's not, Hun. It's our day. Cause today I get to become part of your family."

Carter hugged Maggie, a rush of emotions overwhelming her.

"You've always been part of our family," she said.

Maggie held Carter like she was proud to simply know her.

"Now let's make it official," Carter said.

Smiling, Maggie nodded and took Steve's hand. After a few directions, they found themselves in a small room with a gray-haired man. As the man walked them through a short ceremony, Carter felt a tangle of happiness and something else she couldn't explain winding through her. When Steve leaned in and kissed Maggie, Carter clapped and cheered, making up for the lack of a crowd.

Smiling, the trio left the courthouse and drove a short distance to a hotel. When they entered the ballroom shouts of celebration and congratulations washed over them. Friends and distant family members all rushed to offer their form of well wishes. In the mass of people, Carter was separated from the pair. Taking the division as an excuse, she found an alcove to tuck herself into. Though her heart was bursting with joy, it still held a tug of sadness.

"It's okay," a familiar voice said. 

Carter spun around and found Donovan looking at her. He was dressed in slacks and a button down. Each time she saw him, she wondered if somehow he had managed to get more attractive. He took a step forward but made no move to reach for her, letting her have space.

"What's okay?" she asked, though she had a feeling she knew.

"Being sad," he said.

She let out a strangled laugh. "But how can I be sad when I'm so happy for Captain?"

It was then he reached out and brushed a hand over her cheek.

"Because you're a complex person completely capable of feeling two emotions at once."

At the acceptance of her hidden grief, she swallowed trying to force back the bubble of tears in her throat.

"It's going to change," she said.

For a moment, she thought he would repeat what Captain had said, that it was really just the same as it had been before, they were simply getting Maggie.

"Yes, it is," he said. 

Carter let out a teary laugh.

"But that doesn't mean it's going to be a bad thing," Donovan continued. "But yes, it will be different. It won't be just him and you anymore. It might be bumpy at first, but you will adjust. At times it might even be hard to accept Maggie being a bigger part of your life but that's natural. All changes take time." 

Carter stared at him, trying to understand as this wonderful person had chosen to be part of her life despite the mess she was.

"How do you know all of this?" she asked, his words soothing her emotions.

Donovan leaned in like he was going to share a secret, his grin mischievous.

"I talked to my mom and asked her what to expect from a situation like this."

Laughing, Carter wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. In that moment she glimpsed a piece of how much he truly cared for her.

The crowd around Steve and Maggie had broken apart. Music flooded the ballroom and guests diverged to tables and chairs. Holding Maggie's hand, Steve led her out to the center of the dance floor and pulled her into his arms. The two swayed back and forth to the song, whispering to each other like young lovers. Carter held Donovan's hand, watching them, letting herself feel it all, happiness, sadness...hope.

When the song shifted, other couples joined the pair, entering the happiness of the day. Donovan looked to Carter, a soft smile on his face.

"Since your father is otherwise occupied and less likely to kill me in front of a crowd of witnesses, do you want to dance?"

"You know neither of us knows how to dance, right?"

Donovan tugged her forward. "Then we will stand on the sidelines and I will have an excuse to simply hold you."

A flutter of warmth filled Carter's chest. Claiming a corner of the dance floor, Donovan slid his arm around Carter's waist and took her hand. She rested her other hand on his shoulder. Donovan rested his cheek on the side of her hair and she leaned into him.

At that moment Carter couldn't imagine a world where Donovan wasn't in her life. Looking back, her world had been duller without him. Just like her world would be dimmer without Maggie. And so Donovan was right, it wasn't going to be the same, it was going to be so much better.



(Yes, I've given up on being intimidating, I guess I just don't have what it takes. Woe is me.)


I honestly didn't think I was going to write this chapter cause I was getting really close to not writing anymore of these chapters  but then I couldn't write the chapter I was suppose to be writing so I wrote this instead. But I guess my procrastination is your gain! So yay!

Shout, cheer or comment your thoughts!

It was fun writing Donovan and Carter being so cute! I love how he's there for her! Couple goals! Is that weird for me to say about my own characters? I feel like it kind is. Whateves I don't care! EVERYONE IS HAPPY!!!!

Vote, comment, follow or do nothing at all and the crazy thing is I will still love how! How bizarre is that!?

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