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Everything was dark.

That was the first thing Percy Jackson noticed. Everything was dark, and he could feel the gentle swaying of him, rocking back and forth.

His head heart, the side of it as though it was on fire. His eyes weren't adjusting yet, or maybe they had and he was just too dizzy to realize it.

A rope held his hands beside his back, something strong. Percy tried to think of what had happened, of where he was.

Then it hit him.

He had been flying to the Princess Andromeda with Beckendorf. He had jumped to the water, he was about to. That's what he was told to do.

He must not have made it.

Though he was still dizzy and the world was still swimming around him, he looked around for his partner in the mission, only to find no one.

Where was he? Where was Beckendorf?

Percy struggled against the ropes, trying to break free. If he could break free, he could find Beckendorf, and they could swim to safety.

"It's no use," A voice said from in front of him. There was light streaming in from a door, a silhouette of a teenager not much older than him there. Even with victim as blurry as his, he could recognize who had put him here. Luke Castellan remained still, "Struggling will only hurt you more in the long run,"

Percy groaned, looking up. It hurt to talk, it hurt to move at all, but Percy managed to cough out a few more words. "Go to hell,"

His nose was bleeding, that was something else he had noticed. The hot blood dripped down and into his mouth as he spoke, but that seemed to be the least of his problems.

Luke walked forward and untied Percy, knowing full well Percy was in no shape to fight. Luke walked back to the door, throwing a fresh change of clothes on the cold floor.

"Get changed. You look like crap," Luke closed the door, and Percy heard it lock behind him. There was no use struggling, Percy could already tell that.

He was in no shape to fight, he would barely hold his own against any one of them, much less all of them. Percy threw off his blood-soaked shirt, wincing in pain as he felt it tug at a scar he must've received.

Slowly, he got changed and sat back down, leaning his head against the wall and sighing. It wasn't long before the door swung open once again, the same person standing in it.

"Get up, we're taking you outside,"

"What's stopping me from running out and jumping to the sea?" Percy asked, slowly standing up and leaning on the wall in support.

"Handcuffs," Luke let handcuffs hang from his hand with a small smirk. "Even then, there'd be no where for you to go,"

"I could go back to camp,"

"Why go there when they haven't even bothered to come get you? Beckendorf is dead, his body would've washed up by now, but not yours. They know your alive, they just haven't tried to come save you,"

Beckendorf was dead.

That was the only thing Percy could think of. Beckendorf was dead, he had been killed. Luke wasn't lying, he could see it in the pain in his eyes when he said it.

"Where are we going?" Percy asked, letting Luke handcuff him as he was dragged out to the light, the smell of the sea washing over him.

"To talk," Luke answered and lead him over to the edge of the boat, not letting go of Percys handcuffs. "There's a lot I want to talk about,"

"What if I don't want to listen?"

"You will because it's about Annabeth," Luke said. Percy looked over, and Luke continued. "It's about all of camp, actually. What are they planning?"

"Why would I tell you?"

"Because you won't get a choice. Loyalty might be your fatal flaw, but loyalties can be broken. They haven't come looking for you, they're going to assume you're dead soon, even when they know you aren't. They're coming after you, but not for a rescue,"

"You're lying,"

"Why did you falter? If you really thought I was lying, you wouldn't have faltered. Deep down, you know it's true. They never cared about you, and they never will. Even if you wanted to remain loyal, even if you somehow believe that there's still good in the gods, it won't last long,"

"Why not?"

Luke sighed and grabbed Percys wrist, looking around until the vain was under his thumb. "You know Percy, I really didn't want to have to do this. If it were up to me, you wouldn't need brainwashing to tell us what we wanted,"

"Wh—what are you talking about?"

Luke didn't answer, he just jammed a syringe into the vain, and slowly pulled it out once the red colored liquid was gone.

The world swirled around him, and black spots danced in his vision. When they cleared, he was still tired and the world was still fuzzy. Luke looked at him again. "Percy, now that you're more cooperative, tell me, what are the olympians planning?"

"The demigods, us, camp. We have to use plan 23. The statues. The gods will be gone, Manhattan will only have hunters and demigods. That will be where camp is venerable,"

Percy started slipping, world spinning again and blackness taking over as he fell to the ground, vision darkening before he even made it to the floor.

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