Something New (Part 7)

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I'm going to warn you, nothing happens in this chapter. It's merely me making up for the pain I put you through in the previous 6 parts. Which you do have to read for the chapter to make sense.

Anyway, don't blame me if you don't find it all that interesting.


Donovan woke to the feeling of feather-like kisses peppering his face. He kept his eyes shut wanting to stay in the blissful feeling.

"I want waffles," Carter said, still kissing his cheek.

"What is your payment?" Donovan murmured, still half asleep.

In answer, Carter wrapped her arms around Donovan's neck and kissed him deeply. As far as payments went, this was one of the best. He pulled her close, savoring the feel of her in his arms, a feeling he planned to continually cherish.

The soft tap-tap of a hand on their door broke them apart.

"Mommy," a little voice said. "I hungry."

With one last quick kiss, Carter climbed out of the bed. Donovan tucked one arm behind his head, watching as Carter padded to the door. Her hair was a wild mess and she wore sleep shorts and one of his t-shirts.

He wasn't sure there was a better sight than that. But he was proven wrong when Carter opened the door and scooped Kennedy into her arms.

"What?" Carter said, walking back to the bed. "You're hungry? How is this possible? I distinctively remember feeding you two days ago."

Donovan chuckled as Carter sat back down on. When Carter stood Kennedy on the blankets, she began to hop.

"I hungry," she said.

"Donovan, back me up here, I gave her a packet of rations and a canteen. She's not hungry."

Kennedy jumped more forcefully, her dark hair bouncing with her. "I want orange juice."

"Do you, Cadet, do you really?"

Carter wrapped Kennedy up, blowing raspberries on her round cheeks, eliciting a shriek of giggles. Donovan smiled, his heart close to bursting with happiness. Losing Carter had felt like he lost nearly everything. Now that she was back, everything in their life felt like a gift. One he never would take for granted.

"Well, daddy is going to make waffles," Carter said.

Kennedy cheered at this announcement and Carter sent Donovan a pointed look.

"All right," he said. "I'm getting up."

Grabbing his shirt from the floor, he tugged it on and led the procession to the kitchen. As Donovan cooked, Kennedy and Carter fell into a deep discussion. Well, as much as a discussion as anyone could have with a toddler. Still, Donovan loved hearing Carter answer statements with the deepest of insights.

Waffles eaten, or in Kennedy's case half-eaten, half-smashed on her tray, the decision to go to the park was agreed upon.

Stealing Harrison from across the hall, the group found themselves in the midst of a perfect day. Warm sunlight bathed the world. The temperature remained balance between spring and summer. Releasing the two hooligans out to the playset, Donovan and Carter settled themselves onto a bench.

Donovan watched as his daughter daringly climbed the slide backward, Harrison watching her with awe. When Carter began to trail her fingers through Donovan's hair, he glanced over at her. She offered him a quiet smile.

"You're more affectionate since you've gotten back," he said.

"Or maybe I'm just reminding those mothers across the way that you are in fact a kept man."

Donovan found the women in question, but none of them were looking at them at all.

"I think you see jealousy where there is none," he said.

"No, they were looking, I guarantee it."

Donovan didn't believe her, but he didn't care, he liked the feel of her hands running through his hair.

"I mean I can't blame them," she said. "If girls thought the silent type was attractive, now with your hair longer you have a rough caveman look that's devilishly attractive."

Donovan laughed. "Is that your way of telling me I need a haircut?"

"Possibly," she said. "Though I kinda like the rough caveman look."

Donovan's lips curled in a corner as he leaned in. "Oh yeah?"

"Definitely, I can hardly stand it."

Laughing, Donovan kissed her.

"Gross, you realize you're at a public park right?"

Donovan broke away and Carter rolled her eyes at Mason.

"What are you doing here?" she asked.

Mason sank into the spot beside Carter.

"Link told me you snatched my nephew away, so I came looking."

"It surprises me every time that you have a heart big enough to extend beyond yourself," Carter said.

"Kind of like how surprising it is that you have a heart at all."

Carter smacked Mason but he only grinned. After Donovan knew the truth that Mason had been the one to help Carter fake her death, he'd wondered if their dynamic would change. After all, for months he'd been the only connection Carter had. But they were the same as always, unrelated siblings.

As they talked about nothing in particular, Carter returned to her earlier occupation. It still felt strange and wonderful how she wasn't afraid anymore to show she loved him. Though in private it was never a struggle, something about public had always made her hold back. Holding hands and a quick kiss was about all she allowed. But since coming home, she didn't care.

Donovan loved it. Loved that the world got to see how he was loved by this beautiful woman.

The remainder of the day passed like a montage from a wholesome movie. The park was followed by lunch, nap time, dinner, and a Disney movie then bed. To Donovan, it felt like all the broken pieces he'd felt over the past months were slowly stitched back together.

When they put Kennedy down for the night and paused to watch her sleep, he felt happy like he'd never thought he would be again. Carter threaded her fingers through his and tugged him away from his sleeping daughter.

"I have a present for you," she whispered.

As she led him back into their room he didn't doubt the present was her. The only present he cared about. But to his surprise, Carter opened her nightstand drawer and withdrew a wrapped package.

Already by the shape of it, he knew what it was. He tore off the paper and smiled at the book. It was the latest novel by Brandon Sanderson, a favorite author of his. He kissed her in thanks.

"That's not the whole gift," she said.

Donovan raised his eyebrows in question. Carter clambered onto the bed and patted the spot next to her.

"You always read to me," she said, "now I get to read to you."

Donovan laid down perpendicular to her, resting his head on her lap. She grinned down at him.

"Comfortable?" she asked.

Staring up at her, feeling as she brushed his hair from his forehead, he couldn't imagine feeling more at home.

After a light kiss, she opened the book and read.

The gift was so simple but hit the deepest part of Donovan's heart.

There had been so many things he'd missed about her when she'd been gone. One of those things was her voice, the rhythm of it, the slightly rough quality.

Now as he closed his eyes and listened to her read, he felt the pain of her leaving growing dimmer and dimmer till it felt like it had never been there at all.


Hey Wackado!

(🙄 Yes, you are a wackado just like I'm a wachado, you need to come to terms with this, okay?)

What did you think? It's all so sweet I might have a tooth ache. What are your thoughts on it? 💬💭🗯


That's right, I'm talking to the quiet army that sweeps in and leaves without a trace (except for the read count).
I've never asked you for anything, it makes me happy that you simply read.

Well now I'm about to ask you something. I'm still trying to boost A Secret Service on Goodreads and I'm need your help.

All I'm asking is for you to comment a blank comment right here 👉💭👈 and I will send you a link to the Goodreads page and you rate the book.

That's all. For those of you who aren't silent and still want to be part of the Whisper Army (that's what I'm calling you now) comment as well and I'll send you a link!

I know you don't have to do this for me but since you still read and enjoy the book I hope you will!

Here's my silent love to you 😘

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