Darius x Emrutt - Valentines

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I had found an old role-play as I was digging through my tumblr and I died from the fluff after reading it again. (Keep in mind, this was a while ago, so Darius was a bit younger here. Honestly, I want to share the cuteness with all of you, and show you what kind of person Darius is to a certain person that nothing was confirmed with but hushyoudon'tknowanythingaboutthisandneitherdoi

Darutt? Emrius? Hm.

This is a back and forth between two writers, so if the flow isn't perfect I apologize. I'll probably go back through and adjust things to make the chapter smoother.

Okay, here we go...


Emrutt sent Darius a somewhat frantic, mostly unimportant message.


Darius felt his phone vibrate in his pocket, so he pulled it out and looked at it. He was currently in a tea shop on the corner, enjoying a slice of pie as a regular there.

[Text: You go to a public school yes? I can't believe they still have dances.]

[Text: I wouldn't be able to help you, I have other plans. Is it really important?]

[Text] Yes i do and it's not exactly important-important but it's important to me!!!

[Text] i'm the only muslim half-latvian art nerd that legitimately plays ocarina with mild ADD at my entire school, do you really expect me to get a date on my own???

Darius cocked an eyebrow. Do people have something against his religion or what? He must be out of the simplified norm.

[Text: Well, yes.]

[Text: Are you asking me to help you find someone, or are you asking me to go to this school dance as company?]

Emrutt paused for a few moments before sending his next message. 

[Text] either works!!

[Text] though honestly the latter is more preferable because having a wingman that doesnt even go to my school might be a bit awkward...

Darius almost scoffed at the message.

[Text: Seriously, what's wrong with that? If anyone dares say something out of line, I'll probably just chase them off. Having a colleague can sometimes be beneficial, in or out of school.]

Emrutt frowned. 

[Text] i know this doesnt really matter to you, but it does to me!!! i honestly think it would be easier if you just came with me, it's not like you can sneak into my school during lunch and help me find a date

Darius narrowed his eyes.

[Text: That is what I meant, Emrutt. I'll just go to the office and sign as a visitor, a volunteer or something. I'm sure they'll let me go with you.]

[Text] but people would be wondering why you dont have school!!!

[Text] it would honestly be easier if you just went with me i think. like people would just assume you're skipping the dance at your school or something i bet

[Text: Sure, that'll work.]

Darius paid at the counter and left, thinking. Should he? Appearing at a school dance could lead the criminals to the school and cause damage. But, if Emrutt needed it so badly, he'll go. He will need to be extremely aware of what's going on.

[Text: Do you think I'll hinder your reputation? Walking around with a demon and all.]

Emrutt laughed lightly.

[Text] no, not at all!!! people wont even know!!! like, you can probably wear sunglasses or something, the teachers are pretty lax about that actually

Darius blinked slowly. The last school he went to were strict on those things.

[Text: Honestly, public schools are just relaxed in general. It is the other students I'm concerned about, knowing some are overly curious. I can control my eyes fine, but people who want to get a rise out of me will probably get a bruise.]

[Text: Oh, I'll also need the time the dance is happening. If you need a ride, we can use my motorcycle.]

[Text] no one cares, really. a lot of people will probably assume you're either blind or hiding dark circles under your eyes

[Text] and the time is at around 6:30!!! if you can't make it, i understand, but still!!!

[Text] man everyone would be so shocked if we came on a motorcycle

[Text: They're in for a shocker, then. I can make time for it into my schedule. Since most schools end around 3, I'll need to know where you reside, so I can pick you up. I'll also need the address of the school.]

Emrutt happily sent the addresses Darius needed, kicking his legs. 

[Text] there you are!!! my house and school, respectively!!! 

[Text] this is going to be so fun!!!

Darius saved the addresses into his phone, and smirked. This is going to be interesting.

[Text: Excuse me, but I have things to take care of. I'll see you at 6.]

[Text] alright, see you then!!!

Emrutt set his phone aside, covered his face with his pillow, and screamed into it, kicking his legs. 

Best. Day. Ever.

Darius shoved his phone into his pocket, walking along the street. He had a stride that could only be described as excited.


Darius was in this garage, zipping up his favorite leather coat and checking his helmet. He checked the time on his watch.

5:43, he'd better get going. 

Darius mounted his bike, started it up, kicked up the kick stand with the heel of his boot, and rolled out. He headed for Emrutt's house, going along with the afternoon traffic. He ended up pulling in the drive way at 6:02, revving the motor one last time to let Emrutt know he was there, and shut the engine off. 

The demon leaned the bike on the kickstand and dismounted, pulling his helmet off.

Emrutt hurried around his room, making sure he looked perfect—or, as perfect as he could get himself. He rolled up the sleeves of his yellow button-up to his elbows, fiddled with the cuffs of his slacks, made sure his black neck-tie was symmetrical, tied his hair up into a fluffy ponytail to keep it from his eyes, everything he could to look presentable. 

When he heard the engine rev, he nearly panicked. He gave himself another quick once-over, took a deep breath, and hurried outside.

"Hi!" he chirped, waving excitedly. Darius gave a wave back, setting his helmet in the side saddle. He walked over to meet Emrutt halfway.

"You look nice," Darius complimented, looking Emrutt up and down, "I brought an extra leather coat and helmet for you when we go. I'm sure it'll fit." He lifted up a newly tailored leather jacket, it having embroidered patches that Darius thought would suit his friend.

Emrutt blushed, rubbing the back of his neck with a sheepish smile. 

"Heh, thank you! It took forever to get my hair to cooperate," he hummed. "Oh, really? Thank you!" 

He happily took the jacket, slipping it on, making sure it fit—which it did, perfectly in fact. 

"This is so sveet! Really, thank you so much!" 

Heavens, his cheeks were burning... 

Seeing Emrutt react this way made a faint pink dust his cheeks.  

"No problem," Darius replied, "....say, it doesn't start until under half an hour. Do you want to go somewhere to eat before we leave?" 

Darius mentally kicked himself. How embarrassing! Asking another guy out to eat, let alone go with him to a school dance on Valentines day! Ah whatever, he had nothing else to do.T

h-thump, th-thump, th-thump. Emrutt's heart picked up a few paces as he nodded.

"Sure! That sounds great!" he replied, just a bit too quickly. He internally hit himself over the head with a newspaper. That sounded way too eager! 

First you ask him to the dance, and then you overly enthusiastically agree to going out to eat with him, agh! You need to calm down!

"Alright, let's go. There's a deli on Roe street, not too far from here." Darius replied smoothly, hiding the fact that he was enjoying the look on Emrutt's face. He turned and walked back to the motorcycle, pulling out the two helmets. He extinguished the blush from his face when he turned back around and tossed the helmet to Emrutt.

Emrutt smiled and chirped, "alright, sounds good! Just, uh...they have things that don't have pork and stuff, right? I mean, I'm sure they do, but...you know, just asking to be safe"

He yelped as the helmet was tossed to him, fumbling with it for a minute before securing it in his grasp. His blush darkened with embarrassment, and he hurriedly slipped it on.

"Yeah, they have salads and vegetarian subs," Darius assured, hopping on the bike. He secured his helmet, then waited for Emrutt to get on behind him before he could start the bike up.

"Okay, good!" Emrutt climbed on behind him, securing his own helmet before somewhat hesitantly wrapping his arms around Darius. 

Lord, this was embarrassing...Could Darius hear his heart pounding?

Darius didn't mind that Emrutt had his arms around him, it was the fact that he could feel Emrutt's heartbeat on his back. He was glad his helmet hid his pink face as he revved the bike up, kicking the stand up and straightening the bike.

"Ever ridden a motorcycle?"

Emrutt gulped, pulling his legs up and gripping Darius tightly. He gulped as the bike revved, eyes widening just slightly. "N-No, I haven't, but I know they're incredibly fast. So, please varn me before ve actually start moving..."

Darius chuckled, "Don't worry too much. The fastest we will be able to go is 30 miles per hour, going with the traffic. Okay... Here we go."

He pressed slowly on the pedal, easily riding out of the driveway and onto the road. Darius went easy on the speed, itching to go his regular fast. He knew Emrutt would be freaked out, knowing how hard he is squishing Darius's abdomen even at this speed.

"Only—Only thirty?" Emrutt relaxed just slightly at that, though he kept a tight grip on Darius's jacket. He closed his eyes as they drove along, biting his lip, trying to keep calm. He was really just worried about hitting a bump and being thrown off, or skidding to a stop and being thrown off...just being thrown off in general, really.

Darius drove smoothly, making sure to swerve gently around potholes. They pulled into the driveway in under three minutes, stopping in a parking spot in front of the deli. He turned off the engine.

When they stopped, Emrutt opened his eyes and carefully slipped off. He gave Darius a sheepish smile as he pulled off the helmet. 

"Heh, sorry for being such a scaredy-cat..."

Darius blinked at Emrutt when he removed the helmet from his head, assuring, "the first time on a motorcycle can be nerve wracking. Nothing to be ashamed about."

Darius flipped his wristwatch to check the time. 6:07.

"Right. Let's head in and order something." 

Darius put the helmets away into the bike saddle and led the way into the deli.

"Vell, yeah, but still! I must have been, like, crushing your guts!" Emrutt laughed. 

"Guess that proved just how strong I am, though, huh?" he added jokingly.

He happily followed Darius in, a hand over his stomach. He actually was pretty hungry, now that he thought about it...

"Nah, you cracked my ribs," Darius snorted sarcastically, clearly joking. 

Darius walked to the back of the line, the line having two or three people, and looked up at the menu spread on the wall to order. He didn't mind the couple of stares.

"See anything you like, Emrutt?"

Emrutt glanced up at the menu as he followed after Darius like a puppy, unable to help a little smile. 

"I certainly see something I like~," he hummed, looking Darius up and down, before bursting into giggles. 

"Sorry, sorry, that vas terrible," he laughed, hand over his mouth.

Darius raised an eyebrow at Emrutt, putting his hands in his pockets. He moved up with the line as it got shorter.

"How am I likable again?" Darius hummed back, fighting back a smirk.

Emrutt blushed as he only continued laughing. 

"Vell, a lot of things about you are," he snickered, trying to calm himself down. 

"Sorry, I do mean that! I just—it's really hard to stop laughing!"

Darius attempted a small smile at his blushing and giggling friend, "Really..."

They made it to the front of the line, and Darius greeted the cashier politely, ordering, "I'd like number 15, the classic."

The cashier punched a few buttons with her thumb and glanced at Emrutt with a enthusiastic expression, "Sure, and you sir?"

Emrutt scanned the board, squinting at some of the words, trying to pronounce them in his head. Wait, it was his turn to order, oh no!

"Oh! I, um..." He peered at what he wanted, before slowly, clearly embarrassed, whispering to Darius, "I-I can't pronounce that," and pointing to what he wanted—It was only a vegetarian sub, but the word was much harder to pronounce than it had sounded coming from Darius's mouth earlier.

Darius understood automatically, replying for Emrutt, "He'll take the vegetarian, number 3."

The cashier smiled at Emrutt sympathetically as she punched in the order, "Would that be all?"

"Yeah," Darius replied.

"Er...it may not be my place, but are you guys...?" The female cashier pointed back and forth between the leather coated Emrutt and Darius.

"Thank you," Emrutt whispered. He smiled back at the cashier, though it practically melted off his face only moments later, cheeks flushing deeply.

"Ah—no! I mean, ve're going to a school dance together, but ve're not together! I mean, I don't think ve are, but I'm pretty sure ve're not!" he babbled, amber eyes wide.

Darius shook his head, responding a bit over his friend's rambling, "Were going to hang out at a dance, that's all, nothing special."

The cashier smiled even wider at the two, not convinced, "Well, since we don't see couples like this too often, we'll give you 30% off your order!"

Darius had an intense urge to smack her, but he restrained himself.

Emrutt hid his face in his hands, muttering, as the tips of his ears soon matched his cheeks, "V-Ve're not dating!" 

He peeked through his fingers at the mention of a discount, and lowered his hands, giving a sheepish smile. 

"Thank you," he mumbled.

Darius gave a heated sigh as the cashier went to set the order up, and he gently pulled Emrutt along despite his anger past the stares of other customers in the deli, finding a seat at a table near the window. He found it oddly cute that Emrutt's ears turned red when totally embarrassed.

"I apologize, Emrutt, that shouldn't have happened."

Emrutt fought the urge to hide his face as he was led along, though he was glad that his now completely red face was out of sight from anyone else as they took their seat. He gave Darius a soft smile, rubbing the back of his neck, laughing lightly.

"It's okay! I can kind of understand how she'd think that—ve're wearing matching jackets, after all, and I'm dressed relatively fancy."

Darius shrugged, "I guess she hasn't seen two guys out for a bite."

Darius looked at what he himself was wearing. He was wearing a white button up with a simple black vest over it. He also wore black gray pants, thinking a semi formal type dance. He wore his black buckle up boots that came up to his calf, and the leather jacket.

"I suppose it doesn't matter now," Darius muttered, a light blush rising, "I just hope nobody bothers us at the dance itself. I don't want it to be too hard on you, you know what I mean?"

"I guess not," Emrutt muttered. He swung his legs as he waited for their food, giving Darius a reassuring smile.

"Oh, no vorries about that! My friend Hazel is actually planning to sneak her girlfriend Joanne in—Joanne graduated last year—so I'm sure no vone vill mind me bringing you," he chirped, waving a hand dismissively, before hurriedly adding, "Like, if that's vhat you vere referring to!"

Darius nodded, "Yeah."

He flipped his watch to see the time again. 6:12. The sub's were served not a minute later, the sub's were relatively easy to build after all. Darius had a small idea to comment something humorous. 

He didn't really think about it as he blurted, "jeez, were going to have to be 'fabulously' late if we don't eat quick." 

A redder blush rose on that one. Darius mentally hit his head in the table.

Emrutt happily dug into his sandwich, though he coughed and thumped himself on the chest at Darius's joke, shaking with suppressed laughter. When he managed to swallow, he sighed, and shot a grin at Darius.

"You're a dork."

"Eh heh heh..." Darius was flushed with embarrassment about now, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. He began to eat his sandwich quietly. 

That was stupid, he won't do that again in public.

Emrutt cheerily continued eating, kind of proud that he'd gotten Darius flustered. That was a first, he thought, and he was never, ever, ever, letting it go. 

Darius finished eating, that sandwich not really big, and waited for Emrutt to finish as he gazed idly out the window.

Emrutt scarfed down the rest of his sandwich when he noticed Darius had finished, clearly embarrassed when he had actually finished.

Vowv, I'm so attractive, he thought, trying not to roll his eyes.

Darius took his gaze from the window to his watch, not really noticing Emrutt's eye roll.


"Okay, ready?" he got up from his seat and took the plastic wrappings into the trashcan.

Emrutt nodded, following suit.

"Yeah, let's go!" he chirped, brushing some stray crumbs off his pants, and discreetly ran his tongue over his teeth to check that there was no food lodged there. 

Okay, nothing. I'm good to go.

Darius lead the way out of the deli, making his way across the lot to the bike. He pulled the helmets out again, and handed Emrutt his. Darius pulled his helmet on securely.

Emrutt jogged after, wishing his legs weren't so freaking short. He pulled his helmet on tight, making sure none of his hair stuck out and could be snagged by a tree branch or something. Man, that would suck.

Darius climbed on the bike, getting comfortable and pulling out the motorcycle's keys. He glanced at Emrutt.

"...Okay beauty queen, let's go," Darius had a teasing tone to his voice.

Emrutt hopped on behind Darius, wrapping his arms around him again, being sure to not squeeze him too tightly. 

Wait. What. Sure, Darius was teasing, but—oh dear. 

He hid his face in Darius's back, blushing brightly.

Darius smirked, muttering, "who's embarrassed now?" just before he turned the ignition key. The motorcycle roared to life, Darius kicking the stand up, and gently taking off again across the parking lot. They turned onto the road, the destination the school. He kept his eyes on the road.

"Sh-Shut up!" Emrutt mumbled, closing his eyes tight as they set off again. He forced himself not to think about the dance, or Darius, or the fact that they were speeding along at what felt like a hundred miles an hour to him. He tried to clear his mind and just calm down.

Emrutt was holding on to his abdomen quite tightly, but Darius didn't mind too much. He just hoped the cologne he put on before he left smelled okay. Wait, why was he thinking about this now?

6:36, they pulled into the school parking lot, picking a space to swiftly pull into. He didn't mind the stares either, kicking the stand back and turning off the engine again.

Emrutt happily hopped off the motorcycle once they arrived, not really noticing all the stares they were receiving. He pulled off the helmet, turning to Darius. 

"Hey, is my hair okay?" he asked, fixing his hair-tie despite not getting an answer straight away. Before they could go in, Emrutt fixed his tie, adjusted his sleeves, and tightened his hair-tie yet again. 

"Heavens, I'm vay too nervous..." he murmured. 

Darius pulled off his helmet, shaking his hair back into place, he looked at Emrutt, replying, "You look good, Emrutt, trust me."

He got off the bike and placed the helmets back in the side saddle. Darius turned and chuckled, "it's a school dance, not an important life changing meeting with the President. Its fine."

Emrutt blushed, glad that it was dark enough that it could barely be noticed, or mistaken for cold. He set his helmet beside Darius's, giving a little sigh. 

"I know, but...You know, I'm a freshman! I-It's my first school dance! Can you blame me for being nervous?" 

"Well...no. But you don't have to be afraid, because I'm here," Darius mumbled, he then spoke a bit louder in his normal voice, "could you show me the way, since I don't know the layout?"

Emrutt tried not to shudder as goosebumps went up his spine and his heart picked up. Good heavens. 

"Vhat? Oh, sure! No problem!" He took Darius's hand and pulled him along, ignoring the eyes following them.

Darius walked at Emrutt's pace, staring at Emrutt hand clasped with his. What a tragedy. He didn't want to get close to anymore people. How could he let this happen? Darius went against his thoughts and grasped Emrutt's hand anyway, giving glares to anyone who dared stare. He'll try to stay calm and relaxed, but it wasn't a promise.

Emrutt led Darius to the gym where the dance was being held, wishing the lights hadn't been filtered to be pink. 

"They...kind of get really, really cheesy vith dances, I've been told," he offered as explanation.

 "It's kind of nice, though, huh?" he added happily. He tugged Darius over to the bleachers and let go of his hand, sitting and patting the spot beside him.

Darius cringed at the pink lighting, sighed when his friend let go of his hand, and sat beside Emrutt.

"Sure," Darius replied over the music being played over the speakers throughout the large room, "really brings the mood." 

Slight sarcasm.

Emrutt noted the sigh and kept his hands to his sides, as if inviting Darius to take his hand again.

"It's so cheesy," he laughed. "You can't really help but love it, even if only ironically," he giggled, glancing at Darius, silently gauging his reaction.

Darius was quiet, watching the girls and guys start to converse and walk into the gym. He kept his hands to himself, having them in his pockets.

Darius didn't want Emrutt to be called all of those stupid gay names because of him. Darius was there as a friend, that's all. He wanted to keep it that way...or he was forcing himself to. He didn't want Emrutt to be still on the ground like his other acquaintances. Just remembering he had this sad look unintentionally. As a response, he tried to smile, but it didn't really work.

Emrutt set his own hands on his knees, trying not to seem too disappointed. 

"Sooo...Do you recognize any of these songs?" he asked curiously.

Please say something, he thought. Maybe small talk will cheer him up...? Heavens above... 

Emrutt bounced his leg, looking out over the slowly rising sea of teenagers, hoping to see one of his friends. Maybe if she showed up, they could all talk, and just relax. 

"No. I usually don't listen to songs like these," Darius responded dully, " but I recognize the 'Cupid Shuffle'. Cyo used to be so into that song. Do you know how to dance it, Emrutt?"

Darius sneaked a quick glance to the corner of the room seeing a couple of guys staring at them. He ignored it, hoping they would just walk away from it.

"Same here," Emrutt hummed. "But...no, actually, I don't. I think I've heard it before, but I didn't really know it had a dance to it." 

He paused, and grinned, hopping to his feet and holding out a hand to Darius. 

"Mind showving me?" He didn't seem to notice the stares—that, or he didn't care. He was going to have fun at this dance, no matter what!

Darius tipped his head, an awkward look on his face.

"I'm not the dance type of person...I've only been taught how to waltz."

"Oh, 'kay!" Emrutt chirped, plopping down beside Darius again. 

"To be honest, I'm not the best dancer either," he laughed.

"I can only imagine," Darius teased, lightly punching Emrutt's shoulder. He was glad Emrutt understood he couldn't dance. He would've made a fool of himself.

"Shut up," Emrutt giggled, playfully shoving him back. "You're lucky both of us can't dance, or I'd've dragged you out there," he joked. 

Darius feigned being hurt, rubbing his shoulder and adding, "we would've been tripping over each other anyway."

Darius noticed the guys from the corner approaching.

Emrutt bit his lip, trying not to start laughing again. 

"That is...absolutely true," he said once he had calmed down.

He noticed the guys coming over, but assumed they were just going to stroll past.

Darius casually looked at the males, his face turning into a calm look.

"Who's this guy, Em-butt? Never seem him around here," what Darius assumed to be the ringleader said. Darius narrowed his eyes at them, then turned to Emrutt.

"Do you know who they are?" he muttered warily.

Emrutt just gave them a smile.

"This is Darius! He's a friend of mine. He's skipping the dance at his school because I asked him to come with me," he explained, acting as if they hadn't just insulted him.

"I do, they're no big deal," he whispered back to Darius.

Having Emrutt give out his name so easily scared Darius for a second, his caution on a high like never before.

"So you guys are dating," Ringleader snorted, and the guys behind him scowled.

Darius leaned back, giving them a warning glare, "why don't you and your followers walk away before I am tempted to throw you across the room." 

He didn't sound like he was kidding.

"That's impossible!" The guy replied, laughing like it was a joke.

Emrutt laughed. 

"That's kinda funny, you're the second person to think that tonight! But, no, ve're not." 

He set a hand on Darius's shoulder and whispered, "Darius, it's alright. They're not worth it. This happens all the time." 

Then, to the ringleader, he replied, "Trust me, I've seen him do it. He's stronger than he looks. I'd recommend leaving."

"Protecting your boyfriend now? What is he gonna do with his scrawny arms? Toss me a sandwich? I bet he is the bottom of the two of you!" 

Darius tipped his head to the side, "Watch your mouth, sunshine."

"Or what?"

Darius was very tempted now. But because of his good sense of logic, he just silently gave him a dangerous look.

Emrutt scowled and stood. "Okay, that's enough. Darius and I are just friends, and you would be surprised by how strong he is."

With a smirk, he continued, "even if ve vere dating, I'm sure that's more than you could say, seeing as you aren't here vith any girls." 

He sat beside Darius and made a shooing gesture. "Now, off you go."

Darius subtly shot Emrutt a surprised expression.

The ringleader got very angry, and grabbed Emrutt's shirt collar, swinging for a punch. Darius saw this coming and swung in a chop motion to the throat of the ringleader, automatically making him wheeze and stumble back, letting Emrutt go.

Emrutt squeezed his eyes shut and braced for the fist about to crush his nose, but hesitantly opened his eyes when he was released. He covered his mouth when he realized that Darius had hit the ringleader in the throat.

"I varned you...!"

Darius moved in front of Emrutt defensively, his face still at rock, "Who's next?"

They looked at each other, not sure what to do next.The ringleader was gasping for air as he pointed at the two, "get them! Go!" 

Emrutt stepped beside Darius, whispering, "C'mon, it's fine!"

He hesitantly took Darius's hand and tried to back away with him, hoping to make a run for it if the group decided to attack them.

The whole group ran at them all at once, and Darius gripped Emrutt's hand and launched in the opposite direction, dodging other teenagers and running out of the gym, down the hall. Darius hated running, but to Emrutt's request, he had no choice. 

He really didn't want to fight anyway.

Not when Emrutt was around.


A/N: It's midnight, but I couldn't help myself, okay? I just love these two.

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