Finding Solutions

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Gosh I can't believe I wrote this. As you requested.

You should know this chapter is completely ridiculous and it's a different ridiculous than the mission chapters, still you might like it.

Disclaimer: to my guy readers, you might get an insight to girls.

To my girl readers...I'm sorry for raising the bar yet again.


The day was warm contradicting what the calendar said. The late afternoon sun was sighing and soaking up the last of its glory before it dimmed for the autumn.

Donovan cut the car's engine and climbed out, feeling as heat encased him. The metal staircase clanged as he jogged up it. Link was secure in his room talking to Maddy and that meant that Donovan was free for at least six hours.

Though he had been at Carter's place countless times since they had started dating, Donovan still felt a nervous pulse. He knocked. From beyond the door, he heard the thumping beat of a bass that was too loud. He knocked again, but still no answer. He gave the knob a tentative twist and found it unlocked.

The full force of the music hit him as he stepped inside.

"Carter?" he asked, cautious to enter further without full permission.

There was no answer. Determined to still see her, Donovan made his way to her bedroom where the source of the noise was coming from. He rapped his knuckles on the door, but with the volume of the music, he guessed the chance of her hearing was pretty slim. Taking out his phone, he called her, but she didn't pick up.

After a minute debate, where his hand made treks through his hair, he reached for the doorknob. Hoping he wasn't going to regret his next move, he opened the door.

What waited for him on the other side made him freeze.

Carter was dressed in workout clothes and beating the punching bag. With a spin, she kicked the taut leather, making the bag swing. Before the bag had drifted back to her, she dropped to the ground and did a round of fifteen push-ups, then flipped onto her back and did a rep of thirty crunches. She had barely finished when she jumped back to her feet and attacked the punching bag again.

The ferocity and speed in which she performed the routine startled Donovan. It was more than a want to get her heart racing, it was as if she were trying to outrun something.

"Carter!" he said, over the thundering bass.

When she didn't respond, he crossed the door and shut off her music. At the silence, she spun on him, her face lined in irritation.

"What?" she snapped.

Donovan raised his eyebrows, surprised at the bite.

"I wanted to see you," he said.

Carter blew furiously at a strand hair that had fallen into her face.

"Well, I don't want to see you. So stop being a clingy boyfriend and leave me alone."

Donovan frowned, the words striking something in his chest. Staring at her, he ran a hand through his hair again, disheveling it even further. Carter turned back to the punching bag and gave it a savage kick. Knowing a threat when he saw it, he left.

At the top of the stairs, he paused, confusion clouding his mind. He was halfway to his car when a thought hit him. Checking his phone, the wrinkle of puzzlement cleared. Passing his car, he sent out a message.

"Sir, I want confirmation on a bit of information. Carter is doing a routine of push-ups, crunches and attack maneuvers. Is this what I think it is?"

Donovan had stepped into the convenient store down the block when he got the reply.


Nodding to himself, Donovan bought all that he needed then headed back to Carter's apartment. When he entered this time, the music had remained off but the sound of her landing blows to the punching bag could still be heard. Grabbing a pair of spoons and settling the shopping bag on the coffee table, Donovan kicked off his shoes and sank down onto the couch. After a quick search, he found what he was looking for.

The tv screen began to play a movie that opened with an establishing shot of a high school gym and a class picture day.

By the time the main character had said her name was Jenna for the third time, Carter had appeared. Seeing Donovan on her couch, eating ice cream and watching a movie, she scowled.

"What are you doing?" she said.

Donovan gestured to the screen with his spoon.

"I'm watching 13 Going On 30, want to join?"

Carter eyed the tv and the collection of ice cream cartons like they would attack her at any moment.

"You know how I feel about romance movies," she said, her fists clenched.

"I do, but I figured you could make an exception for me."

An internal battle seemed to rage in Carter's head, as she stood stock still. Donovan watched the movie and acted as if he weren't half watching her, seeing if she would run or attack. Finally making a decision, she grabbed a spoon and carton then sat down beside him.

Donavon let out a breath, feeling a strange sense of accomplishment. Carter jabbed her ice cream. Minutes passed, as Carter's ice cream took a beating.

"You haven't actually ever seen this movie have you?" she asked.

Donovan debated over the two answers but decided from the less aggressive scowl and the tone of her voice that the truth wouldn't bring him bodily harm.

"No, but it was ranked as number three most-watched romance movie when girls are..."

Instead of finishing that sentence, he ate some ice cream.

"How did you know?" she asked.

"Last month you almost bit off my head when I startled you. The month before that you nearly broke my finger when I tried to hug you. Each instance was note-worthy enough I marked it in my calendar. I also got confirmation from your father."

He shrugged as if it wasn't a big deal. Without warning, Carter kissed him.

The shock of it kept him reacting. By the time his brain kicked back into gear, Carter jerked away. Her face was a mix of desire and frustration. Letting out a breath of annoyance, she slammed her ice cream on the coffee table and stood.

"I hate this. I hate this so much!" She walked a few paces, clutching her hair. "I don't feel like myself. It's like some demon has taken over my body." Donovan rose and moved closer to her. "I want to cry and hit things for no reason. Now you're part of my life and you're seeing me being a complete mess and I hate you for it."

Donovan placed his hands on her shoulders, stilling her.

"Hey," he said. "I get that this is just how it is. And I want you, mess or no mess."

Carter threw his hands off.

"Like that!" She said. "You're being really nice and cute! Will you please stop doing that. It's really annoying and I want to punch you for being so freaking calm all the time! I wish you would stop being perfect for one second."

Feeling like he was getting whiplash, but determined to stick it out, he spread his arms out.

"Fine, I'll stop being nice. Sometimes I think your hair is too messy. It pisses me off that one day you might actually beat me in a fight. Though you hate them, I wish you would wear dresses sometimes cause you would look amazing. I also wish you would wear heels cause I know they would make your legs look extremely hot. There? Is that better?"

Carter's eyebrows inched together. "You think my hair is too messy?"

Donovan rubbed his face, having the feeling he was never going to win.

"Do you really?" she asked.

Knowing that whatever he would say next could end up with them broken up or his arm broken, he went with the next best option, he kissed her.

The frantic, tangled mess that was Carter's emotions seemed to still. She melted into his hold like he was the eye of the storm.

When they broke apart, she rested her forehead on his chest.

"I really hate being a girl sometimes," she said.

He kissed the top of her head. "Yes, but I like you as a girl and wouldn't change a thing."

Carter gripped his shirt. "You're doing that nice thing again."

"Okay, I'll stop." He paused. "You want to watch 13 Going On 30 and eat ice cream."

"If I say yes, does that make me weak?"

"If I said yes, you could break my wrist, so I think that answers your question."

Raising her head, Carter smiled at him. Kissing the tip of her nose, he led her back to the couch. They sat, Carter curled up beside Donovan.

They transitioned from one movie to the next as the ice cream diminished. Eventually, the work out from before got the best of Carter and she fell asleep beside him, a pillow tucked under her head. Having no place he would rather be, Donovan rested a hand on her waist as his other hand played with her hair.

They were towards the end of their third movie when the front door opened. Donovan tensed with panic, while Carter slept on.

Steve walked in and stopped at the sight of his daughter sleeping next to Donovan. In reaction to the line that cut into Steve's brow, Donovan raised his hands.

"Please don't shoot me," he said.

There was a tense moment where Steve held Donovan's gaze. When it slipped down to Carter, Donovan let out a breath.

"You made it through the day," Steve said, hanging up his suit jacket and dropping the keys into their bowl. "I'll give you credit for that. Any more ice cream left?"

Donovan nodded, daring to relax. Grabbing one of the remaining cartons, Steve took a spot by Carter's feet.

"This is one of our favorites," Steve said, to the tv screen.

Donovan focused on the movie as if forgetting what he had been watching for the last hour and a half.

"Notting Hill? Really?"

Steve nodded. "The push-ups, crunches and attack routine was my way of helping her cope. Romance movies were Maggie's way of helping her cope. So I got used to watching them with her." He looked down at his daughter. "It's good to remind her that it's okay to be a girl once and a while."

"You can stop talking about me now," Carter mumbled.

Steve chuckled and nudged Carter's leg. "It's your favorite part, Sarge."

Carter shifted to get a better view. On the screen Julia Roberts stood in the bookstore, staring at Hugh Grant. Instead of watching the movie, Donovan watched Carter. A smile tugged at the corner of his lips as he saw her mouth the words.

"I"m just a girl. Standing in front of a boy. Asking him to love her."

Donovan's smile grew because the answer to that question was so simple. It was always yes.


Bang! 💥
(Bang bang into your heart.)

(Fun dancing song with a terrible message but that's usually how it goes.)

Okay if you feel like telling me what you thought of this then feel free to do so here! ✍️

A small explanation. The reason there are so many of these extra chapters is cause they help when I hit writer's block on my other books. If you think you've had enough I understand and will not fault you if you peace out here and now.

Question: is there one type of chapter you would pay actual money to read?

(I'm not saying I would actually charge you, just asking if there is one chapter you want that badly.)

Also Dirty Dancing is the one romance movie I like cause it has a strong girl lead! Also no one puts Baby in a corner.

If you feel at all inclined to do so then vote, comment, follow, but if you don't then I will never hold it against you cause well you control me and it's obvious because this book is so crazy long!

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