Returning To Work: Continued (Part 11)

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As you can see this is a part 2 so that means you have to read part 1 which is the chapter before this.

You asked for this and though it's on the short side I hope you still enjoy it!


"I don't see why you're so excited about this," Carter said, brushing out her hair.

Donovan walked into the bathroom.

"Because we haven't been out to dinner in a long time," he said, standing behind Carter and meeting her eyes in the mirror.

"Fine, but I don't understand why that means I have to wear a dress."

Donovan grinned. "Because I think you look beautiful in a dress and I spent the afternoon watching you flirt with another man."

"I was not flirting."

"Carter, you do understand I was watching the entire thing."

Carter tried not to smile but the edge of her mouth curled. She did know that. And she knew that he must have been having a panic attack about it. She knew the instant she reentered the van and his back was too her. Though he could hide his emotions as an agent, he couldn't hide his emotions as a husband.

"A dress it is," Carter said, smiling at him.

Donovan stared at her. In his eyes, she saw a look of relief and happiness. She couldn't blame him, it had been a hard few months and she hadn't been the easiest person to live with. Which was saying a lot since she knew she was tough in normal times.

Donovan wrapped his arms around her, resting his chin on her shoulder. "There's that smile I love."

Carter dropped her gaze. "I'm sorry I ever lost it."

Gently, Donovan turned her to face him, cupping her face. "Look at me. You have nothing to be sorry for. What you went through was terrible and you are so strong." He kissed her forehead. "I'm happy to have my Carter back."

Carter arched an eyebrow. "Don't think I'm missing that possessive 'my' in that sentence."

Donovan laughed. "You are mine, just like I'm yours."

"Ah, does that mean I can say things like, you belong to me and no one else. I own you. You're mine and only mine."

Even as she threw him a teasing grin, Donovan didn't laugh, completely serious. "I am yours and only yours, Carter. I don't want to belong to anyone else. For better or worse, that's what I promised."

That was it, he was the worst.

"You're too perfect," she said. "You should stop that."

At that, he grinned. "Fine, I'll fart more and you'll regret those words."

Carter burst out laughing. "Like that is possible, you grew up with brothers and alone, you have no control."

"You said you didn't want me to be perfect, you'll get what you want."

Carter shoved him away playfully. "Go get dressed. And don't wear something revealing, you are mine after all."

"Fine, I'll button my shirt all the way up."

Still smiling, Carter fixed her hair and got dressed. When she stepped out of the closet, she held out her arms for Donovan's inspection.

"Is this good enough to make up for my 'flirting' as you called with Tyler this afternoon?"

Donovan eyed her critically and appreciatively. "It does indeed."

"Good." Carter closed the distance between them and buttoned more button of Donovan's shirt. "You're mine, remember?" she teased.

Donovan kissed her. "How could I forget it?"

The restaurant they arrived at was fancy enough that Carter didn't feel out of place dressed up as she was. A hostess tugged out two thick menus and guided them through the maze of satin table clothed tables and glittering patrons.

As Donovan reached to pull out Carter's chair, a man jerked back, nearly colliding with Donovan.

"I'm sorry-"

Carter blinked. "Tyler."

Tyler paused and Carter sensed as Donovan went rigid beside her.

"Uh, hi," Tyler said, taking in Carter's dress and then Donovan tense stance.

"Fancy running into you again," Carter said, smiling, but for Donovan's sake keeping it subdued.

"Fancy that. I was actually about to leave, my friend cancelled our dinner," Tyler said, his eyes darting to Donovan again, nervous.

"I'm sorry," Carter said. "Tyler this is my husband, Donovan."

Tyler shifted a book out of his right hand to shake Donovan's. The action drew Donovan's eye and Carter noticed how all the tension left him in an instant.
"You're a fan of Brandon Sanderson?" Donovan asked.

Tyler glanced down at his book as if forgetting what he'd been reading. "I am, I'm reading the latest Stormlight book. Have you read it yet?"

"No, it's on my list to read," Donovan said. "But I know if I pick it up I won't want to stop so I need to find the right day to read it."

Tyler grinned. "I know what you mean, trying to read Brandon's books slow doesn't work. I think I read through the entire Mistborn series in a week."

"I think it took me a couple days," Donovan said.

Carter blinked, not completely sure what was happening at the moment. And the next got even more bizarre.

"Do you want to join us for dinner?" Donovan asked.

Tyler looked to Carter surprised, but nodded. "I would."

Donovan barely registered that he was helping Carter into her seat as he kept talking to Tyler.
"How did the ending of the Mistborn series hit you?" he asked.

"Honestly," Tyler said. "I was a wreck. I didn't see it coming."

"I felt the same way. I tried to get Carter to read the series but after the development in the first, she wanted to shoot the book."

Tyler laughed. "I don't blame her, it was hard to swallow. I wasn't expecting it."

Carter leaned back in her chair realizing that she no longer existed in this world. If she was being honest with herself, she thought she'd falling into some alternative universe, because Donovan and Tyler talked as if they were best friends. And this was coming from her husband who wanted to shoot Tyler less then eight hours ago.

"What's your take on James Patterson," Donovan asked, after orders had been served.

"I have to say I'm not taken with his work," Tyler said. "I feel like he's over hyped."

"I agree. His characters lack depth and his writing is average at best."

"But Stephen King on the other hand."

"Don't get me started, Green Mile!"

But to Carter's confusion and amusement, they did get started on Stephen King. As well has a dozen other authors that she didn't know about. It seemed that there was no end of things they could discuss about each author.

Countless times Donovan had tried to get Carter into fiction but she found that most of the times she hated the characters for certain actions that led to horrible outcomes. Outcomes that could have been avoided if they'd shown forethought.

The only type of fiction she did bear was anything Donovan read to her because at least then she lay in his arms and fall asleep. She didn't actually have to pay attention to the story all that much.

"I know it's older," Donovan said, hardly touching his food. "But Chronicles of Narnia?"

Tyler smiled. "Seriously? I love those books, I grew up on them!"

"I did too!"

Carter watched as this led to another dialogue of a book series she'd never heard about. At that point, Carter figured she could grab the next passing waiter and start making out with him and neither Donovan or Tyler would notice.

Carter studied her two companions, though neither were aware of it. Despite the different upbringing, they could have been brothers, their excitement and animation over their love of books so similar.

And at the moment, Carter saw something that was so blindingly obvious. Hidden underneath he good looks, muscles, and weapons knowledge Donovan was the biggest nerd.

Though she felt like this should have been clear from the beginning, it hadn't been. He'd been a Marine with a love of books. Now he was a book nerd raised by Marines.

When dessert came and went with still no change in subject, though there had been endless changes in authors including Cece McKenzie and Beck Daniels, Carter didn't bother saying anything, she simple left for the bathroom. As she predicted, her brief absence wasn't noticed.

When Tyler received a message, the book bubble popped.

"Woah," he said. "It's really late. I have to go." He paused. "But let me pay for dinner."

Donovan waved away his offer. "Not a chance."

The two men shook hands. "Thanks." He turned to Carter. "It was nice seeing you again, Carter."


As Tyler left, Carter rested her chin on her hand, staring at Donovan.

"Well, you didn't shoot him. That shows progress," Carter said.

Donovan grinned, looking like a little kid. "Why would I do that? We just exchanged Goodreads information, now I can look through his lists and see if there are books I haven't read."

"What in the world is Goodreads?" Carter asked, still feeing like he was talking another language.

"It's the app where you can find books and make lists. Also you can follow different people who review books."

"So it's like a nerd social media app?"

Donovan didn't even blink at the dig. "Exactly!"

Carter shook her head, trying not to laugh. "Well is that all you exchanged? You didn't even get his number?"

"Of course I did. We already planned to meet up next week and exchange books."

At that Carter did laugh. She leaned over and kissed Donovan.

"Alright, but remember you belong to me and no one else."


*hands you 200 books and only a week to read them*

(That's right! Feel the terror of knowing you can't read them all! Mawhahaha!)

Okay! I know it was short but I hope you liked it! Share your thoughts dear reader! 💭💬🗯

Haha I gotta say I love that guys are like this, they find one common thing and can become best friends right away! It's so great!

If you want to know who Cece McKenzie and Beck Daniels are you can know because I reposted Mr. Write.

I'm going to be honest with you, I feel bad. I got to read and laugh at your comments from the last chapter and I wonder if you feel like you're posting your comments into the void and never know if their read.

I know I answered very few but I wish I had all the time in the world to answer them all but I no longer do. I'm sorry. But please know they aren't sent into the void, I read them and they cheer me up! ❤️

On a different note: If you do have a Goodreads account and you want to support A Secret Service, I could always use more ratings and reviews! It will help the book seem more legit when it comes out!

So if you want to leave either a review or rating there's a link in my bio, or just look up A Secret Service or my name, Joy Jenkins and you'll find it!

You don't have to help out, but I will appreciate if you do!

Vote, comment, follow!

Look it's Donovan and Tyler!

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