Meeting Her (Clint's POV)

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You HAVE to have read the previous chapter (The Best Laid Plans) for this to make any sense! Also You wanted some Clint and this is me giving it to you.


"Fifty bucks says that Carter decks Donovan on the spot," James said.

Clint loved his brother, but his lack of understanding of human nature, specifically Carter's, baffled him at times. They both grew up with the same mother, how did he fail to absorb her insight? Again Clint had to remind himself that James, like Brock, took after their father, they were all built for action, for quick reflexes, and unwavering loyalty.

Once told something, they took to it and didn't pause to break it down, to tear apart the logic behind it. They didn't see the world through the scope of why? They saw it through the scope of when and how?

Brock held a bit more of their mother's brains, it was why he did so well at the FBI. He did have an inclination to question motives. It was his training under Commander that made him relentless to get answers.

Whereas James excelled at his role as security. His instincts made him able to see the dangers in the world and react. Combat training meant he walked into every situation looking for potential threats.

And Clint...He questioned everything. Whether it needed to be questioned or not. It's why he chose security detail to high valued people. It was more than playing bodyguard to someone, it was accessing everything in that person's life and determining what was a threat and what was not. He had complete control over someone's safety and didn't fail.

"No," Brock said, setting out a stack of plates for cake. "Carter isn't going to deck him, she's going to look at him, make sure he sees her then walk out. Our girl is hot-headed but she also doesn't like causing a scene."

Brock was closer but still, he failed to understand what was so intrinsic to Carter and Donovan's relationship: complete trust.

"I'll take that bet," Clint said. "And Carter won't do either of those things."

"And what is she going to do then?" James asked, taunting.

"She won't even believe that Donovan is cheating on her."

Both brothers let out loud protests which drew the attention of the apartment's other occupants, the Evans, Mason, and Carter's family.

"How can you say that?" James said. "The evidence will be right in front of her face."

"Doesn't matter."

Brock shook his head. "Yes, it does. Carter is logical, she'll connect all the dots. The way Donovan changed his tone over the phone would be impossible not to interpret as affection and secrecy."

Clint loved his brothers but they were both wrong. At least with their lack of understanding, Clint would be a hundred dollars richer for it. He knew Carter, had watched her grow from a girl determined to prove herself to their family to someone who'd chosen to take the time apart from Donovan to work on herself.

Clint knew how difficult that decision had been for Donovan. Had talked to him countless times when he second-guessed himself. Helped him when he was afraid he'd lost the only girl he loved.

But Clint knew Carter, knew that any girl who trained in order to impress her boyfriend's family on their first meeting wasn't going to give up easily. She'd never told him, or any of them, but Clint had put it together after getting to know her.

"If you say so," Clint answered Brock.

Brock shot him a look. His brother knew Clint didn't concede easily and was wary of it. He might look like he couldn't put two and two together but Brock was a shrewd man.

Mason strolled over to where the brothers were collected in the kitchen.

"What's the bet?" he asked.

"Fifty. Carter decks Donovan on sight," James said.

"Carter gives Donovan a look and walks away," Brock said.

"Carter doesn't believe it for a second," Clint said.

Leaning against the counter, Mason gave a slow nod, processing the information.

When Clint first met Mason, he'd been arguing with Carter. It had taken Clint the entire night to understand their relationship. It wasn't one of mutual dislike, since neither of them ever looked truly mad while arguing. The things they said were smart and cutting. There was an intensity behind it that made Clint cautious that there was a deeper meaning to their dynamic. But their body language never spoke of attraction.

Finally, Clint had pieced it together. They were each other's mirrors. They reflected their own flaws and struggles back onto each other. That's why they argued, it was liking arguing with themselves only in human form.

And underneath that was a history of friendship. A strange friendship but one just the same.

"Carter will believe it but she won't do anything," Mason said. "She will internalize it."

Clint fought a smile. Mason said that because that's what he would do. They did differ in areas.

"They're coming up," Link called out to the group. "Hide."

"Soon we'll see who is right," Brock said.

"We will," Mason said, smugly, already counting himself richer.

They all dispersed. Clint kept to the kitchen, hiding behind the island. The door to the apartment opened and two sets of footsteps rushed in. A second later, Donovan appeared with a woman. They hid with Clint, the woman taking a spot beside him.

For a second, Clint couldn't form words. She was beautiful. Dark satin skin, caramel eyes, curvy figure, and a short afro.

"Hi," Clint managed to say.

She smiled at him and all Clint could do was stare.

"Hi," she said. "I'm Eva."

When she stuck out her hand, Clint took it but never took his eyes off her face.

"And you are?" she asked with a slightly teasing tone.

"Clint. Donovan's older brother."

"So you know Carter well then. As playing the role of 'other woman' how do you think she'll react?"

"She didn't believe for a second that Donovan was cheating."


The door to the apartment opened and everyone jumped out, yelling surprise.

Everyone except Clint and Eva.

"Yeah," Clint said. "First, Carter trusts Donovan to her core. Even with the obvious evidence, she wouldn't believe it. They have been through some of the most intense and painful situations and only come through it stronger.

"Second, Donovan has only ever loved Carter. There's no other woman for him. With that being the basis of his love, he would have put on an act that was to the outside observer convincing but wouldn't be convincing to Carter. His subconscious would want Carter to know it was all fake. Even if Donovan's mind wanted to pull it off, his heart wouldn't and would sabotage what he was doing. Carter knowing Donovan would see through the blatant rouse and not be fooled at all."

Eva stared at him with a curious light in her eyes. A light that Clint felt an odd satisfaction at making happen. A lot of the women he'd dated were smart but when he broke down things, they rarely looked like they wanted to hear more.

"What do you do for a living?" Eva asked.

"I specialize in analyzing data and assessing threats."

Eva nodded and stood. Clint rose as well, realizing then that Carter was back and everyone was enjoying the party. Standing with Eva in a secluded part of the kitchen, Clint felt no urge to join in. It wasn't his party after all.

"Your assessment is about the same as your brother's. Though he thought Carter would believe it for a few seconds."

"That's because my brother sometimes fails to see the depth of love my sister-in-law has for him. They are a strange mix of both seeing the other as brilliant, amazing, perfect in many regards but don't see it in themselves. It makes for an interesting relationship. They are able to encourage and build each other up while still understanding that they have flaws."

"A fascinating relationship," Eva said, leaning on the counter next to him.

Clint responded, angling his body towards her. "One that I've spent a lot of time observing as well as acting as a consultant to both sides."

"They both equally trust you for advice?"

"They do."

Clint almost expanded on the topic, saying how most of the people in his life eventually gravitated towards him for advice, but he didn't.


The pair looked over as Donovan moved towards them, holding Carter's hand.

"Eva I would like you to meet my wife, Carter. Carter this is Eva."

The two of them shook hands.

"It's a pleasure," Eva said.

"Likewise. Donovan said you're doing work with the FBI, studying the effects combat has on the brain."


"I would love to know more."

The pair walked off, leaving Donovan behind. Donovan grinned at Clint and Clint gave away nothing. As new as it may be, Clint was not going to give his brothers room to tease him about it. Not with her. Something about it felt different.

Brock, James, and Mason rushed into the kitchen, surrounding Donovan.

"What was her response?" Brock asked.

Donovan smiled a soft smile that said everything to Clint.

"You're going to make me sick with all that puppy love coming off you," Mason said.

Donovan sobered and shot Mason a disgruntled look. "She didn't believe it. Any of it."

Clint held out his hand and both brothers plus Mason muttered as they grudgingly handed over their money. Clint tucked the money away, thinking it would be a solid amount to spend on a nice dinner with a date.

"You didn't think she would believe it?" Donovan asked.

"No, I knew she wouldn't believe it."


"Because I know you and I know her."

Clint didn't elaborate since he'd already done it once and that was enough for him. His brothers would simply have to live with wanting to understand his reasoning. Clint never liked to repeat himself.

When the party eventually started to wind down, Clint spotted Eva heading towards the door and he intercepted her.

"Did you win the bet?" she asked.

She'd been watching them. She'd been watching him.

"I did. Enough for a nice dinner. Will you join me?" he asked.

In answer, she handed him her card. One she'd already had in hand. He opened the door for her and she smiled at him as she left. Clint rested against the doorframe, watching her walk away.

"Are you leaving?" Carter asked, behind him.

Clint spun around. "I think I will." He hugged her. "Happy birthday, Carter."

"Thanks. I approve, by the way."


Carter nodded her head towards the door and where Eva had just left.

"You do?"

"Why do you think I talked to her for so long? I'm looking out for you. Did you get a date?"

"I did. With the money I won on the bet."

"You knew I never would believe it."


Carter kissed Clint's cheek in a moment of rare sisterly affection.

"If she breaks your heart, I'll break her face."

Clint smiled and took a step towards the door. "I do not doubt that."


Facing meeting you here good lookin'!

(Well actually, it's not all that surprising since this is your choice of addiction and there's no getting away)

Now! If you would kindly drop off your thoughts of the chapter, I will delightedly read them! 💬💭🗯

Not gonna lie *lowers voice* I love Clint.


Brothers, brothers I love you too, of course I do *slowly backs away* I mean Donovan, you're you, I love you. James, you hilarious man, you know you have my heart. Brock, you stud-muffin, you know no one compares to you. So there's no reason to get mad at me.

*turns around and flees for life*

*sees him stand in front of them and talk calmly* Phew! No one can argue with him. *watches as they hug it out*

He really is amazing. But let's see where you stand! Do you love:





All four and you will not make me choose!

This is what Eva looks like by the way! No wonder Clint couldn't speak!

This chapter is dedicated to trixypopstar because you were so determined to make this chapter be the next one posted you crushed the voting. That's dedication!

This has to be one of the most epic battles I've ever seen!

Haha this was what I opened the app to and 99% of it just comments for these two chapters.

4K notifications! 😂

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