The Best Kind of Traditions

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Probably already read this so feel free to skip if you want.


An irritated scowl cut across Carter's face as she swung at Donovan, but he blocked the blow with his forearm. She spun, jamming her elbow into his stomach. He flexed and retaliated, but she parried his hit.

"This is stupid," she said.

She ducked, leaving Donovan hitting the air.

"Yes, you already said that," he said, shifting back to avoid her knee.

"It doesn't make it any less true."

She faked a punch with her right and jabbed with her left, landing a blow into his ribs. The impact barely hurt, as she pulled back at the last second.

"I don't see why we have to do this," she said.

She raised her hand, deflecting Donovan's fist but taking a hit in the side for her efforts.

"Left side," he reminded her. "And you know that we have no choice."

Carter swung, but he caught her fist and spun her around, pinning her to his chest. His breath fluttered her hair and whispered passed her ear.

"We could always say something came up at the last minute and avoid the whole thing," she said.

She bent, using her body weight and flipped him. He slammed onto the mat. Before he could rise, she was crouching on top of him, her knees pinning his legs, while she held both his arms down. Loose hair fell down as she stared at him. His face had matured. Gone was the boyishness it had once held, leaving behind defined, handsome features.

Donovan didn't seem inclined to struggle out of her hold.

"You know we can't do that," he said. "Your father would kill me."

Carter shrugged. "So we go on the run."

Using brute strength, Donovan flipped her off of him. She landed hard on her back and found Donovan hovering over her, their positions reversed.

"You understand that's not a viable option, right?"

Carter thumped her head on the thick mat in frustration. "Yes. But still."

She stared back at him. His dark blue eyes studied her. It was a look she knew all too well and knew that there was nothing she could withhold from him.

"Doubts?" he asked.


He nodded, the edge of his mouth curling just a bit. She couldn't help herself: she smiled. It was one of her favorite looks, the one he gave her when he couldn't decide whether to show her how much something meant to him. Donovan's gaze turned from serious to devilish, his eyes flicking down to her lips.

They were broken from their moment by a voice calling out to them.

"Agent Keller? Agent Owens?"

With an annoyed huff, Carter twisted her head to see an assistant glancing around for them. When he spotted them, a look of relief filled his face and he jogged over. With his approach, their secluded world was popped.

The sounds of the training room came back to them. Grunts walked alongside the muted thunks of leather protected fists against punching bags. Deep voices talked in low authoritative and guiding tones, as trainees went toe to toe.

With a final look at Carter, Donovan stood and held out a hand to her. She took it and he pulled her up. The assistant stopped before them. Carter wiped away her loose hair and planted her hands on her hips.

"What is it?" she asked.

"I'm glad I caught you before you left," the assistant said. "Deputy Townsend wants you to come see him first thing tomorrow morning. He has a new assignment for you."

"Will do," Donovan said.

The assistant left and Carter turned to Donovan. Late afternoon light streamed in from high windows. The sky was a crisp blue that was slowly fading into a dark hue. She reached out, resting her hands on his sides, feeling the toned muscles beneath his shirt.

"We have to go tonight, don't we?" she said.

He tucked a strand away and slid his hands into her hair.

"Yes, we do."

Carter leaned her head against his chest, breathing him in. He smelled liked sweat and she loved it. Donovan kissed her hair, the act so familiar to her. She looked back up at him.

"You know this means I have to wear a dress," she said.

"You'll look beautiful."

She frowned. "You think I look beautiful in anything. Even my sweatpants and a ratty shirt."

"What can I say, I'm biased."

He kissed her. No matter how many times he had kissed her, Carter found she couldn't get over it. The taste of his lips. The softness of them. She gripped his shirt, bringing him closer, uncaring of the eyes that could be watching them. Donovan pulled away.

"Come on," he said. "We need to get cleaned up. It's not socially acceptable to show up sweaty."

A smirk crossed Carter's lips. "I think you look hot sweaty."

"Yes, but you're biased."

"Well, that's true."


Carter sat crosslegged on her father's bed. Around her, the room had completely changed. There was a feminine touch to it all. Throw pillows lay on the bed, while stacks of contradicting books sat on either night stand. Covering the once bare walls were framed photos. Snapshots of the past years were laid out before Carter.

One held a photo of herself, Link and Donovan wearing graduation gowns. Another held her father and Maggie on their wedding day. Another was the day Carter and Donovan were accepted into the FBI. Another was of her father and herself looking over Maggie as she held a new baby. Each memory was as fresh to Carter as if it only happened a day ago.

"I'm happy you decided to get ready here," Maggie said. She handled Carter's hair, brushing and twisting it, pulling it up into something Carter wasn't likely to repeat on her own. "I feel I like I haven't seen you much since you became a super star FBI special agent."

Carter smiled. "Just agent. I won't make special agent yet. At least not for another month or two."

"All the same, I'm glad to have some time with you. How is it going?"

A laugh tickled Carter's throat.

"Well," she said. "They finally realized that Donovan and I work best on the same team. Especially if that team consists of only the two of us."

Maggie let out a snort of amusement. "That does not surprise me in the slightest. But what made them come to this conclusion?"

"Five different teams in three months."

"Ah, they saw the error of their ways."

"No, we laid out the reasons. Emphasizing the fact that although we are excellent agents, it is the benefit of the Bureau to have us work together."

Maggie gave a unconvinced huff.

"Our reasons might have also been backed up with the approval of all the previous teammates we had."

Maggie shook her head, chuckling softly. "You two. I'm amazed they didn't simply fire you." She grabbed a few pins and started sticking them in Carter's hair, making her scowl.

"They would have, if it wasn't for the fact that we had the best results they've seen in awhile."

Maggie patted Carter's hair, making sure everything stayed in place.

"And I never really expected anything less," she said. "You're done. You can get dressed."

Carter slid off the bed and went to the mirror, inspecting Maggie's work. She tossed her head about, feeling the security of it.

"I'm impressed." She turned around and smiled at Maggie. "Thank you." Maggie beamed and stepped forward, hugging her. Carter accepted the embrace, feeling loved.

"Oh, Hun, I'm so proud of you," she said. She pulled back and held Carter's arms. "We both are."

Carter smiled. "Thank you."

Maggie gave her arms a quick squeeze then stepped back, clapping her hands once.

"Now for your dress," she said.

Holding back an annoyed sigh, Carter went to the closest and pulled out the dress. In a second she slipped it on, turning so Maggie could zip up the back. It was a dark blue, one shoulder dress that was fitted to her waist and flowed out before stopping above her knees.

When she had gone shopping with Maggie for it, it had been the only clear option. She had found it perfectly practical: the loose skirt made it easy to kick without destroying the dress, while the lack of tight sleeves meant she had no arm restrictions. Maggie had said it brought out her eyes, so the decision was made.

Carter stared at her reflection, shifting the dress so it lay smooth.

"You're really making me go through with this?" she said.

Maggie gripped her shoulders and looked at Carter's reflection, her chin resting on her shoulder.

"Engagement parties are traditional," she said.

Carter let out a mocking laugh. "Yes, because everything about me says traditional. Graduating two years early and becoming one the youngest FBI agents ever. That's very traditional."

Maggie gave her a teasing smile.

"Well, some traditions are worth keeping no matter who you are." Carter looked unconvinced. "Besides, it's already set up and you have no choice in the matter."

Carter shook her head and twisted, making sure the dress was in order while Maggie checked the time.

"Alright, it's time to go," she said. "Can't keep everyone waiting."

Carter nodded and quickly finished the last steps of getting ready and followed Maggie. The apartment looked as different as her father's room. Toy cars and plastic guns were piled in a bin in the corner. Along with gun range scores, finger paintings dotted the fridge. It was a home that had the feeling of holding a loving family.

They descended the stairs, night washing over the sky. The summer heat from the day had drifted away with the sun and a cool breeze sauntered past them. The lights of the deli were all lit up as the approached. Even from outside they could hear the clamor of voices. The ding of the bell overhead was drowned out in the greetings that rang out.

The deli was simply decorated with streamers and a few balloons. Tablecloths covered the table tops and wine glasses had been added to the usual selection of glasses. The place was crowded with both Carter and Donovan's families, as well as friends that had made it past Carter's initial rounds of sarcasm and sharp wit. On top of that were Curtis and a few other Secret Service members who had watched her grow up.

People seemed eager to say hi to Carter, but Donovan broke away from his parents and moved towards her first. Despite the amount of people around, she found she could only see him. He wore tailored slacks and a button down shirt that was just the perfect fit. His black hair was neatly brushed back, making way for his looks to stand out. But all of this was nothing to the look that brightened his dark blue eyes as he took her in.

Maggie tactfully walked away as he stopped before Carter. Cupping her cheek, he leaned in and whispered in her ear.

"I take it back, you're not just beautiful but stunning," he said.

Carter felt a mocking comment rise to her mouth, but Donovan cut it off with his lips. She narrowed her eyes at him.

"You knew what I was going to say," she said.

"I had a feeling." He gave her a quick kiss again. She tried to smother her grin beneath a scowl, but Donovan's lips only twitched, seeing the real look.

From the mass of people, out stepped her father. On his hip was a four-year-old dark haired boy with chocolate eyes. He had arrived at the celebration of her father's and Maggie's one year anniversary, as well as the completion of her father's time in the Secret Service.

The boy's face lit up at the sight of Carter.

"Sarge!" he shouted in delight.

Carter couldn't help the laugh that bubbled out. Her father smiled and gave her a one armed hugged.

"You look beautiful," he said, kissing her head.

"Thanks." She turned her attention and smiled at her brother. "How are the troops today, Corporal?"

Danny gave her a crooked salute and a grin. "All in order, Sarge." His voice had a slight whistle to it due to the missing front tooth.

"Excellent, keep me posted on any developments."

He gave a serious bob of his head, the gesture making his brown curls bounce.

"Hey, Corporal," Donovan said.

Danny's gaze shifted to Donovan. It was as if he were seeing him for the first time that night. His face broke into a joyous smile that poked dimples into his round cheeks. He instantly squirmed, reaching for Donovan. Smiling, Donovan accepted the boy.

Taking the moment of Danny's distraction, Carter turned her gaze back to her father. There was a deep look of love in his eyes as well as a touch of sadness.

"I'm not married yet," she said sternly, as if struggling to keep her own emotions in check.

He gave her an understanding nod, then hugged her again, his hold expressing all that he wanted to say.

"I love you, Sarge," he whispered.

"I love you too, Captain."

Their moment didn't last as Danny gave a shriek of laughter and brought them back. Her father took back responsibility of his son.

"Come on," Donovan said, "my mom is excited to see you again."

He took Carter's hand and led her back to his parents. His mom was a head shorter than her husband, but seemed to make up for the lack of height with her warmth. She hugged Carter, wrapping her in the scent of lavender.

"Hello, Carter darling," she said.

Carter gave her a genuine smile. "Hi, Eleanor."

Donovan's father stepped forward. Where his wife was all smiles, he was serious. But he gave Carter a rare grin, extending a hand. She shook it once.

"Ted," she said.

"Carter." He held his hands behind him, the posture speaking his years as a drill sergeant. "I have heard from Brock that you two are making a name for yourself at the Bureau."

Before either Carter or Donovan could respond, Brock appeared, followed by James and Clint. The resemblance between the four brothers was uncanny.

"I have heard more stories," Brock said, "about what Donny is up to in the last six months than I have heard in the last eight years."

James crossed his arms, his shirt sleeves straining. "You heard what they are calling you two, right?"

Carter and Donovan looked at each other, as if sharing a secret.

"The Unstoppable Couple," Clint said. "I don't even work with the Bureau but all my contacts there have heard of you."

Carter shrugged, as Donovan wrapped his arm around her waist. "What can we say? We get the job done."

James grunted like that answer was completely worthless.

"It's impressive the recognition you two are already receiving," Ted said. He looked at Donovan, his gaze holding more weight than any words he could say. "I'm proud of you, son."

Donovan dipped his chin. "Thank you."

Carter looked up at Donovan, unable to hide the smile the spread across her lips. His gaze flicked to her, and he squeezed her side.

"We're on for this weekend for the training course, right?" James asked, breaking into their thoughts. "I believe I have a debt to repay." He looked at Carter.

"I believe even after this weekend you will still be in my debt," she taunted.

Clint laughed and shook his brother's shoulders jokingly. James smacked his brother's hands off.

The front door opened and even in the din of the deli, Carter managed to hear the bell. She turned. Hurrying in was Link, with Maddy by his side. His hair was back to it's natural dirty blonde color and his glasses were stored away in some box.

"Sorry we're late," he said, meeting Carter's gaze.

Donovan and Carter met them smiling.

"For a second we didn't know if we were going to have to come looking for you," she said.

"Make sure you weren't kidnapped," Donovan added.

Maddy let out a light laugh. "Nope, just a few too many change of outfits," she said.

"I always knew Link was picky," Carter said.

He sent her a half hearted glare, that broke at her wide smile.

"You two are really doing this, then," he said. "Getting married, settling down."

Donovan gave a wry chuckle. "Married. Yes. Settling down? Not likely."

Link rubbed the back of his neck, smiling at them. "Yeah, settling down doesn't seem your type of thing."

Carter looked at Donovan. "Not if I have anything to say about it."


After the food had been eaten and everyone was in their third glass of wine, the crowd started to call for stories. Carter sat in a chair beside Donovan, his arm resting on the back and his other hand clasped in hers.

They listened and laughed as their friends told stories of their quarrels that seemed to always end in brawls. Stories of their silent conversations. Tales of their determination to beat each other in whatever task or game they were involved in. As the friends' stories passed, the family members added their bits, some taking the form of speeches.

A laugh seemed at the ready in James's voice as he stood up.

"I knew Donny was a goner," he said, "the day he told me Carter beat him in a mile race by one second. It was from that moment on I knew he would be chasing her for the rest of his life." He raised a glass. "To the girl who always keeps him guessing. And the boy who never backs down from a challenge. I know your marriage will be a fight you don't plan to lose."

Cheers rang out, and Donovan kissed the side of Carter's head. Link stood up and walked to the center of the tables.

"I want say something about these two people." He paused, just looking at the two of them, his emotions clear in his hazel eyes. "I have never met anyone like Donovan and Carter. When my world was small and contained, they were with me, reminding me that life beyond what I could see was possible. They saved me from battles I couldn't fight myself," a hint of a smile tugged at his lips as Donovan and Carter tried to suppress their own. "And they stood back and let me fight the ones I could. They are the friends everyone wants and I don't deserve, but they are my best friends all the same. If your love for each other is as strong as your loyalty to me, then I have no fear for your future. Just all the hope in the world. To you."

Applause filled the deli and glasses clinked. But Link, Donovan and Carter only stared back at each other, a bond beyond words passing between them. When the cheers died down, Steve stood and took Link's spot. There was a solemnness about him, but he smiled.

"I guess I will close us out," he said. "Donovan. I was convinced that there would never be anyone who would be good enough for Carter. Even after I met you, I wasn't sure you had what it would take. After all, you are a Marine."

Donovan's brothers booed while the room broke into laughter. Carter smiled up at Donovan. He beamed back at her and kissed her nose. Steve waved everyone quiet.

"The day I truly knew that I could trust you to care for her, was the day you asked me if you could marry her." He smiled at the memory of it. "You arrived at my house carrying a pair of boxing gloves."

Carter frowned, not remembering her father telling her this.

"I was cautious. Before I could reply, you handed me the boxing gloves and said, 'sir, you might as well put these on. Because I'm determined to fight for her'."

Carter's eyebrows shot up and she looked from her father to Donovan. He returned her gaze with a calm certainty.

"I knew that if you were willing to get your ass handed to you," her father said, as a new wave of laughter rolled through the room, "then you were willing to fight whatever would come your way." He raised his glass. "So, it's with my full approval and pleasure that I watch as you two begin a life together. I know Carter doesn't need someone to protect her but I am glad that she has someone who can."

The room broke into loud cheers and thunderous applause. Carter stared at Donovan.

"You threatened my father?" she asked.

He shrugged. "It seemed like a good plan at the time. I wasn't going to take no for an answer."

Carter cupped his cheek and kissed him as the crowd shouted more wild cheers. She smiled into the kiss.


The deli was empty, the only remains of the party the stray bits of trash that dotted the floor. All the lights had been turned off. The only illumination the place had was from the silvery moon outside.

Donovan sat in a booth with his back pressed against the windows, his legs stretched out and his arms wrapped firmly around Carter's waist. She sat in his lap, laying against his chest and holding a diminishing chocolate chip cookie.

She broke off a piece and held it back to him. He took it, kissing her finger tips in the process.

"What do you think of a shotgun wedding?" she said. "That sounds more our style though not in the real sense of the term only the title."

Donovan swallowed. "You understand Maggie and my mom are planning the entire thing? There is nothing you have to do except show up."

Carter ate the remaining piece of the cookie, thinking. She laid her arms on top of his, feeling at home in his embrace. Donovan rested his chin on her head.

"I can hear your thoughts," he said. "Care to share them with me?"

"I don't see the point of a wedding at all. It's not about some day. It's about the rest of our lives. The size of the wedding won't dictate how our marriage turns out. We do."

"You're forgetting something. It's not about what the wedding means, it's what it represents."

"Which is...?"

"It represents a time of celebration. A time for our family and friends to show their support to us as we pledge our lives to each other." Donovan kissed her hair. "Also, my mom doesn't have any daughters and is determined to make this happen, since the girls my brothers marry will probably be more inclined to make their own decisions."

Carter huffed. "I knew Eleanor was in it just for the party."

Donovan gave a low chuckle. The sound rumbled in his chest and vibrated through Carter's body. She smiled, sinking deeper into his hold. They sat there in silence, their minds wrapped up in each other.

"It doesn't have to be a big thing," Donovan said, his voice quiet as if wanting to keep the silence going. "But I want to have it. I want to stand before the people who matter to me and make a vow to you."

Carter twisted in his hold, leaning against him. In the dim light she could just barely make out his eyes, staring back out her with an unbreakable certainty.

"Okay," she said.

She rested back on his chest. He held her waist as she took his other hand, intertwining their fingers.

She stared at the hand that was larger than hers. It was a hand she knew better than her own. Fingers with calluses made from gripping a gun handle. Knuckles made tough by throwing too many punches. A hand that held onto her whenever fear for her father gripped her. A hand that she knew she would hold for the rest of her life.

As if his thoughts ran along the same thread, Donovan brought their joined hands up and kissed her knuckles. In that moment, Carter's tough facade cracked. Donovan looked down at her, seeming to sense the shift.

"I love you, Carter Owens," he said.

"I love you, Donovan Keller." She took in a breath as if cautious of her next words. "Never leave me."

"Nothing could ever keep me from you." Carter's heart hummed at the words. A faint smile played on his lips. "Besides, your father would kill me if I ever thought about leaving you."

She smiled, her worry soothed. "So really it's in your best interest."

"It is. You're stuck with me."

"I don't mind that."

Donovan's hand became tangled in her hair, his gaze locked on her. He kissed her. At first it was soft and slow, then it deepened into something stronger, determined. He pulled her closer as Carter gripped the back of his neck, feeling the promise that lay beneath.

The shriek of tires broke them apart.

They looked at each other, dazed. The deli door slammed open and Link staggered in. Blood dripped from a gash on his forehead and a dark stain covered his shirt. His face was pale with blood loss.

In an instant, Carter and Donovan were out of the booth and rushing towards him. Carter lifted her dress and pulled a gun from a thigh holster as Donovan grabbed one strapped to his ankle.

"Where are they?" he asked, pointing his gun at the door.

"How many?" Carter asked, aiming her gun at the windows in case of an ambush.

Link stumbled and fell against a table, coughing blood.

"They found me," he whispered. "I don't know how, but they found me."

Donovan laid a hand on his shoulder, keeping him from falling. Link grabbed Donovan's arm with a bloody hand.

"They have Maddy."

With that he collapsed, unconscious. Donovan swore.

"We need to leave. Cover me." He threw Link over one shoulder. He scowled. "I know who did this."

"You've been doing surveillance?" Carter asked.

"You angry?"

"Yes," she said. "Because you didn't take me with you."

They moved to the entrance and paused, surveying the area outside. Darkness and Link's abandoned car was all that was in sight.

"The Safe House?" Carter asked, looking back at Donovan.

He nodded.

"How long?"

"As long as it takes to make sure he's safe."

"That could be awhile."

"It could."

"Okay then," Carter said, with a nod. "I say this is a perfect excuse to cancel the wedding. And elope."


Beautiful person!

(Because we accept all people's but not aliens, because if the movies have taught us anything is that they will eventually turn on us and eat us)

I believe this is the longest extra chapter I wrote and it was the first. Gosh it's so butts long but I still hope that you enjoy it.

Hurry onward and you shall see if Maddy is okay, if they elope or if they all die in a hail of bullets!

Wow such delightful thoughts!

Any parting comments you want to leave with me?

Gosh that sounds like I'm dying!! 😱😱No! I can't go - there's too much to write! I won't go like this!! Don't take me now!!!!

You know what they say: end on a really weird note. 😉 Mission accomplished.

Vote for the freedom of pen caps! Comment on the injustice of erasers!
Follow the life of The Nerd!

(Be honest you didn't think I could get more odd did you? Surprise 😁)

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