Original - Neon End

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A/N: I posted about this idea before by taking inspiration from the Tumblr blog writingprompts, now I just want to scrape up something myself.

"Dee, you don't scare me."

"I know I don'. I'm just doin' my job."

I sigh, muttering, "I don't even know why you're here anyway."

"Isn't it obvi', bro?"

"It is. I just want to see what you'd say to that."

Dee scoffed, flopping on the chair that was placed exactly in the right place for him. Or her. I don't know, all I know is that when I asked Dee replied with 'Imma beautiful butterfly, and also an ornate lamp'. I have no idea what he meant by that.

I shift in bed with a ton of effort.

"What's with the hat again? I had asked you to look a least a little presentable."

Dee tugged at the brim of his neon pink and green hat that says FUNKY in clunky letters, looking offended.

"Oi! I worked hard n' finding this style jus' for ya, bro! Ya said ya likes colorful things?"

I huffed, "yeah, as in pastel or simple patterned colors. I didn't mean blinding neon."

"Well, I think this neon is the new jam! They'll find me interenstin' enough ta maybe let ya off th' hook."

"Like a Death Court would say yes to one of your kind in...interesting neon colors," I sigh, adjusting the covers so I'm comfortable. Dee didn't reply to that.

We stayed in a slightly uncomfortable silence for a minute. The dying sunlight streamed through the window into the room, reflecting off of monitors stationed at my bedside. The dust flecks lazily floated around in the room, my eyelids drooping a little.

"So, uh," Dee prompted to get my attention. I shifted my head up a little to look at him through his blinding neon and funky hat in the sunlight blocked by his slightly translucent form.

"Ya askin' me how ya die. Not really in m' jurisdict'n and all that. But uh, since ya dyin'," Dee rubbed the back of his neck, "I don' see any problem with tellin' ya now."

"Won't you get fired, Dee?" I questioned, shifting a little onto my side to face his slouching form.

"Nah. Ya my last one before I retire."

"Retire? How old are you exactly?"

"Old enough ta know I don' want this job anymore."

I smile a little, replying, "well, I know you'll make my death radical."

Dee almost chokes on laughter, "Aw man! Ya startin' ta sound jus' like me!"

I laugh with him wholeheartedly. Dee calmed down after a minute, wiping a stray tear from his socket.

"Ya'll die of heartstrings snappin', fella."

"What? Not my cancer?" I sat up a little in surprise.

"Nope. It's the weirdest death I've evah come across, ya see."

He gazed up at the clock on the wall, nodding slightly.


"Alrighty then, fella. Almost time for ya to part."

I pressed my head a little further into the fluffy pillow, whispering, "I know."

Dee's shoulders deflated a little, "I know this might not help a whole bunch, but ya've been expectin' this ta come, me ta come, for a long time now."

"It's okay, Dee," I smile weakly, "I know you've not really been looking forward to this. Neither have I. But it's life."

"Life," Dee chuckled bitterly, "life is such--"

"An overrated word in my kind," I finished softly, "I know."

"Okay then," Dee sighed, "I'm gonna have to go into 'real mode' so it can be official, ya know what I'm droppin'?"

"I'm picking it up, Dee. This is your job after all."


Dee took a big breath, and his neon colored jacket seemed to melt away into darkness. His hat dissapeared into thin air, and his stature grew taller and more intimidating. Pitch black Death robes swept around his new lanky form, pulling up his hood with newly elongated bony fingers. The sunlight reflected through him, the shadows he created around him the only solid thing he had.

"Christopher Blank," Dee rumbled in his gravely echo-y voice, the good ol' death, "I hereby decree your--"

I coughed. Dee looked a little startled, me shooting a cheesy smile at him. He shook his head, then went back into his death zone.

"Decree your end here as a matter of decided proof you have lived to your contracted date of life. Your living will, shall be sent to your next of kin, and your life shall be rightly ended, as the circle of Death's Court deems."

I sat through this, my hands the only thing shaking. I heard this speech a thousand times, and not just by Dee.

"I shall escort you to your predetermined destination; your soul shall be sent to any God and/or deity you have chosen to be with for your After-time, blah blah blah..." Dee droned, opening and closing his hand at the end, moving his head side to side in a sassy way. I giggled, and he chuckled a little too.

"Okay, okay. Ready?" Dee asked.

I nodded, holding out my hand. Dee, waved his hand over my wrist, letting the life wristband appear. My name and death date appeared on it, the time being 6:32pm. I looked to the clock.


"Hey Dee?"


"Will I see you again? Like I did my other Deaths? Like Darsh, and Dread?"

"Maybe. When I get the time. Even in the After-time retirement it gets busy."

"I see. I hope Lavery doesn't give you as much paperwork on me as Darsh had to work with."

"With Buddha, I'm sure it'll just be a life transfer, like all the other times you went to him. Lavery only handles permanent deathwork."

"I guess so. It'll be nice to have another chess game and tea with him."

Dee took a breath, and looked at the time again.

A couple of seconds to go.

"See ya 'round, Dee!" I smiled kindly.

"Ya got it bro!" Dee switched to his regular voice, smiling wide.

He, with the touch to my wrist, snapped off the bracelet and sent a familiar icy jolt through my body. A sharp electric snap wound throughout my body, the I felt my hand being gripped my Dee's. He pulled me out of my body, me being my green soul now floating above my original form.

The medical equipment was going off in deafening loud beeps and squeals, a doctor and a couple of nurses rushed into the room. A nurse went through me in my soul form and tickled me a little.

I turned to Dee, the loud sounds of machinery and shouting humans behind me. He held my life bracelet in his other hand.

I winked at him. Dee rolled his nonexistent eyes and led my giggling soul through a dark portal to down under for my appointment with Buddha.


A/N: I tried to make Dee/Death sound more official, but it turned out to make him sound super weird. I don't know what else to do with this, so have it as it is.

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