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Cause you really really wanted this and it was the best I could do with the characters I created. 🤷‍♀️

(Also all I want to do now is sing...I still get relish!🎶🎵)


"Your essays should be in my inbox by the end of Friday or I will not accept it," Professor White announced to the classroom. "That's all for today, you're dismissed."

The click of computers' closing and the shuffling of feet filled the auditorium. Carter rose and slid on her coat and stored away her laptop. As she made her way outside, a curly-haired guy with a splash of freckles across his nose approached her.

"Hey, Carter," Adam said. "I thought the points you brought up about the impactful years of one's life affecting their view of the world interesting. I was wondering if you wanted to get coffee and discuss it more?"

Carter surveyed the surrounding mass of people but didn't spot Donovan among the scarf and coated crowded.

"Sure," she said.

Adam smiled, the gesture accenting his natural good looks. The pair crossed the courtyard towards the small cafe. It was chilly, winter's breath icing the air. Though there was no snow yet, the ground was frozen and the grass crunched beneath boots. Adam hurried forward and pulled the door open, allowing Carter to slip into the warm, coffee-scented embrace of the cafe.

As the door swung shut behind the pair, across the quad, Donovan rounded the building. He scanned the collection of bundled figures, but couldn't spot Carter's face. When he ducked his head into the auditorium, he found it mostly empty, a single student left, lost in a discussion with the professor.

Biting down frustration, Donovan turned away, gazing out of the college grounds. His phone dinged, snatching his attention. He pulled it out. One it was a single message.

"Still alive."

Donovan gripped his phone as he stared at Link's update. Though nothing in his face gave him away, inside he was starting to fracture. Years of being only one thing were coming to an end and he was struggling to know exactly what it would mean for him when the burden was lifted.

Eight years of his life had been dedicated to watching over someone else's. Before that, he had been a sixteen-year-old boy who hadn't known who he wanted to be. Part of Donovan feared that he would somehow revert to the unknowing state when the time came.

Pocketing his phone, Donovan went back to his search. There was one person who seemed to understand without being told and right then he needed that, cause he wasn't sure he understood himself. Before he could call Carter, a girl with a knitted cap pulled down over her pixie haircut, approached him.

"Hey, Donovan," she said. "I wanted to let you know that the study group is meeting at my place this Friday."

Donovan nodded, storing away the info.

"Courtney," Donovan said, stopping the girl from disappearing. "Have you seen, Carter?"

She pointed to the cafe across the way. "I saw her walk in with Adam."

Irritation stirred in Donovan's chest, but he managed to keep it was showing.


He crossed the lawn and paused outside the door, peering in. In a back corner at a small table sat Adam and Carter. Adam's smile was on full display as he leaned on the table towards her.

Something snapped inside Donovan, all the emotions he had been fighting against converged into that one moment. Tearing open the door, he stormed inside. He gripped the front of Adam's shirt and slammed him against the wall.

"Stay away from my girlfriend, or I'll beat the hell out of you."

Power coursed though Donovan, fueling ever cell. Adam cowered, his body shaking with terror as he nodded. The cafe was frozen with shock. Carter didn't move, rooted to her chair with surprise.

"I don't ever want to see you talking to her or even looking at her." Donovan shook Adam. "Do you understand me?"

Adam was paper-white and looked ready to piss himself in fear.

"I-I got it."

"Good, now get out of here."

Donovan threw him to the ground. Staring back with frightened eyes, Adam scrambled to the exit.

Donovan blinked and rubbed his eyes, dismissing the violent thoughts from his mind. He opened the door and strode into the cafe. It was almost stifling compared to the coldness outside.

As he drew towards the back table, he noticed more than he had from beyond the door. Though Adam was all smiles and eager energy, Carter sat back in her seat, arms crossed, creating a barrier between her and this flirty guy. Even though she wore a smile it was subdued, guarded. As he stopped before them, the pair glanced up.

"Donovan, hey," Adam said, his smile not containing the same brightness as it had a second ago.

Still feeling a chaos of frustration, Donovan gripped Adam's shirt and lifted him off his seat.

"Adam, I understand that you are attracted to my girlfriend," Donovan said, his voice almost soothing in its calmness. "I don't blame you, she's beautiful and smart. Right now though I want to talk to her alone and instead of throwing you through a window I'm simply going to ask you to leave. Is that alright with you?"

Adam blinked as if expecting a completely different speech.

"Uh...yeah. I can leave."

Donovan smiled. "Thanks, man. Also, study group changed and it will be at Courtney's house this Friday, in case you didn't know."

"Got it. Thanks."

Donovan let go and Adam dazedly brushed down the front of his shirt. He grabbed his coat from the back of his chair, still looking completely baffled.

"I'll see you both around," he said.

Carter nodded, trying to hide the fullness of her amusement. As he left, Donovan sank into his seat and rested his head in his hands. When Carter said nothing, Donovan twisted his neck to gaze at her.

"What?" he asked.

She leaned back in her chair. "Oh, I was simply waiting for you to tear your shirt, pound your chest, throw me over her shoulder and declare to the world that, 'you caveman, you strong, I yours, no man touch me'."

The edge of Donovan's lips curled at the exaggerated caveman voice.

"Compared to what I imagined doing to him, I say that was pretty tame," he said. He stole her drink and sipped it.

"You going to tell me what is going on?" she asked.

Donovan dragged a hand through his hair, staring at the table. The chaos he faced felt like trying to assemble a gun with parts missing and some pieces coming from a completely different weapon. He let out a slow breath. Carter shifted her chair over to his and rested a hand on the back of his neck. It was such a rare form of public affection from her that he closed his eyes, letting himself accept the gift.

"It's because in a month everything changes, isn't it?"

Donovan smiled and leaned back in the chair, staring at her. Her eyes were open, familiar and comforting. There was no judgment in them.

"I fear I won't know who I am."

She nodded, a hint of teasing sparking in her eyes. "So you decided to try on possessive boyfriend?"

"No, that was me frustrated that someone was stealing your time."

"Ah. Well, we can never have that, can we? I must always be yours."

Her mocking tone helped Donovan know she knew what he meant and that she knew her time was always her own.

"I'm sorry," he said. He crossed his arms. "It's been eight years and without a constant weight of protecting him...the world seems unknown."

Carter nodded. "I understand."

Though it was a simple thing, Donovan found himself comforted. She didn't try to reassure or fix anything, only confirmed that she would be there as he tried to make sense of his life. His phone dinged. Without looking, he knew what it was. Carter did too and stood, holding out her hand to him.

"Come on, you still have a month left and I will walk with you."

He took her hand, lacing his fingers through hers, never failing to enjoy the strength and warmth of it.

"On our way there you can growl at anyone who looks my way."

He laughed, a piece of his burden lightening. They threw away their trash and stepped out into the icy air. Whether for the warmth or comfort, they moved closer together.

"Donovan, until you find your new position remember that you still have one. You're my boyfriend."

He kissed her. "Now which one of us is being possessive?"


Ha! In yo face!

(Wow, I'm sorry that was very aggressive, I apologize, I'll back up)

Okay, so there you have it, the closest I will ever get to actually writing Donovan being jealous.

What did you think?

I'm sorry it's not more like what you want but honestly, Donovan is so logical that he would never really get jealous. Also he trusts Carter, so being jealous wouldn't make sense since he's secure in their relationship. Anyways, I hope it was still enjoyable!

Go ahead and leave suggestions for more One Shots right here! I can't promise I'll write them but I want to hear what you got. (The more interesting the more I'm likely to write them)

Vote, comment, follow or stare out the window and admire the world!

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