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So many of you have wanted this chapter and I've finally written it. But it will most likely be the only one of it's kind.


Bright early spring sunshine shone down on Carter as she leaned against the side of her car, surveying the empty schoolyard. She glanced at her watch, seeing as the seconds ticked by. When the second hand hit the twelve, a muffled ringing filled the air. A minute later the front doors burst open and middle schoolers streamed out.

Carter couldn't help but smile as she watched them. Still young, they hadn't learned the art of keeping their emotions and thoughts private, everything was on full display. With her keen eyes, it was like she could read each thought that crossed their minds.

In the middle of the pack, Danny appeared. He had hit a growth sprout and stood a few inches taller than most of the students. Though he had his father's eyes, he had his mother's brown hair and golden skin tone, as well as her friendly personality. Almost all the kids who walked by him smiled and waved.

Danny cut away from the mass and turned back to the front doors. Though he returned other's hellos, he didn't talk to anyone. Carter crossed her arms, curious what made her little brother stop.

When he perked up, she followed his gaze. Coming out of the doors was a pretty girl alongside a boy that had the air of conceded bad boy.

Danny deflated a bit but held his ground. Carter watched him and the students around him as Danny watched the pair. They talked to each other and the girl laughed, teasingly pushing the boy's arm.

When they passed Danny, neither of them acknowledged his presence. Still, Danny followed them with his eyes.

With a drop of his shoulders, he headed towards the sidewalk and Carter. Though because of their father he was fit, he still had a young boy stride, like he wasn't quite sure the strength he had. Almost to Carter, a sweet-faced girl waved at him.

"See you tomorrow, Danny!" she said.

He nodded but looked mournful. "Bye, Pippa."

She hugged her binder and spun away, her curls bouncing around her. When Danny reached the curb and saw Carter, his whole face lit up. Carter grinned back at him.

"Hey, Corporal," she said.

"Hey, Sarge!"

Carter wanted to wrap her brother into a hug but knew the scene of affection might be detrimental to his reputation, so she held out her hand instead. Danny took it and they performed a quick but complicated handshake. One she'd created with him years ago, on a day where Danny had announced he wanted to be a spy. She'd said he needed a secret handshake and so they'd spent the better part of an hour coming up with one.

"So," Carter said. "Want me to show you my trick for breaking down a Glock 45 faster?"

Danny shoved his hands into his pockets, hesitant.

"Actually, could we go get ice cream at that place in the mall?" he asked.

To his credit, he didn't betray himself by looking away from her. It didn't matter though, she understood what was behind the request.

"Sure," she said. "I can always go for some ice cream."

Danny let out a breath and darted to the passenger side door. Carter slid into her seat and they drove off.

"Anything to report from today?" she asked.

Danny shrugged and picked at a small rip in his jeans.

"Not really. Jack and Dustin got into a fight. I stepped in and pulled Jack off, putting him in a lock."

Carter couldn't fight back her smile.

"Did you get in trouble?" she asked.

"Nah, so many people filmed it that I had enough evidence to prove I wasn't the problem but part of the solution." He flashed her a look. "Besides, I only put him in a lock, I didn't dislocate his shoulder."

"I'm not telling you that story again. You've heard it like twenty times."

Danny twisted towards her. "But it's the best story! And you won't tell me any of your FBI stories."

"Because they are classified."

"Please," he pleaded.

Shaking her head, Carter took a breath and retold the story. Danny soaked it up like it was the first time.

Carter would never admit it but she loved his expression. It was one he constantly wore in Donovan's presence like Donovan was the epitome of awesome. Carter was happy when she could steal of little of that affection.

When they stepped into the ice cream place, Carter gazed around, already knowing what she'd find. In one of the corners sat the girl and boy Danny had watched. Danny managed to play it off, not even glancing at them, though Carter knew he was perfectly aware they were there. After getting their ice cream, they sat across the way.

"So," Carter said. "We're doing surveillance."

"What?! Surveilling what?"

Carter merely raised her eyebrows at him and Danny squirmed in his chair.

"Her name is Melina and that's Harlan."

The way he said Harlan's name said everything.

"Why don't you like him?" Carter asked, knowing it was more than liking Melina.

"Because he's a jerk to everyone and yet girls still like him. It makes no sense."

Carter ate her spoonful. "Do you want me to say 'that sucks' or give you advice?"

For a second, Danny poked his ice cream, thinking.

"What would Donny say?" he asked.

If she didn't love Donovan so much and know that Danny's admiration for him was completely deserved, she might almost be jealous of Donovan. But she couldn't be.

"He'd tell you that a girl like that isn't worth it," she said. "That girl has read too much Teen Fiction that she believes Harlan is a boy that needs the right girl to change him, to bring out the heart of gold inside him."

"But he doesn't have one."

"Exactly, he's a jerk because he can get away with it and doesn't care how he hurts others. Like everyone, he still has a heart but its focus is on himself. Why would he change when what he's doing works?" She shrugged. "There's no reason."

Danny frowned and looked across at the pair again.

"And," Carter said. "Donovan would tell you that if a girl doesn't see you and like you for the wonderful person you are, then she's not worth your time. A girl who sees you and likes you is one worth investing in."

Danny snorted. "Yeah, like that's going to happen."

"I don't know, Pippa seemed happy to see you."

Uncertain, Danny flicked his eyes to her and away. "Really?"


Danny messed with his ice cream, mulling over Carter's words. Carter kept quiet, finishing her ice cream. On the other side, Melina and Harlan stood and tossed away their containers.

They moved to the door but Melina paused when she noticed Danny and Carter. Tugging Harlan's arm, she redirected their path. Danny straightened as they stopped before the table.

"Hey, Danny," Melina said, smiling at him.

With the smile, Carter knew exactly who this girl was. Despite being with another boy, she wanted one more to be aware of how pretty she was.

"Hey," Danny said.

"You here with your sister," Harlan said. "That's cute."

Harlan eyed Carter, her leather jacket, t-shirt, and jeans. She met his eyes with an intensity that said she knew the kind of punk he was and dared him to say more. He swallowed, some of his cockiness fading under her gaze.

"Actually," Carter said. "We're doing surveillance."

She pulled out her FBI badge and flipped it open. The badge had the desired effect, both kids straightening.

"Really?" Melina said, doubtful, though she looked more interested. "You don't look like you're doing surveillance."

Danny shifted but Carter held Melina's gaze.

"If we looked like we're surveilling we wouldn't be doing a very good job, would we?"

Her tone implied Melina was a bit dim and Melina flushed under its weight. Carter knew she shouldn't torment two middle schoolers but having grown up with these types of kids she knew they needed to be taken down a notch at least once. Besides, she was protective of her brother.

"Do you have a gun?" Harlan blurted out.

In answer, Carter opened one side of her leather jacket, giving them a peek at her shoulder holster. Harlan looked at her with a new sense of awe.

"Can I hold it?" he asked.

Carter's expression snapped down. "Only someone who knows how to hold a gun should. Someone like Danny here."

Harlan's awe turned to Danny while Melina perked up at this. She tossed a strand of hair over her shoulder.

"You know, Danny," she said. "I'm having a birthday party this Saturday, you should come."

Danny sank back in his chair, arms crossed. If she didn't know any better she'd say he was mimicking Donovan. Well, there were worse people to try and imitate.

"Thanks for the invite but I have plans with Pippa," he said.

Carter fought her grin at his announcement and Melina's disappointment.

"Oh, maybe another time," she said, infusing her voice with a flirty tone.

"No promises," Danny said.

Melina blushed deeper and Harlan looked impressed.

"We should go," Melina said. "My mom's waiting outside."

As they left, Harlan glanced back at Carter, smiling. She shook her head at how ridiculous he seemed.

"No promises?" she said.

"I thought it was something Donny would say."

"He'd be a little more gracious. So...Pippa, huh?"

"Yeah, you said she liked me. I figured if I asked her out she'd say yes, right?"

"She definitely will."

They threw away their trash and headed into the mall. Carter rumpled Danny's hair and wrapped an arm around his shoulders. Even for as young as he was, he was getting close to her height. Danny didn't bulk from her, instead he wrapped his arm around her.

"Ready for me to show how to break that Glock 45, Corporal?"

He beamed up at her. "Let's do it, Sarge."


Hi and no.

No. No. No. No. Do you want me to say it in Spanish, no! I'm not writing a Donovan and Danny chapter.

So now that that's settled you can tell me what you thought about the whole chapter! 💬💭🗯

🙄 Oh my gosh! Fine! You want the chapter that bad then here is what's going to happen, you need to work together as readers.

Here's what I need to write it: I need a beginning (where are they? What are they up to?) I need a middle (what's the conflict or the problem that needs solving?) and an end (how is the conflict or problem solved). If you give me all that, then I'll write the chapter.

If took me literally two years to be able to think of this chapter so it's up to you for the next one.

Also the reason I find this dynamic hard to write is because they are so far apart in age.

Any who! You got the chapter and I hope it lived up to your wild dreams.

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Carter and Danny!

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