The Wedding

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Yup, you read that right. It's their big day, enjoy! ❤️


Carter stared at her reflection but didn't really see it. Her mind was buzzing with thoughts she couldn't turn off. Around her, the room was sweet with the scent of perfume. The light was shifting outside and evening was closing in on the day. The silky fabric of Carter's dress encased her skin as Maggie slid the zipper up. She peered over Carter's shoulder and beamed at her reflection. When Carter said nothing, Maggie squeezed her shoulders.

"What are you thinking about?" she asked, her voice teasing.

"A drug lord named Marius," Carter said.

Maggie cocked an eyebrow.


"Yeah, we're close to shutting him down, but I can't shake the feeling he's on to us."

Maggie rounded Carter and stood staring at her.

"That's the only you're thinking about right now?" she asked, skeptical.

Carter smirked. "I can multi-task."

"How about this," Maggie said. "You talk about the other thoughts you are having. Possibly the wedding you are about to have."

The smirk morphed into a grin and Maggie responded.

"There, that was what I was trying to get to. Now," she stepped away, letting Carter see herself. "What do you think?"

The girl in the mirror was far different than Carter saw herself as. The white dress hugged her waist then fanned out at her hips, turning into a loose skirt that brushed the top of her knees. Her hair was pulled up into a bun but little wisps were curled and hung down, framing her face. The only concession to makeup she had allowed were the thin lines of black eye liner that made her blue eyes pop.

"I don't look like me," she murmured.

"You do, just a different side."

Maggie walked across the room and collected a lace garter. When she held it up for Carter, Carter merely stared at it.

"What is that?" she asked.

"A garter."

"What's it for?"

"Tradition. You wear it on your thigh-"

"I wear my gun holster on my thigh," Carter cut in.

"You have two legs if I'm not mistaken," Maggie teased.

Carter sighed and cocked her head.

"Alright, I wear it on my thigh and then what?"

"During the reception, after you throw the bouquet to the girls, Donovan takes this off you and throws it to the guys."

"How does he take it off? With his teeth?"

Maggie laughed. "Only if he wants your father to shoot him."

Grinning, Carter took the garter and slid it up her leg. Compared to the weight of a gun holster it was light and barely noticeable at all.

"One last thing and you are ready," Maggie said, setting a pair of flats before Carter.

She stepped into them and accepted the bouquet of flowers. It was an array of white roses, carnations, peonies and lilacs that gave off a calming scent.

"I never understood the point of holding flowers," Carter said, looking over the assortment in her hands. "What are they even for?"

Maggie opened her mouth, but Carter spoke before she could.

"Of course, tradition."

"Now, you're getting it."

Taking a step back, Maggie looked Carter over with a critical eye, trying to spot any imperfections. When she raised her gaze to Carter's, tears were building up.

"You look perfect," she said.

Without hesitating, Carter accepted her hug, smiling as Maggie squeezed once.

"I love you, Hun," she whispered. "I'm so happy I get to be here with you."

"I am too."

Maggie wiped away the betraying tears and smiled. A quick knock came and Eleanor peered inside.

"You ready...Oh, Carter, you look beautiful," Donovan's mother said, beaming at her future daughter-in-law.

"Thank you," Carter said. "And yes, we're ready."

Still dabbing at her eyes, Maggie left the room, followed by Carter. Simple piano music floated through the church, the sound mixing with the hum of voices and rustle of clothes. The foyer of the church was empty except for Maddy in a pale lavender dress and Steve, who held Danny in his arms. At the sight of his sister, Danny called out to her, reaching one hand towards her.


Smiling, she gave Danny's round baby cheek a kiss.

"Hey, Corporal."

As Maggie took the boy from her husband's arms and repeated his instructions for walking down the aisle, Eleanor spoke to Maddy. Steve stared at his daughter, his face full of love and a hint of sadness.

"I should have listened," he said, his voice quiet. "You warned me you would run away with a Marine and now you are."

Carter reached out and held onto his arm, feeling the steadiness that was always there.

"Getting married," she said. "Not running away."

Holding in his emotions, he pulled her into a hug.

"I love you, Sarge," he said, kissing her hair.

"I love you, Captain."

"Places everyone," Eleanor said with the voice that had commanded marines for thirty years.

Taking her father's arm, Carter joined the small line of people. Before the doors to the sanctuary opened, Maddy twisted around.

"You look beautiful, Carter," she said.

"Thank you."

From a side door, James and Clint appeared. Clint pulled the doors open and a hush fell over the waiting guests. An archway stood just beyond the doorway, lined with vines and white flowers. White satin sashes hung in elegant curves from the line of pews, with bows and bunches of flowers connecting them. A narrow white carpet had been rolled out down the aisle. At the front of the church, a minister waited, a table lined with flowers behind him.

James guided Eleanor to her seat. Giving a final comment Danny, Maggie let Clint escort her to her spot. After them, Danny proceeded to walk down with an encouraging little nudge from Maddy. Smiles and awes followed his path. Maddy went next, leaving Carter alone with her father.

Carter stared at the set of stairs that would be her final destination. With the archway in front of her, she couldn't see Donovan. When she gripped her father's arm, he looked down at her, but she couldn't meet his gaze.

"How can I be so nervous when I've never been more certain of anything in my life?"

"You have nothing to fear," he said. "He's a good man."

Carter met his gaze and smiled.

The music switched and the guests rose and turned towards them. They walked forward, smiles and cheery faces greeting them. But Carter didn't see them, she only saw one person.

Donovan stood with hands clasped before him. There was a quiet certainty in his stance that said he didn't want to be anywhere else but there. A shock of emotions hit Carter as she realized she would have this man in her life until the very end.

With each step towards him, her heart hammered away as if it was trying to break out of her chest and run to him. Though his expression was calm, Carter could see the intensity in his eyes, the warmth that grew the longer he held her gaze. The beginnings of a smile appeared on her lips.

To Donovan, more than ever before Carter was stunning and nothing could keep his eyes off of her. She was like a dream he wasn't quite sure could be real, it was too incredible to believe. When they stood before each other, and Steve offered him her hand, she became fully real and fully his. Steve laid a hand on Donovan's shoulder.

"Hurt her, I shoot you," he smiled.

The threat was like a joke, for there was no doubt in Steve's mind that the man before him would give his all for his daughter.

The minister stepped forward and the guests settled back into their seats. Carter smiled at Donovan and he squeezed her hand.

"Dearly beloved," the minister said. "We are gathered here today to celebrate the union between Donovan Keller and Carter Owens."

As the minister kept talking, Carter found she only half listened. She was too aware of the warmth and strength in Donovan's fingers, the dark shade of his blue eyes, the slight curl in his lips that told her he knew what she was thinking. It almost didn't feel real. Finally, she would completely be his and he would be hers. Each moment lengthened and she wanted to hold on to every second, remembering it all.

As the minister transitioned into their vows, something shifted. It was like the air was suddenly charged with electricity. Whether it was her gut or the shadow that was out of place, Carter knew something was wrong.

She gripped Donovan's hand but it was not a sign of affection but a signal. He returned it already feeling that something was off.

When a black figure stepped out from behind a pillar, they moved on instinct.

"GET DOWN!" Carter shouted as she grabbed Maddy and dropped to the floor.

Donovan and Link landed beside her, the minister flung to the ground by Donovan's shove just as a shot rang out.

The world exploded into chaos. Screams pierced the air as bullets tore through the wall. Carter raised her dressed and grabbed the gun from her thigh holster. Rising, she fired twice at the gunman. He dropped but already the church was swarming with more tattooed men in black.

"Captain, Ted get everyone out of here!" Carter shouted over the panic.

Donovan pushed Link towards Maddy.

"I'll cover you," he yelled, rising to one knee and taking aim.

Men fell with each squeeze of the trigger but it didn't seem to matter, an army had come for them.

Link grabbed Maddy's hand and raced for the back door, a trail of guests darting after them. For a split second, Carter was grateful for the small amount of guest since within seconds the place was emptied of civilians, Ted, Eleanor and her father ushering them out. A pew had been turned over and James, Clint, and Brock were all kneeled behind it, laying down what protective cover fire they could.

As Carter went to get the minister safe, a rain of bullets cut across their path. Flipping the table full of flowers, she threw the man behind for cover. The flowers scattered across the floor, getting cut to ribbons. Donovan joined them, huddling down.

"Captain, Maggie, and Danny?" Carter asked.

"Safe," Donovan said.

"Link and Maddy too."

"They didn't surround the place," Donovan said. "It's not a military trained group."

Splinters of the wood showered them as bullets dug onto the table. Despite the mayhem converging on her, Carter felt calm, though her heartbeat was heightened and adrenaline flooded her body.

"It must be Marius," Carter said.

"I was thinking he was on to us," Donovan said.


"While I was getting ready, why?"

Carter shook her head. "No reason. But it doesn't matter. Either way, we're sitting ducks. We need to get around them."

Donovan nodded. His hair was a mess and there was a tear across his shoulder that looked a lot like a barely dodged bullet. Carter forced the thought from her mind.

"James!" Donovan yelled.

"Right here," James called back, another shot signaling his position.

"Take the East, Clint West, Brock the balcony."

"Copy that," his three brothers shouted in unison.

Donovan focused on Carter. There was a fire in her eyes and eagerness in her stance, she was ready. He had been wrong, this was the most beautiful he had seen her.

"Stay here and lay down cover fire, I'm going to get behind them," Donovan said.

Though he hated leaving her, he knew that for their survival they would need to split up. Carter didn't give herself time to think of what it meant that he wouldn't be by her side. Popping up, she started firing. Blood gushed from arms, chests, and heads as she fired.

Donovan bolted for the side of the sanctuary. Something grazed his arm and pain shocked his nerves. Biting back the discomfort, he dived into a roll and took cover behind a pillar. Just as he rose to a crouch, a man appeared an automatic gun in his arms. Donovan fired and the man's body crumbled to the floor. Snatching the gun from the dead man, he took off towards the foyer.

Carter heard the click click of her gun and dropped down, tossing the useless thing away. Donovan had made it but unless she got a gun soon, she might not. Beside her the minister was curled into a ball, his lips moving soundlessly in a prayer. Not having time to get him out, Carter peered around the edge of the table. A gunman was making his slow way towards her, constantly shooting. Snapping her head out of range, she waited, listening to his approaching steps, a plan forming.

When he was a couple feet away, she rolled out from the table's protection. Grabbing her discarded bouquet, she rose and flung it at him. The distraction worked as he shot the flowers expecting something else. By the time he realized his mistake, it was too late. Carter slammed into him, sending them both to the ground. Taking the strap to his gun, she wrapped it around his neck and yanked hard. The man struggled beneath her until he passed out.

A bullet cut into her arm and she let out a cry of pain. Fighting against it, she ripped the gun from his hands and raised it, tucking it into her shoulder. But her attacker was already collapsing to the ground. Carter looked up and saw James with his gun aimed at the now dead man. With a nod, she rolled off the guy and sank down behind a pew. Tearing the hem of her dress she roughly wrapped it around her arm. She tied a knot and yanked hard.

Donovan heard Carter's cry and something tore inside him. Fear and anger collided in his chest and for a moment he forgot everything but her. He looked to the front and saw blood spilling from her arm. Despite this, she held a gun and was already moving for cover. The blood set him off, and the next guy who charged him was not stopped by a bullet, but the butt of a gun smashing his face. The next dropped with a shot to the head.

"Clint," Donovan called out.

"Here," his brother said, across the way from him.

"Close them off from behind, I'm taking the front."

"Roger that."

Donovan crossed the aisle and switched positions with Clint. His brother had gotten hold of one of their weapons and was shooting with deadly accuracy. From above him, Brock was sniping the stray men who had chosen to hide. Bodies crumpled to the ground. With each step, Donovan made his way to Carter. At the sound of pounding steps, he turned fired twice. The man fell hard against the wall. A shot rang out behind him and he spun around in time to see a guy crash to the floor. When he looked across the way, he found Carter's gun raised.

Carter's heart was banging wildly against her chest. Fear had spiked her as she had seen a barrel pointed at Donovan. For a moment it was as if the world were about to end. But her shot had been dead on. Donovan met her gaze and then ducked around a pew so they were facing each other, separated only by the aisle.

"I love you," Donovan said over the ringing of gunshots.

"Yes, I'm aware," Carter said, taking aim at a man charging for them. "I wouldn't be in a white dress if I wasn't sure."

She fired but the man was already diving behind a pew. A figure was sneaking up behind Brock and Donovan took him down.

"I want to marry you," he said.

"Again a fact I know."

The man's head popped up and Carter shot at it, but missed, the pain in her arm throwing off her rhythm.

"I want to marry you now," Donovan called out, firing at a newcomer who had appeared from a side room.

"Like right now?"


"You can't be serious," Carter said, sliding behind her barrier as bullets flew at her.

"I don't want to die without knowing I'm your husband. Duck!"

Carter dropped as Donovan fired over her, taking out a man that darted from behind a pillar. The men twisted, blood pouring from his shoulder.

"This really isn't the time," Carter said.

Donovan locked eyes with her.

"It's a perfect time. We're in a church. There's a minister."

"We're being shot out!"

"So talk fast."


Donovan landed hard on the floor as three shots sliced through the man who had popped up from behind the pew.

"Fine," Carter said.

Donovan looked to the overturned table.

"Peter," he called out.

The shaken minister poked his head out around the table.

"Can you marry us?" he asked.

"Now?" the wide-eyed man asked.

"Yes!" both Carter and Donovan answered.

A man raced towards Carter, the click of his weapon saying it was useless. Biting back the agony of her arm, she attacked. Ducking his swing, she spun around and kicked his legs from under him.

"Do you Donovan Keller," Peter said, his voice trembling in fear. "Take Carter Owens to be your lawfully wedded wife..."

Donovan flung an empty gun at an attacker who had dropped down from the balcony. The weapon hit his face a second before Donovan kicked him in the stomach.

"To have and to hold," the minister continued. "In sickness and in health. For richer or poorer..."

Grabbing the man's empty gun, Carter used it to knock him unconscious.

"Till death do you part?" the minister finished.

"I do!" Donovan said, punching the man in the face, then flipping him over his back.

"Do you Carter Owens take Donovan Keller to-"

"I do!"

Carter faced Donovan.

"Then I now pronounce you man and wife. You may now kiss the bride."

A shot rang out and the final gunman dropped to the floor. Ignore the chaos of bodies, blood and bullet casings, Donovan crossed the aisle. He wrapped Carter up in his arms, kissing her. Carter clung to him with her one working arm, fingers digging into his hair.

It was like everything stopped in that moment, it was simply them and the knowledge that they were fully alive and belonged to each other.

A voice broke them apart.

"I say this calls for a drink," James said. "Let's celebrate!"


Duck and cover!

Come on, you're not surprised, right?

You had to see that coming! They would never have a normal wedding, I mean it's Carter and Donovan! They don't do normal well at all!

What did you think? 😄

So this was in honor of hitting 50k followers. Honestly, I never saw that coming. I'm a wackado! A completely odd person! Who in their right mind would follow someone like that?! ☺️ Well, I guess you did and honestly it's kinda crazy to me! Thank you! 😘

For Carter's dress I actually had two options and I want to know which one you think she would really wear. I felt the short one worked but this top one was also an option because of the slit, since that would make movement possible.

So choose!



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