The Mission

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Okay, so this entire chapter is ridiculous and completely impractical and I had an absolute blast writing it! I hope you like it!
(Warning: contains mild/not-so-mild violence)


Donovan was jolted into reality by a sharp splash of cold water that sank into his shirt and needled his skin. On the tail ends of the shock of consciousness, he found pain lancing through his entire body, starting at his ankles. When he moved a new wave of soreness skittered through him. A groan wormed its way through his paper dry throat. A callused hand slapped his face, dragging him back from the edges of darkness, forcing him to deal with the world.

When he pried one eye open, his reality was upside down. A fact that explained the pounding in his head and the crushing pain in his ankles. His hands hung limply over his head, not even skimming the cold concrete floor below. The air smelled rank like sweat and blood.

His whole vision seemed to be crowded with gray, the floor, walls and even the man that appeared to be standing on the ceiling. His gray suit was tailored and expensive looking. His whitish hair was trimmed and combed back. Even his eyes were gray, it was as if the heartless decisions he had made in the world had cost him his soul.

"Good, you're awake," the man said as if he were a doctor waiting for a patient to come to. "I have some questions for you. Answer them and this will go well. Don't answer them and I will let Vincent," the man gestured to a stout, tattooed man who wore a scowl like a woman wears perfume. "Do anything he wants to get the answers I want. Understand?"

Donovan blinked at the man. When no response came, the man gave a weary sigh like he was dealing with an unruly child. He took a step forward, leaning to get level with Donovan.

"I will get the answers I want, the only option you have is how much pain you get."

Donovan spat in the man's face. Frowning, the man straightened and wiped his face with a handkerchief.

"Very well. I will leave Vincent with you." A malicious smile curled across the man's lips. "And I will go see if I can't have some fun with the beautiful woman you came with."

Rage boiled inside of Donovan and he jerked forward, despite knowing he couldn't do anything. The chain holding him up clinked and he swung but got nowhere near enough to do the man any harm. A satisfied glint sparked in the man's eyes.

"I wonder if I can make her scream loud enough for you to hear," he said.

Donovan was shaking, his whole body was revolting against the words of this man, against the imagines of Carter in pain. He lunged again, but it only managed to make the man give a cruel, delighted laugh.

"Vincent," the man said. "Get me what I want." 

"Yes, sir."

Even as Vincent stepped forward, Donovan didn't take his eyes off the man as he left. All he could think about was tearing him limb from limb. If Carter was hurt in any way, that man would die begging for mercy. Thoughts of revenge were shattered when a fist collided with Donovan's jaw. Pain spiked along his face and stunning him. He shook it off just in time for another hit to slam into his temple, shocking his system.

"Mr. Cabello wants to know who you work for," Vincent said, grabbing a fist full of Donovan's hair. "Tell me and I will stop."

When Donovan's didn't answer, agony exploded in his stomach as Vincent buried his fist in his abdomen. A grunt fell passed Donovan's lips.

"Who. Do. You. Work. For?" Each word was delivered with a vivacious blow. When Vincent raised his fist again, Donovan held up a hand.

"Wait," he said, his voice barely making a sound.

Vincent paused and lowered his hand.

"Ready to talk?"

Donovan gave a weak nod of his head.

"Who do you work for?"

Donovan mouthed words. Vincent took a step closer, leaning in to hear.

"Who?" he asked, moving in.

"No one as stupid you," Donovan said.

Shock and anger registered on Vincent's face right as Donovan reached out, grabbed his head and snapped his neck. The man crumpled to the ground, his body a dot of color on the gray floor. Donovan shook his head in an attempt to get rid of some of his fogginess.

As his mind cleared, he extracted two thin metal picks from his mouth. Bracing himself for what was to come next, he curled his body, so he could get to his ankles. By the time he had worked the picks into the lock, his muscles were shaking with the effort of keeping him upright.

The handle on the door twisted and adrenaline shot through Donovan as he maneuvered picks. When the door swung open, the lock clicked. Flipping backward, Donovan dropped to the ground, his body humming with energy and prepared to fight.

"Funny how you said you would be the one to break me out," Carter said, leaning on the wall of his cell.

Relief that she was unharmed crashed over Donovan. Carter smiled, sensing his emotions.

"Did he-"

Donovan couldn't ask the question, afraid of the answer. Though there were no obvious signs of Cabello's abuse, he still needed to know.

"No," Carter said. "He made the mistake of getting too close right away."

Donovan let out a breath and closed the distance between them.

"Whose terrible idea was it to let ourselves be captured to get into this compound?" Donovan asked.

Carter smirked and cupped his cheek.

"I believe that was yours," she said.

"Next time, talk me out of it."

"I will. Until then, let's get this job done."

Donovan nodded. They crossed the cell, stopping underneath a ventilation shaft. Lacing his fingers together, Donovan held them out to Carter. She stepped into them and he hoisted her. She made quick work of the screws, the metal plinking on the concrete floor as they dropped. The grate clattered down last and Carter gripped on edge of the vent. Before she could haul herself inside, Donovan spoke.

"The basement in twenty," he said. "Stay safe."

Carter kissed him like it was with her last breath.

"Don't die," she said. "Or I'll have to find you and kill you myself."

Donovan grinned despite the pain radiating from his body and the niggling worry that sat at the base of his stomach. With one last look, Carter lifted herself into the vent. The space was tight and it seemed to press in on her from every side. She swallowed the wave of claustrophobia and crept forward. Behind her, she heard Donovan retreating from the room. Her heart went with him, though she forced her mind to focus on the task at hand.

Tunnel after metal tunnel swallowed her up until it felt like there was nothing but this labyrinth. Pieces of the compound's inner works floated up to her through grates. The walls vibrated as footsteps pounded beneath her, most likely trying to find the escaped prisoners. When it felt like her muscles weren't going to be able to move another inch, she found herself at a grate overlooking a security center.

Tables crowded with computer screens filled the space. Three men sat at the desks, all scanning the feeds, searching for their prisoners. Radios crackled as areas were cleared and commands were relayed. Tucking her fingers through the metal slates, Carter eased the grate loose, all the while watching for hints of detection. When the grate was free, she lifted it up and rested it across the way. Gripping the edge of the vent, she rolled her body through the opening and hung for a breath.

When she dropped to the ground, three chairs swiveled around. Carter sprung for the closest man, slamming her fist into his face. She kicked at a second guard then spun around elbowing the third. The first was on his feet, a gun pointed at her. She ducked, latching onto the wrist holding the weapon and kneed him in the ribs. As he bent double, Carter ripped the gun from his hand and leveled it at the second man and fired. The third rose to his feet but fell back blood blooming on his chest. Carter spun and fired one last time.

The room fell silent, the scent of gun smoke filling the air and the sound of the shots still ringing in her ears. She stepped to the door and flipped the lock. As she took a seat, she placed the gun on the desk, just within reach. Digging into her shirt, she pulled out a thumb drive from her bra. She slid over to a computer and inserted the device.

After a few keystrokes, the entirety of the computers database was being downloaded. Waiting, Carter scanned the security feeds. Men rushed around hallways, machine-guns held in front of them. Donovan was nowhere in sight, but she hadn't expected him to be.

The computer beeped and Carter swung around, snatching the thumb drive free. Slipping it into her pocket, she picked up the gun and moved to the exit. There was no sound from outside and she teased the door open. Only the distance thumping of boots greeted her. Heart kicking up speed, she eased herself into the corridor. The building seemed to shake with the cry of commands and the constant thudding of search teams.

Jogging down the empty hallway, she entered the stairwell. The cold stone flights twisted in a tight coil, rising up to the roof and dropping down to the basement. Carter hurried down the levels, ears always alert to the sound of men. As she was nearing the basement floor, a door to the landing below her's opened and a team of six poured through.

They marched up the stairs in a neat line, unaware of Carter just a story above them. Outnumbered she knew firing would be a sure way of getting shot. Without hesitating, she tucked her gun away, grabbed the metal railing and swung herself over. Her feet slammed into the leader, sending the team colliding into each other, like dominoes falling.

As they scrambling to their feet, Carter leaped over another railing, hitting hard on the basement level. Shots cracked against the ground and walls as she hurled herself through the doorway. A massive loading area stretched out before her. Cars, vans, and motorcycles crowded the space. Carter grabbed the closest shelf piled high with tools and machine parts and pushed it over. It crashed down, blocking the doorway. Items flew everywhere and bounced off the floor.

With the heavy shelf bracing the exit, Carter searched the garage for keys and an exit. Shoulders rammed the door, making it shudder and causing the shelf to whine in protest. On a rack on the wall near the loading bay, Carter found a row of keys. Snatching a set, she hit the button by the rolling door. Gears ground against each other as the metal door retracted, bringing the night air and moonlight into the place.

The shelf was giving way as Carter sprinted across the garage and sank the key into the motorcycle's ignition. The engine roared to life just as the shelf shrieked against the concrete and men raced out of the doorway. Shots pinged off the floor and vehicles as Carter sped towards the loading bay. She was about to break into the night when a door at the far end swung open and Donovan came careening out. Blocked by one of the white vans, Carter skidded to a stop.

"Hey handsome, need a ride?" she asked.

Grinning, Donovan climbed onto the back and wrapped an arm around her waist.

"Explosives are set, let's blow this joint."

Carter's laugh trailed after them as they sped out of the garage. Men raced forward, stopping at the opening edge and firing. Bullets struck the ground around them, but Carter managed to keep them just out of reach. When they had gained a bit of distance, Donovan raised a small device and pressed the button.

The world shook as explosion after explosion tore through the compound, ripping the walls and windows to pieces. Heat like an angry dragon roared behind them, licking at their heels. Carter bent forward, urging the motorcycle faster. Burning pieces of metal and stone rained down around them. Behind her, Donovan wrapped his arms about her, shielding her from debris with his body.

With one more surge of power, the bike broke free from the chaos and charged down the abandoned road. Donovan looked back. The compound was consumed by fire and pillars of black smoke stretched towards the sky. There was no pursuit, there were no survivors. A mile out from the compound, Carter turned the bike, bringing them to a shuddering halt.

What lay before them was a line of black SUVs and a battalion of agents in full body armor. A man with gray hair stood at the front of the army, arms crossed and a scowl permanently fixed on his face. Yanking the keys from the ignition, Carter and Donovan climbed off the motorcycle.

"Deputy director," Donovan said, with a nod.

The man continued to scowl as his gaze traveled from the bruised pair to the destruction.

"I asked you to get me information," the Director said. "Not destroy an entire compound!"

Donovan took a military stance, placing his hands behind his back. "You asked us to get the job done. And that is what we did."

"As for the information you wanted," Carter said. She pulled out the thumb drive and handed it to him. "You'll find that this has everything you were looking for."

Still not wanting to let them off the hook but having nothing else to get mad at them about, the Director took the thumb drive.

"I want a full report on my desk when you get back," he said.

"Understood," Donovan said, while Carter felt like kicking the man.

"Are we free to leave?" Carter asked.

After a moment of consideration, the Director nodded.

"One of my men will drive you back."

Carter and Donovan nodded and walked towards the row of agents. Though the mass looked tough and dangerous, they parted for the pair, a sense of reverence hovering in the air as they watched them.

"That wasn't so bad," Carter said.

Donovan shook his head in amusement and kissed the side of Carter's head.

"That's cause I had you with me," he said.

At one of the cars, an agent opened the back door for them. Before they stepped into the warm, cushioned interior, they heard a low whisper.

"I guess it's true what they say, they're The Unstoppable Couple."


Bam! Take that son!

(Call me son one more time! Sorry, I had to go there. #Hamlitontrash)

Where did this come from? Where did this go? Where did you come from Cotton Eye Joe! (Again sorry, I had to.) Okay! A little explanation. Well, it's quite simple I wanted to write a chapter where Carter and Donovan were freaking awesome and kicked serious boo-tay!

I also watched Captain American and loved how there's this montage of explosions and wanted to write something with an explosion so I did. I'm guessing none of their real cases would be this dramatic, but hey you never know!

Also someone asked for a chapter where they were in the jungle on a mission. I didn't feel like writing about the jungle so I wrote this instead. It's a concrete jungle...where dreams are made of. (Dang! I got music on the mind to day.)

So...what did you think?

Honestly, I think my favorite part was where Donovan snapped the guy's neck. Does that make me violent? Probably, but I also blame it on the fact that I've watched wwwaaayyyy too many action movies.

Also what did you think of the transition from Donovan's POV to Carter's? I don't think I've ever done that before. It was fun.

Okay, well vote, comment, follow!

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