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Takes place before Carter was ever in Donovan's life. Have fun, I know I did!


The house was silent, but Donovan knew it wouldn't be that way for long. Glancing at the door, he hurriedly changed into a pair of running shorts and laced up his shoes. Straining to hear the entrance of his brothers, he went to the window and pushed it open. A dry, dusty wind whipped inside the room. Beyond the smell of dirt, the tang of the ocean could be detected.

Having grown up with this scent, Donovan didn't even notice it anymore. He climbed out and dropped to the ground, a cloud of dust puffing up underfoot. He eased the window shut and let out a breath. The day was settled into the warm glow of late afternoon, the sky hinting at a sunset to come and the sun backing off of its glare.

Feeling satisfied with his escape, Donovan rounded the house. He instantly jerked back, bumping into the corner.

Standing, waiting for him, were his three older brothers.

They were all copies of each other with individual markers that kept them apart. Brock leaned against the house, his arms crossed. He had their father's broad features. James had one elbow resting on Clint's shoulder. Though he was a few inches shorter than his quiet older brother, James' loud personality made up the difference.

"Where are you going?" James asked a laugh hidden in the dimple in his cheek.

Donovan shoved his hands into his pockets, hating that trying to lie to them was like trying to escape their mother's keen eyes.

"I was going to go for a run," he answered.

"Where to?" Brock asked.

"The beach."

All three brothers exchanged looks.

"Great, we'll go with you," James said.

Donovan fought down a scowl of annoyance, knowing it would betray him. Instead, he shrugged.


Removing their shirts and discarding them in Donovan and James' room, the four brothers took off. They crossed the front lawn and moved out onto the road that led through the Marine base. As they ran, the group all looked like echoes, though Donovan just two weeks past sixteen was still the smallest in size. They left the base and crossed the highway, taking it to towards the ocean.

The beach was narrow and occupied by very few people, the location too far for anyone to really bother with driving to. The group kept a tight two-man formation as they moved to the shoreline. Donovan made up one part of the pair at the front, Brock beside him. Despite himself, he was guiding the pack where he really didn't want to go but was pulled anyways.

As they were crossing the path of a lifeguard station, Donovan glanced over. He instantly regretted it and felt a sinking feeling in his gut. The girl sitting on the tall chair waved to him and called out.

"Hi, Donovan," she said.

She was in her late teens with brown hair speckled with blonde from the sun and deeply tan skin. Hating everything at that moment, he waved back.

"Hi, Ashley," he said.

She hopped down from her platform, obviously under the impression that they would have a conversation like they usually did. Donovan felt the familiar pang of attraction as she walked forward, the red lifeguard bathing suit doing everything to display her body to an advantage.

"Are these your brothers?" she asked, eying the group.

As if planned, the brothers fanned out, forming a crescent moon around the girl, Donovan ending up on the far edge. James leaned forward, his smile quick and flirtatious. At seventeen he had still yet to experience anything that was close to awkward. The world was his stage.

"Bond, James Bond," he said.

This was received with an appreciative giggle. Beside him, Clint showed no smile or any sort of descriptive expression.

"Clint," he said.

He said his name like he knew who he was with absolute certainty. It was a certainty that was wrapped in mystery just daring to be solved. The laughter in Ashley's eyes melted to something more awed. When her gaze naturally drifted to Brock, his smile was slow and full of secrets.

"Hey," he said. "I'm Brock."

It was because Donovan was watching so closely, that he saw the moment Ashley's breath hitched.

"Hi," she said, her voice promising she wanted to know every one of his secrets.

Groaning in annoyance, Donovan walked away. He wasn't worried about his absence ever being noticed. In the shadow of his brothers, he was rendered invisible. Lacing his hands together, he placed them on top of his head and stared out at the sea. The breeze whispered against this bare skin, but he barely registered it. A frown cut into his forehead, as he contemplated payback.

The light laugh that floated over the air irked him and he clenched his jaw. Only yesterday that same laugh had been because of him, now he was worth less notice than the sand. At least that played a part in keeping Ashley standing.

A shadow moved to stretch out before him, attached to it was Clint. His brother didn't say anything. He merely stood there, watching the ocean. In that regard, he took after their mother, silent until something worth saying needed to be said. It was a trait that easily gave Brock competition when it came to girls.

There was something about the strong, silent type that drew them to him. It was a persona Donovan wish he could emulate. But since Clint had perfected it, Donovan would only seem like a cheap knock off.

"She only ever saw you as entertaining, not to be taken seriously," Clint said.

Donovan kicked viciously at the sand.

"Shut up. You all suck."

Clint said nothing else, his gaze fixed on the horizon. Donovan hated how it looked deep and philosophical.

"I hate being the youngest," he said.

Clint faced him and placed a hand on his shoulder. Though only nineteen there was a gravity in Clint's gaze that made him seem ancient and endowed with wisdom.

"I know. But you're not invisible, no matter what it may seem like."

Donovan had no answer. It felt strange having his thoughts plucked from his mind so easily. It was exactly what his mother was capable of.

The moment of understanding was broken by James launching himself at Donovan and tackling him to the sand. Happy to let out his annoyance, Donovan rolled and began pummeling James's side. In return, James fought back, landing a few painful blows.

By the time Donovan's spirits were back to normal, both brothers were coated with sand. Jumping up, James held out his hand to Donovan, who grasped it and was hauled to his feet. Even if he was invisible when it came to girls at least he wasn't invisible to his brothers.

As if to echo this, Brock charged forward, grabbing Donovan and hurling him into the water. He crashed through the surface and was enveloped in a chill that was invigorating. He came up for air, sputtering.

Brock and James were laughing and before either of them were prepared for it, Clint was dragging them by the arms to the sea. The trio dived it and resurfaced close to Donovan, who attacked Brock, pinning him under the waves. What ensued was a madness of fists, water, and grunts.

Eventually, when the brothers were tired of choking on salt water, they pulled themselves out of the waves. Ashley was beaming at them, feeling pleased with the entertainment. Ringing out as much water as they could from their shorts and shoes, they took off. Ashley waved to them, her eyes only seeing Brock.

"See you Saturday," she called as if worried he would forget the date that had been set only an hour before.

Jogging backward, Brock offered a salute and wink that made Ashley go giddy. Donovan glanced back but didn't bother waving to her. There was no point in further humiliating himself. The run back to the base was awkward with sopping shoes and dripping shorts. By the time they reached home, Donovan's skin was sticky from the ocean. They all dumped their shoes on the porch, where the sun was likely to rid them of water.

A battle started up as they all raced to the doorway, calling dibs on the shower. They burst through the front door like a stampede, each one trying to trip the other and gain the lead. But at a sharp whistle, they all jumped to attention.

Standing in the living room was their father, alongside him was a man in his forties with neat blonde hair and in a tailored suit. His hazel eyes took in the chaos of the boys with a hint of amusement. It was a look their father did not share, but the sternness of his face didn't say they were in trouble.

"Boys, I would like you to meet an old friend of mine, Senator Douglas."

The brothers all offered murmurs of greetings.

Though the introduction had made it seem like the visit was of a friendly nature, there was an energy that contradicted this. Donovan felt it and tensed, wondering what really going on. When his father's eyes landed on him, his stomach twisted.

"Donovan," he father said.

His brothers gave him room and Donovan stepped forward.

"Yes, sir?"

The older men seemed to study him as if confirming what had already been speaking about. With a glance at each other and a nod from Douglas, Donovan's father focused back on his son. Donovan got the sense he wasn't going to be invisible anymore.

"Donovan, Senator Douglas has a job for you."


Bam! 🍦🍦
(Ice cream in the face! But again I don't think there's anything bad about that. It is ice cream after all)

So! What did you think?

Yeah, I know it was short, but really I don't think you're allowed to complain since I keep writing these chapters for you. If you want to complain you can, I'm really curious how you would go about it.

I wrote this cause I loved the interactions between Donovan and James so much I wanted to see what it was all like before Donovan was ever on his own.

I also found it really interesting that Donovan copied his brother Clint when it came to designing his persona for protecting Link, did not see that one coming.

Okay, who is your favorite brother?

I think mine is a tie between James and Clint. Clint is just so wise while James is hilarious!

Vote, comment, follow but only if you feel like it.

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