Starting High School

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Let's face it, this would be hard for anyone.


Sophia lay in bed contemplating her ceiling. True there was nothing on her ceiling to warrant the level of attention she was giving it, but she still she laid there staring at the blankness. When the mindless occupation didn't bring about sleep, she tossed aside her blanket and set her feet on the floor.

In the dimness of her room, she studied her worktable, wondering if putting her hands to work would solve her insomnia. And make the coil in her stomach dissipate.

Deciding it was worth testing the theory, she settled into her chair and clicked on her lamp. The pieces of a computer sat waiting for her. Mechanically, she began to assemble the computer, her mind barely registering her actions, her fingers knowing what to do almost has much as her brain.

But when the computer sat complete and Sophia still felt wide awake and nauseous, she left her room. Crossing to her parents' room, she eased the door open and slipped inside. She crept to the edge of the bed and knelt down by her sleeping father.

"Father," she whispered in French, not wishing to wake her Mama. "Father."

Mason stirred and peered at Sophia through narrowed eyes.

"Sophia," he murmured.

"I feel like I am going to throw up," she said, again in French.

Her father sat up, alert.

"Do not wake Mama," Sophia said.

Mason rubbed his eyes and slipped out of the blankets. Though she did in fact feel like throwing up, Sophia didn't direct their path towards the bathroom. Instead, she led her father downstairs to the kitchen where she started boiling water for tea.

Though there was the obvious question to be asked about why her actions contradicted her words, her father said nothing. He sat and accepted the cup of tea that Sophia offered him. Together they sat in the dim kitchen, saying nothing. Sophia savored the soothing presence of her father and the warm tea.

"You know I was nervous my first day of high school," Mason said, not looking at Sophia.

Sophia sipped her tea. "I find that highly improbable. You had already been the First Son for some time. You were a legacy at Hamilton. You are, and I imagine, were attractive at that time. You might have been less charismatic than you are now but I doubt it was to a significantly decreased degree that you didn't draw people to you." She looked at her father. "Am I wrong?"

"I wanted you to feel understood."

"You sitting with me is enough."


With that acceptance, they remained there until their tea was done and Sophia knew that waiting any longer to attempt sleep again would be pointless. At her bedroom door, her father wrapped her in a tight hug. Sophia returned it, feeling all the unspoken statements of encouragement her father transferred through the embrace. This unspoken language she knew.

"Will you be able to sleep?" Mason asked.

"The chances are low but I will try."

Her father kissed her head and waited until Sophia shut her door before leaving.


Sophia stood before her mirror inspecting herself in her uniform. Her mother had argued against having it tailored, saying it was a way that Sophia would stand out. Her father had countered with the fact that a majority of students had their uniforms tailored. Sophia voiced her opinion in wanting her uniform tailored.

When clothes were too big or ill fitting she felt as if she were trying to wear someone else's clothes or skin. When stating this, her mother had retracted her argument.

And so her uniform fit her well and Sophia didn't feel uncomfortable in the unfamiliar clothes. She carefully swept her dark blonde hair over her shoulders, working not to overly handle it. After a minute appraisal of her appearance, she felt satisfied enough to descend the stairs.

When she did, she found her parents and her Abuela in the kitchen. Her mother and grandmother talked constantly in Spanish while her father stood in a corner sipping his coffee. As Sophia took a seat at the kitchen barstool, a plate of food was instantly set before her.

"Eat up, mija," Abuela said. "You'll need your energy for today."

"Sophia," her mother said. "You have money for food but we are going to send you with food as well in case you don't want to wait in line."

"Is your blazer enough for you?" Abuela asked. "I know it is warm but it might be cold in the school."

"Do you want to take an extra jacket?" her mother asked.

"You have all your notebooks and supplies?"

"I can double check that for you."

Sophia held up her hand, staring at her mother and Abuela. "I understand that you are both concerned about my first day but your hovering is making me more nervous. Please take a step back. I am prepared."

Her mother took a breath and retreated. Abuela took a moment longer to back away, but did so. For their concession to her request, Sophia attempted to eat some of the food on her plate but found she had no appetite. When she looked at her father, he gave her a single nod. He understood, it was okay to feel nervous.

"Do you want me to drive you to school?" her mother asked.

"That would be inefficient since Harrison and Kennedy go to the school and already plan to take me."

"All right."

When Sophia received a text announcing her ride, she felt relieved. Despite not physically hovering, her mother and Abuela had mentally hovered, their continued glances at Sophia betraying them. With a simple wave to her family, she collected her backpack and left the house. At the curb, Sophia found that both Harrison and Kennedy sat in the back of the car while Carter claimed the driver's seat. Sophia took the front seat.

"One of our cars is in the shop," Carter said, answering Sophia's question before she could ask it. "I'm dropping you off then heading to work."

"I see."

"Are you ready?" Kennedy asked from the backseat.

"Yes," Sophia said.

That was all the response she offered. She had memorized her locker combination, where it was located, the school layout, her class schedule, and mentally drawn out the route from one period to the next.

As they drove off, Kennedy leaned forward, sticking her head through the gap between the front seats.

"Here's how it's going to go," she said. "If anyone bugs or bullies you today take note of their name and I'll beat them into a pulp later on for you. Got it?"

Sophia understood Kennedy's violent tendency but what she didn't understand was why it would be warranted. Who would bug or bully her? She planned to keep to herself therefore eliminating harassing interactions with others.

"You will do no such thing," Carter said.

"Oh, so you want me to not defend Sophia? Weren't you the one who," Kennedy tapped her chin as if thinking, "dislocated another student's shoulder in the defense of someone else?"

"Yes, and so that's why I can say that violence with someone is not the answer."

Kennedy snorted. "Yeah, I believe that."

She drew back and spoke to Harrison in a lowered voice. The snippets Sophia heard seemed to be plans to come to Sophia's aid when needed. Despite the nerves in Sophia's stomach, the conviction in Kennedy's voice eased her tension somewhat.

"You should let us know if anything happens," Carter said softly to Sophia.

Sophia nodded.

When they reached the school gates, Sophia couldn't help her need to edge forward, inspecting the old building and taking in the mass of students congregating towards the front doors. Carter joined the line of drop-off. At the curb before the entrance, Harrison and Kennedy quickly said goodbyes and exited. Sophia remained planted in her seat.

"Did your car really need to be served or was this an excuse to be another hovering adult in my life?" Sophia asked.

Carter rested her elbow on the center-console and smiled warmly at Sophia. Though Sophia knew it didn't make logical sense, Carter's ease somehow helped her to feel less nervous.

"My car is in the shop," she said. "Which conveniently meant I could drop you off."

"I see."

Sophia reached for the door handle but Carter stopped her.

"Can I share something with you?"


"This adjustment will not be easy. The people you interact with will most likely not understand you but do not be afraid to be all that you are. I wish I could give you a more cheering thought."

Sophia didn't want cheering, she appreciated the facts given. It helped give her a better view of how the day would progress.

"Thank you," she said.

Carter smiled at her again and Sophia managed to return it.

When she climbed out of the car, Kennedy and Harrison took up positions by her side, pinning her in. Sophia allowed for the barrier until they entered the school and their protection no longer felt comforting but claustrophobic.

"I can find my way," she said.

"You sure?" Kennedy asked.

Before Sophia could be irritated that her declaration wasn't taken at face value, Harrison tugged on Kennedy's arm.

"She said she can find her way," he said. "Sophia, have a good day. We'll see you at lunch. We'll sit together."

"Okay," Sophia said.

She walked away, grateful to her cousin for accepting her statement. Though the hallways were crammed with more people than was at her previous school, Sophia found she navigated it without too much struggle. At her locker, she checked that she knew the combination.

As she closed it, a group of boys nearby jostled each other, sending one of them bumping into the locker beside Sophia. She flinched at the sudden appearance of the boy. He glanced at her and a smile broke out across his face.

"Hi," he said.

One of the boys from the group pushed the boy near Sophia in the chest, but the boy swatted him away, never taking his eyes off Sophia. Though Sophia didn't want to have an interaction she also knew her mother wouldn't approve of her not being polite.

"Hello," she said.

Deciding she'd filled the required amount of civility needed, she walked away. But she didn't make it far before the boy reappeared by her side. At least his group hadn't followed him.

"I haven't seen you around before," he said. "Freshman?"

Sophia took a second to debate whether she had to answer but again her mother's voice told her she should.

"No," she said. "I'm a sophomore. But you would not have noticed me before since this is my first year at Hamilton."

"Ah," the boy said. "We're in the same grade then. I'm Drake."


The boy laughed though Sophia hadn't intended to be funny, she'd merely been acknowledging that she now knew his name.

"This is usually where you share your name," Drake said.

Sophia didn't want to. She didn't want to have this conversation with someone she didn't know and not with someone who inserted his presence into her life without asking if he could.

"Are you not going to give me your name?" Drake asked. "Am I going to have to refer to you as Pretty Girl while I show you around."

"I don't need to be shown around and so your need for my name is not necessary."

"But it's your first day here." Drake put his hands on his chest. "What type of man would I be if I let you wander around with no guide?"

"I do not need a guide since I wouldn't be wandering, I am well aware of where I'm going. So you can leave now."

Instead of listening to Sophia's want and leaving, Drake continued to walk with her. Nerves were now no longer an issue Sophia felt plagued with. Now it was the boy who wasn't letting her be.

"I can't leave you on your own," Drake said. "My honor won't allow it."

"I don't see how choosing not to accept my refusal for help is connected to your honor."

"Because this school is big and I can't let someone who is new here not feel welcomed."

She didn't understand what this boy wasn't getting. She neither needed his guidance or welcome. She'd taken the route of politeness that her mother always told her to take. That route was not working and therefore she would take the one she knew her father would advise. Honesty.

"Drake," Sophia said. He smiled and that made no sense to her but she decided not to dwell on it. "I don't want your help. You have forced your presence on my life and I don't appreciate you not listening to my clear refusal for help. I'm going to ask you one more time to please leave me."

She'd said please. She hoped that would at least make her mother satisfied.

Drake took a step back, eyeing her with a wrinkled forehead. "Not what I expected."

Sophia didn't know what he'd expected but after talking to her for five minutes she thought he would've quickly set aside his initial assumptions and accepted the person she was. But that didn't seem to be the case.

Having said all she felt there was to be said, Sophia left and gratefully made it to her first class without Drake following her or anyone else bothering her. But that didn't last as she took a seat. The girl in the seat next to her, studied Sophia. Sophia didn't respond to the girl's attention, hoping that unlike Drake, she would not act on her assumptions.

Fortunately, the bell rang and the girl didn't say anything to Sophia. But when the class let out and Sophia reentered the hall, the girl hurried up to Sophia.

"Sophia Douglas, right?" the girl said.

Sophia didn't know why this girl needed this fact reiterated when she must have heard the teacher announcing it during roll call.

"I'm Brooklyn Jennings," she said.

Sophia waited, not knowing what this girl was after.

"We're Hamilton legacies," Brooklyn said.

"I imagine many of the students here are legacies. This is a prestigious school often attended by children of important people and they like tradition as well as exclusivity."

Brooklyn waved her hand. "Yes, but we're legacies that are connected. Our parents went here together."


"You know that means were have to be besties."

"Is the fact that our parents attended at the same time a basis in which to start a friendship?"

Sophia had thought commonality was the best way. That had been the way it went with her previous friends. Their shared interests had helped them find topics of conversation which branched out when they held opposing ideas. A connection of parents? That seemed like a weak tether but maybe it was different here at Hamilton in that regard. She wanted to know.

"Why wouldn't it be?" Brooklyn said. "We're not just legacies but my mom is Jennifer Hutchins. Our parents even dated at one point."

"I don't find that surprising, my father dated many people in his life. Though the relationships never lasted very long. As he has never mentioned your mother I imagine that holds true for her. That means a better reason to be friends would have to be found."

Brooklyn stopped short, her face twisted in manner Sophia didn't fully understand. "Whatever, stuck-up, snob. Forget I said anything."

Brooklyn spun away, leaving Sophia confused. She'd been stating that finding something more common between them would be a better place to start when creating a friendship. But somehow Brooklyn ended up offended. Sophia frowned. What had she said that was so wrong?


When Sophia stepped into the cafeteria, she paused taking the chaos of students. The line to buy food snaked around the edge of the large room, giving Sophia a reason to avoid it. Where to sit became her next dilemma.

As she studied the layout and the available spots, she sensed as students walking near her sent her curious glances. Disliking continued attention, she selected a table towards the back of the cafeteria. She settled in, taking out her lunch.

Kennedy and Harrison appeared a minute later and claimed the spots next to her. In the overwhelming scene around her, Sophia felt comforted by her cousin's and Kennedy's familiar presence.

"Okay, hand over the list," Kennedy said.

"What list?" Sophia asked.

"The one with all the names of people we have to beat up for you."

"I believe your mother specifically told you that you are not supposed to do that."

Kennedy let out a sigh. "Believe it or not, Sophia. My mother is wrong at times."

"I don't believe it," Sophia said. "I've found her accuracy to be above average and therefore more valid than yours."

Harrison choked on his drink and Kennedy smacked the back of his head. "Shut up."

"I didn't say anything," Harrison wheezing.

"Sophia, we are supposed to take care of you," Kennedy said. "That's our one job."

"This is school and you are both seniors. I believe your job is to graduate."

"That's part time work," Harrison said. "We don't want you hurt."

Sophia didn't know how she would be hurt. So far in her day it seemed she was a source of harm to others. Though she still didn't understand why, she'd been trying to communicate what she wanted but others seemed to react to it.

Though her parents had explained their reasoning behind transferring her to Hamilton, she wished it had been less logical and she could have argued against it. The people she knew at her old school she'd known for years. When she spoke they never became offended but somehow in the span of a few hours Sophia had managed to unwittingly offend two students.

"Thank you for your concern," Sophia said. "But I don't think it's needed."

"Okay, but let us know when it might be."

"Hey Harrison, Kennedy," a girl said, approaching their table. "You are still planning to offering tutoring this year, right?"

"Yup," Kennedy said. "Text us your availability and we'll let you know what works."

The girl nodded and walked off. Her space filled quickly with a boy that looked about Harrison and Kennedy's age.

"Am I grandfathered into tutoring or do I have to set it up like everyone else?" he asked.

"Set it up," Harrison said.

The boy accepted this and turned to leave when his gaze landed on Sophia. He smiled and shifted back.

"Hi," he said.

"No," Harrison said.

"Keep moving," Kennedy said.

The boy raised his hands and backed off, not looking at all insulted. How did he easily accept Harrison and Kennedy's words without being offended when Sophia said the same thing and felt like she'd been in the wrong?

She felt her phone vibrate and took it out of her backpack.

Mama: I would love an update on how your day is going if you're willing to share. ❤️ Love you.

Sophia stared at the screen not knowing how to respond. Not wanting to disappoint her mother with telling her of the two interactions she had already that ended poorly. A second message arrived.

Father: I'm not going to ask about your day, it's high school. I'm bored, play chess with me.

Sophia couldn't help but smile and happily accepted her father's offer of distraction.

The continued chess matches got her through lunch and between her next classes. When she entered third level French she was given a seating assignment and took it. To her dismay, Harrison was given a seat at a different table, leaving Sophia to sit beside a senior boy.

"All right, class," Ms. Henderson said. "Since this is the first day back we're going to keep it simple. I want you to have a small conversation with your table partner giving your name and talking about how you are doing."

Sophia twisted in her seat to face her table partner. He grinned at her and Sophia took this as an encouraging sign.

"I'm Sophia," she said in French. "I think that since this is third level French we should be doing more than a basic conversation on names and how we are doing. If you wish to discussion something that is a little more interesting than I would be happy to do that."

Her table partner no longer smiled, his face frozen. "Uh..."

"You are in third level French because you have some basis of understanding of the language, correct?" Sophia asked, still in French.

"Can you sat that slower?" he asked.

Sophia didn't, instead she rose and walked to the front of the room. Ms. Henderson smiled at Sophia.

"Hi," she said. "Are you having some trouble? I'm told you are only a sophomore so I understand jumping right in can be overwhelming."

"I don't find it overwhelming in the least," Sophia said in French. "I find that my table partner is the one lacking sufficient understanding. I wonder if he is in the right class."

Ms. Henderson's eyes widened. "Oh. I see. Yes, Derek is supposed to be in this class."

"If that is so, I would like to request a new table partner since I have a feeling if there are many in-class discussions I will find him very aggravating. If you could switch him with my cousin Harrison I would greatly appreciate it."

When Ms. Henderson failed to respond right away, Sophia wondered if she also hadn't fully understood what Sophia was saying. Was she supposed to be teaching French?

"Did I talk too fast?" Sophia asked, not wanting to be disrespectful to her teacher.

Ms. Henderson flushed and cleared her throat. "No, you didn't." She stood. "Harrison and Derek, please switch seats."

Harrison looked surprised while Derek looked relieved.

"Thank you," Sophia said.

Harrison eyed Sophia as he took the spot beside her. "How did you manage that?"

"I asked for the switch," Sophia said.

"And she gave it to you?"

"I pointed out that my table partner was lacking."

Harrison laughed though Sophia wasn't certain where the humor in her statement lay. But his laughter didn't seem to aimed at her personally and so she took no offense.

"You'll do fine here," Harrison said.

"I know," Sophia said. "It's third level French and I've been speaking French all my life. I don't imagine this class to be difficult."

"True," Harrison said, smiling.

French was the only class Sophia felt natural in since Harrison sat beside her. As she faced the rest of her classes, she found her interactions with other students to fall into the one of the categories she'd already experienced. The result of this meant at the end of the day Sophia wanted nothing but to go home and spend an hour watching landscaping videos in order to decompress.

Father: I'm waiting at the curb. Carter is picking up Harrison and Kennedy.

Sophia spotted her father the instant she stepped out of the front doors. He stood beside his car wearing his usual suit and seem to exude an air of command. Sophia noticed as others around her glance at him, some even pointing. Maybe her father was why she dealt with the same response.

When she stopped in front of him, he held her gaze.

"You survived," he said. "Make anyone cry?"


"Then you have done well."

Sophia climbed into the passenger seat and buckled up. As her father drove off, Sophia looked back at the school where she'd spend the next three years. She looked at the students she would have to interact with.

"What's on your mind?" Mason asked.

"Is what I faced today with talking to people of normal intelligence level going to be what it's like for the rest of my life?" Sophia asked.

Her father looked at her. "I'm sorry to say this, but most likely yes."

Sophia sighed and leaned back in her seat. "That's unfortunate."


Ah, high school the bane of everyone's existence.

(Okay for most people, some are fine with it)

More than ever with Sophia chapters I'm really curious about your thoughts and views because she really is different and sees the world through a complete different scope than most people. So tell me! 💬🗯💭

All right, everyone. Hey! *bangs pointer stick on the desk* Listen up, we need to get organized. You'll have to pick a team, those who will be joining Kennedy and Harrison in the Beat-Up-Everyone-Who-Bothers-Sophia team and those who will be on the Befriend-Sophia team.

What? Yeah, I know Carter said not to use violence but that was coming from the woman who literally broke a man's nose with her forehead, she really has no grounds to stand on with her demand.

Now! Choose, we'll split up and take to our tasks with the vigor and plucky enthusiasm of readers willing to die for a character! Okay, which team are you on:

Beat-Up-Everyone-Who-Bothers-Sophia Team

Befriend-Sophia Team

Additionally of you want to be on the:

Mason-is-an-amazing-father-and-somehow-I-love-him-more-than-before-which-I-didn't-think-was-possible-but-true Team.

Well there are openings in there as well. And that's where you will find me.

Before you run off and bond with your team make sure to vote, comment, follow! But only if your choose a team!

If you're wondering why guys are drawn to Sophia well it's cause she looks like this just with blonder hair.

Also here is an exact photo capture of Harrison and Kennedy protecting Sophia.

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