Clips and Flips

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A/N: These are random short ideas I have gotten throughout the days. Please, don't question some. My brain hates me.

"You're a father figure, yeah?" Sans inquired, chewing on a sticky marshmallow.

"Correct," Grillby answered, not looking up from his book, "I have a child."

"And you totally have a father figure."

Grillby looked up, giving a confused look, "I don't know what you mean."

"Which means that you're a father figure with a father figure."


Sans sighs, beginning to roast another marshmallow over Grillby's flame, "...nevermind."

Grillby shook his head subtly, dismissing the conversation and blaming it on Sans being hopped up on sugar.

...Grillby began to really think about what Sans said, and burnt Sans' marshmallow and half of Sans' sleeve from Grillby's flare of realization and embarrassment.

- - - - -


Layla watched as Zai 'nyoomed' right past her, making a ruckus. She stared after her, confused, then turned and saw what Zai was running from and talking about. Layla's curly hair went straight up into the air in terror.

The tiny bean scampered after Zai screaming as well, as terrified as the female mechanic.

From around the corner, Darius kept from bursting out laughing as he watched Ashton move the mechanical goblins with a handheld control, throughly enjoying the drama ensuing.

- - - -

Jenna sniffed, shifting Nixxion's oversized red sweater up onto her bare shoulder for the third time. Her half covered hands from the sleeves gently grasped a cup of coffee with a hint of pumpkin spice creamer. The coffee warmed her slender fingers, only her hands and tip of her nose cold from the breeze.

Jenna sat comfortably on the balcony bench with her lap covered with a fluffy throw blanket on the cold morning. The sun was just beginning to rise over the houses of the neighborhood, casting long shadows over frosted grass and rays of light across the utterly clear sky. The birds were just beginning their songs, and the crickets still hummed below. Jenna smiled subconsciously, enjoying the calm air.

Hearing the sliding door that led inside to the apartment, Jenna turned her head and saw the love of her life step out onto the balcony, the warm air from inside blowing through her red streaked blonde hair a little. She smiled a little more shifting a little to the side to make room on the bench.

Nixxon plopped down lazily, grasping the end of Jenna's throw blanket and pulling it over his lap so they could share. Nixxon wrapped his arm around Jenna, and she in turn leaned onto her bony boyfriend and sighed heavily in satisfaction.

Their coffee cups sat on both of their laps as the pair took in the cool morning, the steam trails from the hot cups rising dancing in the wind as the leaves fell in an identical way from the trees in yellow, red, and brown bliss.

As the sun rose, their cups emptied, and their day began with a slow, quiet morning.

- - -

"Poof poof poofity poof poof," Scent sung in the peppy tune of Frosty the Snowman, petting the family cat on Grandfather's lap to the beat.

"Stop that song, it's annoying," Grandfather complained from behind his book, the cat seeming to disagree as it swam in the attention Scent was giving as the tall female crouched next to the wheelchair Grandfather sat in.

"Grandy, it's totally fine," Sight piped up from across the room on the couch, "Scent is just being silly for Speech."

Speech could be seen silently giggling at Scent's antics. Hearing looked at her confused, and Speech filled her in through quick gestures of sign language. Hearing began to laugh, her laughter a jingle of a kind voice.

"...I can see that," Grandfather grumbled, and Sight smiled at his hesitant reply. The cat hopped and curled back up onto Grandfather's lap as Scent went to fix her metal facial contraption that let her smell minimally, the metal very cold from being outside so long.

Ugly Christmas sweaters and strings of lights dressed up the Noevil family and their house. A couple of snowmen hugging each other sat in the front lawn with skittles for eyes and smiles by Speech and Hearing. Almost everyone was in the warm living room due to the space heater, only Grandmother was in the kitchen making hot chocolate for the family of six since the kids just came inside from playing outside in the snow.

It was a comfortable evening for the family.

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