The Birth

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Because so many of you asked for it! Again I'm not sure if it's what you imagined, but I hope you like it all the same!


A gasp of pain jolted Donovan from his dreams. He shot up and looked around, trying to disperse the sleep from his eyes. The room was mostly dark, only slivers of moonlight making it through the curtains. Beside him, Carter sat bent over, her hand resting on her protruding stomach.

"Donovan." The strain in her voice told him everything.

"Now?" he asked.

She gave a nod and grimaced as agony darted through her and she took a sharp inhale. That small sign of pain sent panic through Donovan. This was the moment they had been getting ready for and yet he felt completely unprepared. Fighting the surge of conflicting emotions, he swept the blanket aside, letting his training take over.

In the blackness of the room, only vague shapes were visible but he moved around as if he could see. On an armchair was packed duffle bag with everything they needed for the hospital and an outfit for Carter. Grabbing it, he strode to her side of the bed. She had managed to swing her legs off the end, but that was about it. Carter was wearing one of his old shirts that had been stretched out to fit around her belly. Donovan flicked on the light and called for an Uber.

As he helped her get dressed, he tried to clamp down on the mounting feeling of anxiety. But as hard as he tried, it kept building, threatening to drag him down. With all the strength he possessed, he kept his fear from showing.

"Okay," he said, taking Carter's hands and helping her stand.

He slung the duffle over his shoulder and moved to open the door. As Donovan turned back to get Carter, she rested a hand on his arm. Despite the pain, she was calm, as if it and the approaching birth of her child were nothing new.

"Donovan," she said, her voice gentle. "I know I and others would enjoy the view, but maybe you should put on some clothes."

It was only then that Donovan looked down and realized he was still in a pair of boxers. So focused on Carter he had forgotten about himself. Tossing off the duffle, he yanked open the closet.

"I'll just be a second."

Carter's answer was a soft laugh. After pulling on a pair of jeans, t-shirt, hoody, and shoes, Donovan lifted the bag and took Carter's hand. They had barely gone a step, when she winced, clutching her stomach. Even knowing how strong Carter was the sight of her hurting was torture to Donovan, like a spike to the chest.

"Breathe," he said, holding her side. "I'm right here."

She nodded and let out a slow breath. Once the contraction eased, they headed out. Though Donovan loved the grace in which Carter had always moved there was something about the pregnant waddle that he found endearing and knew he would miss it. Because of the walk and the pain it took them twice as long to get downstairs and into the waiting car than usual.

The city was sleeping, the day on the edge of tomorrow. Street lamps banished bits of the darkness guiding the few pedestrians who were out. In the back of the car, Donovan held Carter's hand. Her head rested on his shoulder as if the small trip down had worn her out. As they drove, Donovan counted the minutes, her contractions were coming every five.

The car pulled up to the hospital's front doors and Donovan climbed out, swinging around to the other side to help Carter.

"Good luck!" the driver called.

Donovan barely nodded and closed the door. Bright lights greeted them as they made a slow progression to the sliding door. Inside was quiet and smelled of cleaning solutions. At the sight of Carter, a nurse jumped up and wheeled around a chair, helping her into it.

"How far along is she?" the nurse asked.

"The contractions are five minutes apart and her water already broke," Donovan said.

The nurse nodded. "Follow me and we'll get you into a room."

Carter bent double, eyes shut, face contorted in pain. Donovan rubbed her arm and kissed the top of her head.

"You're doing great, just keep breathing, Love."

It told Donovan everything when Carter didn't reply with a snarky remark about how she was already doing that. The pain was taking all her strength. By the time they got her settled into a gown and a bed, she was breathing hard, the contractions coming closer together.

"Stay here, I'll be right back with a doctor," the nurse said.

Donovan brushed aside Carter's hair and held her hand. Even though she looked worn out, her blue eyes were alight with an intense fire that Donovan only saw when they were on a mission. She was prepared to fight for this kid. The nurse returned with a slim, female doctor in a white lab coat that examined Carter and told them Carter was in good shape, already 6cm dilated. Though this was a relief, it also meant that the contractions would come faster and harder.

"We can administer the epidural now if you want," the doctor said.

Donovan wanted nothing more than for Carter to be out of pain, but she shook her head. That same fire glowing brighter.

"I'm having this kid on my own," she said, a touch of iron in her voice.

Pride and admiration flooded Donovan. He leaned over and kissed her forehead. Under his touch, she seemed to relax a little.

"All right," the doctor said. "I'll be back to check on you in an hour. Till then Kate," she gestured the nurse, "will be here if you need anything."

She left and Donovan sat on the edge of Carter's bed. The time dragged on and he felt his heart fraying at each shock of pain that Carter faced. After the doctor announced that Carter was almost there, Maggie poked her head in.

"Hey, Hon," she said.

Carter tried to give a smile but lacked the energy for it. Maggie rested one hand on Donovan's shoulder.

"Steve has coffee for you outside. We didn't want to crowd the room. I'll stay with her for a second."

Donovan didn't move, unable to bear leaving Carter's side.

"She'll need you most in the delivery room, go," Maggie urged.

With a promise he would be right back, he left. He had barely made it out of the room when his phone rang. He answered.

"Hey, mom," he said.

"How's she doing?"

Leaning against the wall, Donovan ran a hand through his hair. Even though he hadn't been the one in pain, he felt exhausted.

"She's amazingly strong and I don't know how she does it."

"How far along she is?"

"9cm, the baby could be here within the next hour."

That thought shook Donovan to his core, bringing back the wave of panic and fear.

"Your father and I will be on the next flight out," she said. "I'm looking forward to meeting my grandchild."

A tired smile came to Donovan's lips. "Me too."

After a few more words, Donovan hung up. In the waiting room, he found Steve sitting with two cups of coffee in his hands. Curled up on the seat beside him was Danny, already fallen back asleep.

"How's she doing?" Steve asked.

In his eyes was that same fatherly concern that Donovan had seen countless times before. Sinking into a chair, Donovan accepted the cup.

"Tired but braving it like the strong woman we both know her to be."

Steve smiled, pride glinting in his eyes. The spark sharpened into something more critical as he focused on Donovan.

"How are you doing?" he asked.

Before Donovan could respond with 'fine', Steve spoke.

"If you don't say scared then you're not ready to be a father, son."

Donovan buried his face in his hand, letting out a shaky breath.

"I'm terrified."

A strong, comforting hand landed on Donovan's shoulder and squeezed.

"I was fifteen years younger than you when Carter was born and I was petrified." Donovan raised his head. The lines around Steve's eyes were deeper but there was still a strength about him that countered his age. "I didn't know if I was ever going to be enough. But I saw her and knew I would do anything for her. There's not a day that's gone by that I haven't been scared that I didn't do enough for her. Being scared is part of being a parent, it's how you react to that fear that defines you."

Donovan nodded, accepting his own fear, now knowing it wasn't going anywhere.

"It's going to be okay," Steve said. "I've watched you two together and know that your child is going to be determined, spoiled and headstrong."

Donovan gave a light chuckle, knowing any kid raised by Carter wouldn't be anything less than that. Reassured, he stood. Steve rose with him.

"Remember," he said, "Carter needs your strength, so give it however you can. Whatever pain she is about to face is more than either of us has ever gone through. So if she breaks your finger from holding your hand than know it's only a fraction of what she's dealing with."

"I'll remember that."

The nurse appeared from the hallway and approached Donovan.

"She's ready, we're moving her to the delivery room now."

Handing the coffee back to Steve, Donovan rushed back to Carter. A look of relief came over her face when she saw him.

"Donovan," she breathed out.

"I'm right here," he said, taking her hand again. "I'm not going anywhere."

In the delivery room, nurses bustled around them setting up, but Donovan saw and heard none of it, his sole focus was Carter. When her eyes weren't clamped shut in pain, she was staring at him like he was her source of strength.

"I love you," he whispered to her.

There was no extra energy for her to say it back but he could see it clearly in her face. Then the doctor told Carter it was time.

Time stretched into one never-ending tunnel of pushing, cries of pain and tiny breaks. Through it all Donovan held onto Carter, talking to her, wishing he could take it all away.

At one point, she fell back against the bed, sweat coating her face. She said his name. It was a plea, a weak protest to make the pain go away, to let there be an end to it all. Donovan's heart cracked and he kept telling her she was close, that he was right there, that he was never going to leave her side.

The end finally came with a shrill cry from a tiny wrinkled form. Donovan barely caught a glimpse of his daughter before she was taken away to be cleaned. Carter sank into the bed and Donovan kissed her forehead, whispering to her that it was over and he was so proud of her. She hardly seemed to notice, her eyes closed, her breathing heavy with exhaustion. It seemed that in that moment she could fall asleep for a week.

But when the nurse walked over with a pink bundle, Carter drew in her last bit of strength and opened her eyes.

"You have a beautiful baby girl," the nurse said, lowering the baby into her arms.

Happy tears sprang into Carter's eyes and Donovan didn't know how his chest could contain his beating heart. Their daughter opened her eyes and Donovan saw they were the same shade as Carter's.

"Hi," Carter whispered.

Donovan cupped the back of Carter's head, kissing her again, his own happiness leaving him speechless. The picture before him was perfect and terrifying because he knew that there was nothing he wouldn't do for his wife and daughter. He would spend the rest of his life fighting to make them as happy as he was in that moment looking at them.



Kennedy is here! Life is great! Carter is amazing! Donovan is human! Oh happy day, happy day!!

So you've all been asking for this chapter since...well since I introduced Kennedy to you! I hope it made you happy, I apologize if it even made some of you cry!

I couldn't write it until I realized that it needed to be about Donovan's fear more than about Carter giving birth. Cause let's face it the woman is boss and has been ready to do this since she accepted the truth about it! Also since I've never been in labor I didn't really think I could write that realistically. (To all my mothers out there, I hope I did a decent job)

What did you think?

Thanks for always reading and always wanting more Carter and Donovan moments! It makes me happy that you still love them so much!

Vote, comment, follow you know for the heck of it!

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